Sunday, April 29, 2012

What is the bottom line?

Sometimes praying we don't know how things will go.
We don't always see clearly but we can trust the One who
cares, 1 Peter 5:7
I am in an emergency room waiting room praying and waiting concerning Barb's dad here with chest pains. He is a good man and honest to the bone. He is a good father strong and gentle and a grandfather. At 83, these things are serious.
Through out the hospital there are all kinds of needs. Being here reminds me at any time we may find our selves in need of care and prayer. While we are in the land of the living we are right to pray for healing. One desire I believe God wants is our care. I know there are people tonight who will pass away. Death of God's own is precious to Him. My father in law is undergoing tests, praying for grace for him to recover is on my heart, but I know God loves and cares. (Good news on tests)
Praying for God's will isn't a negative submission for a bad outcome, but a ongoing trust into his care. When I was between life and death I trusted God either way. God many times helps us through health concerns, but with all who belong to him, He will bring us home. Read (John 14:1-3: 2 Corinthians 5:6-8)
We need a bottom line truth we can trust at our worse moments. Knowing Christ as our Savior transcends our church ties, or even if we go to church. Eternity awaits all of us regardless of our belief. For one who puts their faith in Jesus they go into eternity forgiven to a place our Creator prepared for us.
We walk for better health, but our life continues after death and meeting the Savior is the bottom line. Keep walking

Friday, April 27, 2012

I am making progress

John and Maria Gelsthorpe
Under a shade tree
I have been encouraged to find my blog has encourage people to walk. My walking has become daily now that my foot is positioned in a way to relieve a pinch nerve. Right now my walking time has been 30 minutes. My walks at work increase my steps in my day. At this time at night my foot feels pretty comfortable. Wow and thanks are my response. I will increase my time as the summer approaches. Right now my aerobic time in my walks is a little over twenty minutes. I start with a warm up and end with a cool down pace. With each day I find my breathing is less winded. My pace has slightly increased. With out pain I can work on my fitness.
Having a positive walking experience has encourage me to make moderate choices in my diet. My focus is on each day. A healthy breakfast and lunch with smart eating at dinner. One plate not filled. This week no after supper eating. My fruits and veggies have been 5 to 8 servings. In one way I am  throwing out a time line about weight loss. As I think this through I have to take a day at a time, be more mindful of my choices and be encouraged as I go. I know the attack the snack diet works, but I am modifying a bit to focus more on each day with good choices. Let me know some good choices you have made that help you.
The weather has been cooler and I have noticed a drop off on the trails. A cool day though is a good day for walking. Dress for the weather and within a few minutes you won't notice the cool temperatures.
For those of you who are starting to walk, remember it is your walk. You will make progress if you make walking a habit. Work with your doctor in making good health choices and hang in there. I have had my share of setbacks, but I know walking works.
I have noticed this year alot of progress with the kids I work with at school. Being an encourager and a gentle support has paid off in the long run. I have also worked with a competent staff who floor me with their skill and insight into the the task of educating. This stuff doesn't make the headlines but it should. Keep walking

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

fat talk doesn't work!

