Monday, January 26, 2015

The one and only Ernie Banks

1931-2015 Always remember the fingers at bat
Ernie a life well lived. I was too young to see Ernie Banks play his best at shortstop. He had the best pair of hands I remember seeing at first base. Every low throw was easily handled by Ernie. Researching about Ernie he played shortstop with few errors and had pretty good range. By all accounts a knee injury slowed him down. My dad told me that pitchers used to throw at his knees. But the injury came to Ernie Banks in basic training in the army during the Korean War. Ernie served in Germany I did not know that Ernie was a vet and think of the advantages we have today to repair knees. Derrick Rose recovery bears testimony of the change. 
What I was aware of were the nine years Ernie showed up and played two. Hurt, most of those years, he still came close to hitting 30 or more home runs and drive in close to a 100 RBIs. Ernie was the best PR man in baseball. Bill Veech, Phil Wrigley, Ernie Banks, Jack Brickhouse, and Harry Carey framed the “friendly confines.” Ernie coined the phrase and lived it. What makes a Cub fan a Cub fan Ernie had a lot to do with it. 
Ernie's high school did not have a baseball team. Ernie played football, basketball and track. He was good enough to play with the Harlem Globetrotters. Ernie's dad bought him a $3.00 glove and played catch with Ernie. Ernie played on a church fast pitch softball team. Did you know that Ernie was a Texan? He says he got soft hands from picking cotton. He dealt with racism by his desire to make others better. By every account that I read, Ernie made people feel like he had time to listen to their stories. It does seem unanimous that he was a nice guy. 
Ernie forced you if you were racist to see his humanity. He challenged you by just being Ernie. If Ernie is human, then my thinking about the African race is wrong. Today when you listen to people, you would think that nobody had a problem with race. It is always someone else. For me, I still remember the 60s, I remember me. It was a time when I was challenged in my thinking. The one constant reminder for me once is gentle man from Texas who thought the best thing in the world was playing game at Wrigley.
Ernie's positive attitude had to drive people nuts. Hardline winners in baseball are not nice guys. No baseball is designed to win anyway you can. True baseball leans to cheat and to make the umpire call the play. True baseball looks to get an advantage no matter what the costs. We get all out of sorts when somebody is cheating. The Cubs were good at this in the 19th century. Early in the 20th Century they had a double play combination that did not even talk to each other. They were winners, but nobody liked them. 
Nice guys, maybe not
Could there have been a greater contrast between Leo the lip and Ernie Banks? Leo Durocher played for the Yankees, Cardinals winning two world series. With the Yankees he played with the greatest teams in baseball history. "As long as I've got a chance to beat you I'm going to take it,” sums up the true morality in baseball. We have another quote, “Nice guys don’t finish last.” Then there is Ernie. As time moves on Ernie became more vocal. And the more you heard from this guy was the way he was a nice guy. Billy Williams who roomed with him, tells us that what you see and hear from Ernie is the real thing. Leo and Ernie could not be more opposite. Leo wanted to get rid of Ernie but, Ernie had already won the city. Maybe if Leo have been able to get rid of Ernie the Cubs may have won in 69. Ernie's RBI total was high, but his batting average was 50 points lower than his most valuable player years. Mr. Cub was destined to retire as a Cub. No, I think 1969 we can't blame on Ernie. Baseball has to be played well in August and September and the Cubs did not. While Leo wanted to get rid of Ernie, Ernie said that “Leo made me better and stretched me.” So Leo may have help Ernie hit 23 home runs and drive in 106 RBIs thereby helped an injured Ernie hit 500+ home runs. I see in Ernie's insights a competitor who looked at criticism as a way to improve. Every game he gave us what he could and in the end that is all a ball player can do. 

Now that he's gone, people will focus on his flaws. There is a shocker an athlete has flaws. Many have speculated that underneath the smile of Ernie was pain. Maybe, but Ernie went out of his home, genuinely enjoyed talking with people. He let us know how great it was to play baseball on a sunny day with the wind blowing out and maybe on that day it was a doubleheader. Keep walking

Thursday, January 22, 2015

New page how to make indoor biking work.

