Monday, December 30, 2013

I have one resolution

"Brrrrr! it's cold out side" 2013 coming to an end. Usually a time for passages, reviews and resolutions. many bloggers list their top 10 blogs of the year. When you were a kid did you ever think what life would be like in 2014? There has been a lot of changes. I remember as a kid watching or reading a Dick Tracy strip and imaging a wrist watch where you could talk to people any where you were at. Recall the badges on Star Trek. Well we have those things now and what do people do with them? They text, don't talk. We finally got the technology and we don't use it. It is harder to talk to someone now than when we had party lines. We have ID calling and I guess that cuts the call before it can happen.
Maybe your experience is different than mine. You may get calls all the time.
Cars are more efficient, but not enough. Insulation has improved our winter experience and air conditioning our summer. But in so doing it has taken us off the porch in the summer to escape the warm indoors and has made our outdoor experience less safe. TV has changed, more choice bigger screens and sound. Computers and pads expand our virtual world and experience. I miss the beach club in the summer.
As far as the good old days one has to be careful. If we don't experience some new old days we may have missed the point. That is my resolution to have as many good days as I can. Keep walking

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas from the Fatman

Simon Beck Snow Art - walking in the snow
Here is an amazing piece of art where the artist walked in the snow to achieve it. The lines are the footsteps made. Like sand art and ice sculpture art doesn't last long, except through camera lens. Thanks Deborah for the link.
This piece he skis out to and walks his pattern or picture.
Simon Beck had to get his 10,000 steps on days he has done his art.
There is no fear that I may attempt this, I can't walk a straight line. But my piece could be modern. Any way type in his name and snow art on Facebook and enjoy his art.
My friend Ken and myself would probably enjoy doing beach art in the Caribbean, it would look like crap but the weather suits us.
Just for the fun of it, Merry Christmas. I have studied it out and am convinced Christmas actually is in
Hill country around Bethlehem
the spring. The events we celebrate in the Bible happened over a two year period and here is the kicker, Mary walked her trip to Bethlehem and they did not walk as the crow flies but down the Jordan River. A long way from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Read the Matthew and Luke accounts and you won't find a donkey. If they had one, the donkey would have been used for supplies. Think of our own wild west, the wagons were used for haul, wives and kids walked most of the way. Any way Christmas programs put it all together for an evening or day program. Poor people all over the world walk. Jesus mother in her late forties walked with Jesus from Cana to Capernaum, a nice 17 to 20 miles. Mary was a walker and very fit. Just using the little grey cells. Keep walking     

Friday, December 20, 2013

Try the putz workout

Walter Matthau
Besides 20 minutes on the bike, I purposely found time for 30 one minute workouts through out the day. Pushups, sit ups, one minute runs, dips, squats, walks, bringing in the groceries, stairs plus chores around the house. I think it can be part of a fitness program. If you are battling diabetes, movement throughout the day can make a big difference. Days I am researching and writing I will practice 1-4 minute workouts through out the day.
I had a friend who sat too long and had a clot that killed him. Moving is good. I like to call it my putz workout out.  Grumpy Old men
Max Goldman: Putz!
Just for fun here is Max up to no good.
Max Goldman: You mean the low-life, ass-wipe, egg-sucker John Gustafson?
Snyder: Have you seen him?
Max Goldman: The man's crazy. Loco. Always hanging out around those kinky strip bars. You know, the ones where the men take their clothes off. That's of course if he's taken his medication.
Snyder: Medication?
Max Goldman: Yes, without it he could be anywhere. Wandering around talking to the trees. I'm telling you the man's a menace, he's always drinking, starting fights.
Keep walking

