Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sometimes we get sick - think and do what you can

It is hard to write a blog coming down with a respiratory virus. One thing I tried to do was to drink alot of fluids and load up on fruits, veggie soups, hot tea. Last night fever and coughing spasms. It is easy to get discouraged when sick and losing sleep. To keep my attitude positive  I used music to take my mind off my coughing and spent my time with brief reading and devotions. I also did some brief walking around the house to help breathe a little deeper. Rest plays into this and that isn't easy when it hurts to breathe.
I feel a little better this morning. With a weaker immune system, I've noticed aches and pains in the joints.Nothing helps joints like water. Check in with Real Age or Mayo Clinic for things to do when flu and colds visit us. Doing things that help us gives us a more positive outlook.
Drink or eat more fluids.
Oatmeal and nuts and fruits
Soup is good
It is a little harder to recover as we age but keep in mind we do get better (go to know when temperature goes up and aches increase)
Take it easy, everything is a little harder when sick
go for small walks to boost ease of moment and immune system rest is first, walking is more relaxed
Sometimes we have deal with symptoms as best we can, A cold is easier to keep hydrated. Keep your spirits up, and prayer doesn't hurt also. 

Friday, December 28, 2012

The fat man's top ten blogs

Based on the number of hits these are the top ten blogs. Near the top are those I wrote about finishing well. Emotional blogs and walking blogs were well recieved. Most of the hits happened this past year. Thanks for your visits.
Jul 14, 2012
Jan 26, 2012, 1 comment

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thankful to friends and family - key to long life

Diane Winter's backyard, what a pleasant place for a
devotion and reflection, or to get lost in thought.
One of the elements cited to live a long life is to be socially active. Many centenarians share regular talks with family. With growing technology we can talk to our love ones face to face right on our computers and now cell phones. These technologies will only get better. The key will be our willingness to build relationships in our families and friends. Growing research suggest we give it a go. It actually adds time to our lives. We will be able to share our trips and highlights right on location.
Had a nice evening with my wife's family tonight. Holiday experiences walking happens later at night for me. Dr. Ken Cooper had a TV program a few years back and sometimes it is a good idea to walk the dog or do an indoor walk for a mile. Even a stroll can be helpful. A walk can also help with holiday stress.
I have enjoyed photos of the season shared on the Internet. I am glad to have connected with friends on facebook and email. I follow several blogs and fell like I have gotten to know a few more people. There are also websites that have encouraged me in health and spiritual things. I like on-line crossword puzzles, travel, art and entertainment options. If the net has gotten you down focus on how it can bring the stuff you like.
Well I am off for a mile indoor walk, then read a bit. The last couple of days I been up late. Keep walking
PS - I walked a mile off to my devos and read

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve with the fat Man

Missing in action are Tanya, Liam, and Mason
Merry Christmas. I am writing as Christmas Eve comes to a close. Because Christmas was spent with grandparents my family celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day we would travel to my parents homes and Barb's parents. There are still strong connections with family so we continue that tradition. We start out with the cookies Barb and Kendall make with coffee that Billy brews, um! Then we take the family picture and read the Christmas story from the Bible. I usually read a different story every year. My comments are brief, which is best for all are looking forward to the gifts. Then the youngest passes out the gifts followed by enjoying each gift opened.
At the meal we gather in the kitchen and share funny stories past and present. We crowed around the table and used counter space. It sort of just happened. Then it is game time. The family gave me NCIS mystery game where we role played the characters and worked out the mystery. It was fun to see the reasoning skills in our youngest players. There was a lot of laughter. The dinner was good but simple too. Barb was outstanding in putting it all together. Probably why I think it was simple. I think what I will remember the most in the laughing.
Since gifts were fun, I think of the at least two wise men and probably many more giving Jesus the three gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. J Vernon McGee shares, "Gold speaks of His birth. He is born a King. Frankincense speaks of the fragrance of His life. Myrrh speaks of His death."
McGee, J. V. 1991. Vol. 34: Thru the Bible commentary: The Gospels (Matthew 1-13). Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.). Thru the Bible commentary . Thomas Nelson: Nashville
Frankincense Tree
Others believe the gifts speak to His deity, humanity, and death. The Bible doesn't tell us for sure what the gifts signify. I know this poor young family would have used the gifts to help them escape and live in Egypt until Herod died. For me gift giving is tied into the gift God gave me when he saved me and gave me eternal life. Giving gifts to my loved ones is a joy. It has never been about giving huge or expensive gifts, in fact this year it is just a little less. For me the gift says I love you. For many years now Barb and I go out after Christmas and shop for each other, we will spend the whole day together sharing ideas and finding the perfect gift. 
I have never returned a gift unless it was to exchange it for a size that fit. The funny thing is the kids gifts have always been perfect. I remember a gift I gave Billy, it was a Fort Apache cowboy and Indians set. I really loved it as a kid. Billy never really played with it. I learned my lesson again. When I was a kid I gave my dad a football. He never complained, but next year he gave me a fishing pole. I am a horrible fisherman. Lesson learned. A gift should fit the one you give. Not much walking today, but tomorrow Barb and I will take one in the morning.  
Merry Christmas and keep walking

