Monday, January 5, 2015

It's Greek to me!

yes, Study Greek comfortably
Studies have shown that learning a language is good for the older brain. Any kind of new learning builds new connections and physically keeps our brains growing. Why learning the language? Maybe you're planning the trip to a country and would like to learn the basic travel words. As you return today country you can have basic Conversations in order off the menu. Maybe you have met new friends. Each time you get a new opportunity to build your vocabulary and experiencing their language.
Why do I want to learn koine Greek? It is an old language. We would have a similar experience trying to learn the English of Bede or Chaucer. My focus in particular is the New Testament. There are 5437 Greek words in the New Testament. If I learn 330 of them I will know 80% of the vocabulary in the New Testament. I am going to embark on a two-year study to be able to read koine Greek in the Bible it is increasingly easy way. 
I studied Greek in college but it was hard for me. Over the years I've visited my Greek New Testament and was familiar with word studies. I used to the Discovery Bible based on a New American Standard Bible to pick up insights of what the Greek emphasize and showed grammatically. Studying the Bible in our native language is by far the best thing we can do. It is the language we think of. 
I was always fascinated with how bilingual people can think in two languages. Have the ability to converse in either language shows how the brain switches gears. I had a similar experience a few years back. I answered the telephone and one of the teachers I work with in Liberia, John who earned a doctorate in Minnesota is on the phone. As he was talking to me in Liberian English I was lost for a  couple sentences. I couldn't pick up his thoughts. Then as he was speaking, my brain hit a switch and returned to time when I lived in Liberia and spoke and heard the language John was speaking. Now the words were clear and I too speaking in Liberian, full of new accents, new endings and unique words. 
Learning a language today there is so much opportunity. There are programs, classes, and support to learn these things right from your computer, phone or pad. 
Aprender un idioma hoy en día hay tantas oportunidades. Hay programas, clases, y apoyo para aprender estas cosas desde su computadora, teléfono o almohadilla.
We are able to translate instantly on our computer. When I write a blog there are people who can read this in their own languages with a touch of a button. From your phone it is possible to carry on a conversation with someone you meet overseas. With speech recognition you literally can talk into your device and it will translated in another language. Your new contact could reply in their language and it instantly translate into yours. These programs are only going to get better and soon we will be able to talk back and forth with universal translators via Star Trek. 
I picked up two classes from the Internet to help me make a better transition  into reading the New Testament in Greek. These classes will be part of a two-year process that I hope helps me reach my goal. Essentially they are the first year Greek class. But in the second year I will continue my course of study into intermediate Greek. Every day I will practice reading for my Greek New Testament and I will try to learn as many of those 5437 words that I need to learn. 
I can feel my brain growing. Yes losing my old memories but I can make new ones.

Keep walking

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