Remember my older friends to check with your doctor before you begin an exercise program. You are always in control of how are you exercise. Walking with the fat Man is all about adapting to who we are. Follow your doctor's advice and take your time to get fit. 
Portable bike
I am incorporating two new strategies into my winter workouts. I have long been a fan of Leslie Sansone's indoor walking programs. Now I've added two different programs using indoor bikes. My exercise bike is an air bike. Besides the pedaling, the bike can move with upper arm movements. The bike is not made for spin classes but right now I'm adapting with it. When the spin class changes intensity I do the same. Another bike that I can use is just pedals that adjusts the resistance. I have a great chair that I use and it creates a recumbent bike. This gives me good back 
If you have a sitting chair with arm
rests this experience is very doable.
support with a comfortable seat. The newer spin and exercise bikes would be improvement, but until I can save up these bikes this will work. The cycle is very portable and flexible, if I move two smaller quarters this device can be very easily adaptable.
Online spin classes are available. You can join a class with interaction and monitoring at a cost or find free ones. These classes vary in amount of time from 20 to 25 minutes to an hour. You can monitor how long you do the class at your own pace. Start out with a shorter time and build up to a longer time and you can control your intensity. If you are fit you can keep up with the class if you are working to get fit you can pace yourself following the beat of the music where you might not be going as fast as the class but you are changing intensity with them. Or if you need to you can slowdown to keep a healthy heart rate. The spin classes are designed for younger people and right now I haven't seen a spin class for older people. But I'll keep looking.
Note how easy it is to step through.
Stability and comfort with a good
workout. We can age with it.
Another way to use your bike is to follow a virtual trail. You can choose different locations and you can control the speed and Power that you need to use your bike. When you're biking out on the street you can put your bike in a lower gear that keeps you peddling easier to keep the motion of biking. On trails I see a lot of people coasting. That's okay for sightseeing and all movement is good. But when you're biking for fitness you want to keep your legs moving, so bikers use their gears to make that happen. Moving slower to go uphill or to just slow down the intensity change gears. The same is true for indoor biking you just keep changing the gears to keep your legs moving and yet have times where are you are simulating traveling on flat land and going up hills.
So far I've noticed in these workouts some of them tell you when to change gears. Others do not but you can follow the music or how you see the terrain change to make those same changes as you would if you were biking. And once again you can't control your time on the bike. If third way indoor biking is used is watching TV or listening to music. I
have done better listening to music than watching TV. I think a recumbent bike would be best for TV
A spin bike, as with all of these
Suggestions look for the bike that
fits your purpose. Bikes come in
different cost so check it out the
Reviews and purchase the best
quality that you can.
watching. This seat is more comfortable. I wonder if TV makes me more lazy?
I have CP and biking outdoors my recumbent bike has been revolutionary. It is made my bike riding more comfortable and easier to move up hills an overall enjoy a faster ride. The three wheels give me the balance support that I need. The technology for bikes and chairs give many more people with disabilities mobility and fitness options.
My outdoor experiences help me understand making the most of indoor options. The advantages of doing these in a class is the socialization and support that you can get. The advantages of doing them at home are one of safety, exercise that your discretion, and convenience. Biking can help circulation, conditioning, muscle and bone strength. What I like about it is another option along with walking that you can do in the wintertime. You can also exercise when it's hot or bad weather. There is also the safety of your home. Adding a virtual class or experience, we're doing it watching TV Or listening to music gives your mind something to think about while walk biking. For me, biking an indoor walking are activities that I can do without falling. 

I came across a bike that allows you to put your laptop on a stand to bike in an office. They have created desks that you can work from standing. Having wanted you can do biking can't help put movement into your day. It will be interesting to see you what people do with this thinking. Well make sure whether by bike, walk, run or swim to keep walking.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Big idea keep moving