Friday, December 21, 2012

The fat man's Christmas card

Am I lucky or what
Merry Christmas from us to you
J.R. Miller

I cannot do it alone;
The waves surge fast and high.
And the fogs close around,
the light goes out in the sky;
But I know that we two
Will win in the end,
Jesus and I.

Cowardly, wayward, and weak.
I change with the changing sky;
Today so eager and bright,
Tomorrow too weak to try;
But He never gives in.
So we two will win,
Jesus and I.

I could not guide it myself,
My boat on life's wild sea;
There's One who sits by my side,
Who pulls and steers with me.
And I know that we two,
Will safe enter port,
Jesus and I.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

In our politically correct world we live in we have entered a time where we almost apologize when we wish each other Merry Christmas. “Have a happy winter break.” How silly we are?

No, I am thinking Merry Christmas with the baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Throw in some shepherds, angels, animals and a star. Taken as a whole, I give thanks for the One who came to die to bring peace between us and God. I am all for the idea of love God and your neighbor as yourself.  Give gifts, Celebrate, have a feast. Enjoy family; maybe simplify Christmas gifts and meal to really just enjoy one another. Are you alone? Get together with other alone people you know, have an alone Christmas gathering. My gift to you this year is this poem written by J. R. Miller. The gift is to be read when you need it at a time most in need and dark and remember you are not alone.

Love in the Lamb,

Bill and Barb


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

In Home walking

Leslie Sansone
I like to write about "In Home Walking" with Leslie Sansone. Here in the Midwest work ends as the sun is going down and weather turns colder, with ice, sleet, snow and every day being a little unpredictable. Some go to gyms, others use treadmills, walk in malls; all are good ideas. In home walking has some strong points:
Walk in the warmth and safety of your home
The walk can be done in small places
Your entire body moves
You can add resistance to the walk
The movements are easy and can be adopted to you and you fitness level
There are different walks for varity
If you are used to walking outdoors you will find the in home walks worksmore muscle groups and it will help you maintain your walks on bad weather days.
It works
Real Age has two one mile walks on line and her DVDs area good bargin for your health.
You can check out her website at

Monday, December 17, 2012

News to get our heat pumping

This stuff leads to good things
Reading reports today on health issues encourage us to walk, use resistance training.
The oldest person living died today at 115. Dina Manfredini her grand-daughter reports
Logli said her grandmother was known as a great cook who baked Italian bread every Sunday for her family, and meticulously made pasta by hand. She called Manfredini a hard worker. "She was active her whole life," Logli said. "She was a very giving person." Logli said Manfredini also looked very young for her age. She had salt-and-pepper hair until she was about 110 years old." It looks like the Medditrenian diet works. She held the oldest living person for two weeks.
Real Age reports yaga, water workouts and band exersizes help our ailing backs. Check out these band exercizes.
CBC reports a Duke study that supports aerobic exercize to lose weight. Resistant exercize helps fight type 2 diabetes and as we get older we need both.
I don't always report on sex and way to improve it, but Real age gave interessting advice, "
"Skip the music and candlelight. If it's romance you're after, try watching a heart-pumping action flick, laughing your head off at a comedy club, or even doing some aerobic exercise. Research has shown that anything that arouses rather than suppresses the nervous system -- that is, anything that hikes your heart rate and works your cardiovascular system -- can significantly enhance sexual response. "
Activty like aerobic walking gets the heart going and that leads to good things. Keep walking

