Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The sounds and sights of the gulf

Playing and moving in the water is fun. Real easy on the joints. If you have never swam in salt water it is easier, particularly on the gulf. We had storms so the water was cooler, but I'm the gulf late summer that is good. For me wearing a hat and shirt in the water beats sun burns. I see more people doing that.
Barb and I had a nice walk on the beach to top it off. Working out is part of our vacation, reading under an umbrella and caught up in the wind and the waves.
Watched the Olympics, marveled at the ability of the athletes. I noticed the focus was on the errors and not on how really wonderful the Competition is. The announcers didn't sound like they enjoyed what they were looking at. Costos did, but I wish there was more Experts that really enjoys the moments of these young people.
Well how are your walks going? Saw of pod of dolphins on my walk. Lots of seed weed from storms and beach repair. Rained at sunset today. Keep walking

Monday, July 30, 2012

Here is to you!

Barb and I have a three week splash in Florida. Walks, talks, swimming, reading, romance. A little time to rejuice the batteries. There will be some of our eateries. Outdoors in tropical heat will center on the beach. A good time to watch birds, waves, people, and sunsets.
I am looking forward to doing things w Barb, she picked the videos, lots of chick flicks. With one of my meds being done it will help loose weight. Part of our time will be spent working out together. We both love to swim so we will enjoy the warm water of the gulf.
It was great how it worked out to have 3 weeks, I could pinch myself. The kids will be manning the home front. For them they will get a kick to have the place to themselves. I am sure they will have fun with their friends. I really their friends.
I will post some of activity. It will be a boost for us. As we plan our time we do it together. There are a lot of simple things that make a good vacation. Key don't over plan.
Thanks for reading the blog all you who jot it 7000 x's, keep walking you feel better

Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Shelter is Everything in a Storm

Breath taking
This was a photo of the day at the Weather Channel, taken in Canada. Two thoughts came to my head in rapid order: (1) Wow how awesome (2) "Auntie Em open the cellar for the Love of God!" When you are in a safe place aren't storms beautiful. I have watched storms come in from the ocean that were breathe taking. One winter there as a blizzard and snow thunder that was great to see in a warm house. But I have been through earthquakes, tornadoes, blizzards and hurricanes where my shelter was in danger. The perspective changes instantly. Instead of a work of art and beauty our focus narrows to moment by moment survival. I have been on walks caught in the storm. Once I was in a sail boat in a storm that sunk. I was the captain of a small sun sail and was no match for the weather that came so quickly. Many times out in the open where I squatted down to be as small a target from the lightening as possible. I have been in cars where the storm was so bad you had to pull over. If you are secure in a shelter the storm is fun to watch. But there are storms that threaten our lives. Storms are also a metaphor for the trials and struggles of life. Many problems we can deal with rather easily and we become the better for it. Other struggles take all of energy and resources just to survive. We may have to repair and recuperate to recover. Sometimes scars and results of the trial remain for years or life.
Shelters are everything in a storm
We can look at a picture and see the beauty, but if we are in the middle of such a storm it is a whole different experience. Out on a walk and a storm comes up and we have to find the best way to survive. Not a whole different when something comes in our life where we do the best we can to live through it. If the problem is big enough we call out to God.  He is our shelter in the time of the storm. "A Shelter in a Time of Storm"
Ira Sankey (song leader for D. L. Moody) wrote the music of a hymn many know. He said, "I found this hymn in a small pa­per pub­lished in Lon­don, called “The Postman.” It was said to be a fav­o­rite song of the fish­er­man on the north coast of Eng­land, and they were oft­en heard sing­ing it as they ap­proached their har­bors in the time of storm. As the hymn was set to weird minor tune, I decided to compose one that would be more practical, one that could be more easily sung by the people." A pastor who also ran an orphanage, Vernon John Charlesworth wrote the words:
Charlesworth, granted he lived a while
back but he provided shelter for kids,
that ain't bad.
The Lord’s our Rock, in Him we hide,
A Shelter in the time of storm;
Secure whatever ill betide,
A Shelter in the time of storm.
Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land,
A weary land, a weary land;
Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land,
A Shelter in the time of storm.

A shade by day, defense by night,
A Shelter in the time of storm;
No fears alarm, no foes afright,
A Shelter in the time of storm.
The raging storms may round us beat,
A Shelter in the time of storm
We’ll never leave our safe retreat,
A Shelter in the time of storm.
O Rock divine, O Refuge dear,
A Shelter in the time of storm;
Be Thou our Helper ever near,
A Shelter in the time of storm.