Monday, December 16, 2013

Loss can be very hard...big part of who we are

My dad and still have coffee
He would laugh at this
One therapist shared with me as I was dealing with depression that eventually all therapy deals with loss and leads to the ultimate loss of our own mortality. Loss in life is hard and painful. I read an article today, Running Away From My Grief–Literally By Alicia Sparks 
Alicia has some good ideas, but I believe we should take time to grieve. Getting back into our life will happen but grief will happen and it is normal. We may have an idea of 30 minutes then I will move on. 30 minutes may work for a sitcom but it won't work for grief. I believe it gets in-touch with needed emotions that we need in loss. Grief like love is to be experienced. I can't say I like the experience but I needed it just the same. 
From the Bible death is our enemy because of sin and the fall all experience it. Some may become aged and welcome death but for many death comes to soon. There is an immediate separation between the living and the dead. The desire to have one more conversation, one more cup of tea or coffee. Regret and re-do-over, I wish...all come into play. 
If grief is hard you know you loved the one departed. If grief is not what others experience, know that like every other experience each one is as unique as a finger print, a snow flake. 
Grief has its limits. For the Christian their is hope in eternal life, there is a reunion where we will recognize our love ones and continue our relationship with them. This is called in part the Christian's hope. "To be absent from the body and present with the Lord".
There seems to be a common grace where grief eases up and we are able to move on. We are not alone in this experience and we are comforted by others in their experience with grief. 
Alicia shares nine things which you can look at the link below on how to use running to help your grief. I might add you can use biking, walking, swimming in the same way. 
I few ideas I gleaned was
  1. Honor and respect the one lost.  Ken Bruen's Jack Taylor from "The Guards" respects and honors his father's memory. His fathers love of books and love for him makes Jack a very human character you care about. But his mother was harsh and sucked the life out of others. Jack can not respect and honor her loss and it may be that which hooks him into alcohol and prevents him from making intimate connections with loved ones. He can not change who his mother was nor gloss over it. It is the stuff of abuse and betrayal. Honor and respect helps us moved to a good place with those who are gone, but if something happened that hinders us we may need help to forgive or let go the negative impact on our lives. 
  2. Talk to your loved ones while you walk or run. Me I talk to my dad when I feel like it and I have a cup of coffee on Saturday mornings in the very kitchen we used to have a cup of java. I think we all talk to our love ones or am I wrong here?
  3. Do something for them. In NCIS Gibbs works in a work shop in his basement doing different projects where his lost family memories are kept, his ex partner Mike. I believe working wood is a therapy for him. Tommy McDonald has a work shop program where he keeps a picture of his sister lost early in life. I think there is something to this. Alicia writes about running for your loved one. Doing something with our bodies I think will help us process grief. 
Any way some thoughts I hope you find helpful. Keep walking

Winter is here, Snow removal safety

Snow house in Jerusalem - Ferrell
Cutting grass, shoveling snow have been a part of my walking program for years. Daily walking I think is a key to these activities. Check out step conversions for these activities. If you are not walking or exercising hire them done. Winter brings special problems which Health Day briefly covers. (link below.

  • To conserve heat our blood vessels constrict and blood is moved to the core of the body. That is why we should warm up and move before we shovel and heat up the body. 
  • Wearing layers and covering body helps keep the warmth close to our bodies and I would thing our blood vessels more open. 
  • Push the show and not lift. And for me use a snow blower for most of the work. Allowing the machine to work make this closer to cutting grass.
  • Now this is my favorite part, I have now time limit to finish the job. I can work for 10, 15, 20 minutes and take a break. I can sit on my deck and drink a hot chocolate, tea, or coffee, listen to music, enjoy the view and go back to work. This is really good with heavy wet snows, or heavy accumulation. You can prioritize your work and finish it when you have time.
  • Part of a ten thousand step day. I usually do 3,000-4,000 steps removing my snow. 
  • Sharing the blessing of work, I usually do my neighbor's front and help a vet. 
Not sure it is for you? No problem hire a neighbor kid or somebody in need of a buck. Do an indoor walk with Leslie Sansone. When you are done sit outside on your deck dressed warm and enjoy a beverage with me enjoying the fresh air. As always if you are starting a walk program check with your doctor. Keep walking

Friday, December 13, 2013

Independence in Retirement? a few thoughts

If he is like me there may not be bait on the line -
Sorry dad and Rich
Independence in Retirement? I read an article today where people over 45% of people 65-69 will need some assistance in their daily life. That may include devises and Tech stuff that are used independent of others such as a cane. Many of us have already used eyeglasses and in the future hearing aides. Life can be adapted and enjoyed. In my blog I have talked about walking, strength training and flexibility as a way to slow down the aging process with the idea of greater control over our activities and life. In retirement now I have been able to get back on track to lose weight. Why? I want to live better in the years ahead.
I have been thinking about independence has to be more than self reliance. Independence has to be more than a second childhood. You and I have seen the ads, retired people walking the beach, dancing, eating in restaurants in exotic locations. I am all for that stuff on vacation, dinner dates and times to relax. Not doing that stuff all the time keeps it special. Today I was watching my wife and grand-daughter making cookies and doing homework together. Listening to them, they were having fun. Both of them were sharing their memories together. We actually had the privilege of being to the beach with that grandchild and it was a memory. But I can't say it was better than what I saw today.
Working on our health is about the ability to move and think; but it is also about to feel the ones in our lives, friends and family still kicking and enjoying the day the Lord has made. Independence to not be lonely. I got a big kick out of my three grandsons doing stuff for me this year. To see them flex their muscles and brains to do some projects around the house. I could have hired it out, but their help was better. They did most of the work and I mostly watched fetched, and talked. My littlest grandchildren bring their own joys.
Time brings its challenges and we may need a little help from time to time, but that ain't all bad. Keep walking.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

