Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Thanks Flora for the strawberries, bringing the garden inside

Strawberries from garden
Part of walking is eating healthy food and at the right portions. Putting the right food in our bodies helps our health. So far with that no big revelation. One of the things I have done right these last 5 1/2 years is each day to have five to nine portions of fruits and veggies every day. The truth is with the pain in my ankle gone and a recovery from depression I have gone back to being more mindful of what and how much I am eating. For several weeks now I take it a day at a time. I have reduced my carb portions and made sure I surrounded my plate with veggies. I m mindful again of late night eating and with the walking no surprise, I am starting to lose weight again.
I have shared these ideas before on the blog which reminds me healthy eating has to become a lifestyle. If you are like me and link food somehow to emotional eating you know it ain't easy.
I have learned new things and I think it has done me well. But like weeds in the garden, we have to weed our diet. Old habits die hard. Being healthy emotionally and free from the pinched nerve, I have the focus to do some weeding.
The beautiful strawberries come from an old friend who gave us 12 plants when she moved to start our patch. (I'll write about my friend Flora, she is 99) Over the years my yard along the fence has been claimed by the patch. This year the early warmth and in the last weeks occasional rain has produced a bumper crop. Along with the patch we have a large garden and herb garden. Growing fresh veggies is all part of a healthy life. The herbs help us trade fat for taste. These foods in our diet helps us against heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. There is no question about it, these diseases are our three enemies against a long and quality life. Remember 5 is fine 9 divine in fruits and veggies.
Gosh they are good looking and smart
Liam, Tanya, Billy
Tanya my daughter in law has been transforming our porch and yard with flowering plants. Her and I are in agreement to bring the garden indoors. I saw this in California at Robert's and Janet's home where when you look out each window there was a view to be had filled with plants and flowers. When you went outdoors there were sitting places to also give great views of the gardens he planted that blended with the mountains around them. Closer to home my friend Ken Gill has made an oasis in his back yard.   For me it was like a revelation. I don't have the mountains but my neighbor has a love for a garden and we are planting a wall of beauty between our two yards. My other neighbor knows veggie gardens, what I have learned from him has made me a gardener. A garden doesn't half to be perfect. To have shared interests with neighbors is priceless. We are all three so different. Working with Tanya will be fun. She has great ideas. Beside adding beauty and life to the yard it gives outdoor living space that adds to the quality of life. A little side benefit is steps and exercise that is good in itself. I wear a huge hat, got to protect the dome.
I read an article from the New York Times about a study that shows exercise may be bad for you. The study subjects about 10% of people who exercise have ill effects. Like all headlines, read the article. The study does not look at long term effects of exercise nor dos it take into account doctor's supervision and counsel. For people in aged or poor health it has been found brief periods of movements can be very beneficial. The other side of the study shows 90% are helped. Any way, look at the article yourself.
Keep walking

Monday, May 28, 2012

Remembering William Reeves Sr.