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hard issues like a moutain path easy to slip

NET©73:2 But as for me, my feet almost slipped;
my feet almost slid out from under me.
 One of the passions I have pursued the past seven years is to understand abuse not only in my life, but in others in need to understand their story and move on with their lives less painfully. The shootings Friday are the most base of abuse to those killed. The families will take lifetimes healing. It is too early to see how abuse may have factored into Adam's life. For all I know it may not be a factor. Each of these insane attacks gives us a look into why it happens and what we can do in response.
The onset of adult life and mental illness we have to find ways to help families suffering. Mental illness won't go away. If we choose to own a gun we must secure the gun from those in our families who are suffering from mental illness or disability. If we can not make the gun secure than we should remove the gun from our homes. There are many who own guns and secure them. If our children or young adults suffer from illnesses that impair their judgement then we must take extra steps.
Family insights vary but usually families know there is something not right. If there is a problem secure the gun, if it it still a threat than remove the gun.
Can we prevent family owned guns for murderous intent? No. But can we help a family whose children are at risk because of disability or illness? Can moms and dads make their home safer for their children who suffer from mental illness or a disability that impairs judgement? Can we treat one Adam and prevent a suicide and murder?
I believe this will happen many times what we saw on Friday. We have figured out that drinking and driving don't mix. People still do it, but many choose to designate a safe driver. There are options people are choosing rather than drink and drive. Guns and mental illness don't mix either. Other options can be chosen. Seeking safe interventions for our young people, removing guns if we have too, Tonight I am walking to end abuse and the evil it spawns. Weigh in on this. Keep walking

Saturday, December 15, 2012

In light of today I feel helpless

MSG© 17:9 "The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful, a puzzle that no one can figure out." Evil visited a school today, what a loss.
Today's events in Connecticut I have no words for. Murder of innocents shocks me.
NIV© 6:11 Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence.
There are many occasions all over our planet when people do harm to people. There always seems to be  no end of it. The Bible is often scorned and ridiculed because it gives record to our violent ways. The call for repentance is viewed as radical and old fashioned. But we really do need a change of heart. The young man's actions are insane, but there is more to it than that.
A school, a church, a home should be places of safety. When they are violated we see evil and sin out in the open. I know these words are old, but they ring true today.
I read a quote from Fred Rogers from his mother, "in times a tragedy look for the helpers." What a wise mother. No wonder Mr. Rogers was great with children. In Tolkin's trilogy Lord of the Rings, he chose hobbits, the smallest people to be the hero's in face of great evil. Today I feel small, what can I do in light of this evil that we seem unable to prevent. We see this murder copycatted and it strikes with little warning. The fact that it will happen again rips me apart.
I don't know any of the parents who lost their child, "weep with those who weep" pray, yes, but what? Please God help us turn from our violent ways, Please help those who weep and morn, I believe with all of my heart those little ones are with the Lord, but what a loss.
NRSV© 121:1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—from where will my help come? 121:2 My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.
In my life I walk with God, a long time ago a dear friend shared a verse to me that I adopted as my life's verse, NASB© 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?" Instead of finding ways to do harm to one another we should find ways to care for each other. I have been far from perfect, (which is silly to think anybody can be perfect,) least of all me, but I still look for ways to be kind and caring for the people in my life. Walking here is the habit or way of life. Tonight Look to the Lord and look for the helpers.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