Having a good perspective on
sunsets is easy
Does fat talk ever benefit us? By fat talk I am referring to body bashing self talk. I could write of wrinkle talk where we beat ourselves up because we have aged. If you have followed my blog I have written about a number of issues I have had that require some kind of change. When I had cataracts my eyes required surgery? There is a risk and eyes take special care and I was scared particularly with the first eye surgery. I battled insomnia and anxiety then depression. Having worked in a mental hospital I was resistant to seek help. Things got bad enough I went for help. I knew enough to seek the best I could. With Cerebral Palsy I have a chronic condition in my ankle. Trying to find the right help took time. Beating myself up with any of these problems would have been useless. (And by the way was useless) Perceverating is counter productive. The focus may be on the problem, but it is not on possible solutions.
We all get old. There was a time when I thought I knew what it was to get older, but I didn't. At 30 we really don't know what it will be like at 60. We think we will have gray hair, but in our minds we will still have our health and little real changes. Some of you are older and you might be thinking, wait Billy you haven't seen anything yet, wait until you are 70 or 80. I hear you. Health care needs the voice of wisdom that aging brings. 20 year old's have no idea.
Walking with the fat man you know I am over weight. I could have a blog that says walking with the bald man. Like Old Man in the Sea, my blog could have many titles. Beating my self up and saying negative things about being fat won't move me to change. Hating myself because I am old will only increase my problems. It is so easy to fall into looking at self and complain. Add some real aches and pains and watch us moan.
The goal of Walking with the fat man is spelled out by Dr. Ken Cooper by using preventative and curative medicine with lifestyle changes that will help us round off the curve of our aging where more of our life is enjoying living and being productive with the things we involve ourselves with.
Negative bashing, fat talk won't help. What do you think? The issues mentioned slowed down my walking and weight control. In the last few weeks I have been able to get out for walking. With each walk I am making other changes as well. What can I control? Right now, something I learned in therapy is "mindfulness". Living in the now. It changed my attitude about work. It has helped change my attitude about sleep. And I believe it is a better option than griping for the changes I need to make about exercising and weight control. I will probably be overweight for the rest of my life, but I can weigh less. I can feel better. If I made all the changes where I was walking 1 or 2 hours a day. More flexible and stronger, weighed 80 lbs. less, I would still look in the mirror and see a 60 year old. My head would seem bigger with a smaller body and I would have more wrinkles. If I am looking at the outside, I think I would miss the whole point. It is not how we look but how healthy are we and how do we feel. We are alive and enjoying what God has given us. Try to catch that vision for yourself. Were old guys, but we are alive and enjoying each day. Keep walking!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Something Chuck Colson teaches all of us

Spring is still on

I had a good thirty minute walk workout today. After the walk I strolled back to take some pictures of flowers in bloom now. Wild flowers will come in bloom throughout the growing season. In neighborhoods flowers will bloom gardeners everywhere will share there displays for all to enjoy. Writing tonight I am almost pain free in my right ankle.

My blog I believe some of you may disagree. We may disagree with politics or actions and ideas a person has but can we see that God can forgive someone and give them a new hope and direction in life?

He did this for 39 years,
you can't fake that.
Reading the reports of Chuck Colson's death today, I think he finished well. I've been thinking about "he got religion" "He claimed to be born again". Both statements were given by the press in a skeptical tone. Most of the time in the press, these terms are used negatively. Hardball in politics is nothing new. Getting caught is the unforgivable sin. Colson was one of Nixon's bad boys. What they did was illegal, and they got caught. Colson trusts in the Lord and sets to turn his life around. I took my copy of Born Again off the shelf and copy right 1976. That was the year I got married. He was saved in 1973 and we have had a long time to see if he really did get religion or was born again. I don't know to many people referring to him as Dr. Colson but in 1959 he earned a doctorate from George Washington University. He was a Captain in the Marine Corp, but what he will be remembered before he came to Christ was his involvement in dirty politics. It proves to us all that the end doesn't justify the means and that the means matters.

I didn't agree with Colson on several points as a believer, but he did live his life after jail as a man of faith. His ideas on prison reform have merit and I have met people who lives were changed because of his prison ministries. His legal and political training didn't go away but his message was different. I think he would have benefited if he could have spent time for the Lord to teach him before he was thrust into a Christian leadership role. To his credit money earned from books and awards went into the ministry and not to himself.

These flowers were in the tall grass
The Boston Globe wrote in 1973, "If Mr. Colson can repent of his sins, there just has to be hope for everyone." There are many who dislike Colson for what he did, and his politics as a "Nixon fanatic." To the crimes of it, he went to jail. He admitted his sins. I think it is wonderful that God can forgive an unlikable person who played dirty and change their life so that they help people that have been cast off as losers. Thirty nine years we have been watching Dr. Chuck Colson, sinner forgiven. If God can forgive and change an unlikable guy like Chuck Colson then he can forgive any of us. WE have watched Chuck Colson for 39 years live for Christ. Chuck became a likable guy for millions of people. Working among the disatvantaged. He finished well don't you think. Keep walking.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A look at Thomas Kinkade, gone too soon