William Norman Reeves Sr. at 15 in WWII
I have written of friends whose fathers did some amazing things in WWII. On this Memorial Day I would like to remember my dad, William Norman Reeves Sr. "Jake". He never said he was a hero or in battle, but in 1943 at the age of 15 he enlisted in the Navy. That says something. His older brother and sister enlisted in the Navy and I sure that is why he did it.
He lived through the depression and he always like Navy food. I don't remember my dad complaining about any food. He always kept his weight down. He told me of boot camp and he took me to Great Lakes Naval Station and showed me buildings still standing from when he was there. After his death I was never able to return to the base. That is too bad.
He said boot camp was tough but he was proud to have made it through. He told me about traveling to the West Coast and being shipped to the Pacific.
I am not sure he was aware of the dangers as he traveled on a troupe ship. Some these ships were sank. But maybe he was as "scuttlebutt" went round the ship. The scuttlebutt is a drinking fountain on a ship where sailors would gather to here the latest gossip. They went to Pearl and from there he was sent to Guam. He told me of how he got over sea sickness. He was down below with most of the young sailors and he became very sick. After 3 weeks an older sailor grabbed him by the seat of the pants and told him he was going to give him he secret to over come it. He told my dad to "look at the horizon and the sickness will pass." My dad said that did it and he never got sick again.
While he was in the Navy he and it seems alot of other sailors took up boxing. My dad had fast hands and was pretty good at it. At some point he was stationed on Guam waiting to be sent to another ship when they discovered his age. At that point my dad said, "I went from seeing the world to KP duty." He hated peeling potatoes. He stayed in the Navy and it was considered to dangerous to send him back home. The Navy would wait until he became of age where he would be given another posting.
He lived in Quonset huts like these
While he was on a ship he told me one story where the captain let all the new sailors go swimming off a reef. He felt the captain had a sense of humor for all 5000 men were in a wave that went over the reef, "bare ass" was how he described it. We all got cut up pretty good. As far as I know my dad never went back in the ocean to swim. He thought I was nuts for liking to swim in ocean.
Guam he described as hot and humid and it rained everyday. He went souvenir hunting in the caves of Guam. I found out later there was still fighting going on in the middle of the island. He crawled in one cave and came across decapitated bodies. He told me "I was done looking for souvenirs, it gave me the creeps" and he said some other colorful language as I recall. He received new orders for an all out invasion of Japan when they dropped the bombs on Japan. It was always his belief that the "Japs" would fight till the end. He felt the bombs saved lives including his own.
While the war was still going on my dads brother Cliff was able to see my dad for one day. He said it was his happiest day in the service. After the war ended, he listened to on radio the Cubs playing the World Series. Listening about his favorite team thousands of miles away was a big deal. He was 17. he soon was discharged from the navy as they downsized.
From his bar experiences my dad told me, "You here anybody bragging about war and how brave they were never was in it." I read his letters and he never said one thing other than his experiences as a kid on a navy station. The war could have continued and who knows what could have happened to the kid who signed up at 15. But at 17 he was aware of how things were in the Pacific. Memorial Day isn't just abut flag raising, but remembering kids often made great sacrifices to keep our freedom and the American experience going.
One thing my father gave me was the will to get up and try again. I think you see it throughout my blog. My being handicap, really affected my dad. When I was a kid, my dad would keep walking when I fell. He told me that Dr. Hedges told him to do that, so that I would learn to get up and keep going. He told me that he never got used to my falling. He played catch with me and taught me most sports. He bought me equipment so that I was always on somebodies team because I had a bat or ball that we played with. If anybody bullied me my dad always had my back. He also helped me stand up to bullies. He taught how to box and to fight. They are different. For sure dad's method are somewhat outdated but I am who am in a large part because of him. Keep walking

Sunday, May 27, 2012

No polyps and boy do we need water when it is hot

Hot weather walking
Water is your friend
I have several blogs I follow of fellow walkers. Scott is walking to retirement with the goal in mind to do 100 walk competitions before he retires. I hope he continues to walk in retirement. Scott that would be a great title for your continuing blog. is a lady who walks in half or full marathons. She trains 5 or 6 miles daily. She trains in Florida which is real nice from October through early May but in the summer months it would be brutal. Read her blog walking in the heat. She offers some good tips
  • walk before the sun goes up. I observed in my mother's retirement village down in Florida, that there were 20-30 senior walkers walking before the sun gets up. The temperature is in the high 60's to low 70's with no sun or car movement. (Cleaner air to breath) Plus you get to see nocturnal animals
  • She uses indoor walking strategies and work  outs including Leslie Sansone tapes and Cd's. Her workouts include a total body work out and weight resistance.
  • I would add clothes designed to cut down sun exposure. I love my big hat. No sunburn dome for me thank you. When I snorkel I where a bandanna and and a tee shirt with plenty of sunscreen. It is not about looks but feeling good later because I didn't get burned.
  •  Water and nutrition is vital in walking in the heat. Our bodies air-condition with sweat. You will need more water that 8 glasses on hot days when you exert yourself in the heat.
Walking before the sun rises has two advantages: cooler and
no cars
There are alot of good sources that talk about hydration and exercise.  and Over the years Cooper Aerobics has reported about water and exercise. On article by Carla Sottovia, Ph.D., is assistant fitness director and senior personal trainer at Cooper Fitness Center gives this advise:
In order to avoid becoming dehydrated during physical activity, follow these fluid intake guidelines:

Two hours prior to beginning an exercise session, drink two cups of water (one cup = eight ounces).

15 minutes before, drink one cup of fluids.

Every 10 to 15 minutes during exercise, drink 1/2 to one cup of fluids

After exercising, drink one to two cups of fluid for every one pound of body weight lost (or until "urine" becomes pale).
When I went to Israel one of the themes we looked at was where there is water there is life. I remember being at Engeti an oasis David went to in the desert near the middle of the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is a water source that is unusable. I swam in the pools of Engeti and filled my canteen there and drank the sweet water. Wells are still important as they were in the days of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. At Jacob well Jesus helped the  woman to see that He was the living water. John 4, Isa. 55:1; Rev. 22:17. The living water refers to eternal life given freely to those who put their faith in Jesus as their Savior.