care more about others at holiday gatherings..Laugh a little

Laundry room excellent place to air family laundry
Scene from Dan in Real Life
Holidays bring friends and family together. But if your friends or family include two or more people there is likely to be disagreements in issues, or philosophy, behavior, attitudes, beliefs and the list goes on. A family or circle of friends may include different political parties. If your family includes young people they may be independent and indifferent to our two party system.
I can remember back in the day when kids and parents didn't agree, most of that turned out to be not as important as family, friends, and caring. I have been to many funerals where regret was stronger than the argument.
I was thinking of a thought by Nelson Mandela where he felt it is easier on humans to love than the opposite. Paul shares great ideas about love and its healthful effect on human relationships in 1 Corinthians 13
Get out your Bible and Consider:
13:1-3 It is easy to be divisive in relationship to things we experience vs. 1, things we know, vs. two and things we practice vs. 3. Being older I have knowledge and experience, the kids being younger are keen to their learning and fresh experience. Both sides can claim superiority.
In verses 8-11 we see our experience, knowledge, and practice is incomplete at best. In verse 12a I like the KJV, "For now we see through a glass, darkly". In modern translations, "dimly" used the most, "imperfect" in the TLB. So many things we know more but we have a lot more to learn. Think in the medical terms what we know about heart, cancer, and diabetes; we know a lot but we haven't cured these things. There is a feeling by many that we are just beginning to learn. We draw lines in the dirt and it matters but we are still learning. What we experience, know and learn is important but we all see things from our point of view. We have limits so we should give ourselves some slack.
The solution is seen in vs. 4-7 and vs. 13. What matters the most is love. Love is not romantic here. Vs. 4-7 define love. Love is that which seeks the other good above oneself. It is the Gk. word "ἀγάπη" referring to God's love for us. Love is...
Friends and family who have in front of them "love is" will work through the knowledge, experience and practice issues we have and some how embrace one another in the process.
Two thoughts...I (old guy) need to listen as the Grandpa it is easy to preach, but I have more fun listening; and all of us need to respect, trust, forgive and care for each other. Laughter seems a good idea in all of this as well.
Laundry problems in life don't belong on a talk show for others to laugh at and they don't belong in our holiday gatherings as well. Laundry seems best when private and personal. Personal agendas will be played out selfishly and usually backfire. I always told my kids I am not going on Oprah, Jerry Springer and the like. They can go on, but I am not watching. Family laundry isn't somebodies entertainment in a modern gladiator stadium or studio. And at the family gatherings it is not the time either.
Funny scene
There is a scene in "Dan of Real Life" where mom and pop talk to Dan about his issues in the laundry room. It is a great scene as mom and dad reach out for his best. That is a private moment. Parents with intelligence and a sense of humor. Besides the shower scene it is the best scene in the movie.
yesterday shoveled for 20 minutes. Dry snow and cold, the best. Doing stuff around the house, putz workouts are healthy.
Keep walking

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Is it wise to extend life? Weighing in

Getting older and is it wise to extend life to 100 or beyond is in public debate these days. At the heart of it will be cost. The focus has been are we extending life to be lived or prolonging the time we die. We know as government takes control of medical spending inside the beltway elitism will swing to saving money by limiting end of life medicine. I have been looking at articles meant for student interest and education and the articles are framed in such a way that extending life is either wrong or unwise. Like many social issues kids are being programmed to accept the idea of what the elite think is best for them. Increasingly the elderly will be seen as a burden to a growing number of people who have come from fragmented and dysfunctional homes.
I would like to look at aging science from a different point of view. Learning and research has a way of filtering down to better ideas and care. There are a lot of people who are living better because of aging science. The three things that matter, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, care has improved and people live better and longer. We know a lot about preventative care and I have seen it out in the neighborhoods and parks where people walk. Obesity has become the new smoking warning and I believe we will see improvement.
I believe it is important to value seniors. Their contribution and presence gives perspective that glues us together. In our lives they still means a lot. My parents passed early and when they are gone they are missed. Living well and even experiencing the effects of aging are part of the human experience.
In the Bible a few thoughts center on human value:
Net Ps. 92:14 "They bear fruit even when they are oldthey are filled with vitality and have many leaves."
NASB Job 12:12 "Wisdom is with aged men, with long life is understanding."
NASB  Zech 8:4 "Thus says the LORD of hosts, 'Old men and old women will again sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each man with his staff in his hand because of age." 
NASB Ps. 71:9 "Do not cast me off in the time of old age; Do not forsake me when my strength fails."
NKJV  Isa. 46:4 "Even to your old age, I am He, And even to gray hairs I will carry you ! I have made, and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you."
NASB  20:29 T"he glory of young men is their strength, And the honor of old men is their gray hair."
I wonder as the "Great generation (those who went through the depression & WWII)" passes if we will respect the baby boomers. 
A friend of mine shared the view it is good we old guys retire and give our kids an opportunity to work. I actually have seen many articles and discussions on that point. What I think is more crucial is creating more jobs that matter. Inside the beltway doesn't seem to have much thought on that. 
I hope we keep aging science out there and deal better with those who are in there last moments. I know it will improve living. Something more than cost is at stake. Keep walking

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Fat and healthy is a myth, new study says