According to an article from the Wall Street Journal, Why Life Expectancy Keeps Rising, it appears as if we're living 1.5 years longer and we did in 2000. That improvement is over short period of time. Longevity has its limits which is why we should enjoy each day. Improvement seems to come because were better at dealing with heart disease cancer and strokes. Consistent with what I've been reading there is a recommendation to improve muscle strengthening as we get older. Having muscle improves our quality-of-life.
A hot topic in health last couple years has taken a closer look at sedimentary living. Sedimentary living is considered to be the new smoking in changing lifestyles for better health. We can be healthy with fat for a while but overtime obesity will hurt our health. When I think about any bad habit that we may acquire over life the results seem to multiply will age. If we partied hard we were younger we pay the fiddler when we get older. But maybe sedimentary living can be a new enemy for us when we retire. Now granite we may have issues with our work environment being sedimentary. The rocking chair may actually becoming at the wrong time. When get older we need to keep moving. 
So here we are, an article, Sedimentary Behavior Trumps Fat as a Killer by Melissa Healy from the Chicago Tribune, where she sites evidence that really affects obese people but also can have a deadly effect on thin people. So if your waistline is under 40 for man or 35 for a woman don't think you're immune if you're sedimentary. We were created to move Leslie Sansone often says. For me I have to eat to live and be more effective losing weight.
All of us need to move when we are 50s and older. It is real easy to encounter problems that can slow us down. If aging is the reason we're slowing down, what I find interesting is as we adapt how reasonable new goals can be established. Walking for short periods throughout the day can I have a major impact on her health. Another strategy if we can walk 20 minutes a day it can make all the difference in the world. Strength training can be real simple using household products to exercise all parts of our body. Getting dumbbells, resistance bands and I've talked about suspension training are always we can adapt strength training. Doing push-ups off the counter, or even off-the-wall standing straight can offer resistance that helps us. The further you move your feet back the more resistant sure you will have. If you have a walker, you can do squats from a comfortable chair in the support of your walker. 

For senior fitness, you have your doctor, and if you have need of a physical therapist your doctor will work with you on that. There are a lot of good websites that have good information about senior fitness. You can go to your library and there are resources there. I know what the local senior citizens Center there is support. I will keep throwing out a lot of ideas, but you and your doctor have to decide what's right for you. The main thing I am saying there are a lots of ways to put moving into your life. Keep walking

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Biked in Southern California this morning, right in my living room.

The guy filming kept camera on the road, I would be sightseeing.
Probably good I wasn't biking outdoors.
In my indoor bike workout today I kept up with the cadence of the bikers moving along the California coast I think. It was a beautiful ride. Matching the beat count of the bikers simulated what you doing you biking on a trail. I've bike for 34 minutes. In afternoon I'll have a strength training workout as I mixup my days. There are plenty of videos of different locations for people bike. The simulation is different then spin training and today I did it off to a recumbent bike which consist of a chair in a portable cycle. The portable cycle is really good for seniors.
One of the nice things I like about biking is that it takes the stress off my back. I am working at extending my times on my feet so that I know for longer walks. Biking right now gives me extended time for conditioning. Fitness when we get older is probably more about adapting then it is competing. Fitness for your heart and body comes in the focus over trying to fit into some old clothes. A young bride and groom trying to fit into their wedding clothes makes sense. Oh when you're older the relaxed fit make sense. 

Last night’s meal was really good. I made the fruit salad which was easy and Barb made some fish and chips without using any oils or fat. I know she baked it but I don't know the recipe. But it was good. Keep walking

Friday, January 16, 2015

Prayer is no pat answer

Earlier this week I had a devotion in Psalm 77 from Radio Bible class. Today I took time to study psalm 77 and to read it carefully. Looking at it right now from the HCSB Bible. If you're trying to make sense of Psalm 77 it is a good idea to have an English Bible that attempts to put the verses together in paragraphs. You can divide the Psalm into sections: 77:1-9 and 77:10-20. The first section can be divided 1-3; 4-6; 7-9. The second section can be divided 10-12; 13-15; 16-20. If you want on outline you can use the following format.

77:1-9 (Big idea) - 
  • 1-3 (support idea) -
  • 4-6 (support idea) - 
  • 7-9 (support idea) - 

77:10-20 (Big Idea) - 
  • 10-12 (support idea) - 
  • 13-15 (support idea) - 
  • 16-20 (support idea) - 

Read the verses then make up the two big ideas of the Psalm. Have a little fun and use only 3 to 5 words to describe those big ideas.
Then read the Psalm again using the support ideas and again only use 3 to 5 words to give the idea of each supporting section. Force yourself to come up with these brief titles we'll give you a good handle on what the Psalm is all about. I also think you'll get a good sense of difficult times and trying to come to terms with it.