NASB© 4:6 "There will be a shelter to give shade from the heat by day, and refuge and protection from the storm and the rain."

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Don't you love the freedom to walk and speak

Voula Papachristou
On my walks, I greet people who are .different ages and cultural backgrounds. Many of them are talking different languages. They may even have different reasons for walking. Some are are romantic, some are fishermen, some are out for the view and to clear their heads. We smile and share a moment but I can't read their minds and I am glad for that. For sure there are walkers like me who are older and walk everyday for the same reasons. Heaven forbid I have to share the path with bikers who are moving to fast, but somehow we all survive. Learning to get along with people different from me has taken a life time. I haven't always been the sweet guy I am. The things that have come out of my mouth.
Being a very common fellow has given me a chance to grow. I think our kids need the same time. I rarely get controversial but I think young people should be allowed freedom of speech, and given space to make mistakes. People are known to say stupid things. If I had political correctness thrown in my face when I was young I would never had the chance to grow. The young athlete thrown off the Greece team for a joke, probably had a lot more to do with sponsors than feelings of offence. What happened to coaches and powers to be actually talking to the athlete. (Think of the great story between Smelling and Lewis)
How about the Olympic spirit where people of differences meet and compete. Years ago a team mate named Earl and I became friends. We were different race at a time when when it really was a problem. His friendship challenged my views of race at the time.  I am glad our conversations weren't taped. Without knowing Earl, I could have never gone to Africa or worked in a multicultural setting. Europe is going through their own race problems. We don't always say the right things, there is a line between freedom and liable. Did the athlete need to be challenged? How about actually talking to her? I do know if she meets athletes different from her in the events she competes, she may have had an opportunity to have a real change.
Kids say the darnedest things. They are the ones who are facing the world we gave them. Often there is a lot against them. Are they ready for those who are educated and in power to always say the right thing. Know they are emotional and can change mood and feelings with in minutes. How about if we step up and actually care what they are saying and feeling. The Olympic team acted out of a corporate mindset. 
Her joke was dumb and careless, but if Chris Rock said it, all we be saying is who writes his material. When  was younger I said far worse. But then I had Earl one year older than me who became my friend and changed the way I looked at things. Meeting and talking is always better than image keeping of political correctness.
With kids the social network for them is part of their private world, they need to know it is not so private, but we need to cut them some slack.
You can read her joke and apology and make your own opinion. Keep walking

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Brainstorming about moving throughout our day

Do easy before hard
Many of us work or live out of our lives sitting. Computers, books, phones, offices, classrooms, living rooms, sun rooms, cars we like sitting and it is a part of our lives. The research is clear that it isn't good for us to be so sedimentary. Allow me to brain storm a little bit. To get to 10,000 steps we need to find more movement in our lives.
Here are three good links you can do right at your computer. A good pair of shoes, resistant band and a little space is all you need. From Real Age
Practical strength
Here are several videos you can do right from your computer.
The walking videos and beginning workouts will give you a good workout. You could on your mini breaks do a video through out the day.
Get a call, get up and pace small steps. Take breaks every hour to use you resistant band, do push ups off a table, counter or desk. The closer your feet to wall or counter it is easy, move your feet away harder. I use benches at my walking park. Turn around and you can do dips.  With your resistant band you can do every exercise that can be done in the gym.
Going through a band routine
1 or 2 moes at a time
Learn the In Home steps with Leslie Sansone and and you can do these steps any where for a few minute break. Walk on commercials, walk at work to communicate with others, at work I try to get up to help students as often as I can. At work I walk easy 5,000 to 8,000 steps a day.  Small walks of a block at a time and back add up to a lot of steps.
Guys helping with the chores at home will improve you love life and give your body more steps and motion that will pay big dividends in your health. You won't have to advertise, she will know.
Finding ways to move every hour is huge. learn how exercise sitting, ideas will help you when you fly. Driving walk at rest stops and parks you come along. Park further away at restaurant stops. Learn how to stretch. OK, it is time for you to brainstorm. Every hour in the office, on the computer, watching TV, you come up with  a way to move and exercise each hour. Keep walking

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fear is a tough emotion, how can it help us?