Time to get moving
Good morning walkers. I had reported on a blog a week or so back on an article that pointed out fat people can be healthy. By healthy I am referring to common health indicators such as blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar. I did not read in article about people being fit physically. I do think a fat person working out and doing aerobics is a good thing. But right on cue I read research that calls this a myth. The LA Times ran an article Fat and healthy is a myth, new study says. The article says "you may be healthy now, (which is what I reported) but wait ten years you will be proven wrong." Briefly the article explains how weight over time hurts our health. Yet I know people in their 80's who are heavy and are not diabetic, have heart disease or high blood pressure. One man I know has real low cholesterol. I believe he is an anomaly. 
The new study does confirm a growing support to the idea that most of us if we remain fat or obese will have health issues as we age. I do think there is a time limit we have to lower our weight if we want to increase our chances for health. What I believe is a fact and offers hope is that if you are fat and start walking and converting your diet to portion control and healthy nutrition you are on your way to better health. It is important not to give up and be realistic about how long it will take  to lose the lbs. 
I have been reading how difficult it is for diabetics to lose weight. Exercise alone won't do it. 
I have been looking at my own progress and I know it is harder now than when I was younger. 
The good news is I am stronger than I was two years ago and I regularly use the stairs now. I was doing longer walks 5 years ago than I am now and that is something I wish to improve on again. I am sleeping better. I have solved my ankle pain with an orthopedic brace. I took time two years ago to rethink my Cerebral palsy and revisited specialists and it really paid off. Medical advances are a blessing and give a chance to age living and not just age dying. 
It is not uncommon to read health articles that are contradictory. You have to look at who is doing the study and how big is it and is it supported by many other studies. When you get in the article often it agrees with other studies, but has been re-frame to be in conflict and therefore read. If you are fat and moving that is good, but more it forward with me and lets get a little skinnier.  

Monday, December 2, 2013

Hurtful wounds

As we get older sometimes our words get a little looser. I remember in Bible College profs talking about a ex-prof suffering from dementia then in a nursing home swearing like a sailor. Of course many are like the dad in Christmas Story who swear like an art form. But in many work places public talk can be different from private talk. Working in a hospital and school for over 40 years I have chosen not to swear. That doesn't mean never.
But more than word emotions seem harder to control for many seniors. Then there is the other side of it how often do we lose our cool and words, with seniors. I imagine there is a little give and take. If both parties are trading insults that may be the way it is. But how many of us say something that we regret? I have seen kids wanting to clear the air to only hurt and break relationships. They didn't have that in mind when they started to share feelings. Parents have done the same and where we hurt is with those we love. In the New York times Paula Span's article Words that Wound, reported the senior's point of view concerning verbal abuse. I think we can all understand the situation of a caregiver getting frustrated and a senior getting upset over the struggles of aging. Lemon and Matthau in their many versions of the Odd Couple gave us insight with their humor of grumpy old men.
To me the first step to healing starts with here is where we are at. There is not a course that prepares us for getting old or dealing with those that are. We are each of us unique. We are either the child or parent in the changing of our relationship. Care-giving in this relationship is far from easy. Receiving care from someone you gave care to is harder than we have imagined. Changes are more difficult and with less support we find ourselves unprepared.
I don't think it is easy nor should it be, but we can work towards it being caring and in the end something we are glad we did. There are resources out their to help the caregiver, but what about seniors? Many are members of AARP or other senior interest groups. There are web sites designed for seniors, some I have a page about good sites. What ever end you are at here it is good to share with your friends.
Reading other experiences may be helpful. Getting involved with our friends who need care may also give us insight on how we can make this experience better. It may be helpful to reach out if you feel lonely or frustrated about getting older. I have mentioned before 25% of us experience depression. For me it was better to seek help than remain depressed. One thing that happens is who cares what others think. What is best for me and those I care about. It may be a road less traveled. Keep walking.