My Favorite Kinkade painting
Thomas Kinkade passed away last week at 54 years of age. He reminds me of my favorite Uncle Bruce Criss. My uncle passed at 55 years of age. Sudden death can come way to early to good people. To me, there wasn't a nicer man than my Uncle Bruce. He always had a nice word for me. With Mr. Kinkade, I thought it was interesting the negative press he received upon his death. The art world look down on his work and that to me is too bad.
I love going to art museums and I love art. I actually love all kinds of art. But just as interesting is watching people look at art. There are many paintings that seem to have an universal appeal. Then there are paintings where people look at the art and you can see them trying to find some reason why they think it is art. "I am spending time in front of this piece and I can't figure it out, but there must be some reason why it is here in the museum and I am looking at it.. I don't want to non appreciative..." Body language tells you they think it isn't art but they are struggling to like it. The term "artsy fartsy" comes to mind. But then that may be harsh. 
Kinkade produced art that people liked to have in their homes. He actually made money. And that may have been his crime. His art appealed to people of faith and that also may be unforgivable in the art world.
Lighthouses have always fasinated me. Water
can be a hostile place, safety and salvation not
so bad.
I like the above piece and a few others. My dad was a fisherman. He actually was a very good fisherman. He never looked a nice as the man in the art piece, but he was at peace with himself when he fished. I am glad he enjoyed the sport of it and the skill of it. When he took me fishing, I would be bored with in a half hour and I would go for walks. I could be out for hours walking, observing the wild as my dad fished. He taught me how to clean and prepare fish for eating and some of the how to rubbed off. I have taken alot of kids fishing where they learned to bait their hooks, cast and land their fish. About half of them learned to take the fish off the hook. For me I could throw a line out and never real it in and just sit and enjoy the moment.
Kinkade called himself a "painter of light." I like to think my dad enjoyed many a sunrises and sunsets as he fished.
Kinkade's Rock of Ages is interesting to me as well. Kinkade's last years may have been rocky for him.  For some aging and life's stressors can over come us. I am not privy to his difficulties, but it is very possible to stumble if life becomes dark. What can we do to fight sudden death to early? For me, when my Uncle Bruce passed, I have been careful to see my doctor. I have controlled my blood pressure, I have walked into better health indicators. I have taken time to deal with mental health. Will I live to 83? I am not sure, but the changes I have made make today a good day. Mowed the grass for my walk today. When I do go to the Art museum it usually means a day where I walk 5 to 7 miles. Keep walking!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Consider walking as a hobby

Scott - Walking to Retirement
It is the end of the day, I took a two mile walk and on my feet alot and I feel pretty good. I have noticed as I walk I am walking more even. A couple things the insert has addressed, my ankle is in a better position where I am not pinching the nerve and my shorter right leg is now even with my left leg. Standing has been easier on the back. Having less pain is wonderful. One fella noticed my walk and asked me about it. He told me I could dance now. I said, "old guys don't move their feet any way." I did my old man dance and we bothed laughed.
Why we walk? - Walking to Retirement
It was perfect walking weather in the high 50's and clear sky. My conditioning is starting to kick in and if this keeps up I may do some hour walks before too long. Walking outdoors on walking trails is my favorite type of walking. The views and creation pick up my spirits. Scott in his Walking to Retirement blog walks different races and trails in the Southeast. His latest walk was in The  Appalachian Trail. He walked I believe 8 miles. He is walking in the mountians and that is a workout. His walk included some great views and fog. Scott is a real inspiration to me as he writes of his walks. It is a motivation to me to get back into the swing of things as I rehab my ankle. I have walked part of the Appalachian Trail before. As a trail goes it is not an easy trail. It can be very hard on the feet. But the views can be breathe taking.
Wouldn't that be a great trek in the fog
Consider walking as a hobby. Check with your doctor and go your own pace, but get out and walk. 10, 20, 30 minute walks it is up to you. Check out local trails and hikes. Your daily walks can get you ready for trail walks. It is easy to pace your self. Walk on a trail 10, 15 minutes in and walk back. As you get in shape you can walk longer. Don't over do it. walks don't have to exhaust you. On a trail pick up a walking stick. It is great for balance and support when needed. Notice Scott has one for his walks when needed. In retirement pick up resistance bands and stretch. You may have other interests the more the better. Walking will help you do what you want for years to come. Keep walking.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Went to a play on today's walk and was surprised

