Thursday, November 29, 2012

We can all benefit from an internet protected yet free

Thumbs up Officer Lawrence DePrimo, went
and bought boots. How many walked by
before him, Rings true of the good Samaritan.
The Chicago Tribune reports about international regulation of the Internet. I find the topic has great revelance to my Walk With the Fatman blog. I have readers from all over the world. I am amazed by the responce but I am not surprised by it. No matter where we live I think it is universal that we age and have health problems. Increasingly we have problems with sedimentary living and obesity. I am aware many places people have a different lifestyle and may be thinner. My blog stems from my experience and from what I have learned in my attempt to be healthier. Walking in particular keeps me moving to improved health. Along the way I share spiritual insights and stories of others who finished well in life. I try to be positive and I really do embrace the idea how diverse our world is and we all need room to think, share, agree or not.
I think it is fascinating to know what countries and regions readers of the Walk with the Fatman come from. It "wows" (amazes) me that the blog can be translated instantly into over 50 different languages. I would love to hear from each of you, post your opinions, pro and con. But I am also glad you can read my blog without myself or others knowing who you are.
I can share with you I am a flawed person, still over weight and as I go along I encounter problems and set backs. Not everybody has to be so public. I also give myself some room that it is possible some of my ideas you may disagree with. For sure your health plan is managed by you and your health-care provider.
On the Internet there is bad information. There are "wackos" (mentally unbalanced people), cons and criminals seeking to take advantage of you, where governments have to take steps to police abuse from the net. But we should also enjoy the idea that we can communicate to each other. It is a sadder place if we are cut off from each other. Health, walking, living better as we get older, spirituality I believe are things we all can contribute to. The Internet has a lot to offer.
I read today 1 in 10,000 will live to 100. Of those who live to 100 only 15% are men. I personally am shooting for 83. For sure I really can't control longevity, but 83 is a long life to me. Dr. Ken Cooper argues we can extend life into our 90's and beyond in Start Strong, Finish Strong. For sure I believe should live in away where each day can be lived better. Walking, strength training and flexibility all help. Keep walking,0,3728980.story 

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