Engdi, nice place to swim
Water, we are made of it and it is crucial in our life here. walking, workout, yard work and moving we need it. Over all it beats what ever we drink and is always good for us. In the same way faith in Jesus is foundational for our spiritual ife and health.
One more thing, I hope my blogs  are helpful and as much as I can be have sound ideas. The Internet is public and there are all kinds of silly things out there. Somebody posted on my face book a silly notion of drops to miraculously help you loose weight. I reported it as spam as soon as I became aware of it. I am not a doctor or expert.  I may report things I read and share my experiences, but it is always a good idea to check out what I say. Your doctor knows you and even then you are responsible for your own choices. How many times have you checked out a second opinion. My GP encourages me to do that. He often helps me find experts to help me. There have been times when I have come back with good people I have found. On doctor really knew about Tinnitus and I can't wait to show him my orthopedic brace made by a specialist. My care given by my GP is priceless.
Along these lines my colonoscopy had no polyps or pre-cancer cells. In my prep I did something you may find is 7th grade humor. I watched a funny movie on my computer sitting in the bathroom. A colonoscopy is much better than colon cancer. We may hate the preps but colon cancer is far worse. Keep walking

Friday, May 25, 2012

Ordinary got you down

Dig deeper in Prov. 31:10-31 - A homemaker is an challenging
occupation these days. Even in the workplace moms often have
unchallengeing jobs.
Wayne Styles in his blog poses a good concern, "Making it through  an ordinary day." By ordinary the problem can be boring, routine, same old thing. If I dig a little deeper, it has to mean my work is over looked or I am undervalued, taken for granted. Wayne makes a valid point that it is from the daily routine that comes surprising opportunities. He cites David who had exciting adventures as a shepherd in protecting his sheep from wild animals but he was on a family errand when he confronted Goliath when nobody else was willing. Those earlier experience gave David confidence he could defeat the giant. If we are faithful in doing the little things of life we will be prepared to go greater things. In my daily walks and workouts I will be able to continue to live well as I age. Opportunities to go on outings or hikes will remain a possibility for years to come.
But what if ordinary is unchallenging or unrewarded. That is what I see in the photo he used on the blog. How many moms feel unappreciated? How many people are in dead in jobs with routines and expectations are low? No matter where we live this is the stuff that wears us down. Many routines are good and part of us don't have to think or fret about. But all of us want to have work and life where we are esteemed and what we do helps us and those we serve. In one blog or many blogs I want to tell you I am working these things out in my own life.
This year I have quit beating myself up about my job. I help kids and teachers and I have benefits and a paycheck. Not bad in a time of economic uncertainties. I have looked at each day as an opportunity to improve the learning environment with my talents and effort.  I will this summer look at training to become certified to run groups and help people with therapy. How ever far I get I will be able to do pastoral work and I can do these things in my retirement years. What am I doing now and how does it help me and my family? What value is it for others? And is there changes I can do to improve my lot? What I can not change can I come to terms with it?
We all been there
Work by its very nature provides a living and helps others. If my option are to come to terms with it; what can I do to change my attitude or expect to be treated with respect. If I have to make changes, what can I do each day to implement those changes? What help can I get for support? Can I hang in there long enough? Tough things to work through. These things aren't answers per say but things to work through, you are worth it.
At 55 I realized I needed to make changes for my health. I learned it would take weeks of walking before I would start to see a change. Some changes like better blood work, cholesterol, weight, artery health, would take months. Making the 3/4 plate my portion could take 5 months to make a new habit. I stayed at the walks and diet changes and things began to change. Two years ago I had some set backs and worked through them and I am back on track. Was it worth it? Absolutely! I am alive and I am looking forward to what is ahead. Today I cut my grass and everything about the chore was better. Aerobically I was in good shape for the task. Later today I will take an indoor walk. I am already at 8,000 steps. I haven't even told you today is my jello day for tomorrow will be my colostomy. Tomorrow I am giving my self a free pass. After the test I will eat very light and take it easy. I will do the same Sunday. Monday it will be back to walking. Keep walking

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Walking the dog at night on more sedimentry days