We are in a time of crisis we may pray but I have no sense that God is answering our prayer. We may in fact be in the middle of a problem that we have to go through. It may be the most unpleasant of experiences. Our reactions maybe a ton of questions. We may in fact experienced the most negative emotions. Our perspective could be unbalanced at the time and we may not be seeing everything.

What did the writer draw upon to understand his own circumstances? How did he get through his awful night? When do you think he know he had answers to prayer? Prayers not a cliché nor is it a pat answer. It is not the why that gets us through, but the who. Prayer is honest in heartfelt. Songs in the night… keep walking

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Cool stuff from the Net

Sarah Haley adapts a burpee 
Today's the day that I look at health news around the net and, I was reading the LA Times. They have besides an article, a video demonstration of an adapted burpee. Sarah Haley who is pregnant demonstrates how to adapt a burpee when pregnant. She uses a chair on a carpet floor and shows for different adaptions you can do. There are harder adaptions if you're one that has been doing burpees and easier movements if the exercises newto you.
I am unable to do a Burpee from the floor due to being older and I having CP. So being the old fat man that I am, I thought to myself, I can adapt this for me. So I went to the counter and tried the movement that Sarah showed on the video. I now have one more exercise I can do for the fat man exercises. You can check out her video and see how you can adapt the movement. Sarah was able to do a burpee from the ground. You always have to know your fitness level and find a safe way to do what you can do.
Climbing El Capitan
Kevin Jorgensen 30, and Tommy Cardwell 36, succeeded in climbing El Capitan in Yosemite national Park in 19 days. There were nights where they climbed using flashlights connected to their heads and they slept in tents that they staked to the walls. They took two years to train for this. They did this using only their hands and feet and safety rope. And tweeted “this is not an effort to conquer. It is about realizing a dream.” The climb is 200 stories and one of the hardest climbs and world. Jorgensen fell 11 times so it goes without saying how wonderful to have a safety rope.
Challenging yourself is a good part of living. Doing it as safe as you can, that's wise. Carelessness if you live, you will pay for later. Doing these body exercises helps keep my body pain free from arthritis. Particularly squats and push-ups have help my joints. I know that I'm stronger, not as strong as I was in my 20s but I am stronger then I was at 55. Not moving can be very dangerous for us. I was reading how FDR inability to move brought on his premature death. It is too bad he could not have been more open about it and brought in therapy that could've realistically helped him.

I think we all have health or life concerns that it would be better to be honest about it and deal with it as best we could. People like politicians and actors have to be aware of public image. It is one of the reasons why I write, I know I am flawed but I just as well be open about it and move forward. Be encouraged and keep walking.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

"That was pretty good!" Can be better than perfect

Its me playing for Joliet Junior College, 1970
Are we ever satisfied with ourselves? There's something within us that really keeps trying to strive for more. 
A doctor learns a new medical treatment and seeks to perfect the procedure that helps save many patients. That Dr. may go ahead and share what he or she has learned with other doctors and multiply his success. There is a sense of the doctor should kickback and enjoy the roses of a job well done. 
It has to be similar for an athlete who wins a contest or even a championship. He or she should take a moment to enjoy the success and maybe later think about it and share it as the story grows over time. 
If you listen to any great baseball announcer they tell a story that ages gracefully. There isn't really a comparison between the game today and the game of yesteryear. No, the story teller is wiser than that. The old story has been retold and each time grows as the story itself takes on a life of its own. If you find yourself getting bored with the x’s and o’s where the analyst goes on and on. You will recognize the great broadcaster who masterfully weaves the story of the game from legend to history of the moment. Just in case that doesn't workout, the old story can be a great metaphor of life.
I can sit back and recall playing a five set tennis match at a beautiful park. I lost the first two sets and came back and won the last three. My opponent usually beats me. Two sets I won 9-7 and 7-5. We drank water out of the tennis can filled up at the park’s water fountain. My waist size was somewhere between 33-35 inches. Four sets I played without my shirt. The tennis shorts favored strong legs. That particular day was good to think about. The rackets were wood and the game was slower to favor a strong serve and volley style. If I could shorten the point, it was better for my game. 
Tad Davis racket had a sweet sound and had good
balance for the one handed player.
I worked on my game mainly because I wanted to be more competitive. I never won a personal championship in tennis but I was on two championship teams in college. I helped other players become better doubles players. Perfection is just about impossible when you have cerebral palsy. Every time you go to hit a ball, it can be a new experience. Perfection implies consistency, so by definition, difficult to achieve in this body. I came up with a workable goal. “That was pretty good!” It may or may not have been perfect but it was pretty good. If you watch me play back then, you'd probably notice I was in a constant conversation with myself. 
No, our Dr. will go back to the drawing room, our doctor discovered other problems and quite possibly with the same problem. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes still remain and caused havoc. 
Our tennis player ages and goes into coaching. The game is no longer played with the sweet sound of wood but with the woosh of new technology. Everybody hits the ball 20 to 30 miles an hour faster. Serve and volley has just about become history. Yet there's a lot of things to work on to help younger players reach a goal of “that was pretty good.” Someday when the coach is gone and for the most part forgotten, that young player will remember playing when his waist was small and he drank water from his then obsolete water filter. He never heard the sweet sound of wood, but he reflects on the sound of woosh of his old racket that nobody plays with anyone more. 