One day full of life

winter cactus in bloom
12, 12, 12 has just about come and gone. It was a beautiful day. I was playing my juice harp with my grand daughter's flute. She sounded better. She is learning to read music and play the notes. My instrument does well playing in a cow pastor. We had fun anyway. Liam was laughing and giggling the whole time. He likes Kendall's hair.
I like the freedom ebooks give to have books any where. But late night reading to relax doctor's tell us paper books are better to unwind. My latest books are a Longmire mystery and a Spencer book and A new Sherlock Holmes novel. I have spent about 8 weeks in the summer times in Wyoming and Montana. tenting and hiking. I have spent other weeks with the Sou ix Indians, Navajo and Crow and Hava Supai. My Grandad Father was 1/2 Cherokee. Each tribe was very friendly to me. I even was treated by a Crow doctor who did a very good job.  I m am getting into the Longmire series and books. Takes me back to my travels. In the Summer it is fun to tent but if I were there in the winter a very well stock cabin would be in order. Hiking in the hills and mountains you have to think different. A 6 mile walk is a good walk in the mountains. It is very aerobic and stresses your muscles as well. Walk trails you can do and don't put yourself in danger. Keep in mind the higher altitude and stay hydrated.
I am so proud of my good friend Debi, what a gal
Indoor Walks between 2 1/2 and three miles. One mile is 14 minutes, one mile is a 12 minute mile and the third is 16 minutes. I am breathing good. op off the walk with 24 sit ups, 20 push ups, 20 squats of the bed and four strength moves with a resistant band.
I am awful proud of the kids in geometry. I am amazed what they are learning. Hurray! Smell the coffee. Can we take a step back and and enjoy the moment. Also a thumbs up to my three AVAC kids who have learned to do work in the computer and have made good progress in reading. Everybody is different but fro I have seen it was a good experience for them. My therapist reminds me to find things about work that turns my moter and kids learning in pat because of my contribution I don't mind touting my horn. I love it when there are difficulties and I can be part of the solutions. What the kids do s the coo data! Keep walking  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Running with Liam

Constant motion
One thing to improve your walking in the winter is the use of a pedometer. One good goal in walking is 10,000 steps a day. Some fitness experts share to walk 10,000 steps any way we can in a day is like a 30 minute workout for our heart and body. I use a pocket pedometer because it is a little harder to loose. Walking more indoors a pedometer can help you walk as it motivates you to your goals. Walking through out the day, shopping, parking further from store, using steps, take walk breaks from the computer, indoor walking, treadmills, housework, yard work, mowing, shoveling, (take breaks in shoveling, listen to body) work and play has step conversions, run with Liam in the house. Workouts also add to our steps. walk to chase away the winter blues.
Winter is also a good time to use a band or resistant tube. Joint pain, muscles, heart health all improve with this tool. Just a free tip for us older people, muscle looks better than to thin and to fat.
A dusting of snow today. Keep walking   

Sunday, December 9, 2012

This old house has been a gift

Sometimes you just have to bundle up
Sitting in my house today, the furnace comes on and off; my home is worker’s home from the 19th century. Three homes were built for three sisters. My home was built right on the boundary of one of the sisters. Today you could not build a home like that. The three houses have had different add-ons and dormers, so they don’t exactly look alike. Plumbing and electricity was added later. The heat went from coal to gas an apartment was made upstairs and then converted back. Other families have lived here and changes happen. I have added insolation and upgraded things as needed and this place has cared for me and my family for 25 years.
This old house has seen its’ share of storms through the years. For my part this house has protected me from cold, snow, ice rain, bugs and heat. Life has been under the old beams from trees that may have gone back to the days of the revolution or civil war. Christmas is coming and what a gift the Lord gave me with this old house.
I was thinking how alien we might be sailing the ocean and a problem or storm came that threatened our ship. But then I was thinking what our homes do for us right where we are. In the times we live, think of your home not just as your place, but what it could mean for your kids in need or your friends or family. If these old houses could talk, they would tell us of parents, kids, grandkids brought in in tough times where storms could be weathered. Many of us “boomers” don’t think like that, but we may need to reconsider.
Sometimes you are the only one who knows the storm you are going through. You may need a shelter. Read the words of Psalms 55:4-8 NIV
“My heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of death have fallen on me. 5 Fear and trembling have beset me; horror has overwhelmed me. 6 I said, “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest. 7 I would flee far away and stay in the desert; 8 I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from the tempest and storm.”
The emotions here are extreme, but sometimes we are there. It is good to be someplace safe. David writes in verse 16, “As for me, I call to God, and the Lord saves me.” And ends the Psalm with “But I will trust the Lord.” Another thing I have noticed about storms is they pass.  There may be a clean-up or repair and it can be anything small or great, but whatever the extreme God is there.
Thank you, Lord for my old house. Keep walking

