Saturday, September 29, 2012

consider our mortality, so that we might live wisely

Nancy and Fred Hermes birthday walk
Tonight I take up a difficult topic and one not discussed to often by health and fitness gurus. I guess it would be bad for business. It is much better to show a fitness picture of one who is full of vitality and strength.
A family member who in the last few years like myself has jump on the health and fitness band wagon; loss weight, felt better, more fit. Then bam, he is in the fight for his life with cancer. I've been praying for his recovery. Was he wrong to try to get healthier? Our efforts to get healthier don't always prevent what we hope fitness and diet will give us. I have looked at research which gives us favorable stats, but the numbers are there, that sometimes doing the right stuff doesn't prevent a heart attack, cancer, or diabetes.
In my ministry, I have visited the sick and dying. I have prayed with people and for them. I have tried to encourage people with poor health, to consider lifestyle changes and progress is slow or sometimes gets worse. Over and over I have seen courage and fight from people facing life and death. These trials more often than not I have seen people trusting God though it. There are two verses I like to share from a Psalm Moses wrote, 90:10, 12 "The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away NIV...So teach us to consider our mortality, so that we might live wisely." Net Bible.
All health plans have limitations. Dr. Cooper now in 80's talks of extending life into the 90's and beyond, but he knows life on earth has limits. That is why I encourage developing a faith in Christ. We need a relationship with God where we are at peace with God, forgiven and accepted in the Beloved. It is a part of healthy living we all need.
Great shot Fred
The last 7 years for me I have lived better. I have been honest about my battles but walking, surrounding my plate it veggies and fruit, paying attention to my health numbers, taking care of my mental health; has given me a better quality of life. By the way, I have been losing weight again. Many of you have encourage me with changes you have made. I don't want bad things to happen to me, but I know I am mortal. When I think about the wisdom God gives, I want to embrace the days and years I have. Enjoy my walks, enjoy cooking, (tonight I really cooked up a very tasty healthy meal) enjoy reading, friends and life.
While I was cooking the cool evening set in, the breeze, blue sky boarded by the many trees around my home I took in the moment. Not far from my thoughts is my cousin fighting cancer. The past 8 weeks I have grown to love him more. Have you noticed trials do that? Victor Frankel wrote of faith growing in the worse of human conditions. I would think most people removed from that trial would think faith falters. Frankel said the opposite was true.
Walking and healthy living I am all for. But what we are doing is rounding off the curve in our aging where we give ourselves more time being active and alive. What do you think? Keep walking

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lets talk about how many steps we need

I can't do what these woodsman are doing, but I would love
to go to the forest here, it is on my bucket list
What is too sedimentary? Dr Ken Cooper informs us a day without activity is like smoking a pack of cigarettes. Ikes!
How many steps do you get in a day?
3,000 and under many consider sedimentary
5,000 still low but better, for many seniors this could be wonderful. I have read studies that inform us brief walks for older people could be very beneficial.
5,000-7,000  low active, but great for a sedimentary person
7,000- 10,000 active - when a non walker is doing this, lots of benifits
10,000-12,000 active and loosing weight, if you don't over eat (home run)
12,000+ very active
 In counting steps use a pedometer and a step conversion chart on activities you do.
What if you are to low? As with all of us, we need a medical check-up to see where we are at. Are there medical reasons or a non moving life style? What can be done to gradually move from little activity to 5,000 to 7,000 steps? If you medically can't walk I am all for a mobility aid of a chair or scooter. I believe it could add to quality of life.  If you can move then gradually increase your steps. Walk from the living room to the kitchen on commercial breaks. Walk from bed or chair to the furthest bathroom.  At a walking trail walk from bench to bench. Walk a block in front of the house. Next week turn the corner and each week add a house to the length of you walk. Park and walk to the store. Next week park further back a few spaces. Think it through with your doctor and in no time you will find walking to be fun and safe again.

Consider web sites like Real Age, American Heart Association, National Institute of Aging, In Home Walking, Mayo, for good ideas on walking.
Today with a cool breeze was ideal for a 40 minute walk. Barb and I used the benches for push ups and squats. My pedometer right now reads 10800 steps. We saw an senior using dumbbells at one of the benches. It would be easier to carry a resistant band, but he had the right idea. It is easy to turn a walk into a total body workout.
Ahead of us on our walk, Barb thought she saw a humming bird, I guessed a grasshopper, I kept my eye on the creature and followed it into the bush. It took me a while to spot it, but it was a stick bug. Once spotted it was easy to observe. Of course it would be a day I decided not to bring my camera. Here is what I thought I saw. Check out my pages for good support on walking and exercise.
These are beautiful days and enjoy the colors of the season. Keep walking

