Sunday, May 13, 2012

Walking indoors or out, pedometers help

Scott with Daughter Jen is in happy way encouraging me
to longer trail walks this summer
Walking today was an indoor walk with Leslie Sansone. Like the lost coin I found my pocket pedometer. Having one I know increases daily steps. For me I just don't want to see a low count at the end of the day. The devise acts like a conscious. If I have had a day of travel or too much sit time, a walk at the end of the day helps me unwind and loosen up. Many will tell you to exercise two to three hours before bedtime but sometimes that is not possible. Late night movement works for me because of my CP. Taking a cool down and then read a book or listen to music helps with the relaxation part. Dr. Oz on his web site has evening workouts at
I was viewing some pictures of people taking walks on trails around the country. Barb and I this summer are going to hit some trails here in the Midwest. Walking as a hobby can lead to some cool vacation ideas. Having these experiences in mind helps get out for daily walks. There are trails and hikes everywhere. When my son was younger we played tennis in every state we visited. One tennis court out west there was a rattler on the court. We encouraged the snake to move and if we hit the ball off the court we left it there until we done. We visited allot of states. Well maybe it is time for Barb and I to have a walk countdown of the states we visit and maybe a country or two.
Since my ankle improved and walking again, I have done better with how I am eating. Habits can be good. For me "five is fine, nine divine" servings of fruits and vegetables is a daily reminder. Thanks Dr. Ken Cooper.
Men of a Certain Age go for a walk.
In LA in the mountains are great walks
Went out to breakfast the other day with retired friends at work. It is sort of like the program, "Men of a Certain Age." I think it is why I like face book as it is a way to connect with people from the past. It is good to have a good laugh. Billy and I were watching "Last Man Standing" with Tim Allen and laughing together. I remember doing that with my dad with shows like "Get Smart" and the "Hogans Heroes" "Andy Griffin Show." I am a luck fellow to have friends and family to laugh with. One good friend I have Ken Gill has great recall of many good and bad TV shows and it was a hoot working together remembering funny comics. The kids we worked with didn't get it, but they liked us laughing. For 15 years I worked with mentally challenged children who loved to laugh. Putting the work into their success was easy. You will find they love the music and shows of the caregivers and parents. Some of them will be hip to day but for the most they love there parents world.
Walking and enjoying both work and life with friends who get who we are, that ain't bad, Keep walking.
I came accross a photo of poor children smiling. The thought was given that they seemed content while children who have whine and complain, The happy child is the noble savage better off without the evil of civilization. But we need to lookcoser, the posed peicure is just that
next day walked 10,000 +steps pedometers work

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