Not satisfied with how you look, weight, health, relationships, money, spiritual life? There are a lot of good goals we can think about that are worthwhile to pursue. So try this attitude, “that was pretty good”. Keep walking

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Having a good day and learning about listening

A Frederick Remington Painting
Today has been a beautiful day outside. Nice blue sky, about 21° a good temperature for this time year. I have been sitting in the sunshine doing all the good things for a healthy day. Before I got up at 7:45 this morning I thought through what I would like to do today. I got up got a couple coffee and listened to a nice devotional from Radio Bible Class. Visited Facebook and twitter and then went for a mile walk. Had another couple coffee, read my newspapers, got up for three fitness routines. As I had a yogurt with three servings of fruit. 
I don't know about you but I have to take several medicines. One thing that I have learned is that if you drink a lot of water after you take the medicines it helps your body to processed the medicines and your liver. So what without really given it much thought I have a huge mug of water that I sip on during the morning. 
Back to my good day, every half hour so I've been getting up using my body exercises and suspension training. After lunch I will go for another mile walk and do a little flexibility. The afternoon for me will I will take up writing and texting since it seems very few people really want you talking to them on the phone. Let me know if you like me to call you. It would be more unique if I could take a blanket and smoke and send you an Indian messages, the very few people speak in the old languages.
The Boy Scouts still teach to send smoke signals. Three short puffs mean you are in trouble in wilderness. It also can be seen by others that you are there, so be prepared.
The Wall Street Journal had an interesting article on improving your listening skills. Truth was, I had to read the article twice to understand it. My reading wasn't listening too good. I think the main thing is to turn off all distractions and turned to the person you're listening to like your spouse and say and feel, "I care about you I want to hear what you say." It is been my experience in marriage I am not always the easiest listener. And poor Barb she has heard my rantings for years.
My Greek studies have never been better. The resources on the Internet had just blown me away. In the Greek New Testament there are just over 5000 words that you have to learn. If you learned the most occurring 300 words you have learned 80% of the New Testament. The remaining 20% now that can be a challenge. But I think is doable. I have read several places where language study can really be good for the aging brain. Would you like to learn Klingon, or the languages of the Lord of the Rings. Or maybe you would settle for something like French, Spanish, or Chinese. There are tools available today that can make this a good thing.
By the way did you know that the Klingons have their own Bible.

We have a new soup recipe in the crock pot today. It fills the room up with a great aroma. Just so you know since I need to work on my phone skills you can call me anytime. If I'm sleeping I won't hear you probably but I would be glad to hear from you. Well, it's time for lunch and a walk and then some writing. Keep walking

Monday, January 5, 2015

It's Greek to me!