Add caption
"Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You." What a simple truth David expresses in Ps. 56:3. What is not so simple are the things, events and people that make us afraid and our response to it. Fear is an emotion that actually protects us. It causes us to move away or be careful of things or people that might hurt us. Having a healthy respect for things like fire, and water, high places causes us to be careful.
Being aware that others could hurt us is a good thing too. I am all for self defence and knowing how to respond when your life is in harms way. Fleeing to live another day ain't a bad idea either. Turning the other cheek in relationships and forgiveness is not the same thing as facing evil people with the intent to destroy you. The emotions of fear and even anger are there for our good.
Fear can make you aware and even motivate you to care for yourself by learning to swim, use smoke detectors, take care hiking in the mountains, learning self defence and identifying possible threats. Thank God for fireman, police, armed forces, and those who help us.
Fear of diseases, sicknesses, germs really do have their place.
Fear like anger can take control and with fear we can be paralysed. How many movies have we seen the scream and non movement happens until the slow moving monster gets the victim?

He leads me beside quiet waters
David actually was afraid for his life. He was running for it in fact. I believe in his fear he made the wrong move. He ran from one enemy to another. He either reacted or acted crazy and his enemy thought he had a disease that the enemy might catch. He was let go and I believe it was while David was in hiding that he prayed the verse in Psalms 56. Also Psalms 34 comes from this experience. Read 1 Sam. 21:10-22:2 for the background.  Being afraid is very human, we all have experienced it and acted on it and learned from it. Next time you experience it remember fear is there to get you to respond to be safe.  Many times I have gone through some type of fear or anxiety only to pray afterwards. Each fear has its own reaction.
Breathing a prayer like, "Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.", may help you keep control to do what you have to do to be safe. If David was really scared then so can we be. Like David, we may even do the wrong things or crazy things in time of fear, but David put his fears to rest after the experience. That is something we can do. After the experience of fear, learn from it and give it to God. Don't hang on to it, talk it over with a friend and talk it over with God. Some fears may take some time to work out.

How does walking have to do with fear, anxiety, and worry? Like David praying after the fearful experience, when we can, I think a good walk is good as well. What do you think? Keep walking

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Be kind to self - enjoy your walk

Barb's one liner made me laugh
Tonight was a beautiful night to walk a 2+ mile walk. I used the benches along the way to do 35 push ups and 25 dips. We watched some deer in the woods and enjoyed a much cooler evening.
I have come along way in the last 16 months. Sleep has been constant and I feel very recovered from depression and anxiety is under control. Each day I continue to read helpful books on the subjects of depression, anxiety, PTS and anger management. Lately I have challenged my self to accept anxiety knowing it won't kill me and by accepting it I defuse some of the energy of it.
Along the way I have learned to enjoy my work and my life at home. One of the keys for me is to live today and enjoy it and take on the challenges of it. I am not waiting for retirement or vacation but what is good about workdays and Mondays. How can I live where I live and not wish I was somewhere else?
My walks in the parks around my city is the same stuff as walking a beach or in the mountains. Those locations are nice perks and they are a part of my life, but it doesn't beat the joy of walking each day and seeing the benefits. Each evening I can enjoy Barb's cooking as her meals take me to recipes around the world. Around my table is family and friends or just Barb and I.
Reading, movies, TV can be things we enjoy. Even sharing photos and experiences of friends is cool on FB.
Beautiful scene
One of the things I am good at is being hard on myself. I can beat my self up pretty good. This year I have been letting that go. Being compassionate and kind to yourself is a hard skill to learn, but it is worth it. Laughing at ourselves, forgiving ourselves, doing things that are good for you all lead to a good day. My critical self worked over time. That part of me made me unproductive and led to a cycle of despair. Can you see Sherlock Holmes brooding or real people like Winston Churchill wallowing in the "black dog" or Earnest Hemingway staring into a bottle of booze lamenting his decline. Beating ourselves up is no good. Let it go. Go easy on yourself.
Things like building friendships take a life time. Like our mental, emotional and spiritual lives it is a ongoing process or journey. Our life with God is called our walk with God. Walking, however we move is good for us. There is so much hope today, take it a day at a time. Breathed in the air as you walk. Feel your immune system at it's strongest. Enjoy your bible, a good book, music, and life. Emotionally and mentally there is hope. Keep walking

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Walking, resistant training and stretching help our brains

Make the changes or walking, diet, and resistant training,
you will thank me when you 90
I read an article in the New York Times today that gave another indicator for the onset of dementia, how we walk. As we age our gate may change and get slower and lack stability. This change may also help us know dementia early enough to seek treatment or care. In the comment section, Beth reported her husband had run for 20 years and when joint pain increased aerobically walked for 15 years. Then he just wanted to sit and not walk. That change singled her and their doctor to test for early signs of dementia. She reported that help her care for her husband as he declined.  see article