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Great website for Bible study and exercise and aging

OK Walking won't make me young again, but what it does
ain't bad
I was listening to a recording of Lewis Perry Chafer in a series on the study of He Who is Spiritual, also a title of a book he wrote back in 1918. The lectures were given sometime before his death in the early 50's. Included in the lectures is an update on the subject, which basic notes can be found in Chafer's 8 volumes systematic theology. The personal antidotes and perspective of an older man I find of interest. With his writings the study is well worth the serious student of Scriptures. Visit
Go to and you can get access to a life time of a very good pastor, Ray Stedman. If you like good bible study, this site is outstanding.
Dr. Chafer talks of people telling you to to live a good life, he teaches how. As you listen to the audio you can hear the age in voice.
Walking with the fat man our subject matter is basically about my experience and learning how to live more healthy. What is the impact of walking, healthy diet on my life and how does my experience benefit you in your journey of better health. Usually once a week I share how walking with God impacts my life and health. The stereotype is usually spirituality is counter productive to healthy living. Fanaticism and extremism and control makes people skeptical. On every blog I invite you to share your opinion, but I don't think many feel comfortable with that. I hope you find my blog safe to think and check out. I love giving you websites you can check out. My biggest hope is you find all of this helpful.
It sure helps to take walks all day at work and do my workouts at home. Resistant workouts can be 100 steps per minute in walk conversion. As we get older we really need them. In aging we lose muscle and bone, resistance helps us to slow down the loss or actually add muscle and bone. I am invested in it because of my handicap and my tendency to fall. Falls are huge in our health as we age. I know how they have hurt my friends and family as they aged. So I walk and workout. Is it my personality to fight back? I think so, but it is also based on science and research that points out it works.
Resistant training along with walking makes my joints and muscles feel better. We were made to move. How does walking help you? How does resistant training help you? Both activities can be added to your life as you move toward retirement or are retired. A half hour walk and a 10 minute workout - what a difference. Keep walking

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Achieving equinox in life ain't easy

Talk about being out of balance, how quickly life can come
at us. This is a true photo. The kayaker is being there on
Sometime today the September Equinox took place depending on where you live. Today there is 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. Balance. We think of balance in life as good. Our seasons though are only in balanced on two days, once in the fall and once in the spring. So for most of the year we are out of balance. But is it balance what we want? On June 20th or 21st we have the longest day of the year and don't most of us like the long days of spring and summer. The closer you live to equator the better chance to have more of your year having the balance of equal days and nights. But if you enjoy cooler temperatures you won't experience that there.
It is easy to get loss in the discussion so I'll move on. If balance is rarely achieved in our life time with day and night, maybe balance is hard to achieve in other ways in our life. If we define balance as pleasant, easy, relaxing ways about us. That calm fellow over there, doesn't he seems a balanced lad? The problem is life is rarely in balance. Life it seems to me is always changing and there is a constant adjustment to all the ups and downs and curves and obstacles thrown into our way.
I went through today totally unaware of the perfect moment of the equinox. Did you ride a bike or sail a boat and lost in your thoughts you were unaware of being in balance of your ride. Have you been in a zone in a sport where everything was going just right with out apparent effort. Several of my friends kayak and it looks so effortlessly as they glide along. Sit at a sunset or campfire or next to your loved one lost in the moment.  Things seem in balance then, but then life happens.
One would have to be in the moment here
Balance may be harder to maintain than we imagine for some things and for other things we give it no thought at all. Balance between work and home, spiritual and temporal, self and others may be very hard indeed. If balance of day and night only happens two times a year maybe we should keep in mind we have goals we pursue and it is the journey to that goal that makes the difference.
We may be trying to please the Lord or try to do His will. Up and down we go. Then there are trials and obstacles that we find in front of us. These things happen even we are rightly related to the Lord and in His Spirit. Life is not at all pleasant at times. Of course Peter walked on water as he focused on Jesus, but he as we would take note of this, and soon notice the wind and the waves. Nobody since Peter has walked on water, so I know we too would do the same thing. Balance in life ain't easy. For the Christian we have a goal, "And whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." NET
Paul spoke of a goal he was seeking in Phil. 3:14, 15 "Brothers and sisters,  I do not consider myself to have attained this. Instead I am single-minded:  Forgetting the things that are behind and reaching out for the things that are ahead, 3:14 with this goal in mind,  I strive toward the prize of the upward call of God  in Christ Jesus." Net Bible
He was striving to please the Lord and God's purpose in his life. It was his focus. He didn't think he arrived at that point but it was still out ahead of him. In this life none of us will be perfect, besides that things happen, so many things we can't control. Recall only twice a year we have equal day and night. But every day and night we can focus on the Lord who walks in front of us. When we look back we will see how far we came. If we keep our focus on Him and His ways we can apply it to the particulars.
Speaking of balance I feel OK today from two falls yesterday. Keep walking