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Evil can't destroy being made in God's image

It has been a while since I have written about mental health, my own journey dealing with depression and anxiety continues. I see my psychologist about once a month, and my psychiatrist about once every three months. My time between visits I continue to implement the things I have learned and explore books and articles. One of the passions I picked up along the way is understanding abuse and how it affects the way we live. Some paths I have looked at have been war and how the hell of it spins a life time of recovery for many who lived through it. After reading Elie Wiessell’s book Night in one of the classrooms I worked in, I am convinced the book should be read by young adults, but below 15 I think it is a tough read. Wiesel chronicles not just the brutal deaths and experience in the holocaust, but I think he shares what the extreme abuse does to the human soul.

Victor Frankel shared how faith grew in the death camps and Wiesel shares how his own childhood faith was destroyed. When you read Night he shares many who prayed and lived their faith in the worse of conditions, but for Elie his spiritual struggles were shaken. Many who prayed died, and Elie shares the breakdown of life itself. In face of evil how would we respond? At 60, I would not have survived. Survival itself wasn’t based on reason, but on the evil forces at work on a world wide scale. Elie’s was broken, yet he moves in faith as he prays for his father on page 87. Listen to his words:

“My God, Lord of the Universe, give me the strength never to do what Rabbi Eliahou’s son has done.” The Rabbi’s son gave up on his father who fell behind in a death run to the next camp to save his own hide. Elie’s father demonstrated great love for his son, giving his son everything he had so Elie could live. Elie wanted to do everything he could to help his dad live. The evil generated by Hitler and his thugs overtook Elie’s father, but they could not take away the love between the father and son. Elie’s prayer I believe was answered.  

War and abuse of any kind is hellish, and our responses to it are multi layered. It may take the rest our lives to recover from it, but is worth it. The violin player in the book, was playing Beethoven before he died, I will never hear Beethoven the same again. Hitler and hosts of evil cannot take away that me are made in the image of God. They may take our lives but not our souls.

Health may be poor, hope may be weathered by life’s trials but we are created in the image of God. We can pray in faith; we can take the start right where we are. Life is more than our brief journey on the third rock from the Sun. Keep walking  

Monday, December 3, 2012

Nice hear from old friends

We had good shade for people as they waited to be treated.
I heard from Maggie today who with her husband George were very helpful to Barb and I in Africa. They had very practical advise on how to run a bush clinic. We charged 25 cents per patient and we able to pay for all our medicines with that revenue. If someone didn't have it we treated anyway. Our total budget was user $700.00 a month. Money they gave went for the medicine not us. We ran a clinic and school, paid for gas and food. When I came back to the states I had $1.00 in my pocket.
George was a WW2 pilot who had flown the highest ranked generals through an ice storm. George is with the Lord but Maggie and her daughter live in the Houston area. She is quite the lady.
Went and watched Skyfall over the weekend, the view of Scotland was cool. I don't think I want to walk in the tunnels under London. It be easy to get lost.
Here is another article on how exercise builds brain muscle. Keep walking