Friday, November 29, 2013

How Does God develop thankfulness, a few thoughts

From J Burkey's Vacation
Some of you have been shopping today. If you enjoy shopping, today would be a good day. I am one that hunts when I shop and I am not a good match for one who likes to shop and compare. Get it and get out of there, on to the next mission would be my attitude. Needless to say I am little fun at it. If you enjoy to shop, don't let my attitude stop you, shop and enjoy.
Amy Norton reports for Health Day that being thankful can be good for us. Apparently it lowers blood sugar and deceases inflammation in our bodies. That can be a boost in our immune system and help fight diabetes, cancer, and heart disease just a little. It also can help with our relationship with others and increase the willingness to cooperate together.
Wayne Styles blogs, "A heart of thankfulness comes from one simple word—perspective. In particular he implores the idea of loss and how it develops thankfulness. Wayne loss his mother ten years ago on Thanksgiving and that has forced him to  reflect on how God develops a thankful heart. He sights several examples of how trials and loss increase our thankfulness. One we can all relate to. Our car is totaled and our family escape serious injury. We may have had a fight earlier that day, but now we are grateful for each other. He cites Bible commentator Matthew Henry's experience:
"fell prey to robbers one day. That evening he made the following entry in his diary:
Let me be thankful—First, because I was never robbed before. Second, because although they took my wallet they did not take my life. Third, because although they took my all, it was not much. And finally, because it was I who was robbed and not I who robbed." Lose something and later God provided to care for the loss, causes us to be thankful.
In yesterday's Our Daily Bread explored the opposite type of experience, How to Enjoy things. I am sitting here in my dining room looking at the sun coming through the room, my indoor garden and flowers including my Christmas cactus in bloom. My Red gardenias in bloom. I had just finished my morning workout, showered and continued various projects I am working on. My home is a 130+ years old, but it is remodeled and a few other things planned. All in all a very nice place to live these 24 years. Painfully I am aware of others who are without. None of us knows the future, but today I am thankful for what I have. Reading through my Bible I read Ecclesiastes 5 yesterday, but it came up again in Our Daily Bread I read this morning. Being thankful for things is a good thing. Loving people and using things is a good attitude.     
"18 Here is what I have seen to be good: it is appropriate to eat, drink, and experience good in all the labor one does under the sun during the few days of his life God has given him, because that is his reward. 19 God has also given riches and wealth to every man, and He has allowed him to enjoy them, take his reward, and rejoice in his labor. This is a gift of God, 20 for he does not often consider the days of his life because God keeps him occupied with the joy of his heart." Eccles. 5:18-20 HCSB
Paul shared his experience in Phillipians 4: "11 I don't say this out of need, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. 12 I know both how to have a little, and I know how to have a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content — whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. 13 I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me."
I was sleeping on a cement floor on a hike I was on. My equipment was already sent on ahead so I was there with out my usual bedding. I thought on the highlighted verse all night to no avail. I was not content. Sometimes our experience or trial has to be endured. I think of Band of Brothers who had to endure the cold winter at Bastone. To the day they died, they probably get cold thinking about it. Sometimes we go through trauma where we need support just to survive. Pain may actually be used to help us make it. Later upon reflection we may give thanks. I was thankful for the hike, and not that one night. I became a little wiser.
Keep walking through the holidays. Yesterday the meal was great!  


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thank you - with love

"Nothing is impossible with You O Lord" Gen.. 18:14a
"All things are possible with You, O Lord" Matt. 26:19
What I know is true is God's will and love and care will be done. We may go through trial, deal with evil and bad things, get sick and in time go to be with The Lord. I also believe God works for our good and gives grace ain't benefits of His care.
Think back this year and count your blessings. Think back this year of trials endured and if you suffered loss, recall how God saw you through it. Maybe for your loss new friends, for your sicknesses balm to ease and heal. Sometimes healing takes a while but it happens.
I give thanks to you my friends, for Barb and her care. For 6 lively grand kids and two kids whom I love and am loved. I give thanks for work that I have been blessed to help many people. I am glad my work is not done yet. Thankful for family feasts and friends. Thanksgiving is my personal favorite holiday in all it's implicitly. Best of tomorrow and take a nice stroll.

Friday, November 22, 2013

November 1963 three great minds passed that day

C. S. Lewis 1898-1963

On November 22, 1963, 50 years ago, three significant men died. John F. Kennedy’s deaths took center stage and in the minds of most still do. Those of us who were old enough to remember can recall on that clear fair fall day what we were doing. I was out on the football field playing a touch football game when the news spread out to where we were playing Kennedy was shot. A little later in the classroom we heard on the radio that he had died. That week end glued to the TV we watched several times the events that unfolded.
I know Billy Crystal remembers with fondness listening to the World Series on radio in a happier memory. I know my friend Ken does. Bless those teachers they knew what they were doing.
At the time I was unaware of the other two men who died that day. Now that awareness would come much later for me.
On October 25, 1960 I was sitting on a front lawn, where the old farm house sat in a hill. There was a large barn and small one in back of the house. To the right was the new ramps and highway of I 55. Across the street was a gas station. The house and station are gone now. Route 30 has been expanded. In 1960 an eight year was sitting on the lawn when a motorcade came by
Joy Davidson Lewis
Romance started through letters
with American Flags. I waved as they passed, hoping Kennedy saw me. He was going into to Joliet for a campaign appearance. Dr. Robert Sterling a local historian recorded the event in his book on Joliet. I was not certain what time of the year it was. Kennedy needed Illinois and Mayor Daley counted all the votes, including the ones in the grave yards and they voted early and often. For me I saw somebody who may become president and at eight that is a big deal.
When I became a Christian in the winter of 1972, while doing my laundry in my Grandmother’s kitchen where I pulled out a track a fella gave me three weeks earlier. As I read the track I remembered the conversation I had with the fella and things my friend Judy Cronk had told me over a period of two years. I knew I need Christ as my Savior and trusted Him for my salvation right there. About 10 months later I met Mark Huber who served as a medic in the army. Mark was 6’7” and still growing. He had a great smile and a love of books. He was the one who got me to begin reading Clive Staples Lewis. First book Mere Christianity, Miracles, Screwtape Letters and that was it; I had to get my hands on everything I could. Between 1972 and 1975 I had read in the neighborhood of 3,000 books.  My mind was alive; quite a change from a fellow who read only 5 books in school.
Reading about Lewis, I loved his struggles, his triumphs, his late marriage and loss. He loved to go on walks, challenge his students, engage with his friends and his writings were like conversation. He was brilliant that way. He passed away at the foot of his bed and was found at 5:30 P.M. in his home in England. An hour later, Kennedy would die in Dallas.
Aldous Huxley 1894-1963
Aldous Huxley also died on November 22, 1963. He was agnostic and is most known for the book, The Brave New World. My advice read the book first before you read what others think of it. Also read the book before you watch a movie about it. Mortimer Adler writing on the reading of books, my paraphrase "read the best books, that is all you have time for"
The sun is out much like it was in 1963. Keep Walking

