Monday, October 28, 2013

Reminder about improving the curve for the years we have

A friend of mine from work Kim, has recently run in a race where she did pretty good. What is really cool is the progress she has made since she started.
The road to fitness and health is what really helps us. It is more than losing 10 lbs. then stop. It is about the habits we form and our experiences along the way. It is about we take charge of the decisions we need to make and get the needed support. If we add a few years and round off the curve we will have a better quality of life and shorter time of decline at the end of our lives.
Read Dr. Ken Cooper for the numbers of how the curve works. I believe it is true that we can do the right things and still experience a bad outcome. I know I have felt better walking and changing diet and still I have had problems with insomnia and post traumatic stress. Others have battled heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Walking and lifestyle changes help our battle. For many others the changes have help prevent these diseases and have given us more time. Taking on the battle is better than ignoring it or living in fear of it.
Take in a deep breathe and enjoy the view. Go for a walk, enjoy an apple. "Today is the day the Lord has made,
Well I am off for a walk in the woods. Keep walking


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Strength training can work for you

Did a thirty minute walk today
As part of the fat man exercises I have been doing and suggesting modified push-ups or full push-ups for strength training. How much body weight are we lifting when we do a push-up?  If you do a push-up off the wall or have your feet out wider it increases the weight. If you do a push up off a counter or railing of deck it can be more resistance, of a top of a bench more, off the seat of the bench, off the steps the lower you go more resistance. A push up off the knees is a modified push-up and off the toes is a full push-up. Anyway you get the idea, push-ups can be done some way by most people. If you have health concerns always consult doctor.
I was reading as blog from Today I will, written by Michael Harper, MEd, Associate Director of Education at the Cooper Institute. In the blog he gives the numbers to calculate a full and modified push-up. For me in some of my modified push-ups I am lifting 150lbs. Not bad for 61. Modified body weight training can be done in gyms and the Total gym for a real good workout. Using bands that you can do movements makes resistant training work for you. We can do this as we get older. Be encouraged.
Keep walking
Check out the blog


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

New possibilities

Skyler Reeves, she is gorgeous
I woke up this morning with the thought of awakening new possibilities. When you have done something for over 30 years it is a bit of a task to consider doing other things. I am mulling over the possible routes my life may take and it is clear to me it will be a work in progress. Hopes, dreams, thoughts will work into reality and for me there is a bit of risk involved. Risk, a leap of faith a chance to do things even better. There is always the backdrop of living in retirement, but I have a desire for something yet to do before I finish my course. I feel good that I am going to act so I don't have the regret I didn't go for what I hope, dream and think in my service for the Lord, people and fulfilled purpose in the years that remain.
Keep walking 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sharing romance as I recall my honeymoon in Israel

When we walked wall there was no safety fence. added to the
adventure, but I like the fence
Getting over my first viral bug. Bad timing to get sick. I just viewed a video of Jerusalem in the
evening. When Barb and I studied there we were often out in the evening capturing memories of the city to last a lifetime. In the evening Jerusalem being a low mountain city is very windy. Barb and I stayed at the school in a professor's room at the highest point at the school on the highest Mt. In Jerusalem! Traditional Mt. Zion. It actually isn't Mt. Zion but was so named because it was the highest point in Jerusalem. There are a lot of locations so named because looking at them they were the most impressive. It was though a great place to be on a honeymoon. The room was old and painted a light blue green cement paint. We had two twin beds that we pushed together. We studied and because we were on our honeymoon we had the energy to love as well.
I competed with Barb for grades but it wasn't a contest. She got the highest marks in A+ the class. I came up with the line that I got the big idea and she got the details. The truth is she kicked my but. I posted a video on Facebook and Twitter of Jerusalem in the evening, it reminded me of that time.
We also spent a week in a convent where are room was off to the side of the chapel. It had a wonderful bed and the ceiling was similar to a chapel. The nuns we from Lebanon and they fed us and treated us like royalty. They knew it was our honeymoon. They would often join us for prayer in the evening. It was a hoot.
That memory gave me a boost sharing it. Keep walking 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Cold and flu season is here

The cold and flu season is here and with it I looked at the question when to exercise and when not to if you have a cold. And if you have the flu, when is a good time get back to exercise? Keep in mind I am just a regular Joe so like you I have to check in with medical experts. One article I read was from and discussed the best and worst exercises if you have a cold.

