Friday, November 22, 2013

November 1963 three great minds passed that day

C. S. Lewis 1898-1963

On November 22, 1963, 50 years ago, three significant men died. John F. Kennedy’s deaths took center stage and in the minds of most still do. Those of us who were old enough to remember can recall on that clear fair fall day what we were doing. I was out on the football field playing a touch football game when the news spread out to where we were playing Kennedy was shot. A little later in the classroom we heard on the radio that he had died. That week end glued to the TV we watched several times the events that unfolded.
I know Billy Crystal remembers with fondness listening to the World Series on radio in a happier memory. I know my friend Ken does. Bless those teachers they knew what they were doing.
At the time I was unaware of the other two men who died that day. Now that awareness would come much later for me.
On October 25, 1960 I was sitting on a front lawn, where the old farm house sat in a hill. There was a large barn and small one in back of the house. To the right was the new ramps and highway of I 55. Across the street was a gas station. The house and station are gone now. Route 30 has been expanded. In 1960 an eight year was sitting on the lawn when a motorcade came by
Joy Davidson Lewis
Romance started through letters
with American Flags. I waved as they passed, hoping Kennedy saw me. He was going into to Joliet for a campaign appearance. Dr. Robert Sterling a local historian recorded the event in his book on Joliet. I was not certain what time of the year it was. Kennedy needed Illinois and Mayor Daley counted all the votes, including the ones in the grave yards and they voted early and often. For me I saw somebody who may become president and at eight that is a big deal.
When I became a Christian in the winter of 1972, while doing my laundry in my Grandmother’s kitchen where I pulled out a track a fella gave me three weeks earlier. As I read the track I remembered the conversation I had with the fella and things my friend Judy Cronk had told me over a period of two years. I knew I need Christ as my Savior and trusted Him for my salvation right there. About 10 months later I met Mark Huber who served as a medic in the army. Mark was 6’7” and still growing. He had a great smile and a love of books. He was the one who got me to begin reading Clive Staples Lewis. First book Mere Christianity, Miracles, Screwtape Letters and that was it; I had to get my hands on everything I could. Between 1972 and 1975 I had read in the neighborhood of 3,000 books.  My mind was alive; quite a change from a fellow who read only 5 books in school.
Reading about Lewis, I loved his struggles, his triumphs, his late marriage and loss. He loved to go on walks, challenge his students, engage with his friends and his writings were like conversation. He was brilliant that way. He passed away at the foot of his bed and was found at 5:30 P.M. in his home in England. An hour later, Kennedy would die in Dallas.
Aldous Huxley 1894-1963
Aldous Huxley also died on November 22, 1963. He was agnostic and is most known for the book, The Brave New World. My advice read the book first before you read what others think of it. Also read the book before you watch a movie about it. Mortimer Adler writing on the reading of books, my paraphrase "read the best books, that is all you have time for"
The sun is out much like it was in 1963. Keep Walking

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