Monday, November 18, 2013

"Experience the Land and the Book" How I got started

Engeti where David found refuge near the Dead Sea
Great place to swim
Back in 1976 Barb and I were in the first year of our marriage. We took a six day honeymoon in February at the Chateau Louis in St. Charles Il. The hotel was much like a cruise boat with a couple pools, six cozy restaurants. A beautiful room with a downs comforter and our maid really was swell and treated us like royalty. There were fountains and best of all there was my bride.
Later that summer was stage two of our honeymoon. We got to go to Israel for a month to study at the American Holy-land Studies in connection with Wheaton College.  For one week we had to stay because we were married at a convent that just started to entertain study groups. We were there first one. The singles in our group stayed at an English hospice in Jerusalem. The nuns gave Barb and I a room off the chapel with a high dome ceiling. I felt like royalty back in the Middle Ages with this huge room and a bed in the middle. Perfect for newly weds. Our meals were great. Breakfast was all middle eastern. The nuns were from Lebanon. In the evening we had 6 or 7 course meals. The menu was made up of new tastes and foods for this very local Joliet boy. The nuns told us they were new at this hospitality and that was great for us. We had a prayer meeting on Friday and the nuns joined us. We made friends.
Two and 1/2 weeks we stayed at the school and Barb and I were given a professor's room on leave that over looked the city of Jerusalem. We took an over night trip to Galilee and was given rustic quarters were we had a sheet to cover our feet or our heads, not both. On the way home we spent three days in London and the Victorian Hotel. Bathrooms were shared with other quests, the bathtubs were clawed feet and it all had the feel of going back into the 1900 century. Traveling by train and finding our way through London, looking every bit the lost American, it was a hoot.
I have mentioned before we did indeed study on our trip. Barb and I were in competition. It would be one of many humble defeats for me, but I became a better student for the effort. About 10 years ago I came into contact with Dr. Terry Hebert's web site, he developed several interactive CD where you could study the land of Israel through on site studies and tours. Type in the name or site and you will get a link where you can purchase these studies. It is great stuff if you want to visit the land of the Bible via your computer.
When I started my walk with Jesus studies some 5 + years ago I discovered Radio Bible Class has huge resources on the land of the Bible, particularly from Their Day of Discovery Series. My interest found there way to Wayne Styles bog and books. Wayne takes study groups to Israel and writes for the Jerusalem Post. Recently he worked with Charles Swindoll on an interactive series Experience the Land and the Book Links to these resources can be found in my Pages

Barb and I plan to view the DVD and study as we both remember and move forward in our understanding of the Bible and it's connection to the land. Swindoll's site 
For a few bucks you could get started with your own trip to Israel. Travel back in time as you put together the greatest story ever told. Check out the inductive Bible study links as well. You can understand the Bible as you take it up a book at a time. All this reminds me to keep walking

Friday, November 15, 2013

Grace Jones finished well

The last person to be alive from the 1800's in Britain died yesterday. Grace Jones born in 1899 died at the age of 113. Physically her strength left her, but mentally she was described as "bright as a button". In my youth there were many alive from WWI and even some from the War of 1898. I remember taking to a soldier who served under General Pershing when he was chasing Poncho Villa. Several people were able to describe their life in the "Gay 90's. They were still alive but I did not talk to them, there were people who went through the Civil War. Touch history and visit the old people in your life, listen to their stories. Grace lived through the transition from fire to electricity, out door plumbing to indoor plumbing, horse and buggy to car, walking to air flight, Morse code to Cable and Internet, wood stove to microwave. What will my grandchildren live through?
Grace Jones living to 113 tells me how hard that is to do. There are people who live to 100 but there are not many of them. Most of us won't make it. If you are 20 you probably think you can. You may think that feeble person has lived to long. Grace has been retired for 50 years. The drums along the Mohawk are probably sounding we can't have that. We need to keep in mind how rare it is to live to 100+. Life at any age is too short, let's take a breathe and enjoy it. The elite will tell us it is OK for the famous to live to 100, but for Grace we can't afford it. Rubbish! Thanks Grace Jones for living a simple life of love and faith, most of us won't live as long but we can keep bugging at it. Keep walking 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Prevent Defense, one that works