Nick Sandys and Melanie Keller
Walking once again is more enjoyable as I am able to move with less pain. Today I strolled the grounds of the Peabody Mansion which today houses the 1st Folio Theatre. Barb and I went and saw Turn of the Screw. Well acted by Melanie Keller and Nick Sandys who acted several parts. The story line unfolded the hidden world of child abuse. A 19th century ghost story which reality was much darker and deadlier. It was a painful story, well done and left you with the need of children to be loved, have affection and be protected. These were the words said by Melanie before the play and after.
I was expecting a murder mystery, a who done it. I was not expecting the victims would be unloved children. It would be easy to accept a ghost story but the actors gave many clues as to the real intent of evil in the story being quite human.
We can't blame Victorian England for even today child abuse is often hidden and may take years to uncover. last year I encountered several stories of hidden abuse and the result like walking, I am passionate to be a part of recovery and prevention of abuse when ever possible. The play is a book that I am going to check out. Child abuse is hard to look at. It is painful and dark, but like the Holocaust and many horrid tales of human suffering in today's world we have to look at it. I would say every child needs love, acceptance, and safety. For the record and believe that is biblically and psychologically  sound. They won't all get it and that hurts badly, but we can do what we can.
Like books and art, plays can enrich our walk. Keep walking

Friday, April 13, 2012

Irene Sendler, a woman worth learning about

Irene Sendler 1910 - 2008
Diane Clark Winter posted an article that introduced me to another person who finished well. I didn't know about Irene Sendler but what I have learned she was quite a person. The article reported how she was up for the Nobel Peace Prize before her death but others won it. I read five or six articles about her. In her early thirties she headed up a 20 member team who at great risk to their own safety rescued 2500 babies from the Warsaw Jewish Ghetto before the Nazis were able to kill the Jews located there.
She and those who followed her lead made a stand against evil. She would be captured and her legs and feet broken and sentenced to death. A bribe spared her life. After the war she worked to establish orphanages and homes for the rescued children. She hid the children with people of faith. She would drive the children out with a truck and had a dog trained in the back who would bark and cover the noise of the children. They used other ways as well. I was glad to learn under her leadership there were others who played a big part in the rescue.
I thought about those parents who knew they had to trust her with their children for them to live. What a painful choice to make, what courage.
Irene with her children now in their late 60's or 70's
 - her choice mattered
In our own time their are people being killed by others in many parts of the world. Evil still exists. In our country, there is abuse of all kinds and violence that destroys the soul and often the lives of too many. Irene's time was extreme, she doesn't look like a hero, she is in fact a small woman. She lived a long life of 98 years and her actions are worth learning about. I think of people who take a life and rob them of a lifetime, she on the other hand gave many a lifetime of being children, parents, and grandparents. One never knows what they can learn, thanks Diane.

Their are times like tonight when the house is quiet and I get a chance to read and write when I enjoy being alone. By choice I have always been a night owl. I can hear Barb sleeping, the sounds of the barges moving on the Illinois River, or trains moving through town. Having times alone to do things you love is not loneliness. One can be in a room full of people and be alone. Depression, loss, isolation can be a terrible experience. I know what depression can do.
Irene Sendler
The strength found in Mothers'
I never ceased to be amazed
One of the truths I experienced during times of insomnia, anxiety and depression was God was with me, "5 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  It is a quote from Deut. 31:6 "Be strong and courageous! Do not fear or tremble before them, for the Lord your God is the one who is going with you. He will not fail you or abandon you!” 8 The Lord is indeed going before you – he will be with you; he will not fail you or abandon you. Do not be afraid or discouraged!” Also Jesus said in Matt. 28:20, "teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” One of the things I have learned this year is being content.  If you feel alone remember God is with you. We walk today by faith, one day it will be sight. The orthopedic insert is making a big difference in my ankle. Aren't we blessed to have people skilled in different ways to help us to keep moving. Keep walking.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Living in the moment notjust the events.

