Sunday, April 29, 2012

What is the bottom line?

Sometimes praying we don't know how things will go.
We don't always see clearly but we can trust the One who
cares, 1 Peter 5:7
I am in an emergency room waiting room praying and waiting concerning Barb's dad here with chest pains. He is a good man and honest to the bone. He is a good father strong and gentle and a grandfather. At 83, these things are serious.
Through out the hospital there are all kinds of needs. Being here reminds me at any time we may find our selves in need of care and prayer. While we are in the land of the living we are right to pray for healing. One desire I believe God wants is our care. I know there are people tonight who will pass away. Death of God's own is precious to Him. My father in law is undergoing tests, praying for grace for him to recover is on my heart, but I know God loves and cares. (Good news on tests)
Praying for God's will isn't a negative submission for a bad outcome, but a ongoing trust into his care. When I was between life and death I trusted God either way. God many times helps us through health concerns, but with all who belong to him, He will bring us home. Read (John 14:1-3: 2 Corinthians 5:6-8)
We need a bottom line truth we can trust at our worse moments. Knowing Christ as our Savior transcends our church ties, or even if we go to church. Eternity awaits all of us regardless of our belief. For one who puts their faith in Jesus they go into eternity forgiven to a place our Creator prepared for us.
We walk for better health, but our life continues after death and meeting the Savior is the bottom line. Keep walking


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