Leslie Sansone is pretty upbeat to walk with
This is me being honest again, my walk at work was cut back today because of exam schedules and different tasks today. I had all good intentions of mowing the lawn today but I didn't. Watched a little TV or maybe a little more than a little. I could feel that I needed to move a little so I did some evening shores an wanted to test my ankle brace with Leslie's Sandsone's video I have under pages "Online Workouts featuring Leslie's one mile walk which is perfect late at night with easy movements which you easily cool down and begin to relax with a good book with decaf tea. You will be in bed in no time,
It did the ticket, muscles loosen up, I got the blood moving, push breathing deeper in to the body and most of muscles in the body got involved. What look like a step count too low for the day I added 3000 extra to the day leaving me a total of over 8000 steps.I nice end of the day. I did a cool down and read for about 15 minutes and I was ready to sleep. When Dr. Cooper had a TV program he called such a walk as walking the dog. Leslie' video stayed with about 6 easy moves. Her walk was about 15 minutes.
There are days when we don't get a good walk of 30 minutes in. There are days when we don't get enough steps to move us out of a sedimentary day. I nice easy walk at the end of the day is good for those days. Leslie's walks add muscles we don't use on a walk. Leslie has more challenging walks we can do earlier in the day that are a real workout. The value of indoor walking is huge due to bad weather days or times when it would not be safe to walk outdoors.
I did not get to 10,000 steps but any day you do it is like your body had a thirty minute work out. Keep walking.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Taking care of colon health....God and me ain't wrong, girls you are worth walking

Real people walking are beautiful just
as they are
Well it is time for my colostomy this weekend. The fat man waking started with a checkup. Unlike a very funny episode about tree friends taking a special trip to Palm Springs where they thought they would have a good time in Men of a Certain Age, I know better. Why do we laugh at bathroom behavior? I guess we never really leave 7th grade. The episode was very funny. There are risks and nobody I know likes to have their system cleared out. I have had four polyps removed and it worth going through it if I can prevent colon cancer. In the show Ray has a friend being treated for colon cancer. If we can prevent something why not?
I will say I have ate less fatty food and more fruits and  vegetables.
On a completely different subject, I just read a study done in the UK about women not exorcising outdoors after the age of 30 due to poor body image. The survey also revealed a tendency for older women to retreat and become loners. When we look  at health articles and ads for exercise who is pictured? Almost exclusively beautiful women with very slender figures. The very articles which seek to get us moving use images that may discourage us if we are over weight. What can I say? I am a guy and I can't experience how a woman views their world.
Tonight I am going to step out on a limb a little bit. I do know something about changing from my 20's when I was an avid tennis player with a tennis body where today I am bald, overweight with wrinkles. I know longer like to wear a one piece bathing suit and at the gym I wear loose clothes. I am sorry but I won't wear a speedo or spandex. Guys who were robust like myself often when aging happens couldn't handle it. I don't know if I qualify girls, but I have seen women of different shapes and sizes and ages they are still pretty, beautiful, sexy through what ever changes they go through. Moving through your 30's (from my point of view still a teen) lol, 40's, 50's 60's and beyond is no time to draw back from life. Girls there are plenty of sudies that show this is the best time of life. Take a look at your peers, forget the media, they look just like you. Don't beat yourself up, you look OK! In fact, I would venture others would view you better than you do yourself. Remember there were only less than 1% that could wear spandex to begin with.
Carlyn walks for health as she
So join me in spirit and put on beautiful comfortable clothes and go for a walk. Here is the secret and I m giving it away for free, "walking, eating healthy, growing spiritually, growing as a person is real beauty." Doing what we can and move away from what ever that perfect image is can really be liberating. There is a strength in a woman that God gave that the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Women get things done and they show great courage daily.
Walk and be seen, you will feel better. The UK study pointed out how exercise helps fight depression and isolation. When you walk knees a little bent, shoulder blades back and head up looking at God's creation. Walk with a friend, walk with a dog. See the beautiful world around you. Pay attention to people your age and a little older. Look at the confident older walkers. Believe me .shapes and sizes and most have a smile on their face. Ladies feel how good you feel walking, you are beautiful.  Now I will give you a majority vote on the subject. I think you are beautiful and God thinks "you are fearfully and wonderfully made". God and me are a majority on this one and if any one else sees it our way, well they got good sense. Check out the article at Keep walking

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Understand why? Not all of it