A related article showed studies that show aerobic or moderate walking 30 to 45 minutes three times a week and resistant training ad stretching at least twice a week helped improve brain size and function particularly in memory. see article
I have seen report after report of how exercise in older adults can increase the size and health of our brains. As we move of brains are working in all the ways to do the activity. I believe it is better for our brain than crossword puzzles and learning new activities or interests. These things as well help our brain function as well a socializing. As we age we need to exercise, learn and make friends to stay healthy. Making these changes can give us more healthy days and quality of life in those days.
I have to admit this hot summer has made it a challenge to find time to walk. There was a 65 year old man who passed away walking one of the local trails. The trail he walked had no places for shade and is one of the reasons I support putting trees on trails that are designed to be a prairie trail. These trails can have large openings to the prairies for viewing, but they should also give shade for those who are walking these trails. I am convinced that trees are good for our mental and physical health and give structure to an prairie view.
Probably there is no way we can protect people who chose to experience the great outdoors. There is always a risk. Walking daily and keeping track of our health enables one to enjoy activities in our 60's, 70's and beyond, but extreme heat we need to take caution. Every health expert I have read warns about exercise in the warm weather. On days when weather was in the upper 90's or hundreds, the fat man workout indoors. I was able to do my strength training and indoor walking with Leslie Sansone. I also had my water near by and took frequent sips. When I go to Florida later this summer I will walk early in the morning before the sun rises above the houses. Take care in the heat.
I read a blog which highlighted why we walk for life. We can add over 3 years of life with solid diet and exercise lifestyle and we can add 8 years of the life we live in better health. So if I live to 80 that means I will be active in my 70's rather than immobile. Of course we could get sick and ill but we are more likely to be active when we care for ourselves than if we don't. see article
I have been reading about emotional health and exercise but that will be another day. Keep walking

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Remembering Linda Gill, the voice of children and friends

Here's to you Mrs. G.
I think of the hundreds of kids she taught, coached, friends and family. When my son had his frst born, Ken and Linda visited and came back because the little guy was napping. She was there for her own and others.Here is what they wrote.
Returning the love Mrs. G, you loved them, thy loved you -

Thank You for being the only person capable of teaching me math. I am lucky to have had you for two years, but four would have been better… Thank You Megan Minarich

Dear Mrs. Gill math has never been my strong suit, however I’ve found that not only do I understand, but I enjoy geometry and math analysis. Thank you for being a youthful teacher, your energy and laughter make learning fun, Mary

Mrs. G is the greatest teacher of all time. You see we used to hate math. Then Mrs. G came into our lives, now we love it. It’s fun! Thanks – per. 3

Mr. & Mrs. Gill, Thank you for everything you guys have done. Mrs. Gill I have never enjoyed a class like I have enjoyed yours. You are the best teacher I ever had. (But that is because I never had Mr. Gill, just kidding)…   Laura Lewandowski

Mrs. Gill Thank you …A t first, I was having a rough time with it, but you stuck with me, and brought my grade back up to an A. I am so thankful for this. I really believe that I will remember and use all you taught me later in life. I always looked forward to coming to 7th period…Thanks again Kevin Hooper

Dear Mrs. Gill, You have always been so nice to me and I am happy to have a person like you as a teacher and friend, because I will always feel free to approach you as a son does his mother. Miles Vujauovic

Mrs. Gill I believe I got a lot out of the class…I would look at the lesson and not have any idea what to do and then you would explain it and I could do it easily…Sincerely, Adam Orlurik

Alex Beltzhoover Heaven is a better place with Linda's arrival.

... Linda Baldocchi Gill has been a part of every major event in my life for my entire life. During my formative years (when I really needed it), she gave me constant, unconditional encouragement and love that contributed in so many ways to the person I am today… her "pseudo son." Patrick Spangler

“I will always remember Mrs Gill for her unstoppable passion for teaching math. She had a lasting impact on me - not just for teaching me math, but also for making me feel comfortable with a subject that I was a bit afraid of. She showed so much compassion for this crazy mixed up kid. I'll never forget her… PJH colleagues.

Lara Morton Every time this photo comes up on my newsfeed, I stare at those beautiful eyes. She clearly was a woman who lit up the room from the inside.

Rita Barnes –…They are two special people in my book.”

Maribeth Callahan Amy, Your Mom looks exactly as I remember her from Prairie. So pretty and happy!

Lay Phonexayphova She was a big part of my high school experience. I have thought of her from time to time and I am so thankful to God she was brought into my life as a math teacher…I wish she could know I have two boys now…“a wonderful teacher and even better human being.” Lay will be teaching at West Point next year.

John Stiglich II Mrs. Gill, I will miss you. You were the first to encourage me to attend the University of Michigan, one of the best decisions I have ever made. Now, you and Bo can sit side by side and watch our boys on the gridiron. Always and forever, Go Blue!