Years ago I talked with many who looked at retirement and what they were going to do. We all have made weekend plans and look forward to them. Same goes for vacations and occasions. But this year I have plans for this weekend and a vacation, but I want to live each day as well. I know it doesn't have to be a party. But looking at ways to enjoy what I do at home or work or church that is what counts.
I have completely turned my work experience around. I am using the same approach to turn my after work hours something to look forward to. Enjoying family meals, enjoying those around me. Choosing what I want to watch on TV and watch it when I want to. Looking forward to face book, blogging, walking, workouts, drives with Barb, books to read. Cooking on the grill, now I have ideas from all around the world. I have learned new ways to cook. Movies, disc golf, home improvement projects that are making a big difference in our living. When I am out seeing  family I want their company. Hey I know loneliness, family is cool. Every possible action I take could benefit me or someone else.
Flowering tree on walk around the pond.
Lately I have dispensed of negative thinking about my job. I don't entertain those thoughts at night and I don't wake up with those thoughts in the morning. Instead I can see the positive things I do in the day and their effects on others. I now look forward to each day at work and when I am at work I try to live in the moment and get involved with the class, kids, and teachers to make the class, but  better. When I go home I have new experiences where I helped through out the day and it sets me up for tomorrow. There are problems, but that becomes part of my job. There was a problem I did not solve that day Walking and living where we are. Living today and not thinking of what I may do at some point later.
Yard work I have refreamed as well. Thank to P. Allen Smith and Robert and Janice from California they have introduced  a new way to look at yard work. As I look out my windows and doors I seek interesting things. It is a way to bring the outdoors in and each window becomes a painting you look at. Cutting grass today, I felt good aerobically and physically.  Walking of late makes it easier. Check out a step conversion chart for mowing. I can be a great part of fitness. Walking daily makes mowing possible for me. I have a large yard so I mow 20-30 minutes and take a break. On a hot day, I may break 15 minutes. There is nothing that says I have to get it done so I listen to my body. I drink plenty of fluids.

Mallard Ducks swimming Shot for bridge, Waked a mile
I wish I could write it better but it comes down in a nutshell I am learning to widen the area in with I live into new ways and look at the routine stuff and be mindful of how important it is or chuck it. Between retirement , I want to do the things I will do later. Before vacation I am going to go on dates with Barb. If I pursue to help people with mental care and falling through the cracks then I seek to minister with them with insight and hope.My years of Psychiatric training I will not let go to waste. I can be a Libri' or shelter to the weak. I may be a bridge for other to to reach out to. Keep walking

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A year removed from depression and anxiety, feels great!

Liam at 16 months
First day with new orthopedic insert. The two hours I wore the device my ankle felt good. I will wear it about the same time tomorrow and a little more the next day. From two weeks ago I am walking again and my time is increasing. I have been able to walk 30+ minutes and I am able to walk 5 to 6 times a week. I am spending time stretching and therapeutically moving and strengthening my ankle. Getting range of motion is for me a slow progress.
I am amazed at how well I feel a year after being treated for depression and anxiety. I am able to sleep and control my anxiety with confidence. Learning ways to combat depressive thought and anxiety is part of it and the other part is the medicine that helps restore chemical balance in my brain. Like a player in sports there is things you have to do to be able to be in the game, but medicine plays a part too. Treatment is better than not being able to sleep, having fears related to breathing and anxiety you can't control with prayer and trust. Feeling good about work, life, and self is a bonus.
Donavon's 12th Birthday
When I speak of depression and anxiety, I am not speaking of sin or faith. I actually stayed in fellowship with God throughout my treatment. When I was in the hospital I had pretty good quiet times. My roommate was fast asleep at 9:00 pm. It allowed me to read and pray and meet with God. many nights I was up with insomnia, I enjoyed my times with God. The problem was I could not get to sleep and I could not control my anxiety. In time I was overcome  with depressive thinking. If I had cancer or heart disease I could not heal my self, and it was the same for me with depression anxiety. If you find yourself with fears you can't explain or feelings of depression and loss of sleep, forget what others may think. Who cares about that when you can be free of the weight of it. There are treatments today that do work and skilled people to help you get better.
I know I sound like a commercial but I also know how hard it is to seek help. Gee Beaver, I do feel better, really.

I drank in God has brought me this far, what is ahead?