maybe not how I remember it
Aren't there lots of strange things that happen that we can't explain? Have you ever watched human or animal behavior that defies explanation? Some days ago there was a story of a woman who uses a tanning bed and you could see the harm she did to her skin. Why would she go to that extreme? When I was a kid I remember a washer machine over flowing  with suds and the woman was pouring more soap into the machine. I still hear my dad laughing and that was 50 years ago. Sometimes even when you find the reason for some strange behavior it is still crazy.
Earlier this week Mart Dehahn in his blog presented the problem of the ostrich in Job 39:13-18.
It is part of God's counsel to Job who had undergone tremendous suffering. Job and his so called friends had been trying to explain why God allowed Job to go through his experiences. Job's friends basically blamed Job for his problems. God in His answer explained lots of things we can't explain about the created world and happenings. So off I went and the last couple of days I took a closer look at the ostrich. Part of our problem with animal behavior is our tendency to give the animals human qualities. I like to think of it as the "Disney effect." In every Disney movie animals are given human qualities and even speech. The problem is animals don't act that way. An Ostrich we observe lacks the parenting skills of other birds but the destroyed eggs become food for the birds that do hatch. But when it comes running, the speed of the horse and brains of a rider can't keep up with the bird. There are allot of things we are trying to understand. Look at Job 39:13-18 and what do you think?
There are times when Jesus posed questions and problems and He let His disciples think on it. It is good for our brains to dig deeper. I think we are used to the 30 minute plot that is all tied together. Life is much more interesting and sometimes we just don't get it.
I actually had one of these birds walk right up to me in
Africa. It wasn't one of my braver moments.
As for Job he decided to listen to God and not on his reasoning or that of his friends. Human suffering can overwhelm us. It can test our faith and reveal or strengths and weaknesses and it can help us draw closer to God. Viktor Frankl observed the horrors of the concentration camp increased the faith of those who went through it.
Understanding the ostrich is easier then understanding pain and suffering. So thanks Mart for giving me something to think about. The bigger problems of a fallen world I am glad God sent His Son to give us faith, hope and love.
Today's temperature was in the high 80's and 90's. A good day for indoor walking or a gym. Walking for me is part of a recovery for me when I had problems. Walking doesn't solve all of our problems or understand the funny way of humans, but it helps. Keep walking

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Walking and education

Joliet Central 1907, many times bigger today
Using the pedometer this week I have averaged over 11,000 steps a day. That is about 5 1/2 miles a day. I am walking the stairs at work and breathing very normal after a flight of stairs. My ankle feels good later at night as long as I walk with the insert. On the steps there is even a bounce to my step.
Some thoughts on walking and working in a high school...
Walking is an activity that improves our quality of life. I read an article years ago where the average teacher walks a mile and 1/2 a day. That would put teachers in the category of being sedimentary. In my job I travel from class to class. It is easy for me to walk at JT, the school is huge. This year I have tried to find little ways to move in the classroom. I would rather sit than stand, but I like moving in the class to help the kids. Their problems are why I am there. If they had no problems I would have no job. All these steps add up. If you work in classrooms find ways to move. For me I walk 3 + miles at work. Being involved with kids helps my health.
In Africa I taught and was a principal - My rule you could
wear shorts. Not a bad rule for 94 degrees
I said my good byes to seniors I have worked with. It has been my good fortune to work with these kids when they were freshman and four years later as seniors. To see how they have matured and have become young men and women floors me. They have earned good grades and have taken on some challenging classes. They have exceeded my expectations and in the process have taught an old guy some new things. I know we often think teens know everything, but sometimes an old guy like me is set in his ways. Most of the teachers I work with now are the age of my own kids. I feed off their energy and hard work. It is actually pretty cool. Don't write off our young people, when you get to know them they are a decent lot.  Keep walking

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pedometers work, Walkers smile for free

Sitting having lunch the flowers were beautiful
I have had a chance to check my normal walks at work. I am blessed to work at a big high school. (By the way I really do like working with the kids and staff there, In 30 years the place is like my second home.) In my normal duties I get a chance to walk the campus. It was built with limestone to look like a castle. The new parts of the building have been built with a facade to match the theme. May is a great month to eat outdoors. For two days I tracked my steps and I average over 6000 steps a day. Walking after work with Barb and I easily get to 10,000 + a day. Today I walked over 12,000 steps. Find ways to move and the steps add up. Pedometers work.
My insert works as well. Walking those steps at work with no discomfort still blows my mind.
Today on our walk we saw a blue bird fly from the field to high in the tree in front of us. We watched for awhile and the bird flew back into the field. We believe it was a Eastern bluebird female. We heard a cardinal calling in the area we have spotted orioles in the past. This year it looks like the cardinals won the area. The Canadian geese are protecting their areas and in the middle of the pond we saw a loon. Walking it is fun to identify birds by their call. We heard the bluebird first before we spotted the bird. Birds of color are harder to spot than you would think. The sun light helps them to blend into the grasslands reflecting light. All this activity adds to the walk. Sirens sound off you can hear the family of foxes in the middle of the grass lands.
Two pair of geese, I never tire of this view
Today there were several older gents walking. On warm days there are the fitness people jogging, and older people walking. If you walk on a regular basis you can manage the weather. When it gets hot the walkers will come early or later. Barb and I will actually have water with us as we walk. I love my big sun hat. Simple joys and inexpensive clothes where comfort rules.
All in all I enjoyed the day. I worked with the kids but I had fun doing it. I could be tough and demanding, but I have found I get more from them if I am relaxed and easy going. The guidelines  of respect and working in an teaching environment I am all for. But the way I figure it why not smile as I do it. It may be the only smile a kid sees that day. I gave it for free. Walkers or runners it is hands down, walkers smile.
Work ain't easy...It is easy to get our minds wrapped about toxic people or ideas and ruin our pleasure at work. It is easy to spend the day with this spin or that. This year I let all that go and focused on the moment in the class. What can I do to help someone else? This year there is always someone or something I can do that helps bring about a better teaching enviroment or relationship. There are skills to be experienced and most behaviors melt away. You got a job, what is it about that job do you love? What is it that helps others? Much of that may be what it gives to your family and home. Finding pleasure in work is a big thing. There will be bad days, (it can't just be me)  but tomorrow...Keep walking!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Walking indoors or out, pedometers help