Mary Lu Sweeney You were a great teacher and President of our Teachers Union. A friend to all.”

Annette Renee Jones “Thank you for always making the track and cross country feel like family when we entered your home. Coach Gill and Family....so very sorry for your loss”

Dan Spradley - “For the many years of working with her. The years on math team, and the value she held for students for education. Her warm Christmas parties.

Kathy Lausch “Mrs. Linda Baldocchi Gill you will be deeply missed and will always remain in the hearts of those who love you. You have touched the hearts of so many and your memory will live on forever…Love you alway, Kathy”

Sue Farmer Hofer “I share so many memories with Linda. It's hard to remember a time when Linda, Kenneth and Amy weren't in our lives. I'm so grateful for the time we had together and I'm honored to have called you My Friend. I miss you.”  Love Sue

I had Mrs. Gill at Prairie. She has always been one of my favorite teachers of all time.

Mrs. Gill was one of the many great teachers I had in life, and I know I am a better person for having been one of her students.

“Mrs. Gill was a wonderful teacher!” Julie Grochowski-Newtoff,

Mrs. Gill was an outstanding teacher and a lovely person. Patti Mullen-McGoldrick,

“Linda was/is one of the nicest people I have ever met. She was a fun person to be around and she was an amazing audience - she laughed at everything! Her humor and grace always filled the room. Furthermore...the Democratic Party lost one of our most proud, and devoted members. Till we meet again” Mrs. G...

I had Mrs. Gill at Prairie. She has always been one of my favorite teachers of all time. Michael Dziallo,

Mrs. Gill was one of the many great teachers I had in life, and I know I am a better person for having been one of her students… Know that her time away from you while she worked helped so many. Tom Egan,

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Linda Baldocchi Gill, life lived well

Linda with Nate
When I think about finishing well what comes to mind is a person who has lived in such a way that they really lived an active full life. Some like Gordan Huber lived into his 90's. He lived well and rounded off the curve where he was active in life until the last months in his life. Health  is more than just doing the right things. There are many people who do the right things and despite their efforts they encounter hardships and illnesses that take there life too soon. But when we look at their lives we see a life lived well and finished well.
Such a person as my friend Linda Baldocchi Gill. Now grant you Linda and I have many similar activities we enjoy. Linda was a traveler, she loved mysteries, baseball, music, the arts, kids, family, good food and friends. Linda was also a person of faith. When I look a little closer these activities contributed to her love of her husband Ken and daughter and grand kids. She was a passionate teacher and again travels, mysteries, baseball was part of the painting of her life that made her such a dynamic teacher. Her subject math she mastered to teach but it was the student's success that counted. If a teen struggled with math Linda would encourage the student to hang in there and learn. Many students loved her as a teacher but struggled with math. She helped them succeed. She was good at challenging students to reach for higher goals than they knew about as well.
To me the philosophy of Linda's teaching is – “No matter the problem the student brings to the classroom, we can work it out.” I believe also there is a heart to it as well, a love for the student and respect. Her philosophy went further into a healthy relationship with student.

Linda loved competition and she was involved in sports and academic teams. She made the kids feel like family. There was no doubt what came first in Linda's life. She loved her family. It was special to see Ken and her, how they related to each other. In the Bible it says of marriage,"the two become one" and to me that describes Linda and Ken. Linda is the Cub's fan and Ken is the Sox' fan. Now me being a Cub fan, I have always wondered how can this paradox be? In the movie "Shakespeare in Love" Aussie actor, Geoffrey Rush gives us the line, "It's a mystery"! I think they loved each and some how the baseball thing worked its' way out. But every step Ken and Linda walked together. They are two very different people, but they worked together in raising a family and experiencing life together. Including Amy and grand kids was to them as natural as breathing. Going back to her philosophy on teaching applies to hr home, “No matter the problem the student brings to the classroom, we can work it out.” Family for Linda and Ken was a relationship of love.
They traveled to 17 different countries and the way they traveled they could have had their own travel show. Linda was the navigator and Ken the explorer. As Amy grew up the spirit of let's see what's out there.
It was Linda who introduced me to "The # 1 Ladies Detective Agency" knowing my love for Africa. Like me she loved the PBS mysteries and we both liked Robert Parker. I think it comes down to the love of the "games afoot".
Amy and Linda
Linda had to battle some difficult illnesses along the way. Courage we often think of as something done on the battlefield. But all of us are caught up in the battle for life. Linda battle cancer. To go to repeated treatments and set backs Linda continued to face disease for remissions to give her more time. I believe it takes great courage to repeatedly seek treatment that has side effects you have already experienced. Her faith in God was encouraged when she went to church. Faith even as small as a mustard seed is never easy. Paul writes, "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face:" There are alot of reasons we may have no faith or weak faith in God. Linda understood this life takes faith in God and life beyond our to brief life we have. It wasn't faith in good works, though Linda lived a good life, but faith in God Himself.
She lived her life well. She faced the end with a battle to continue, but in the end she shared her faith in God. We need better ways to fight cancer, but Linda showed us how to live with passion, skill and art. To join her we need to come to faith in the time of our lives. (see page Begin Your relationship with God at the top menu bar "pages") Keep walking

