Friday, December 15, 2023

Seniors can find ways to keep moving, some links to view

 I am finishing up rehab at the hospital. At the hospital they have various aerobic machines like a treadmill, upright steppers, stationary, bikes, and recumbent bikes, along with other equipment that targets, whatever weakness somebody has to work on. In my workouts, I've used the new step machines which I am finishing up rehab at the hospital. I have improved my aerobic health. Barb and I have joined Planet Fitness so that I can continue my rehab. Planet Fitness has aerobic equipment like the nu stepper and different types of bikes that I can use. Plus, I can begin resistance training and work on my strength level. When we are older, the process is slower. Still, we can do both resistance and aerobic training to increase our strength, flexibility, balance, and aerobic health.

I know many people who have become more sedimentary. Many people have fallen, and the odds are they do not return to a walking life. Others have become so overweight they find movement hard. I can speak from experience as I weighed more than Nero Wolfe, the fictional detective. He weighed in at a 1/7 of a ton. You can do the math to find the actual weight.

There are ways we can exercise safely. Below, I have posted YouTube videos that deal with workouts that you can do standing or sitting. If you have balance issues or cannot stand up, do these exercises from the chair. First, check with your doctor if you can do a physical rehab. Second, watch the videos before you do them. Some of these videos can help you wherever you're at. Others may be more advanced and something you could try as you get better.

Most of the advertising you can skip after a few seconds. The ads may be questionable, and with any health ad, before you take their advice, it's always a good idea to check with your doctor or physical therapist because if it sounds too good to be true. It isn't good.

Some of the workouts are from Silver Sneakers. Again, as they get into the exercises, they tell you you can do them sitting down. A few workouts come from two physical therapists, Bob and Brad. These guys have worked with many people who have fallen and maybe broke a bone. They have all types of senior citizens workouts, but watch them before you do them.

A word about sitting and doing workouts: first, they do work. Secondly, they work on the muscles we often experience weakness when we get older. Try a workout, sitting in a chair, no matter how healthy you are. It may help you understand how the workout out might help your older friend or parent deal with their aging issues.

Exercising with balance support can be very helpful. I am not an expert. I have looked at these things and tried them out. They appear very senior-friendly. That is why I advise you to check in with your doctor. You and your doctor know your health better than anybody else, and your doctor may connect you with a support rehabilitation to start your progress. Still, some are walk-in-home, and you may have to find balance support to do the exercises. I hope you find them helpful to keep walking. Here are the links

Senior exorcises

Bob and Brad

Bob & Brad

Silver sneakers

Senior walk 2 miles advance

Senior sneakers 30-minute walk or sit

 Silver sneakers 15-minute sit or stand

Balance (interesting)

Bob and Brad balance (good ideas

Monday, December 4, 2023

The old guy making progress


For me, this business cardiac rehab is an ongoing process. Over the last weeks, I have worked with all types of people who are recovering from a heart attack. If you ever wonder who the people doing the rehab are, I want to encourage you because they're just like you. Whatever your difficulties are, the people doing it have the same problems. They all wear
comfortable clothing. They are not like people you would expect at the gym working out to some physical perfection. But they are all encouraged to do as much as possible and, maybe, a little more.

I have noticed that after a couple of weeks, most people are doing more things than when they started. They go from where they are, and in a little bit, they're making progress.

Realistic expectations: When you are older, exercise. Do you feel good? The benefits come a little slower. The good news is they come. Because of the surgery or the putting in stents, you feel better. My time in rehab has helped me push myself while the staff monitors me. The feedback I am getting helps me improve my workout at home. I plan to follow up on the exercises and join the local gym with the equipment I find so beneficial.

The second part of my rehab is my diet. As you know, I haven't lost weight very successfully, but I have lost about 40 pounds at present. My next goal is always 10 pounds less. 

I aim to move from morbid obesity (Nero Wolfe) to obesity. So now I am in the 270s and want to get to the 260s. After I reach that, I will move to the 250s. Each goal will get more complicated. For me, it is unrealistic to think about being 180. I have to do a lot of work before I can think about that kind of number. So, I break it down into smaller goals.

Since the majority of us deal with being overweight, whether it is seen or not, setting weight loss goals Your goals may be different from mine. I have yet to be very successful. But since skilled people have given me a new opportunity, I am re-energized to take advantage of it. So, think about your goal. Not all at once, but a few pounds at a time.

I am still trying to illuminate my bad habits, which makes it possible for me to lose weight. Removing bad habits may be a good name for a diet when we get older. What do you think? Keep walking.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Rehab and making progress

I like to share two points of recovery after my heart attack. 