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Life can be "against the tide and wind", I know a little about that

Lake Michigan near Zion

Reading A Walker in the Suburbs by Anne Cassidy got me thinking...
Anne has a nice blog and being the very good writer she is, she writes with a small brush. I like reading how she puts thoughts together. Now me on the other hand, I feel like I am not using a brush at all, but one of those pencils you used as a kid that looked like a tree. Do you remember the writing paper we had, it had wood chips in it. You had to write around them. Bill Cosby shared the experience of a first grader some 40 + years ago in one of records. Our little hands trying to
handle the beast.
Anne walked on the beach after reading Anne Morrow Lindbergh book called *Against Wind and Tide
Lindbergh quotes a nineteenth-century writer who says that a woman writer is "rowing against wind and tide"
Some people can go with the flow
The beach is a perfect place to feel that book, especially if it cool enough for a sweater. What a perfect place for a walk. Please don't wear ear phones. Take in the sounds and waves. I think everybody should walk a beach off season. Wear layers of clothing to fit the experience. I recall walking Lake Michigan and Florida in the winter. Two very different experiences but I was dressed for it. Life can be at times "against the tide and wind." Anne's reading is of an experience of a woman trying to live in a man's world. As a father and husband I would hope my activities encourage the girls in my life to be strong and able.  The thought that I may hold them back gives me pause. But life at times is "against the wind and tide".
All of us need a lighthouse from time to time
I just wished I didn't need one so often
Went to Tara's wedding tonight. It was fun being with family. I think I gave everybody a scare on the dance floor. My shoes stuck on the floor and I kept going. I have to say it is a little scary when CP's loss of balance takes over. Stubborn as I am it took two falls. I am going to have to take time to figure on aging and CP. Finding the balance between enjoying the things I have always done and newer boundaries I will have to follow. A few bumps but  am OK. The hardest thing for me is the embarrassment of it. If you have a handicap you know all about life being "against the tide and wind." But maybe  as we get older more of us can identify with the struggles of those with disabilities. Barb and I are more aware of the "fall" and things don't always work the way we want. It is why walking makes a lot of sense. Moving keeps us strong enough to face most tides and winds of life.
Back to the joys of a wedding, I had fun watching the wedding party enjoy themselves, I had a few laughs, and I get a kick out of everybody including Barb and I in their lives. Means more to me all the time. I love my family.
Tomorrow I will be off for a long walk and the next time I go dancing, better shoes and work just  little slower into the dance. Maybe stay with the slow tunes. I have observed old guys dance with the feet not moving, maybe I better follow suit.  Life may at times be "against the wind and tide", but take note of those who lend an orr or breeze of encouragement. After a fall like tonight walking heps heal.  Keep walking


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Remembering Harv Russell

Harv Russell
The last couple of days I have been thinking about Harv Russell. I have know Harv about 40 years. I remember walking on Herkimer Str. I probably was walking to a friends house. I looked in the front window and their were kids playing table tennis or ping pong. There were kids in the background and a sign in the front, the Christin Youth Center. I was led to the Lord by a track a Navigator from Michigan State put into my pocket. Three weeks later I trusted the Lord and I remembered what that fella told me, "If you trust Christ seek Christian fellowship." It was a month or two later  and walking by I went inside to see what it was all about. The CYC kids were friendly and normal and I loved Ping pong. The speaker that night was this old guy (to me) he was my father's age. He spoke simply and from the Bible. I always liked that about Harv. He talked about the big things and important things with a big smile and he look you right in the eye.
For a few years the CYC was a big part of my life. I think that is why so many people loved Harv. He was there in those years you need somebody to be there. When ever I talked to Harv in private he always gave me something to think about. Harv would give you room to think about it.
That's the smile I remember
Through the years we would talk once and a while. Harv gave me a compliment sometime back and it is one of those things I have kept close. Harv knew the kids the he worked with and loved them.
My dad was a navy man and so was Harv. I liked that. Harv lived life to fullest. He lived his life in Joliet. He was a steady witness in a hard place. How God used him, we all saw it. He showed us you can live for Christ anywhere. There are people from the CYC all over the world, making a difference for Christ. Harv with a wink knew he was part of all that.
Harv never retired. We used to see each other on the walking trails. Remember Harv walking those 20 mile walks. He used to train for those a bit. He would be walking for health in his 80's. The last time I saw him he was sitting down looking out over the pond. He looked tired. When he saw me he grinned and we talked in person for the last time. Harv finnished well and he had eternity on his mind. Thoughts he asked his son to share.
Would this little guy reach thousands?
" Now the day is over - night is drawing nigh,
 Shadows of the evening - stem across the sky
 Jesus gives the weary - calm and sweet repose,
 with the tenderest blessing - may my eyelids close,
 Through the long night watches - may thine angels spread,
 their white wings all about me - watching 'round my bed
 When the morning wakens, then may I arise
 Fine + Fresh + Sinless in thy Holy eyes.