Thursday, November 29, 2012

We can all benefit from an internet protected yet free

Thumbs up Officer Lawrence DePrimo, went
and bought boots. How many walked by
before him, Rings true of the good Samaritan.
The Chicago Tribune reports about international regulation of the Internet. I find the topic has great revelance to my Walk With the Fatman blog. I have readers from all over the world. I am amazed by the responce but I am not surprised by it. No matter where we live I think it is universal that we age and have health problems. Increasingly we have problems with sedimentary living and obesity. I am aware many places people have a different lifestyle and may be thinner. My blog stems from my experience and from what I have learned in my attempt to be healthier. Walking in particular keeps me moving to improved health. Along the way I share spiritual insights and stories of others who finished well in life. I try to be positive and I really do embrace the idea how diverse our world is and we all need room to think, share, agree or not.
I think it is fascinating to know what countries and regions readers of the Walk with the Fatman come from. It "wows" (amazes) me that the blog can be translated instantly into over 50 different languages. I would love to hear from each of you, post your opinions, pro and con. But I am also glad you can read my blog without myself or others knowing who you are.
I can share with you I am a flawed person, still over weight and as I go along I encounter problems and set backs. Not everybody has to be so public. I also give myself some room that it is possible some of my ideas you may disagree with. For sure your health plan is managed by you and your health-care provider.
On the Internet there is bad information. There are "wackos" (mentally unbalanced people), cons and criminals seeking to take advantage of you, where governments have to take steps to police abuse from the net. But we should also enjoy the idea that we can communicate to each other. It is a sadder place if we are cut off from each other. Health, walking, living better as we get older, spirituality I believe are things we all can contribute to. The Internet has a lot to offer.
I read today 1 in 10,000 will live to 100. Of those who live to 100 only 15% are men. I personally am shooting for 83. For sure I really can't control longevity, but 83 is a long life to me. Dr. Ken Cooper argues we can extend life into our 90's and beyond in Start Strong, Finish Strong. For sure I believe should live in away where each day can be lived better. Walking, strength training and flexibility all help. Keep walking,0,3728980.story 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Green brightens my day

The sun is setting on this clear November day. My Christmas cactus is geting ready to bloom and my outdoor flowers we took indoors are starting to decline. Green plants lining my view from the bay window. There is room for improvement, but I am all for indoor gardening. Bringing the green in for the winter reminds me of my mother's home, she had a green thumb.
Ground turkey meat loaf with our summer sweet potatoes for dinner. The spices Barb cooks with will bring the dish to life. I should post her recipes.
Health day reports statins and exercise reduce death risks as cholestriol is reduced. I few years ago I went to using a statin which is now a generic drug with the idea to prevent a heart attack. My cholestiol improved with exercise and improved again with the statin drug. You and your doctor will know wat is best for you.
My walk today is indoors, still getting 6000 steps at work. Also later I hope to do a 15-20 minute strength training work out. Walking where you live, what are your experiences? Keep walking 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My take on what is biblical

Walking in his steps
Kristin Ruther tweeted me an article My Take: The danger of calling behavior ‘biblical’ by Rachel Evans. Rachel got me thinking. There are a lot of things that are biblical, like man's sins, Satan principles and words, polygamy, child sacrifice. Things God does not endorse but does record that we might learn from. Does God reveal truth and wisdom about these things and other values such as marriage, value of women, care of the poor and down trodden, the value of the unborn and the care of the elderly. It is Biblical to be in a marriage where both are submissive to God, caring for each other faithful to death. Divorceabandonment, abuse, polygamy all seen in the Bible for what they are, sin, biblical is what was in the beginning that Jesus endorsed and the apostles affirmed in principles. Truly biblical is thought out and revealed. 
It would be great if both parties had biblical principles to care for the poor and down and out, marriage and care for the unborn and elderly. Let's add to this the end of abuse of women and children. It is biblical to care for our planet as well. Working these things out has always been the problem and that is in the Biblical record as well. 
Is  it Biblical to walk 30 minutes a day? The direct answer is no. But we find in the Bible walking through out. Walking 30 minutes a day is good science and health. Walking 10,000 steps may be closer to what they had done in the Bible. They did not have pedometers, but they walked all day and walking 10,000 steps is closer to a Biblical ideal. The truth about walking is too many of us are too sedimentary and obese and need the 30 minute walk. I am still the fat man walking so I am going to continue to walk until that changes. Thanks Rachel for getting me thinking. Keep walking
Rachel's article

Woo around the world we go

One of the fantastic things that has happened writing the blog is seeing the number of people who read the blog. Readers come from all over. Every week or two there is a new country. For those out side the US do you use the Google translator? It is outstanding to get the gist of what is being said. Soon our phones will have universal translators and with a little work we can talk face to face. Being an old Trekkie, this is totally cool.  We could talk in Klingon, a totally made up tongue or we could talk in a Tolkien language. But to communicate to someone in China or to understand what is happening in Paris. Just using these programs gets me more into other languages.
I think it is pretty universal that we can walk and eat better to slow down aging and live better along the way. We look like regular people our age but we can eel better.
or my friends around the world, send a thought in your tongue and see if I can translate it. I would love a picture from your country. Keep walking