Stacy ocean adventure, I dig the sunset
I think it is the healthy state I find my self in because this year I was mindful that today was my birthday. I took the day to enjoy it myself. For a few minutes I remembered a life time of 6 decades and gave thanks to God for caring for me through the years. There were times where I went through life threatening situations and He protected me. I doubt I could count the thousands of times He protected me from harm I never saw.
How many people watched the film in the wee
hours of the night and became edcutors?
60 years is more than escaping death, I have talked or saw people that were born in the 1860's and probably a few from the 1850's. To think that they seen or talked to people from the Revolutionary War. My memories go back into the late 1950's and people are wrong about the 50's they were full of change and dynamic. I certainly was not bored as a kid. A lot of my childhood happened outside the house. There was no problem with entertainment. There was always a game being played, a chance to go swimming. games were played until dark. In one neighborhood you could replay combat and have complete squads playing war games against each other, Most of the time we made our own guns.
Brief thoughts of life lived and I am thankful for 60 years.
It is more than my travels, it is about friends, family, overcoming, being loved and loving. Took time to check the new brace for my foot. This will help relieve nerve pain and allow me to pursue my passion for walking. Barb and I went for a walk today and went to a steakhouse . Later ate my twinky cake with pudding, bananas, whipppcream and sprinkled with blue berries. My family won't eat it because they think it is high calorie. More to enjoy for a few days.
Taken in Portland There are great walks through out the world
We took a 32 minute walk following a stream up in Naperville. There is so much to be thankful for and to be thankful too. Many thankful wishes on face book. That is cool so many have said, happy Birthday.
It has been a life of helping so many people, in Africa and there many bold moments is that service I can tell you. Before that in the mental hospital and bible studies at local colleges. Helped others in a city mission, in the streets helped down and outers. Other mental hospitals, thousands of kids through summer camp. Mission trips helping kids and youth in a local church, so many faces and so many lives. There were a few people I rescued from the water including my wonderful boy now an man. There have been some runaways I found care for, I loved taking on their abusers, have you ever seen where bullies when it comes down to it are cowards when they meet one who may better them. I can't tell what fun I have had with that.
I don't feel 20. But tonight I feel the benefits of recent walking and stretching and light weight training I feel strong.
At work this year I feel alive everyday. A big thanks for the teachers who allow me to be me. The kids have done well this year. I am thankful for our principle who works behind the scenes to make our job more successful. Nearly 30 years working their I I feel good like Mr. Chips. There are so many people who were in there own way Mr. Chips.
At 60 there is the unexplored country, I walk today, I read today, I teach today, I learn today, I live today, I loved and been loved. This seems the best way to live tomorrow. It is my hope for doing wonderful things in my 70's and eighties. So today I breathed in my birthday and said thanks. A Windy but beautiful day. I will say good night to my birthday, In the days ahead as best I can. I may now long take on pimps with weapons or bullies beating their children. But then who knows.  I have 13 minutes to drink in my birhtday. Thank you mom ands pop, even though your marriage was a bad one you had two boys  whom you love as best you could. Some of was crazy, but your effort to love made a big difference.
I know you are out  there who had difficulty with parents. In the last year I have taken time to reclaim my life and live in the moment and not taking the blame for their problems. I know they loved me but they did alot of crazy stuff that was not my fault. In the next twn years I am charting my own course and taking full resoncibily for the outcome. Keep walking

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter fellow walkers

Easter for Christians the biggest holiday of the year. 1 Cor. 15: 3-5  says, "3 For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and that He was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve. 6 After that He was seen by over five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep. 7 After that He was seen by James, then by all the apostles. 8 Then last of all He was seen by me also, as by one born out of due time.
The Resurrection witness by many trustworthy witnesses gives us hope. Daily we can live in the power of the Resurrection to be an overcommer. As we get older and our body has its ups and downs we can trust a living Savior he understands our weaknesses and helps us with our infirmities. When time comes to pass into eternity we have the hope of being absent from the body we are present with the Lord.
One of the leading scientists of all times was also a great Bible student. He believed in the inductive Bible study to obtain truth. For Him it was application of scientific method that helped him see the truth of it.
"But search the scriptures thy self and that by frequent reading and constant meditation upon what thou readest and earnest prayer to God to enlighten thine understanding if thou desirest to find the truth." Sir Isaac Newton
To Newton science and study of the Bible went hand in hand. It should not surprise us he was diverse in his studies. Most geniuses I know have many interests.
Reread the scripture at the top of the page. Jesus was seen by 500 people at one time. This is more than a public hallucination. As you track down these sightings you will note that Jesus talked with these people and ate with them, was touched by them, they smelled the fish he cooked on the shore of Galilee. It was a bodily Resurrection. Our hope of eternity has been promised and God is big enough to keep His word. happy Easter.
Friendships are important,
Here is a link to do a indoor walk, days and times you can't walk outdoors walk with Leslie Sansone.
Keep walking