 Come on now - "Heaven Ain't so Bad"!
Thanks for being there. and hey, it mattered how you walked with us. He ended every talk with this quote, "Remember, "God's Word will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from God's Word"
Here is a cool link about Harv. keep walking

man I hate making adjustments

It seems my current mental health may need an adjustment. I have had an opportunity to use my therapy, but I have had other things happening in my body. As far as I know there are no conflicts but our brains sometimes have their own mind. I never thought in my journey I would be free of problems. I am going for a checkup with my psychiatrist tomorrow. Barb and I talked about tonight and she listened and made a few suggestions. It was helpful. I also talked with my son as to how I was feeling. My significant people are a great support. I am going to return to readings and notes when I had these feeling before.

The last couple of days I came across three articles you may find of interest:

· The first article was a review of research about diabetes which suggest being thin may not be enough. On one hand there is the role of genes and on the other we may need to exercise and eat a healthy diet. Having weight may be OK if we have good heart health and are fit. Eating healthy portions and foods re still in our best interest. Read and see what you think.

· For you younger readers Cooper Aerobics has an article on middle age health where fitness pays big dividends toward longevity. Early starts to health pay off big time.

· Last year I got a bad case of the flu. This year I getting my shot. We know that a half hour walk boost our immune system. And we can walk with a cold but the article tells us we rest with a fever. Keep hydrated and give time to heal. Good advise on recovery to.

Read the articles, the more we are involved with good information, the more we are involved with our health. You get sick check in with your doctor. I have learned a lot about my mental health and I use what I learned, but I still need medical advice. "Physician heal yourself" in my case would be a bad idea. Keep walking.

ps. Not a bad blog for a guy dealing with anxiety and stuff. It is therapeutic in that it helps to write of it and stay upbeat. How did I do?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

William Willberforse lived a round life can wedo the right things

Thanks Scott, what  great, Scott ran half a marathon
Would we make the mistakes of the past? In Matt. 23 Jesus addressed the crowd in Jerusalem the day before he would be arrested. He talked about their ancestors killing prophets they honored. Their response was no way we would have done those things, yet within days they would kill the greatest prophet ever. Would we kill Indian tribes to near extinction, own slaves, not work children in workhouses, Abuse our mates, children, use the poor to make our riches? Surely not! But all of these things are found in our world and many bad things right in the US. I am not so confident we are capable of not doing terrible things. Jesus pointed out how we may attend to the greatest detail of our life for the way we may live, but forget the things that are important. Jesus infers to an Old Testament verse which helps us with the important things of life. "He has told you O man what is good and what does the Lord require of you to do justice, to love kindness, and walk humbly with your God" NASB The verse cuts through the heart of it don't you think.
I was watching movie Amazing Grace and it is a story of William Wilberforce conversion and purpose in life to practice Micah's truth. He gave a quarter of his annual income to the poor. He work against child labor, wife battery and abuse, he worked to end the slave trade in England, on his death bed emancipation of slaves in England came about. He was an Evangelical Christan and politition who used the political tricks of the day to win these causes. The social call of the Wesleyan revivals had their effects on changing the face of England. Historians debate whether their efforts stoped the revolution of France spreading to England. These evangelist gave more power to the house of commons and led the way in the change of the English experience in the 19th and 20th century.
These movement came to the US and would seek rights of slaves and women and their right to vote. Probation may have failed but there was a need to challenge the alcoholic behavior the day. Women we getting the crap beat out of them and losing money to raise families to a growing abuse of alcohol. Preachers joined the sufferets to stop the abuse. Women get a right to vote and prohibition gets repealed but alcohol and abuse continues. We put a bad name on those ladies and the preachers who spoke out on the evil. I have talked to several girls in therapy who give vivid pictures of men who drink abusing the families awfully. A Battered child or wife may not be able to fend for herself. That IS GOING ON NOW. I have feared a man but none other.  I am committed to stand in harms way for these children and Ladies.
William Wilberforce lived a long life, doing what he could to the diseases he had of the stomach. He changed his diet and social games, he worked with purpose and died an old age of 73. He rounded he curve and made a difference.
My punch to night is Micah 6:8, memorize it an have a go of it in practice.
Thinking of important things that are important to health: walk, eat well, medical counsel - Keep walking