Scott with Daughter Jen is in happy way encouraging me
to longer trail walks this summer
Walking today was an indoor walk with Leslie Sansone. Like the lost coin I found my pocket pedometer. Having one I know increases daily steps. For me I just don't want to see a low count at the end of the day. The devise acts like a conscious. If I have had a day of travel or too much sit time, a walk at the end of the day helps me unwind and loosen up. Many will tell you to exercise two to three hours before bedtime but sometimes that is not possible. Late night movement works for me because of my CP. Taking a cool down and then read a book or listen to music helps with the relaxation part. Dr. Oz on his web site has evening workouts at
I was viewing some pictures of people taking walks on trails around the country. Barb and I this summer are going to hit some trails here in the Midwest. Walking as a hobby can lead to some cool vacation ideas. Having these experiences in mind helps get out for daily walks. There are trails and hikes everywhere. When my son was younger we played tennis in every state we visited. One tennis court out west there was a rattler on the court. We encouraged the snake to move and if we hit the ball off the court we left it there until we done. We visited allot of states. Well maybe it is time for Barb and I to have a walk countdown of the states we visit and maybe a country or two.
Since my ankle improved and walking again, I have done better with how I am eating. Habits can be good. For me "five is fine, nine divine" servings of fruits and vegetables is a daily reminder. Thanks Dr. Ken Cooper.
Men of a Certain Age go for a walk.
In LA in the mountains are great walks
Went out to breakfast the other day with retired friends at work. It is sort of like the program, "Men of a Certain Age." I think it is why I like face book as it is a way to connect with people from the past. It is good to have a good laugh. Billy and I were watching "Last Man Standing" with Tim Allen and laughing together. I remember doing that with my dad with shows like "Get Smart" and the "Hogans Heroes" "Andy Griffin Show." I am a luck fellow to have friends and family to laugh with. One good friend I have Ken Gill has great recall of many good and bad TV shows and it was a hoot working together remembering funny comics. The kids we worked with didn't get it, but they liked us laughing. For 15 years I worked with mentally challenged children who loved to laugh. Putting the work into their success was easy. You will find they love the music and shows of the caregivers and parents. Some of them will be hip to day but for the most they love there parents world.
Walking and enjoying both work and life with friends who get who we are, that ain't bad, Keep walking.
I came accross a photo of poor children smiling. The thought was given that they seemed content while children who have whine and complain, The happy child is the noble savage better off without the evil of civilization. But we need to lookcoser, the posed peicure is just that
next day walked 10,000 +steps pedometers work

Friday, May 11, 2012

New features fopr my friends overseas

I will tweak the blog to get back some of the look of the
older blog, but I like the new features.
Check out the new design of the blog. On the right side of the blog are some new features which I am exited about. Google has a dynamic view which allows for translation and search features. As you put your mouse along the right side you can search the blog for topics I may have written about or you can translate the blog into one of fifty world languages or view past blogs by topic and time. The translation feature I hope can be used by more people who visit the blog. In any language we can walk for better health and round off the curve to live better longer.
Keep walking!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hi from the Fat man and some deep thoughts


