Tuesday, November 17, 2015

pain I hate it but we have to go through it anyway

I posted on Facebook and twitter an article that I read on Wayne Stiles blog.
The question we aren't to ask went hurting spark thoughts about pain that I've come to understand over the years. If you like to question where is God in the mist of our pain? Read his blog. I also would encourage you to read Phillip Yancy’s book, Where is God When it Hurts? 
Wayne Styles contrast how the Psalms looks at the question of pain with the book of Job. In the Psalms the writers repeatedly asked where is God in the midst I'll our pain? Job never answers the question of where is God in my pain? Nor Why does God allows such struggle in our lives? Asking these questions you are right with the writers of Scriptures.
We all know when our body tells us we are hurting. That pain is communicating to us a problem. Answering the question why does this hurt? That's a very good question. Finding the answer not only helps the pain but it helps us with the causes of pain. Some pain it is wonderful to just get relief from it. And most of the time our body heals while we get relief. 
Sometimes the pain indicates that we have to get help to fix the problem. Other times pain is a warning and we must do something to put a stop to it. 
Pain becomes a problem when its chronic or overwhelming. The cry of “why” you can feel the pain. Pain often can be helpful but at the same time it can be unuseful if the “state” is prolong or terminal.
Along the way in life teaches us there is no escaping problems and pain. One way or another we have to go through it. We live in a fallen world and God has his purposes with the things that are and that isn't going to change anytime soon. Bad people in Paris are going to kill innocent people, crazy broken evil people are going to kill children in school. Demented agendas become more important then people.
In the context of difficult and painful experiences caused by evil or even things going drastically wrong with our bodies, why doesn't always cut it. Job shares with us that we need to discover the who that can go with us through the pain is what we need. The truth is we are all going to experience the ultimate loss of life and the most important thing that we need is to trust the one that can take us through that. 
We may find people who can help us through our darkest day. We may need courage courage to stand up to evil. It took our soldiers to go through the darkest days of World War II to end the suffering of Holocaust. The people of London had to suffer much before Hitler was stopped. We may be an accident with broken bone and body and have to go through the pain of care by medical people. We may have to endure a long recovery and possibly some loss and chronic pain. Learning to trust God through these things in seeing how God uses these things to make us more like Jesus is a big part of the purpose of pain that Styles talks about. Nobody wants it, that is the pain. But that doesn't change the reality that we will go through these things one way or another.
That's why I encourage you to read the article or the book in think through these things. Sometimes we have to pray through these things when we don't want to. We can be angry about it, bitter about it, we can do the blame thing; but it will not change the pain that we go through. Trusting God in our darkest time maybe the hardest thing we have to do. Keep walking

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