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hello anxiety my old friend

Walking the old wall 36 years ago - Not bad for a CP er
I am thinking of the lyrics of Simon and Garfield's Sounds of Silence,
"Hello darkness, my old friend (my anxiety fear of going asleep)
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping"
 I have blogged the value of medication and treatment for anxiety and depression. I believe as we learn more of the brain and nervous system our treatment will improve. I look back over the progress in the last 50 years. One common treatment back in he 70's was shock treatment for clinical depression. One of my jobs was to assist the patient from start to waking up with these treatments. I will not share the details of this, but we do a lot better today.
There is another part of the treatment that is just as helpful. Through my therapy and reading I have used behavioral techniques that are very helpful. I have gone from insomnia sleeping in a recliner to sleeping back in my bed, most nights the night through. Once a week I practice breathing skills such as 4 square breathing. Using the count of 4; I breathe in 4, hold breathe 4, breathe out 4, hold intake 4, repeat cycle. I practice so that I can use skill when needed.
A have a picture frame life long friends smiling at me on my wall. Reminds me of kindness and not being alone.  If I need to burn some energy I do 2 sit ups off the bed for each friend. The sit ups and squats off the bed are good for me, but doing them gives me assurance I am not trapped but can move off the bed as I need to) Exercise puts my focus off the fear. I use my iPhone for relaxing music and sounds to distract. I also have a few favorite Psalms I read. I have a copy of Ken Boa's book Face to Face an excellent resourse for prayer and meditation.
Last night panic fear visited me after I went to bed. I did something just a little different; (1) I have learned such fear won't harm me, (2) Panic fear doesn't last it will pass (3) I accepted it was there, I didn't fight it (4) I turned on the reading light and did some light reading and used an app on my phone of gentle wave sounds. (5) turned off light and music put on instrumental for a few minutes and relaxed into a night of sleep. Anxiety doesn't visit me every night like it did before, I may go weeks or even a couple of months with out an attack. But I see it now for what it is a temporary interruption that I can do things to return to sleep.
Leaving my friend anxiety I have returned to daily walking 10,000 steps or more. Thank you Lord for the foot brace. In my picture tonight I have part of the old walls of Jerusalem, looking down at ruins from the time of Christ. Looking at the street and ruins I realize Jesus and the disciples walked there. The old wall I actually walked on, I don't think they let you do that today. The walls come from the late middle ages. The photo brings me back to that walk.
I read today and artical by Dr. Oz on the value of 10,000 steps turning off  fat genes.

Keep walking

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Getting on track

Fall is coming Photo by Frank Porter
I was able to do strength training at lunch, about a 10 minute workout. Resistance bands give us lots of flexibility in our workouts. They are easy to carry and just about anywhere you can have a gym. Our hearts need strength training. Aerobic walks we know help but strength training does things for our hearts too.
Sitting afterwards in the shade the breeze was refreshing. One of the teachers was out for a 3 mile walk. She was using a pedometer, I told her she would be encouraged seeing how many steps she does in her day.
Barb has been doing indoor walking in the morning. She has her sights on losing a few pounds. You give walking a few weeks or months and you will note you will have more energy. I believe you will feel better in your clothes.
I have enjoyed  many photos of walks people have taken. Keep walking

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9-11 remembered

The event of 9-11 from above
I have my own memories of 9-11 and I can recall where I was at and what I was doing. I also remember what I was doing on 11-22-63; I  was playing flag football at my grade school. It was warm day for November and the skies where blue. We listened on the radio what was going on and I remember watching the events that unfolded then. Evil's insanity was at play in both events. The loss of lives can never be atoned for in this life, nor the loss of loved ones on those events.
We seen evil on that day and we will see it again. That breaks my heart.
9-11 for me also brings into focus those who put them selves in harm way for others. Some lost their lives doing so. I am glad for those who serve and protect not just in my country but those across the globe. Walking as we do requires the need of others to face evil so that we have the freedom for a simple walk. I have lived in other countries and I am glad for their police and armed forces which gave order for me to be there. Many times police officers gave friendly service to me a foreigner in their country. For the record, I also have received kindness from friends and strangers in Islamic homes and neighborhoods.
Damascus Gate in Jerusalem
Will there be peace in the Middle East? Probably not. If there ever is peace then humanity has learned from 9-11. But I am afraid evil is still to be found.
When you are out for a walk, what gives you security in your walk? Isn't it nice to walk not in a state of fear. One thing I like about indoor walking with Leslie Sansone is you can walk in the security of your own house. Walking with friend and in the day time gives better security. Being on a trail with lots of walkers is good too. One of the best things you can do is be aware and make good eye contact with others. For me it is good to exorcise my freedom by walking for health. Keep walking