If you follow American football, field goals, extra points, punts and kickoffs are the only plays where the foot is used. The guys who do the kicks are often seen as somewhat of a non player in the game. Actually with soccer being the kicking game in football has improved. Back in the day when kickers came from the position players the kicking wasn't as good. Despite all the running, passing and catching many games are decided by the foot. In high school many of us practiced kicking from the side. It was easier, but the coach wanted a straight kicker. If you go back in time when the ball was rounder they use to drop the ball to the ground and kick it for a field goal. That it seems to me would be harder.
Sometime around the time of the AFL-NFL games in the 60's, they came up with the prevent defense. The only time it ever worked was on a hail Mary pass for the last ditch effort. Prevent defenses always seem to fail when trying to protect a lead. There were many comebacks because of a prevent defense. It may be because defenses quit doing what they are good at which is to be reactive and aggressive and they become what they are not good at which is allow plays to happen by being passive and run backwards. Advantage offence
In health if we allow a disease to happen than try to treat it, I is often a downhill battle. If we don't take care of ourselves, do things that give disease an in, and be passive about it we are in big trouble. But if we are willing to make changes in our diet and walk, see our doctor and make changes that may produce a better outcome against heart disease, cancer, diabetes.
In the news today is an article about statins and the desire to expand their use. The idea is to prevent a heart attack before it happens. President Bush had a stint put I to prevent a heart attack. He feels better. Losing weight, eating more fruits and vegetables, more omega-3s, better oils all have a health impact of improving our chances for a longer independent life. 30 minutes of walking has an immediate impact on our blood sugar. Seeing our doctors and getting early treatment when needed is better than waiting and living in fear it is too late. The old prevent defense in football didn't work, but a good prevent defense in health - good diet, exercise and medical support may win the day. Keep walking

Thursday, November 7, 2013

California woman, 86, dies after marathon finish: 'What a way to go'

Joy Johnson now with the Lord
You can read the LA Times article about the 86 year old woman who died after finishing the New York Marathon. She refused to go to the hospital after a fall, the next day she had an exiting interview on the Today show, went back to her hotel. She told her friend she felt tired and went to sleep and never woke up.  Should she have gone to the hospital, yes but it was her choice and she went out running and finished the race.
She apparently went to 25 New York Marathons over the years and traveled to many more marathons. She trained and enjoyed the travel. After her husband's death it was run, run, run. Her daughter spoke of her as faith first then family and then run. her daughter said she went out like she wanted too.
Joy Johnson finished well, not just moving but running. Twenty six miles and like the Greek hero who started the Marathon thousands of years ago inspires us even in death To test the boundaries of life and live it. For her it was a life of faith. She encourages us to keep living and moving. Keep walking

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fat man looks at what is in the health news

fit people can form clots know the signs
A perfect day for me, browsing the net and having some interesting reads. Here are some of my finds:

There is nothing wrong with caring about your kids, it may lead to happiness Recently I read an article about those who care for their parents living longer than those who don't or those who don't have someone to look out for. Turns out caring for its own sake is healthy for us.-

This article was all over the news which points out statins help the fight against prostate cancer -
Should I work out with a cold? Above the Neck OK, below the neck rest . I think if your body is talking to you, take it easy
For those of you who are fitness buffs here is an article to be aware. Blood clots can actually form rather quickly, know the signs
If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis aerobics can ease pain and increase function. My arthritis I know is different but both aorobis and strength training work.
If you have a health concern keep in mind the net can be helpful. Keep walking

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Walk tall, watch all, with thanks

The Spirited Walker, Caroline Scott Kortge wrote a good blog on falls and walking.With my CP I have always battled falls for my one foot which will occasionally drop and catch a side walk crack or root on the trail.This time of the year roots are under a layer of leaves to be discovered by all of us. As we age falling comes to all of us. So her advise touches both our walks.
She titles her blog Walk Tall, Walk All she means,

  • Walk Tall - "Walking Tall" emerged as a mindfulness affirmation for me in response to a recent Wall Street Journal article about research on fall prevention."From Athletes to the Elderly: The Science of Trips and Falls,"identified poor posture, not equilibrium, as a primary contributor to many falls. The forward lean we often associate with aging is just as likely to show up  for walkers who let their gaze drop down to their feet, or find shoulders hunching forward on an uphill slog. The lean makes it more difficult to regain balance if one slips or trips, researchers observed. Upright posture aids not only breathing but also stability.
  • Watching all - Carol had a fall in June where she broke her arm. She was encouraged to explore the process of being mindful with Ellen Langer, a Harvard University research psychologist who defines mindfulness not as meditation but rather as active involvement with the world. Langer presents mindfulness as a process of constantly looking for what is new, what is changing in the world around us. Langer explains “Paying Attention.”  Paying attention captures a moment, freezes time, she explains. It asks us to stop the action of life. Awareness of change is something different she insists. 
Together Carol shares, "Walking tall" and "watching all" are mental prods--reminders to myself to stay present, aware of surroundings and my body as I walk. Without these reminders, it takes no time at all for my thoughts to travel far and wide, leaving me mindless on the trail."
In walking we are tempted to look down and lean forward. This actually makes us more prone to fall. It is better to look up and be aware of our surroundings and mindfully walk though them. For me to mindful to walk a good walking form and see ahead the problems of roots or what may be hidden. There are walks I can let my mind go and there are walks where I have to be aware. When I sight see it is better for me to stop and take in a view and when I am walking to be more focused on the trail. 