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Bird walking - Isn't summer grand

Barb looking at an oriole
We walked 7000 steps birding. As we walked we listened for bird sounds then looked for birds we could see. Then we focused on finding them with the binoculars. Three birds we found were the beautifurd walkingl gold finch, an oriole and a dove. I was watching a finch when he took off and I followed the bird during it's flight. Seeing the bird magnified was fun. We used the park benches for push ups and dips. It is a nice way to get a full body work out.
The draught has really shrunken the pond and things are very dry. The trees are already loosing there leaves. We have had dry summers before but this summer has been particularly hot. The last couple of days have been cool by comparison and easy to walk out doors. Tonight we went to the movies at our local dollar theater. It was beautiful out in the parking lot with the final minutes of twilight. It would be a great night for star gazing.
A beautiful cluster of flowers
I have enjoyed pictures of friends and family out on the go this summer. There is so much to see and enjoy right where ever we live. I think this will sound like an old guy, but here I go anyway. When I am out for a walk my breathing gets deeper. Walking on the trail away from cars, it feels good to take in the fresh air. Zoos, trails, walks along a river, beaches, parks and neighborhoods it is good to get out each day for a walk. This Friday we are meeting with friends for breakfast. Some of them walk to breakfast.
Getting out helps us when we are healthy or fighting some problem with health. Each day we have there is something to grab a hold of. For a quiet time get a copy of Our Daily Bread. Online address, http://odb.org/ The booklet is three months of daily devotions you can put in your pocket. I can use my iPhone. A few minutes and you have a break from the stress of the day. walking gives your immune system a boost. Summer ain't it grand! Keep walking

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Big Year and walking

Owen Wilson, Steve Martin, Jack Black
Last night I enjoyed the movie, The Big Year. It stars Jack Black, Owen Wilson, and Steve Martin and Angela Houston, Brian Dennehy. These three and others take a year to sight as many birds as possible. They share a love of watching birds and knowing about birds that most people would find hard to live with. We see that conflict in Owen Wilson's character. The hobbyist or full time enthusiast for most of us we see as some type of geek or naturalist. The movie for me gets us to like them.
We are like Brian Dennehy's character Ray Harris, the dad of Jack Black's character Brad Harris. He views his son's obsession as a waste of time. His son living at home, divorced, in middle age, alone, the dad has a point. But the son lives his dream. It is a movie, we can go along with it for a couple of hours. Dad Harris has his own crisis, a heart attack and a change of heart about his son's quest. He joins his son on one of his adventures which changes both men.
The characters really love birds. Their love for birds is basic to their appeal and why I liked the movie. Not a bad idea to care about something.
See the movie, I think you will like it. Read what birders think of the movie.
After you see the movie listen to the passion of a guy who has won a big year. http://www.nabirding.com/2011/10/04/interview-with-sandy-komito-on-what-it-takes/
I have walked trails and have seen bird watchers and talked to a few. I have always have had pleasant conversations with them.  Ian Flemming's James Bond was named for a bird watcher. In the movie and what I have seen, walking is part of the birdwatchers hobby. In turn in my walking birdwatching has become part of my walking. Photography as well. My camera would need a serious update to really photograph birds. There are people who have seen up to 8,000 species of birds in their life time. Inspired by the movie, Barb and I have begun a count how many birds we have spotted over the years. Her and I, since we walk together has noticed our feather friends, mostly with the ear and naked eye. She spots them usually first, I'm to busy with the walk. I tend to be watching the trail and things I may trip on. I do tend to notice the sounds of people and see them. Birds can be seen in the morning or evening. It is at those times when they make sounds. Like flowers, birds are colorful and brighten our world. I am glad God created the variety of them.
Birders love and care about birds. They learn about them and do their best to help us care for them.  That is a good thing. In the Bible God uses His care of birds to teach us He cares even more for us. (Matt. 6:25-33) In fact the Bible tells us us that we can be"casting all your care on Him, because He cares about you." We all have worries and fears and the need for care and love. God is One you can always talk to about them. When I am on the trail or outside, looking at birds, the sky, flowers, water, mountains or valleys I can talk to Him abut my cares. Come to think of it I can do it indoors as well. Keep walking