The rule of thumb is if the cold is above the neck, easy, moderate exercise like a 20 minute walk is best. Endurance and strength training should be put on hold. Easy stretching may relieve some body aches, if the cold or flu is below the neck then take it easy and rest. It seems moving may help the cold and you can check out the article for ways to do that. The flu even when we get over the fever can linger for a week after before well feel stronger. The flu seems cannot tolerate the stress of workouts.



Dr. Oz program talked about flu shots and get them as soon as possible.

If you are a non-walker or recovering from an illness or injury, follow your care professional’s advice. For many of us a 20 minute stroll can do wonders.  Just moving can be very healthy. Soon winter will be here so now is a good time to invest in a walk program from Leslie Sansone. She has walking for seniors. The indoor walking can be done in small places and is great for winter workouts. Keep walking


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Follow up on circuit training, look into it

Today is day 2 of my circuit training I hope to do 3 times a week. Aerobic in nature I hope it helps me return to jogging and fitness routines and ups my workout. Giving a day between should help as well top recover. A lot of things I have done this year have helped me get to this point.
The basic concept is to put three fitness moves together live shoulder press, side lateral and front laterals using dumb bells or resistance bands, then do a 3 minute jog then move to squats, lunges, heal raises followed by 3 minute run. having running time of 20+ minutes and a full body workout should come close to 30 minutes. I control my pulse and respiration by slowing intensity when I need too. When your body is 61 I have to pay attention to what my body is telling me. running could be 1, 2 or 3 minutes.
 I can also take this routine to the local trails. Barb can walk with me as I jog. The benches and bands can be adapted. If you are a runner you may want to think about on the go circuit training. Push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, squats can all be done on the run, as well as a number of strength training moves with resistance bands. Many things at a park can give you different angles to simulate a full gym workout.
Wasn't today a beautiful day. Lunch hour gave me some time outdoors. Keep walking


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Eye of the Tiger

Think of walking 1,000,000 steps. If you walk 10,000 steps a day for 100 days you can reach that goal. that is a challenge Dr. Lianne Holloway met.
I did a circuit training today that really pushed me. Three strength training routines with a tube resistance, dumbbells  total gym and in between 3 minutes of running in place. For example push-ups, sit-ups and squats then 3 minute jogging. The rest of the strength training the exercises were linked together like curls, triceps, and reverse curls. then 3 minute jog.  I did 24 minutes of running and one simulated boxing round for aerobics and 21 different strength moves. Easily over 30 minutes of exercise. I played the routine with music, Felt like Rocky, you know the scene in Rocky 2 where he and Apollo are in the hospital. Actually I felt good. Keep walking

Dr. Lianne Holloway in Seneca, IL” page on Facebook.

Mery Daniels rehabing with hand bike, more ways to walk

Mery Daniels is one of the 267 casualties at the Boston marathon. Three wonderful people lost their lives including an 8 year old child. For Mery’s part she lost part of her lower leg and now uses a prosthetic leg.

Islamic terror has left its’ mark once again. Like the aftermath in Kenya, where people are dedicated to destruction of others rather than reaching out to human need and care. When it comes to religious belief we need to look at the actions. People can say what they want but their actions point to what they really believe.

In reading the article by there is no mention of religion or faith in Mery’s life. That doesn’t mean there is or isn’t faith. But what we do see is Mery’s actions being totally the opposite of the terrorists whose bombs hurt so many. Mery Daniels came to our country from Haiti at the age of 13. She now has to learn to balance on her prosthetic leg. Her therapist introduced her to hand peddled bike where the balance is provided by the design of the bike. I know the wonders of a recumbent bike that allows me to ride trails. Mery bounced back and became a racier with a hand peddle bike. In the races she has entered she has raise money for veterans and those who deal with autism. She is doing something that helps her to rehab and benefit others. She has herself become a racer and the injuries have motivated her to new activity. Mery is helping others and show true courage and she rebuilds her life.  

The challenge for the people of Islam is, Can they be a part of rooting out evil that kills innocents? Can they like Mery, help others in need who may be different in belief? Are they doing better in their relationship with Hindus, Christians, Jews, atheists, agnostics, and animists? Actions not words will tell us. Keep walking