In the Psalms we read, 119:105 "Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path."  Psalm 17:5 "My steps are on Your paths; my feet have not slipped." When I was in Israel many times I was up some hill or mountain and you had to pay attention to the path. I have been on trails in the night with a flashlight and you had to focus on the narrow trail. At such times I have learned to be mindful and alert. At such times I am thankful and aware of God's care. As we get older and walk, let's walk tall, watching all and in everything give thanks. Keep walking

Friday, November 1, 2013

Ready for day two of the stair workout

walking to Retirement with Scott, fascinating picture
My stair workout was good enough to take a day off between workouts. There was some muscles I over worked. Sore I stretched and rode my bike for 20 minutes. Today I feel pretty good so tomorrow I will give it a go. I am not running up the stairs but walking for a minute then I go to the next move for a minute. Tomorrow I will do some moves for 20 reps then move to the next move. I think I will add some band moves and walking and running as well. Breathing will be my pace and I will walk to control that. I should be able to work in 6 flights of stairs in the 30 minutes all n pace with the Clancy Brothers.
In two days I plan to do a boxing aerobic routine with weights and total gym mixed with walking and running. Mixing up the workouts should keep this ole body moving.
The trees were brilliant this week but the rains have brought a lot of leaves down. November is a good month to walk. Cool temperatures can be handled with comfortable layer clothing. After about five minutes the body warms up. Walking in the mid day see best for the wind, but watching the sun start to go down has great sky views.  Keep walking 

Fit and fat? It is possible to out live your skiny friends

Fitness magazine reported that one can be fat and healthy. If you are fit and have good health numbers like blood pressure, good cholesterol, good blood sugar you can actually be OK.
"Recent research suggests that being overweight or even obese may not, in and of itself, be the health threat we think it is. A 2012 study from the National Cancer Institute found that moderately obese people actually lived about 3.1 years longer than normal-weight women and men. Another study, published in the European Heart Journal, showed that when obese people are metabolically healthy -- which means their blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and other indicators fall within a healthy range -- they are at no greater risk of dying from heart disease or cancer than those who are of normal weight."  
The article cites our bias against heavier female Olympian athletes as an example society frowns on heavy people in general. I have read articles that if you are moving and doing aerobic and strength training and stretching you may be better off overweight than those who are skinny and sedimentary.
Now myself I am a work in progress. I have borderline high blood pressure that I have to control with medicine. When I am doing physical things my body has improved. I believe weight becomes more of an issue as we age. But it is also true it is not the only factor to health.
Let's say you like me are over weight. Are you healthy? Great, keep up the good work. Walking, healthy eating, seeing your doctor, and things you are doing are working for you. But if you are like me, lets work at it. Get a pedometer and find ways to walk 7,000 to 10,000 steps. Make time to do a 20-30 minute walk most days. Trade bad fat for good fat and work to be more moderate. Sleep is huge.
If you are sedimentary take heart, you can make changes good for you. Check with your doctor and find out how you can get started. From me you will always be encouraged to keep walking.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Reminder about improving the curve for the years we have

A friend of mine from work Kim, has recently run in a race where she did pretty good. What is really cool is the progress she has made since she started.
The road to fitness and health is what really helps us. It is more than losing 10 lbs. then stop. It is about the habits we form and our experiences along the way. It is about we take charge of the decisions we need to make and get the needed support. If we add a few years and round off the curve we will have a better quality of life and shorter time of decline at the end of our lives.
Read Dr. Ken Cooper for the numbers of how the curve works. I believe it is true that we can do the right things and still experience a bad outcome. I know I have felt better walking and changing diet and still I have had problems with insomnia and post traumatic stress. Others have battled heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Walking and lifestyle changes help our battle. For many others the changes have help prevent these diseases and have given us more time. Taking on the battle is better than ignoring it or living in fear of it.
Take in a deep breathe and enjoy the view. Go for a walk, enjoy an apple. "Today is the day the Lord has made,
Well I am off for a walk in the woods. Keep walking


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Strength training can work for you

Did a thirty minute walk today
As part of the fat man exercises I have been doing and suggesting modified push-ups or full push-ups for strength training. How much body weight are we lifting when we do a push-up?  If you do a push-up off the wall or have your feet out wider it increases the weight. If you do a push up off a counter or railing of deck it can be more resistance, of a top of a bench more, off the seat of the bench, off the steps the lower you go more resistance. A push up off the knees is a modified push-up and off the toes is a full push-up. Anyway you get the idea, push-ups can be done some way by most people. If you have health concerns always consult doctor.
I was reading as blog from Today I will, written by Michael Harper, MEd, Associate Director of Education at the Cooper Institute. In the blog he gives the numbers to calculate a full and modified push-up. For me in some of my modified push-ups I am lifting 150lbs. Not bad for 61. Modified body weight training can be done in gyms and the Total gym for a real good workout. Using bands that you can do movements makes resistant training work for you. We can do this as we get older. Be encouraged.
Keep walking
Check out the blog