Thank you for visiting my blog.
Today I was thinking of experiences that can overwhelm us. A father relates a story of his daughter having an accident that overwhelms the whole family for over a year while she recovers. We can have something go wrong in our body that takes all our energy to cope and at times overwhelms us. In Ecclesiastes 3 there are 24 human experiences which can over whelm us. Think of a time when the emotion of romantic love put you on top of the world, or a break up that sent you into a blue funk. With teens emotions can send them on a roller coaster ride almost daily. Experiences can can be difficult and at times out of control but most of these experiences we survive and looking back give us the stuff of who we are.
Our experiences can be out of control, but there is One we can turn to that is in control of all things. An experience of birth and an experience of death; an experience of love and an experience of hate; an experience of searching and an experience of moving on from a loss are examples we all have been over whelmed with. Think of the uncontrolled experience of war that can take so much life and a time of peace, but we can learn to live with eternity in our hearts and through our experiences learn to walk with God.
I think there is alot to think about when we think of experiences that overwhelm us and they do from time to time. It is unavoidable and we have to live through them. Some of them may not be understood or acceptable like abuse or evil. We have our limits. I have found ideas that lead to better health, but there are always new challenges and experiences that put us to the test.
Walking has built in benefits, it is something we can do in the midst of most experiences. I think we need faith as well. What do you think? Keep walking

Monday, May 7, 2012

Quiet walking, not bad

How to do you enjoy the quiet? My dad would enjoy it fishing
I was listening to Bill Pierce's Nightsounds, the topic was Quiet Zone. Bill's program is a thoughtful program that is really great to listen to at the end of the day. Lean back and listen and before you know it you will ready to sleep. Bill Pierce is with the Lord now, but his program and topics are timeless. You can experience Nightsounds on the web at Visit it and you may put his sites in your favorites like I have and visit Nightsounds any time you want or need to.
Enjoying the quiet in your walks, listening to the wind moving through the leaves, bird and animal sounds and taking it a step further and listen to the silence. On my walk trail their are people walking so you will hear them talking. Barb and I make it an effort to walk in quiet, but sometimes one or both just have to talk. But we have found times of quiet are good. In the car we do alot of our talking. We have walked in the mountains, along the oceans, lakes, trails where you have longer periods without seeing another person. We have taken two to four hour walks and at times have seen no one on the trail. For years we have walked the beaches of Western Florida and you fall in love with the wind and waves lapping close by. There are plenty of walkers with you but the waves insulate the noise.
I notice people with  their headphones listening to their music or speakers and in a way they miss the silence that comes on the trails or beaches. We are surrounded by all kinds of noise by choice or not, we may not enjoy quiet, but I would encourage you to learn to experience the quiet. Right now as I right it is quiet in my house. All I hear are my thoughts as I write this blog. I do have ringing in the ear, (tinnitus) but it is so much better than 5 years ago when my ears sounded like crickets. Aerobic walking opened the blood flow to my ears and the ringing improved. Aerobic walking and running is what the specialist recommended and it worked. It took  three months but improved it did.
My dad worked in a noisy factory and he loved to go fishing by himself to enjoy the silence. When he told me that it sort of stuck in my mind we enjoyed the same thing.
Couples walk and talk together and who am I to stop that from happening, but try it a couple of times where part of your walk is silent. Share later what each of you heard or liked about the quiet walk.
Have you noticed in your walks how green things are? Flowers are in bloom and the animal kingdom is very active. Later this summer walk by a cornfield and you can hear it grow. I am actually going to do that again just to see if it is so. Keep walking!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Super moon, Look out on your walks

Our moon last night, tides high, cool picture
I went our side at sunset and the sky was clouding up so I missed the view of the supermoon tonight. I did see it later under clearing skies. Tomorrow night I may have a better view. Apparently this is the closest the moon gets to the earth's orbit this year. When I was in high school Frank Porter was interested in astronomy and in a way got me hooked into finding out more of our night sky. So Frank this blog is for you.
What a view
Watching mysteries on PBS I came across the 5 minute program Stargazer with Jack Horkheimer which clued me in on things I could see with the naked eye in the night sky. Over the years I have found that kids actually like finding out things they can see and discover for themselves. Finding the planets and constellations, meteor showers, the northern lights, the Milky Way was fun to discover together. Every week at camp I would take about 40 kids and their cabin counselors for a night tenting and cooking supper over a campfire and later watching the night sky. The kids and their counselors would settle down in their tents and I would tend the fire until it was nearly burnt out. The kids like it that I was out there. For me I enjoyed the singing and questions and the night sky did the rest. Camp programing was always looking for the latest gimmick, but the simplicity of my tent outing was enjoyed by the kids.
When I get a chance today I still like telling urban kids the wonder of the night sky. It is always worth the five minutes. With light pollution our city kids miss out.
The opitical effect of our atmosphere
Jack Horkheimer always ended his program with keep looking up. Jack's program was always upbeat.  For me looking up also means finding the Creator's fingerprints. Psalm 19:1, "The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands." With Hubble and other tools we have learned alot about what we see, but to see a night sky with a few thousand stars, 8 planets and our wonderful moon is a great hobby to have.
When we walk it is better for our balance if we look out and around then down at our feet. As we get older we tend to look down but it is better to look out. So in away keep looking up may be a good way to walk. Don't take me literally and look straight up as you walk, but do look out. I think your pace with become easier and probable faster. Today I cut my grass for my walk workout.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