After my heart attack, observing the skill of the surgeons with the angiogram, I decided not to waste their effort. I revisited my weight loss failures and decided to give it another go. The main idea I decided on was to eliminate my too many bad habits. So far it's working. I dropped somewhere between 30 and 40 pounds. And I don't know how much I weighed in the hospital. And I know for sure that I have lost 31 pounds. 

Weight loss is the only variable that may help me manage the type of medicine I take in the future. If I can do it, then it is something I can do to improve my health.

Having a goal that is too large can be unrealistic. It is really about the daily behavior anyway.

I am already starting to fit loosely in the shirts and pants the next size.

The next thing that I would like to share is the rehab program itself. The rehab team monitors your heart through out the workout. And everybody's goal is different. But the one takeaway I have because of the program is the confidence to push the envelope slightly. My at-home workouts have more resistance and are more challenging because of it. There is a learning curve to experience.

Of course, the workouts are not like when I was young. That kind of workout is silly for me to try. But I am working harder and sweating, and my aerobics is starting to improve. The other people in the rehab are pushing themselves more than they would do without. I can match the resistance with my in-home biking and strength training. I also get the benefit of my upright walker in the hospital halls. Not falling is a plus.

30-minute walks, workouts, etc., are like taking daily medication. 

Besides, the work out there are lectures or talks concerning being a cardiac patient. Many of the people had multiple stents and heart attacks. So, I have to continue to listen to my body.

A heart attack is scary, but bouncing back with weight loss and rehab is doable. Keep walking

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The 7 signs of John

In the gospel of John, he gives the purpose of the 7 (miracles) signs recorded in the gospel. They are woven into his writing, allowing us to believe the good news. John 3:15 says that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 

Observe the contrast between the man healed at the pool and the blind man in chapter 9. Believing is always hard for people, as you can see from reading the signs' responses. John shares how Jesus revealed who he was and his purpose to die on the cross for our sins. The signs deal with the natural world, provision, disease, and death. Jesus caused things to happen that do generally not occur.

As we age, we need encouragement to believe in God for the things ahead. I would love to see you in heaven. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

I will share another chart on the "I am"s where they reveal who he is.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Moving forward when things go wrong.

One of the things I discovered writing a blog was that many plans and ideas about staying healthy only sometimes meet expectations. It is easy to give up.

One of the things that I wanted to do was to lose weight. For me, and most people, it is a lot harder to do. I could have been more successful. 

It takes a lot of work to write a health blog when you need help to do something. Most health writing is about success, not failure. But I may be successful in other areas, so I am writing and sharing my experience. 

Throughout my blog, I have written about fighting heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and aging, particularly in the brain. And one or more of these factors will hit all of us no matter what we do. So it's worthwhile to write a perspective that factors in all the natural losses we develop as we age.

In my family is heart disease, and one of the things that I tried to do was stay up on my heart health since my middle 30s. Recently I had a heart episode, that is in the process of determining what damage was done. The doctors put in a stent. 

Right now, I'm allowing my body to heal, and soon I will be going into cardiac rehab. That will give me time to develop a program that helps me recover, and I can learn from others going through the same thing. I do things at home: recumbent biking, stretching, short walks, etc. I'm thinking about balance, flexibility, and movement that aid my recovery in my day-to-day activities. 

What about losing weight? Well, I adapted one specific idea. I eat three meals designed to take in fruits and vegetables and a calorie count to automatically set me up to lose weight. I am taking responsibility for my eating outside of my basic meals. I have so many bad habits when it comes to food. Barb and I work with all the ideas we learned over the years, but keeping a boundary between my eating for health and all the extra eating I can do is what I'm working with right now. Right now, it is one day at a time. I am not actually working with the weight scale daily. Still, I am working on the discipline of staying away from all of that extra eating that I do.

There are so many things that I can enjoy, so it makes it easier to actually tackle the excess that I do.

My takeaways right now are worth sharing.

  1. I noticed the warning signs of pain and went to the hospital. 
  2. I was encouraged that my personal doctors were involved in my treatment at the hospital. 
  3. I used the available technology to do the angiogram through the wrist rather than the groin.
  4. I am very thankful that I can have each day to enjoy and work on what I need to do now.
Keep walking

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Old words come into our experience


I hate lingering
I have been a student of history all my life. I have read about the lives of famous people. And one of the words often linked with their death is lingering.- lasting for a long time or slow to end: there are still some lingering doubts in my mind | a painful and lingering death. We may say at someone's death, "We are thankful she didn't linger on." 

When you get to a certain age, the significance of lingering becomes more personal. It may take longer to recover from sicknesses than when you were younger recovery was quicker. The word's origin comes from Middle English, in a sense to dwell, abide; frequently connected with a more obsolete word, leng prolong of German origin related to German langen, make longer also too long referring to some love or desire hoped to be fulfilled. Often the desire still needs to be achieved. 