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Rain is falling, thoughts on knowing Jesus

Walking to an inservice this flower
said hello
I am listening to a gentle rain with my windows opened. It is a nice sound. In my studies of the life of Christ from the vantage point of a walker I was reading 1 John 1:1-4 NKJV
"1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— 2 the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us— 3 that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. 4 And these things we write to you that your[a] joy may be full."
The apostle John was the last of the apostles who walked with Jesus. When the slept out on their 3 1/2 year journey give or take some months when they joined Him, John was part of an inner circle of Jesus' disciples who had a few more experiences. Similar to his intro to the gospel of John, the writer wants us to know Jesus as our Savior and to know Him in a personal way. In 1 John these sentences we have are one sentence in the Greek. You can see this translation tries to deal with this. I highlighted the that which indicates his purposes and then hopeful results of fellowship with God and joy in life.
Just a few hours ago, clouds moving fast
This week several fiends have shared how their relationship with Christ has brought them through tough times.  Sometimes those tough times are in their relationships. Sometimes they are hard times in work or life. Sometimes it is when health fails. In my life, He is there through the tough times, consider Matt. 11:28-30,  11:28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 11:29 Take my yoke  on you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 11:30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and my load is not hard to carry.”Net Bible It may be that we think God is ready to clobber us, but consider what Jesus says here. In my ups and downs I have found God to be gentle to me.
John tells us, in John 10:10b one of the purposes why Jesus came, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." Here John is adding to what he is talking about in 1 John 1:4, "that our joy may be full." One of my cousins right now is in the fight for his life. His wife and family are under tremendous stress and trial. Many times in our lives we go through trials that we pull through and we give praise to God. We often find ourselves weakened or at the end of our rope and some how we pull through. Praying for my cousin I feel so helpless. I pray for him daily, but he is really in a bad way. 
There is another side to this  and that is my cousin has a relationship with Jesus and has for years been in fellowship with Christ. His body like all of us may fail, but he will continue his life with the Lord. A lot  of people today gripe about the Apostle Paul over moral issues, but take note of what he writes in 2 Corinthians 5:8, "We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord." The moment a christian dies they go into the presence of the Lord. Since the fall and sin we were never meant to live forever here on earth. Eternal life which starts when we come to faith in Jesus who died on the cross for our sins continues past death of our outer shells which has helped us enjoy many things in this life but breaks down in all of us.
John himself lived a full life into his 90's. Walking with the fat man embraces the possibility of a long life lived to its fullest. I will be honest with you, I don't want to live to 130. If I can be active and enjoy life to 80 or 90 that is longer than I think I will live. Choosing to walk and eat better has been worth it. My tomorrows look better, but my eternal life will continue most likely through the exodus of death.
Knowing Jesus has brought me joy, and forgiveness and love and just about every good gift I have gotten in my life. I pray for my cousin in the land of the living but I know we will meet again in our real home in the far country God has prepared for us.
The rain has stopped, I was just listening to a night barge going down the river. I hope this blog encourages you and brings joy along the way. Keep walking

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Follow up on circuit training and thoughts about heredity

I am finding the circuit training very practical. Rotating a strength move with one of four basic moves in Leslie Sansone in home walking is very doable in a small space. You can use exercises that come with a resistance band or weight training routine. Working on a routine to build up to 30 minutes can be very helpful in a fitness program. As we get older strength training gets more important for our physical independence. The ability to do the work of our daily life can extend into older years. There have been studies strength training puts muscle on our bodies into our 90's. I am sure we will look better but more tan ta we will feel better and iwth our bodies moving we can slow down the decline in our aging.
Getting in my 10,000 steps comes from moving throughout the day and my walking and fitness I do later when I get home.
One of my friends shared her mother's picture. I had to take a double take because I thought it was my friend. Thinking about the resemblance I was thinking how our health is determined along heredity lines. Some of my health issues have heredity evidence. I think that can be discouraging and fatalistic. My course of action has been what can sound medical support and life style changes of diet and exercise hold off what our genes are inclined to be. I am thinking of heredity in a negative way, but there is also the possibility I did not inherit every bad out come. It is very possible some of my genes are in my favor. I have some of my relatives die early but others died in their 80's and 90's. One relative in the 19th century lived 115 years.
We can not control who we are but we can control our choices. So today let's take a walk