reporting study to improve longevity

Photo from Elaine and Rick Lazney
Great photo
I read two news articles about the same report from Denmark that jogging 15 minutes a day could extend one's life by 6.2 years for males and and women 5.6 years. The study followed people from 20 to 93 for 35 years and found runners definitely lived longer than non runners. The running did not have to be fast but had to be hard enough to cause the runner to breathe more but not be breathless. Some other concerns may contribute to longevity  such as runners may not be as obese as non runners and runners may not smoke as much as not runners and runners may follow overall a better diet.
I know from other studies, when you start to run or aerobically walk also increases your longevity the younger you are when you start. For example in my life I played sports competitively to about 40. Mixed in there was times when I hiked, jogged, and walked. I also worked out with weights and hit a bag in boxing routines. In the spring thru fall I probably did these things 3 times a week. At 40 on weight training and walking I would do with times when I jogged. But I became more sedimentary increased more weight. At 50 I started a daily walk program and got back into the game of being more healthy. One thing I did change was my eating portion to one plate per meal with 5 - 9 servings of fruits and veggies. The last two years I had health concerns where I found my self rehabbing.
Heart, weight, diabetes, aging, flexibility, immune system
 all improve with walking
Saying all this where am I? I am still alive and I think my efforts have help me fight a sudden death from a heart attack. Sudden heart attacks run in my family. My younger brother died last year. Will I get 5 extra years? I have been working on the premise what happens if one changes life at 50. From what I have been able to read, there could be an average of two years added. Overall the quality of life improves. In life's uncertainty that is pretty cool. My mother was battling depression for the last 16 years of her life. By choosing to be treated last year I could experience brighter daily experience in my life. No matter how long I live that would be worth it.
So that fat man walks, with a insert brace my pinched nerve has been relieved and I am able not to walk daily and more aerobically. I have read studies were aerobic walks can give the same benefits and jogging. Walking for us who are older it is clear that we can improve the quality of our life. Adding some healthy years that is a bonus. Keep walking!
Tonight early evening large moon view

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thunderstorms to be respected and in awe, Like life

It is amazing that lightening puts nitrogen in the soil.
I am watching a thunderstorm as it passes by. The power of lightening is awesome. I suppose I was introduced to the speed of sound by counting the seconds from lightening spotted and when the sound of thunder hitting my ears. Being outside in a thunderstorm puts you face to face with forces way beyond puny little self. In my home, I feel safe but I am glad for battery power in my laptop. I remember walking once in a thunderstorm. What ever reason I thought to do so, wasn't a good one. That was over 25 years ago and I am still glad grace was given to someone who knew better. Another time on a hike bad weather hit and this time I squatted to make my self the lowest target possible. Respect and awe can be a good thing.
Taking time to walk and care for the life we were given has been my growing concern. Like walking in a city full of trees in that earlier thunderstorm, I have done foolish things. I am not sure you can live 60 years and not do stupid things to your health. Consider Ps. 139:14a, "I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;" We should be awestruck at how we were created. "Fear" carries with it the idea of respect. Viewing a storm in the safety of a shelter can be beautiful. Seeing life now is beautiful to me. Oh I am past the time of life in my prime, when someone could photograph me or draw me because I looked good. But life itself is precious and worth each day. Today I made some good choices and it comes out of respect and awe. 
My thoughts spur not regrets but present action. Keep walking!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

walking at work

Tom Sellack looks better in his shirt
Walking today to a local area where the store and food trucks are as authenic Mexican Food as it gets. Total walking at work will be 5 miles at work. It will be a good test for my insert. Embracing multicultures is easy for me. For the kids it is a little more difficult. Our African American kids and Mexican kids have the most difficulty.
Tonight weather permitting is cut the grass. That is two miles of walking.
I am wearing my Thomas Magnum shirt today as the temps move into tropical weather. Liam like the bottons this morning. The rain the past few days have really greened things up.
Finding ways to walk at work can make a difference. Parking a car further away, using stairs, take mini walk breaks around the office, walking at lunch.
We are already in May, longer days. Keep walking!