Linger is an old term used by ancient people or writers of history about things long past. But then the word appears in our speaking, mainly because somehow we have experienced it.

As Bugs Bunny would say, "Morbid ain't he." The experience is funny when understood by people of a certain age who choose to remember their 10-year-old humor. Comrades in arms are going through the same battle. Grant you it's dark humor. One finds themselves dealing with challenging experiences.

It reminds us that getting old isn't for sissies.

Covid isolated us, but now is the time to come out of our health bunkers and support each other with the care of our loved ones or those who are alone. My generation is a selfish bunch of XXXX XXXX. Who is just learning about lingering? It doesn't relate to our idea of retiring in a playground. But then, "Here we are." Keep Walking.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

A timely Psalm when you need it

"I will lift up my eyes to the hills."
 Here is a psalm worthy of memorizing. These thoughts are excellent when you encounter trials, troubles, and tribulations from within or without. Say each verse, then close your eyes and say as much from memory as possible. Repeat this exercise for three days. Is it easier to recall the ideas?

No repeat each verse three times and then recall it. Are you closer to Word for Word recall? Do this once a week for a month.

Now read the entire Psalm and try to recall it. Try this for three days. Have you got the Psalm down now? The truth of these verses will come back to you when you need it. It is an excellent exercise for those of us who are seniors. It helps keep the gray cells working.

Psalm 1:21  A Song of Ascents.

1I will lift up my eyes to the hills—

From whence comes my help?

2My help comes from the Lord,

Who made heaven and earth.

3He will not allow your foot to be moved;

He who keeps you will not slumber.

4Behold, He who keeps Israel

Shall neither slumber nor sleep.

5The Lord is your keeper;

The Lord is your shade at your right hand.

6The sun shall not strike you by day,

Nor the moon by night.

7The Lord shall preserve you from all evil;

He shall preserve your soul.

8The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in

From this time forth, and even forevermore.

It is helpful for us to review what we're memorizing over time. Having good thoughts from the Bible in our minds helps us to recall them when needed. Keep walking.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

I'm still at it.

Playing basketball in Jerusalem
ran into a Herodian wall.
Pete Maravich would be proud.

have written about my recumbent bike, helping me get the needed movement. I've also talked about in-home walking. The one thing that in-home walking helps me with is balance. Biking definitely helps, especially when you do a variable resistance. To help with the routine, it helps to listen to online books or a podcast that you may be interested in. With Podcasts, there is a variety of interests. I have been encouraged by Wayne Styles as he shares his podcast. He is very good at applying the Bible from the Holy Land in life. When I listen to him, I put it at 1.25 speed, and I generally get a 30-minute bike ride.
The in-home walking helps me work on my weak muscles to improve my balance. Remember that you could do 3 to 5 minutes at a time and walk throughout the day. These two approaches have proven to be very safe for me. Walking outdoors, which I love my feet find the cracks in the sidewalk too easy. So if it's no longer safe for you to walk, consider walking with an indoor program. The steps are easy, and you could adapt with your hand on the counter or chair for balance. I have read many studies showing brief walks when we're older are very good for us. If you're sedimentary or injured and trying to rehab your body, find ways to move safely. What I have learned from my handicap I hope it helps anybody trying to get back into the game as we age. It is so easy to allow our muscles to weaken. Being older is more challenging, but we can regain our strength. It takes a little longer, but that's what retirement is for. Keep Walking.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Safe dredges for CP

Since we are looking for safe ways in which to move as we get older with cerebral palsy. There are a few suggestions I'd like to offer.since we are looking for safe ways in which to move as we get older with cerebral palsy. There are a few suggestions I'd like to offer:offer: 1 at the top of my list that helps me many times is my recumbent bike. inside bike high every couple minutes change the resistance and I keep track of mine heart rate and I try to increase it 15% to be aerobic. Changing the resistance often works on spring training and aerobics. There are several final workouts that I can actually do one is to have strength training and the other is to do better with the Robert and it's just a matter of how often they change the dynamic of the resistance Another straight safe strategy, is doing water aerobics, adding resistance, different types of love air containers and while I'm in the water it's really easy to move my feet around where I'm getting a lot of stretching and I can be in the water for longer periods of time which really works on stretching strengthening movement and gives my body a full range of motion which really helps the pain I haven't had opportunities this is this late but it's something that I have plans the third Wednesday I'm looking at safety errands to do are some serious stretching every day to work on my flexibility, and of course, working on flexibility for the person with cerebral palsy is always helping them reduce their pain and it is a strategy that many people in CT really enjoy because after they're done with it, they feel better and that they have less pain in their day so here are three ideas that I'm working with I haven't gotten to the pool yet, but I am looking at song to eventually add him to my water exercise I've done is on vacation and it's a lot of fun. anytime but I can do 20 minutes 30 minutes 40 minutes it's all a win