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Can their new dirms

The quote comes from Meier Clinics, C.S. Lewis lived to thee age of 65. He was still writing and having an impact on his world. I have read nearly all his writings and my favorite time to read Lewis is in the winter under a comfortor drinking a hot drink. He died the same day John F. Kennedy and Aldous Huxley died, November 22, 1963. If anything Lewis gets me thinking. I come across hundreds of posters every day and most of them are trying to say something inspirational. "You are never to old to set another goal or dream a new dream." A worthy quote.
I am now a few years younger than Lewis, so if Lewis wouldn't mind I like to pick up a pint and toss the idea around. Lewis loved to debate in the pub and argue with students.
When you get older many of your dreams have and goals have been thwarted and beaten down. To top it off you have had health setbacks and relationships gone arye. Robert Parker's Jessie Stone goes to therapy with an excop therapist. For Stone therapy is hard and slow moving. His therapist or Jessie will both say "why is this so hard." After a year in therapy I believe it is hard. Picking my self up again and set a new goal I believe is harder when you are older. I would love to be a better writer but I don't have Lewis' mind or talent. Failing a few goals and seeing dreams fade our hearts get a little harder. My mind fights Lewis's quote but as it do I have  an alternate plan of action. Now that would be indeed thinking. Sadly  realize  I am one of Token's hobbits who really enjoys a pint. Hob its don't dream beyond their shire and as best as a son of Adam I would be well pleased to live a simple dream in the moment and be content. Lewis would have been all over me and my grade I am afraid would be low.  Great dreams come out of great conflicts.  Great dreams come out of almost painful thinking or the take a turn and come easy, all of once.
Any way in your 60's, 70's, and 80's there is a time to dream and make new goals. This is the stuff that makes retirement work. Get a pint and argue with Lewis. It is hard but there are dreams and goals to reach for.
The pint was good. Today I walked 12000 steps  and feet felt good. I am doing my best to say setting goals and dreams when you are old. can I share it i alright to argue with Lewis.. The more you know him the harder it will be. But in the end you will have a doable gaol and dream. Keep walking
My dream today was taking a mile and a hafe-walk to school. I walked for lunch and later did the dinner dishes. Baby steps sometimes.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Circuit training is easy to set up at home

Walking at work I put in nearly 8000 steps. I added a 10 minute walk at lunch.  I encourage you to get a pedometer. Working around the house, yard, work all adds up.
It is easy to set up your own circuit training right at home. Today I Will had a suggestion for a circuit in the link below.
Here is circuit I can do with exercises I do:
  • walk in place 1 minute
  • do push-ups off the wall, floor from the knees or off the counter 30 seconds. (I do twenty)
  • walk side steps 1 minute (move feet side to side)
  • with feet on the floor do a modified sit up 30 seconds or crunches (I do 24)
  • do knee raises 1 minute (like walking in place but lift the knees higher)
  • sit on bed or chair and stand up and sit down for 30 seconds. (1 do 20)
  • Like walking in place do alternating kicks 1 minute
  • Use dumbbells, resistant bands, or cans of soup do curls for 30 seconds (I do 12 to 15 rep)
  • Walk in place for 1 minute
  • Use dumbbells, resistant bands, or cans of soup and do bent over rows with knees bent. Keep resistant light (I do 12 to 15 rep)
  • walk side to side 1 minute
  • Use dumbbells, resistant bands, or cans of soup and do shoulder press for 30 sec. (I do12 to 15)
  • do knee raises 1 minute (like walking in place but lift the knees higher)
  • Use dumbbells, resistant bands, or cans of soup, work triceps curls slightly bent over elbows at 90 degree angle pull your hands back until arm is straighten, 30 sec.
  • Like walking in place do alternating kicks 1 minute not to high
  • walk in place slow easy pace 1 minute
A cool way to work your triceps
This is a twelve minute circuit training. If you do two circuits you have a 24 minute workout. If you add other movements with a walk in place move in between you can get a 30 minute workout. A few things to keep in mind. One always start an exercise program with a doctor's check up. Two, ease into a work out. Go at your own pace. Don't get out of breath. I would recommend first get use to walking 20 to 30 minutes. When you can handle that start doing working out with bands. When both get easy then try the circuit training. My routine can be done in a small space in your home or apartment or bedroom. It is like walking 1200 to 1500 steps.
You may like the program suggested on the link below.

