Sunday, September 16, 2012

William Willberforse lived a round life can wedo the right things

Thanks Scott, what  great, Scott ran half a marathon
Would we make the mistakes of the past? In Matt. 23 Jesus addressed the crowd in Jerusalem the day before he would be arrested. He talked about their ancestors killing prophets they honored. Their response was no way we would have done those things, yet within days they would kill the greatest prophet ever. Would we kill Indian tribes to near extinction, own slaves, not work children in workhouses, Abuse our mates, children, use the poor to make our riches? Surely not! But all of these things are found in our world and many bad things right in the US. I am not so confident we are capable of not doing terrible things. Jesus pointed out how we may attend to the greatest detail of our life for the way we may live, but forget the things that are important. Jesus infers to an Old Testament verse which helps us with the important things of life. "He has told you O man what is good and what does the Lord require of you to do justice, to love kindness, and walk humbly with your God" NASB The verse cuts through the heart of it don't you think.
I was watching movie Amazing Grace and it is a story of William Wilberforce conversion and purpose in life to practice Micah's truth. He gave a quarter of his annual income to the poor. He work against child labor, wife battery and abuse, he worked to end the slave trade in England, on his death bed emancipation of slaves in England came about. He was an Evangelical Christan and politition who used the political tricks of the day to win these causes. The social call of the Wesleyan revivals had their effects on changing the face of England. Historians debate whether their efforts stoped the revolution of France spreading to England. These evangelist gave more power to the house of commons and led the way in the change of the English experience in the 19th and 20th century.
These movement came to the US and would seek rights of slaves and women and their right to vote. Probation may have failed but there was a need to challenge the alcoholic behavior the day. Women we getting the crap beat out of them and losing money to raise families to a growing abuse of alcohol. Preachers joined the sufferets to stop the abuse. Women get a right to vote and prohibition gets repealed but alcohol and abuse continues. We put a bad name on those ladies and the preachers who spoke out on the evil. I have talked to several girls in therapy who give vivid pictures of men who drink abusing the families awfully. A Battered child or wife may not be able to fend for herself. That IS GOING ON NOW. I have feared a man but none other.  I am committed to stand in harms way for these children and Ladies.
William Wilberforce lived a long life, doing what he could to the diseases he had of the stomach. He changed his diet and social games, he worked with purpose and died an old age of 73. He rounded he curve and made a difference.
My punch to night is Micah 6:8, memorize it an have a go of it in practice.
Thinking of important things that are important to health: walk, eat well, medical counsel - Keep walking

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