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The game is a foot

Don't you love digital cameras and flowers
Anne Cassidy has observed, "It is a strange sort of togetherness that I celebrate here, then, that of walking the same trail at different times. But that is often the way of marriage, both in a practical sense (you watch the kids now and I'll do the same for you later) and an emotional one. We come to terms with life in our own time, but we share in the great labors of child rearing and home creating. We are stronger because we're together — and because we're together, we don't have to stride in lockstep." Anne celebrates her 25 wedding anniversary.
Barb and I have been married 37 years and walking the same path through the year you experience different things. In a way the trail becomes your trail.
Today I was able to walk 35 minutes, most of the time aerobically. I spent some time working on stretching and working my ankle. The temperature was ideal today for walking. In the evening I work out with sit ups and push ups, squats and light weights then I have another time to stretch and work on my ankle again. This week has given me a good workout routine to jump start my fitness.
I am reading through the Old Testament from Malachi to Genesis. Taking a book at a time and I am not in any particular hurry. It is amazing to me how each time I read through the Bible it never gets old.
The Game is a foot - keep walking
For fun I am reading a mystery involving Sherlock Holmes and the Ripper and a new Jessie Stone Novel. Parker and now Michael Brandman continue an interesting character. Stone sees a shrink and quite can't put it all together as he deals with the crime that comes his way. I can relate to seeing a shrink and how much work it takes to over come anxiety and depression. Reading the series with a long run of Spenser I get a feel like I am on vacation in New England. I have read all of Dolye's writings on Sherlock and it is fun to read writers who continue with the game being afoot. Going back to London in the 19th century is always a treat. Barb and I did alot of walking in London when we visited there and it didn't disappoint. It was raining and set the mood for my enjoyment of the great sleuth. Reading like walking we need it and enjoy it at the same time.
Last night I went and saw the Iron Lady and I have mixed feelings. Streep acting was perfect, but I thought it was hard to look at a significant leader in the time of her dementia. The film was more about aging than who she may have been as a leader in her prime. In light of aging how important is it for us to care for ourselves. Drinking water and keeping hydrated and caring for our heart and arteries may help. I hope we continue to see improved ways to fight the aging brain for as long as possible. Walking has been shown to help the brain regenerate itself. I have known too many fine people to know aging brings problems, but if we can round off the curve to a longer enjoyment of life, well that's the goal. Keep walking.
Some ideas from a professional trainer on walking. This is a brief video.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Laughing is good for you

I liked the view near sunset
Laughing particularly a belly laugh relaxes us and helps us with stress. As we get older it is harder for us to laugh. Kids find it easier to laugh.
I taught a Sunday school class once and the guy who opened the class in a monotone as he went over the illnesses and obituaries not just in the church but the town as well. He was a natural Egor.
Maybe I should have said this joke:
By: Contributed by Colin Taylor
Lying on his deathbed, a loving husband was wavering between life and death when he thought he smelled chocolate chip cookies baking. They were his very favourite, so he dragged himself out of bed, crawled to the kitchen and was just reaching up to take a cookie off the plate when his wife slapped his hand with a spatula.
"Don't touch!" she commanded. "They're for the funeral."
There were very aware of me only feet away
It is easy to withdraw into a safe world as we get older. Indoor walk with Leslie Sansone can be done in front of your computer or TV. It doesn't take alot of space. Watching a funny show a couple times a week or reading humorous books. Walking with a dog or friend can help you feel safe on an outdoor walk. Getting involved in local senior groups at church or community center can help you do more social things. Volunteering once or twice a week can boost your spirits. Going to breakfast with old friends from work or church once a week can lead to other things to do.  It is very possible that you can't do all these things at once. Add one thing a week or month and follow up on it. In two to three months you will see how it helps. Then add another thing.
Develop your own bucket list. Think of ten things you want to do before you die. I think in the movie with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson it was a more. I have my Bucket list. One I want to go to the British Isles and walk from one village to the next and stop at a pub. There are a few other things I like to do but that is one. There are a few old friends I would like to see. I would like to publish a few of my studies on health and the Bible and Devotional walks with Jesus. Daily I would like to have more friends and have an old age that was lived well.
Sunset over a little pond
It is a nice day for a walk and I am planning to do a 30+ minute walk. The pictures shared today were taken last night. Barb and I will be seeing the Movie "Iron Lady". Here are couple links on laughter. Keep walking

  • Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.
  • Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.
  • Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
  • Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.

    Laughter is good for your health