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Walking between feasts

If if were on the Serengeti what would be in the tall grass
On my walk today there were remains of a deer that looked like coyotes killed the deer. I will spare the photo, truth is I didn't take that picture. Barb and I walked between meals. We walked 50 minutes and we needed every minute of it.
It was nice to visit family. I was watching Liam
 with a retriever and he would get so excited it was hard for him to pet the dog. Gee the dog was patient. I could learn a lot from that dog.
I was watching a take on John Madden and how he would tear a turkey apart with his hands. I wish announcers would listen to his game call. His humor and wit was original. Most games in any sport are over analysed. Most of the time he enjoyed the game he was seeing. In a way he invited you in the booth. With Harry Carey he invited you to a local pub to watch the game or the park.
Doesn't it look later than 2? 
Our walk was done a little after 2:00 pm. Yet now it seems late in the day. Here in the Midwest weather changes daily, For Barb and I we may get in several outdoor walks but our indoor season is approaching. But after December 21 the day will get longer. Ice and remelted snow becomes a problem on the trail. There will be many who will continue outdoors and we will on some days. walking doesn't end for us, thanks to Leslie Sansone in home walking.
A genuine thank you seems to always lift  our spirits. We probably can always tell when the thanks is a manipulation or really expressing appreciation. Maybe if we say thanks once a day until Christmas it could really be a gift. Keep walking

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanks, for visiting the fatman

Satellite cells

Mehmet C. Oz, MD, and Michael F. Roizen, MD report loss of muscle particular "your "fast twitch" muscle fibers that power quick moves," from our 30's onward. In our 50's we see it. Later in our 60's and 70's we feel it when we are unable to stop a fall. Endurance training can be used to regain 47% boost in these cells that repair our muscles.

Cooper aerobics shares strategies to stay on top of holiday health. I read as well many of the things we eat if prepared in a healthy way can be very good for us. Beware though it has been my experience that many in the family will resist healthy changes. So how to get by? I have found keeping to one helping helps. Add morning walks on the holiday and you may feel good about the season.  Try new recipes that are cooked and prepared that are better for you and some of them may make a new tradition. Don't surrender taste.

Thanksgiving has for years been a favorite holiday. Barb and I it starts with a walk at Pilchard Park. We gather with friends for breakfast and a thanksgiving song and testimony time. Then we are off for friends and family meals.

What are you thankful for this year? Some of my friends and family have had losses to deal with. There is a hope in faith we will meet again. Jesus said, "Jesus said to her,  I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”The loss is inevitable for all of us, but we can be thankful for hope.
I am thankful for my journey in health this year. One thing I added this year was resistance training. My eyesight has been improved and my chronic pinch nerve in my ankle has been relieved. I am thankful I am still on the quest to walk. I am reasonably sure I will be able to walk through my 60's. It is a good hypothesis anyway. I am thankful for the books I have read this year and the friends in my life. Where would I be without Barb? Liam, Kendal, Donovan, Addison and Spencer I am thankful for. I am thankful for the over 12,000 visitors to my blog. So let's keep walking.

Friday, November 16, 2012

In the news this week

Real Age reports we can turn back the clock of time. For fifty years our work has beome more sedimentry soour need for walking 30 minute a day is our reality.
Turn Back the Clock on the Obesity Epidemic By Mehmet C. Oz, MD, and Michael F. Roizen, MD epidemic?eid=1010665752&memberid=27731989

Doing things with friends can keep you younger

Yahoo news reports
We like the color green it helps our mood.  I have always enjoyed the colors of trees and plants with blue skies so science aggrees.

Some of you may be battling with cancer and its treatment. Walking may help. The article is talking about a 20 minute stroll. Any kind of a walk always is a good thing.

The bad news and good news about diabetes, it is more of a problem but we can by walking and diet changes do something about it,

Keep walking