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Is exercise harmful? Good question

Photogapher Richard Reeves
 The other day I reviewed and article By Edward C. Geehr, M.D., Lifescript Chief Medical Officer, entitled, Is Exercise Harmful? I actually found the article encouraging. It clealy reinforses our need to have our doctors being aware of our exercise changes.
A side note: Being aware of summer heat please stay hydrated and take precautions. The last week i have been exercising indoors. Thank you Leslie Sansone. Go to her website for indoor walking programs that can help you on hot or cold days. http://www.walkathome.com/
Here is the link to the article.
Dr. Geehr writes health articles that are pro preventive health and proactive in advising the health benefits of exercise. The article addresses a number of conditions that have an adverse reaction in those who begin an exercise program who are sedimentary.
  • " The PLoS study reported adverse responses in 8.4% of study subjects for fasting insulin; 10.4% for triglycerides; 12.2% for systolic blood pressure; and 13.3% for HDLs. As many as 7% of subjects recorded adverse responses for at least two cardiovascular or diabetes risk factors, a subgroup felt to be at particular risk of experiencing an elevated health risk."
  • Turn those stats around and we find beneficial responses  91.6% for fasting insulin; 89.6% for triglycerides; 87.8% for systolic blood pressure; and 86.7% for HDLs. It follows that 93% of subjects recorded had beneficial responses for at least two cardiovascular or diabetes risk factors. My numbers are inferred and it is possible that there is a hidden number of people who see no adverse or beneficial response.
There are many studies that tell us exercise helps most people move from the negative lifestyle of sedimentary living to a positive lifestyle of moving 30 minutes a day or 10,000 steps. They also have been studies that point out moving a little bit through out the day can be very good for us. Being sedimentary can be as harmful as smoking cigarettes.
When I look at a study like this, it is not take my word for it. I just want to encourage you to walk or exercise in a way that is good for you. To me this article reminds us when we start an exercise program particularly if we have been sedimentary at any age, or as we get over 40, to check with our doctor before we start an exercise program. We should know if we have problems with blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and obesity. Do we have problems with our heart and cardiovascular health. Based on medical science and your personal health your doctor can advise you on appropriate life style changes that help you. Being aware of your health is vital. Every good exercise program tells us to see our doctor before starting.
Being the fat man walking, I know the inner thought that screams, "My doctor will yell at me!" We may fear health diagnoses, and receiving bad news. I understand that fear, but it doesn't help us to improve our life. I have found that medical professionals are very positive in helping your health improve. If you are willing to take responsibility for your health they will be very supportive in your struggles. Our three enemies; heart disease and stroke, cancer and diabetes are best fought when we combine sound medical advise with a good diet and exercise.
So is exercise harmful? Most of the time not harmful. Exercise combined with medical care of your doctor even more so. If you are one who may not benefit from exercise being on top of your diet and health care; you then can make the needed modifications. My thoughts here are not intended as medical advise. It is an opinion I hope you find helpful.  Keep walking 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Have energy fo the "game that is a foot"

I suppose there are few fictional characters that take on a character you think are real like Sherlock Holmes. He was born in 1854 interesting five years before the writer who invented him was born. His last case was in 1914 when he was sixty years old. In retirement the world's first consulting detective was a bee keeper in the English countryside. Dr. Watson and Holmes first teamed up in 1881 some six years before the Holmes stories first appeared in the Strand Magazines. It appears Holmes had an active career for about 30 years before he retires and occasionally enters the game.
Of course all of this is fictional and fits the author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who like Holmes wanted to break away from the famous character he created. He actually killed him in the Final Solution and due to the reality that Holmes stories sold, wrote him back into reality. Because we have no record of his death many writers continued his adventures well into Holmes sixties. We see over and over Holmes being reinvented and yet we can always recognize him. From Gillette, Rathbone, Brett, and now Downey who physically is not Holmes still carries the spirit of Holmes in all his strangeness. PBS now carries a modern Holmes whose stories are no longer in a magazine but on a blog.
Well what does all this have to do with walking? Good point. If you look close at the person of Holmes most of the time he spends his time reading the papers and writing of peculiar interest to the science of crime detection. When he is on a case he will spend days without moving from his chair, smoking a pipe. Without a case he may brood for weeks in what appears to be a depression. But when the game is afoot he burst on the scene with great energy and physical ability. In the times I picture him with great aerobic abilities, can fight, and has great strength when needed. Ah the world of fiction is great, we can smoke and never exercise but when needed we have an athletic body. Holmes is a genius and singular in interest and he has the advantage that his creator can write the perfect solutions. I am one of millions who don't care we buy it. Holmes has fascinated me over 45 years. I have many interests but I don't mind visiting 222 Baker St. now and then. They actually have a walking tour in London related to his adventures that never took place. Amazing!
In life though, if we want to walk the countryside and moors or miles in London we got to walk three to seven days a week. Pipe smoking definitely won't help us. I like the smell of it but we know better. For Holmes the "game is a foot" was solving the crime or mystery. I suppose for you and I "the game" may be some interest we have. To refer to another detective who uses the "little grey cells" whatever it is that we are focused on it helps to walk. I have read several reports of how walking actually stimulates our brain to grow. So better than a tobacco filled room (remember those) get out and enjoy the fresh air. Keep walking