Check out on the link below how to improve you metabolism. I will put today's blog on a page on circuit training. Keep walking

Sunday, September 2, 2012

I couldn't wait to pass on this information.
I read an article which sadly informs us doctors do not talk to their patients about the importance of exercise, diet, and a healthy weight when they are battling cancer. Cancer is a battle and the treatment takes a toll. To help our survival we need all the help we can get.
"Over the last several years, evidence has accumulated for a number of cancers that achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, getting enough physical activity, and eating a healthy diet can reduce the chance of recurrence and increase the likelihood of disease-free survival after a diagnosis of cancer." Colleen Doyle, MS, RD of the American Cancer Society
She goes on to inform us that we know it improves the quality of life for those who are battling cancer. Evidence is accumulating that doing these things help the cancer from reoccurring. When the news comes you have cancer, there is a sense of helplessness that occurs. Many of the treatments can make us sick. Having positive things you can do that will help you survive like get your weight to a healthy place, eating more veggies and fruit to help your immune system and lower your weight, and moving 150 minutes a week and twice a week strength training gives you more of an edge to keep the cancer from reoccurring.
Walking gives hope
Here is the thing if you have risk for heart disease or you get the news you have cancer you are in for the fight of your life. A healthy weight, exercise and a good diet give you a better chance to live. Doyle's article talks about sugar and the need to use it less. Another doctor friend told me the sugar feeds the cancer.
For all of us itwalking helps to get moving to build our health. We are more likely to use walking as part of our treatment when health problems come. Your oncologist may not inform of help exercise, diet, weightless can do but there is solid science behind these things you can do. Places like Mayo Clinic and the American Cancer Society recommend these things. Read the articles for yourself. We all know people battling cancer walking can help.

Keep walking


My spin is on walking, can we raise the bar?

Luke 20:20-26
"20 So they watched Him, and sent spies ( Pharisees and Herodians,Mark 12:13) who pretended to be righteous, that they might seize on His words, in order to deliver Him to the power and the authority of the governor. 21 Then they asked Him, saying, “Teacher, we know that You say and teach rightly, and You do not show personal favoritism, but teach the way of God in truth: 22 Is it lawful for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?” 23 But He perceived their craftiness, and said to them, “Why do you test Me?[d] 24 Show Me a denarius. Whose image and inscription does it have?” They answered and said, “Caesar’s.” 25 And He said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” 26 But they could not catch Him in His words in the presence of the people. And they marveled at His answer and kept silent."
This story is as fresh as as this weekend's headlines. The game of politics has been going on for a long time. The people who get to the top are very good at it. To do so they often make alliances of former opponents to get to their objectives. The Herodians and Pharisees here are usually opponents, but they feared Jesus may upset the statuesque with Rome about his growing popularity as a possible Messiah. Jesus knew He was headed for the cross and He knew He was already rejected for the Kingdom He was offering. So these spies put on an act and used flattery to pose Jesus a question to put Him at odds with the people or Rome. Their hopes were to find grounds to have Rome put Jesus to death. Later in Luke 23:1-5 they report to Pilate spinning the story for their purpose of destroying Jesus.
hard to be wise
In the US both political parties are very good at such spins. Both parties are looking for a picture or a sound bite that they may use to destroy the other candidate. I imagine the same techniques are used throughout the planet. Jesus saw through the guise and raised the discussion with a helpful response. With a use of a danarius which had the image of Tiberius on it, Jesus pointed out we are obligated to pay taxes for the service governments give. Governments have a purpose on the planet. But we are to give to God what belongs to Him.
In the US we are obligated to practice our citizenship with intelligence and wisdom. We can raise the bar by knowing our history, our Constitution, our participation and vote.  Miss Marple always doubted what potential suspects said. It is a good axiom for crime fighting. It is also good for us to not take politicians at face value either. They need to be accountable and face hard tasks ahead for all of us. The press needs to raise their bar as well. We need less editorializing and more facts. Checks and balances may be the best part of our democracy.
A Christian has dual citizenship. Here on earth and our citizenship in heaven. If in conflict we choose our eternal citizenship. So in the upcoming election see through the deceptions both sides use raise the bar for yourself.
My spin in this blog is about walking. Does walking improve health care? Walking helped me recover physically from serious surgery. I know it improves our mobility and gives us improved health numbers like blood pressure, cleaning out the soft plaque in our arteries, improves our blood sugar, raises our good cholesterol and lowers our bad cholesterol, improves heart and lung fuctions and helps us burn calories. I won't tell you how to vote, but I would encourage you to see through political schemes and be wise. Keep walking