Thursday, November 22, 2012

Walking between feasts

If if were on the Serengeti what would be in the tall grass
On my walk today there were remains of a deer that looked like coyotes killed the deer. I will spare the photo, truth is I didn't take that picture. Barb and I walked between meals. We walked 50 minutes and we needed every minute of it.
It was nice to visit family. I was watching Liam
 with a retriever and he would get so excited it was hard for him to pet the dog. Gee the dog was patient. I could learn a lot from that dog.
I was watching a take on John Madden and how he would tear a turkey apart with his hands. I wish announcers would listen to his game call. His humor and wit was original. Most games in any sport are over analysed. Most of the time he enjoyed the game he was seeing. In a way he invited you in the booth. With Harry Carey he invited you to a local pub to watch the game or the park.
Doesn't it look later than 2? 
Our walk was done a little after 2:00 pm. Yet now it seems late in the day. Here in the Midwest weather changes daily, For Barb and I we may get in several outdoor walks but our indoor season is approaching. But after December 21 the day will get longer. Ice and remelted snow becomes a problem on the trail. There will be many who will continue outdoors and we will on some days. walking doesn't end for us, thanks to Leslie Sansone in home walking.
A genuine thank you seems to always lift  our spirits. We probably can always tell when the thanks is a manipulation or really expressing appreciation. Maybe if we say thanks once a day until Christmas it could really be a gift. Keep walking

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