Friday, July 22, 2011

Starting Back

It has been a while since my last post. My ankle has prevented me from walking so I have spent time strength trainning. but I miss the walk and so does my body. It needs the cardio. Since my last walk my brother Tom has died of a heart attack. I conducted his service and met with his friends. Tom had faith as a child and he would share it with me. I had hoped that Tom and I would share our house in retirement. We were planning a day together the day he died. He didn't tell me he was having chest pains.
I had to go up and care for the body. Writing this I finally cried for him. First time in a month. Funny how grief works. We have to listen to our bodies. Chest pain is no time to be silent. Get help and live another say.
Using therapy treatments I learned about my ankle and I am building up my walk times and pace. My strength exercises have kept me moving.
Reading has been fun. Keep walking
Tom w Tanya at Wriggley, He loved this day
I will share more about Tom. Tonight I grieve

Tom was my little brother who I protected when we were young. He always came to my aid when I was in trouble. He was gifted and talented in voice and acting. As kids we used to write puppet plays. He would ride my on the front of his bike to the beach club we belonged too. Best day I had with Tom was last summer when we spent the day together. We ate a simple lunch and walked down to Lake Michigan where sat on cement bleachers watching the beach and water and boats we enjoyed the whole day together and went back down to the water for sunset. Getting older will be harder without him. He was always helpful.