yes, Study Greek comfortably
Studies have shown that learning a language is good for the older brain. Any kind of new learning builds new connections and physically keeps our brains growing. Why learning the language? Maybe you're planning the trip to a country and would like to learn the basic travel words. As you return today country you can have basic Conversations in order off the menu. Maybe you have met new friends. Each time you get a new opportunity to build your vocabulary and experiencing their language.
Why do I want to learn koine Greek? It is an old language. We would have a similar experience trying to learn the English of Bede or Chaucer. My focus in particular is the New Testament. There are 5437 Greek words in the New Testament. If I learn 330 of them I will know 80% of the vocabulary in the New Testament. I am going to embark on a two-year study to be able to read koine Greek in the Bible it is increasingly easy way. 
I studied Greek in college but it was hard for me. Over the years I've visited my Greek New Testament and was familiar with word studies. I used to the Discovery Bible based on a New American Standard Bible to pick up insights of what the Greek emphasize and showed grammatically. Studying the Bible in our native language is by far the best thing we can do. It is the language we think of. 
I was always fascinated with how bilingual people can think in two languages. Have the ability to converse in either language shows how the brain switches gears. I had a similar experience a few years back. I answered the telephone and one of the teachers I work with in Liberia, John who earned a doctorate in Minnesota is on the phone. As he was talking to me in Liberian English I was lost for a  couple sentences. I couldn't pick up his thoughts. Then as he was speaking, my brain hit a switch and returned to time when I lived in Liberia and spoke and heard the language John was speaking. Now the words were clear and I too speaking in Liberian, full of new accents, new endings and unique words. 
Learning a language today there is so much opportunity. There are programs, classes, and support to learn these things right from your computer, phone or pad. 
Aprender un idioma hoy en día hay tantas oportunidades. Hay programas, clases, y apoyo para aprender estas cosas desde su computadora, teléfono o almohadilla.
We are able to translate instantly on our computer. When I write a blog there are people who can read this in their own languages with a touch of a button. From your phone it is possible to carry on a conversation with someone you meet overseas. With speech recognition you literally can talk into your device and it will translated in another language. Your new contact could reply in their language and it instantly translate into yours. These programs are only going to get better and soon we will be able to talk back and forth with universal translators via Star Trek. 
I picked up two classes from the Internet to help me make a better transition  into reading the New Testament in Greek. These classes will be part of a two-year process that I hope helps me reach my goal. Essentially they are the first year Greek class. But in the second year I will continue my course of study into intermediate Greek. Every day I will practice reading for my Greek New Testament and I will try to learn as many of those 5437 words that I need to learn. 
I can feel my brain growing. Yes losing my old memories but I can make new ones.

Keep walking

New Year Resolutions or Resolute?

Resolutions, do we keep them? Maybe I'm having a senior moment, finding a better question is do we remember them. Our chances are better if we make the same resolution every year. But alas for me I can't remember. I do know that I think about resolutions about this time of year. The things I am resolute about I make those decisions every once in a while. A months ago, I took time to rethink the fat man walking. Having imperfect health, is the whole idea of the fat man walking. There is always something to work.
Through the blog, I am discussed my struggles with mental health, weight, fitness, insomnia, aging, healing, falling in many common problems that we all face. Along way I share what I learn something's affect other people as well. The good news is many things that I am struggling with I've made progress and there's been healing. But some things still remain unresolved. Now we generally have a very short term patience with ill health of others around us. We wanted to be able to move on. Many things where dealing with are ongoing and there are few cures. But many of those things have ways of coping with them so that they're manageable. That's a big part of the fat Man walking. 
Calvin is the best
I have been fascinated learning how to cope with aging, modifying fitness, enjoying healthy things to eat, and finding the joys of living. I share what I learn with the idea staying open about my life and learning things.
In rethinking the fat man, I have decided to make a serious attempt to be less of a fat man. To be happy with it I have to be less obsessive about it. Each day is filled with good decisions, being a little kind to myself, pursue other things and find ways to focus on others. Fitness is simple, there're a lot of ways to strength train, take time to walk, and fine fun things to do. Throwing a little flexibility moment there you have it.
Moving forward I hope to share with you what I'm learning about building friendships this year. Mental health and growing through the things we face I believe is timeless. There is a science and art of health that I think is worth sharing. Most of my motivations resolutions have to do with reducing pain. Reducing pain is a good thing to do for others. When I think about it, it has a lot more to do all of us than just medical people. When we her personally involved problem we are motivated to learn a lot about it. Without thinking about it we actually become resolved in some way. 
So hopefully this year I'll be I will become a smaller person. With all my kids and grandkids I definitely seem to be shrinking so in a way I'm already achieving my goal. 

Blogging has been away for me to improve my writing. My audience is still out there. The Internet is getting censored by governments. I hope my blog is not part of that censorship. Aging, working through our health problems, thinking through emotional, mental, and spiritual ideas are sort of the big things in life. Keep walking