Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Circuit training is easy to set up at home

Walking at work I put in nearly 8000 steps. I added a 10 minute walk at lunch.  I encourage you to get a pedometer. Working around the house, yard, work all adds up.
It is easy to set up your own circuit training right at home. Today I Will had a suggestion for a circuit in the link below.
Here is circuit I can do with exercises I do:
  • walk in place 1 minute
  • do push-ups off the wall, floor from the knees or off the counter 30 seconds. (I do twenty)
  • walk side steps 1 minute (move feet side to side)
  • with feet on the floor do a modified sit up 30 seconds or crunches (I do 24)
  • do knee raises 1 minute (like walking in place but lift the knees higher)
  • sit on bed or chair and stand up and sit down for 30 seconds. (1 do 20)
  • Like walking in place do alternating kicks 1 minute
  • Use dumbbells, resistant bands, or cans of soup do curls for 30 seconds (I do 12 to 15 rep)
  • Walk in place for 1 minute
  • Use dumbbells, resistant bands, or cans of soup and do bent over rows with knees bent. Keep resistant light (I do 12 to 15 rep)
  • walk side to side 1 minute
  • Use dumbbells, resistant bands, or cans of soup and do shoulder press for 30 sec. (I do12 to 15)
  • do knee raises 1 minute (like walking in place but lift the knees higher)
  • Use dumbbells, resistant bands, or cans of soup, work triceps curls slightly bent over elbows at 90 degree angle pull your hands back until arm is straighten, 30 sec.
  • Like walking in place do alternating kicks 1 minute not to high
  • walk in place slow easy pace 1 minute
A cool way to work your triceps
This is a twelve minute circuit training. If you do two circuits you have a 24 minute workout. If you add other movements with a walk in place move in between you can get a 30 minute workout. A few things to keep in mind. One always start an exercise program with a doctor's check up. Two, ease into a work out. Go at your own pace. Don't get out of breath. I would recommend first get use to walking 20 to 30 minutes. When you can handle that start doing working out with bands. When both get easy then try the circuit training. My routine can be done in a small space in your home or apartment or bedroom. It is like walking 1200 to 1500 steps.
You may like the program suggested on the link below.

Check out on the link below how to improve you metabolism. I will put today's blog on a page on circuit training. Keep walking

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