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Shopping can be a way to walk in the heat

I wasn't going this fast
Today's temperature was 102. Man that's hot. With my pedometer I checked out how many steps I would do shopping. I started with a mile walk on line with Leslie Sansone. I have that online in my pages. At the time I didn't know I was going shopping. As I was finishing my workout I was planning to return to research I was doing when Tanya ask me to go to Costco’s with her. It is a big store and parking lot. When we got home I helped unload the groceries and things. I looked at my pedometer nearly 7,000 steps. The store was air-conditioned but I still worked up a sweat. Sweating is no problem for me.

Barb came home and out again to shop for things we have needed. We went to the eye doctor, book store, Menards, Ace Hardware and Jewell. Unload again and pedometer was over 11,000 steps. How often do we shop? We don't think of it as a fitness activity. On a hot day, most of my walking was indoors in air. My meals were small and healthy. We slowed down in the evening and some cool drinks hit the spot.


We do look at shopping differently
This blog isn't exciting, but look how easy it is to walk 10,000 steps. Research has shown a pedometer motivates us. Shopping is work and it is an activity we don't give much thought when it comes too fitness, but there it is. Doctors tells us 10,000 steps a day can help us with all kinds of health issues, diabetes, improves your mood, flattens your belly, reduces body fat, and improves cholesterol. Now my belly isn't flat but since I got my insert in my shoe walking like today is not painful. I have been experiencing the benefits I did when I began tis walk program.

I have to admit I shop like a hunter. Forget the sales; I shop for what I want for reasonable cost. But the women in my life don't shop like that. I could argue that my way is better, but I have found that doesn't work. What does work for me is a pedometer and like cutting the grass it is all about moving and getting the benefits of a 10,000 step day. So a side benefit has been I am a less contentious shopper. We were made to move. Keep walking

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Day at the Zoo

A good walk to beat the heat - Lincoln Park Zoo

Not all walks are aerobic but they are good for us. We have all been to zoos, amusement parks, museums and outings when we are done we are tired. It seems like we walk so slowly and we don't know why we get tired. Take a pedometer with you and you will find out why. All those apparent slow steps when pick up between exhibits add up. My trip to the zoo added up over 15,000 steps, effort wise that is almost 8 miles. I think the actual distance is shorter because of the length of steps. I have read articles that inform us when we walk 10,000 are like a thirty minute aerobic workout. So I had a 45 minute workout. And here I thought I was enjoying a day at the zoo. I posted pictures on face book.

Digital photography isn't it wonderful
I took a lunch break in the shade and a break in the afternoon before we walked out of the park about a mile to go home. At Lincoln Park Zoo there is a lot of shade as you walk along. If you get to Chicago it is worth visiting. The lake front and parks are filled with joggers, hikers, and bikers. In July you will find swimmers to in the Lake. City people are better walkers than their country cousins. The lake gives those who walk the trail there a breeze and wave sounds that can give your ears and eyes an illusion of seclusion from the city if you look out towards the lake.

Ah the adventure begins
Liam was spell bound by the zoo. He walked for a while but became flush and needed to escape in the shade of his stroller. Many of the animals were asleep in the shade. The zebra, gorilla and giraffe all peak his interest as they happened to be moving around as we passed. He was able to make the connection to the animals from the many books he loves to read to. None of the animals compare to the delight of the water sprinklers. The zoo like many good zoos has quite the gardens. Summer time stay hydrated and make the strolls part of your health plan. As many of my friends would remind me, I'm blessed. Again thanks Chicago and zoo lovers there. Keep walking