Friday, May 26, 2017

Congratulations Donavon, you got that Steelman spirit (article a grandfather's perspective)

I read a couple of articles how walking helps the aging brain deal with dementia. One article reported what walking an hour three time a week did for those dealing with vascular dementia. Another Report talked about the benefits of short briefer walks benefiting those suffering from dementia.
The back trap for both of these reports show the value of controlling blood pressure and improving our vascular health.
I have reported research regarding how exercise can actually develop more brain cells. With heart disease and vascular disease activities that prevent or slowdown the progress of disease is time well spent. I highly recommend forming the habit of walking everyday. I had to replace walking with biking and I've been pretty consistent with it now for about six weeks. I have also been saying no to the two many bad habits I have about food, taking in less calories than I use. Hurrah!
Keeping the blood flow to our brain and arteries open takes little active participation on our part. One day at a time. 
Donavon at reward ceremony
Today I have another grandson, Donovan Sontag graduating from Joliet Central. He is a cool kid. In grade school he had a desire to play soccer. He played for JT his freshman and sophomore years. He had talent, but JT has a lot of good soccer players. He had a knee injury and foot injury and he's still tried to compete for the varsity team but was not selected. He got involved with club soccer and continued to play. He visited a college and had a tryout in which he impressed the coach and was given a tuition cut to play on the team. The JT soccer coach who cut him from varsity did not have the courtesy to recognize the effort of an athlete who fought back from injury to play a sport he loves. I was a coach, and if, a player continued to rehab and make progress in the sport; I still would be glad to talk about his progress at such an event recognizing athletes moving ahead playing in colleges. Whatever was going on in the coaches’ head I am unaware. Thanks to the assistant athletic director for speaking on Donovan’s behalf. For me it is easy, Donavon you had two significant injuries and you rehabbed back to playing again. You got guts kid.
I hope all of can fight back when adversity comes. Keep walking

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Working on Consistent

Working on being consistent concerning diet and exercise. The two activities for me feed into each other supporting each other into actually doing them. Moving increases flexibility and one thing about doing different walk programs with Leslie Sansone improves balance. I have an ongoing program where I walk 3 to 5 minutes on my walk breaks, with the goal walking a mile and now working to mile 2. Biking while listening to a book changing the resistances as I go really helps.
It is a lot harder getting more aerobically fit and flexible. My
Leslie Sansone
number one goal relates to healthier arteries and endurance. The process is more like therapy then conditioning. Each day I wanted to see this through for better weight loss and health. I feel better not giving up, I fighting back.
I have been enjoying my virtual travels to Israel with Wayne Stiles. We traveled to Capernaum this month. The possible location of Peter's house in the first century has a church over it now with the glass floor. I preferred it out in the open.
Wayne Stiles at Capernaum
Wayne gives an excellent tour of Capernaum with a theme of living intentionally as Jesus did at Capernaum. To enjoy these virtual travels there is a cost. The productions are first class.
In my graduate class Hebrews through Revelation with Dr. Stanley Toussaint. I am going through at a snail’s pace doing an inductive study of the book. Fun for me, is reading Drs. W. H. Griffen Thomas, J. Vernon McGee, Dwight Pentecost, Zane Hodges, Radmacher, Charles Swindoll, Thomas Constable all have taught at Dallas Seminary through the years. With this study I am also looking at the Greek New Testament and a few other resources  to challenge my old mind. The study for me is first and foremost inductive based on observation where the book of Hebrews is a book that shares Christ revealed is superior to angels, Moses, Aaron, the Tabernacle and Offerings with Maturity in Christ being superior to any model of superiority you can attempt to live by. The life of Christ is lived out by faith and there are five warnings in the book of spiritual sickness that can be a terminal in our life where we have become fruitless and ineffective. The warning relate to wood, hay and stubble in the Christian life and not the life of an unbeliever. The message to the unbeliever is always trust the Savior. 
Keep walking