Saturday, March 30, 2013

This Easter have your own garden party, George Bev Shea 104

What a time of worship we can enjoy this weekend. Spring is late here in northern Illinois, but I have enjoyed the gardens from other places. The garden tomb in Jerusalem is quite a setting to celebrate the works, words, death, burial and Resurrection of Jesus with his finished work for our salvation accomplished. Maybe we don't have a beautiful place to worship, but we have the Scriptures and the Lord to make where we are a beautiful place to celebrate this wonderful holiday we call Easter. If you can visit a Bible believing church, and worship with fellow believers in your area.
Get up early and read one of the gospel accounts and listen to Christian music playing softly in the background.
Place yourself there where Jesus appeared to believers after the Resurrection.
Fellow shipping with Jesus by faith can make your worship as meaningful as any dynamic location on earth.
On Sunday if possible walk at a local trail or park, think on these things and make it sort of a stroll. My mind goes to the beautiful hymn, In the Garden by Charles Austin Miles
I come to the garden alone
While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear falling on my ear
The Son of God discloses.

And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.

 The story of this hymn is given to us by Ken Osbeck who it was my privilege to study under him.
 One day in March, 1912, I was seated in the dark room, where I kept my photographic equipment and organ. I  drew my Bible toward me; it opened at my favorite chapter, John 20-whether by chance or inspiration let each  reader decide. That meeting of Jesus and Mary had lost none of its power to charm.

As I read it that day, I seemed to be part of the scene. I became a silent witness to that dramatic moment in  Mary's life, when she knelt before her Lord, and cried, "Rabboni!"

My hands were resting on the Bible while I stared at the light blue wall. As the light faded, I seemed to be
standing at the entrance of a garden, looking down a gently winding path, shaded by olive branches. A woman in white, with head bowed, hand clasping her throat, as if to choke back her sobs, walked slowly into the  shadows. It was Mary. As she came to the tomb, upon which she place her hand, she bent over to look in, and hurried away.

John, in flowing robe, appeared, looking at the tomb; then came Peter, who entered the tomb, followed slowly by John.

As they departed, Mary reappeared; leaning her head upon her arm at the tomb, she wept. Turning herself, she saw Jesus standing, so did I. I knew it was He. She knelt before Him, with arms outstretched and looking into His face cried "Rabboni!"

I awakened in full light, gripping the Bible, with muscles tense and nerves vibrating. Under the inspiration of this vision I wrote as quickly as the words could be formed the poem exactly as it has since appeared. That same evening I wrote the music.

Alan Jackson's rendition

My favorite rendition George Beverly Shea
George is nearly 103 now amazing singing How Great Thou Art, note his wit

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Adding Variety in our workouts

the Real Rocky
With the kids moved out I am setting up my body bag for boxing workouts. I have already included shadowing boxing imitating working on a speed bag like I used to do as a kid, my plan is to simulate three 3 minute rounds. I've been doing one round  this week. I let you know on my progress. Reading Robert Parker Spencer books are rubbing off on me. Spencer and Hawk do all these old fashion workouts at Henry's gym. Another move I am adding to my old man work out is walking up four flights of stairs in my day. I don't do them yet all at once yet but I will work at it.
My old man workout now includes these four things everyday:
  1. Push-ups from two chairs or bench - 20 reps up to two sets
  2. Sit-ups off the bed - 20 reps up to two sets
  3. Squats off the bed or chair - 20 reps up to two sets
  4. 4 to 6 flights of stairs throughout the day - this will improve
Resistant training and boxing workouts two to three times a week
Daily walking or biking
shores and garden
I am reminded that exercise can include a lot of things we enjoy. We are made to move and
remember as we age we need aerobics, strength and flexibility.
The Eye of the Tiger from Rocky we can hear in the background. In Rocky 8 we will see Rocky in the assisted living home verses Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest. Keep Walking

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Encouragement from the net

I watched a 2 minute video by Dr. Pam Pete on the value of strength training as we age. To squat off the bed and do at the knee push-ups give us strength and more important muscle to work, move, defend and even save our lives should we fall. To reach the goals takes as long as six weeks, but we may reach them sooner. I would add crunches and reverse crunches or my sit ups off the bed and a basic workout that comes from your resistant band or on the web. Her is her life saving video. Along with aerobic walking, swimming, or biking you can challenge the decline of aging.
Pervention has a number of workouts to increase fitness and health. Here is a routine that may give you ideas to add to your workouts. Keep in mind the three areas of fitness are aerobics, strength and flexibility. If you are a fitness buff these movements you can do, if you are like me some of them may not be for us. variety is the spice of life.
OK we are getting older, my friend Deb would tell me, "Were getting older, so what, enjoy it." I think she is right. We are made to move and move we must to enjoy our life. Moving can be part of our employment and purpose. Taking a walk or a bunch of mini walks can expand our living. Using our feet to do something we would hop in the car can totally change our experience. Walking in Amish country is totally different than driving a car. Taking a brisk walk to the local grocery market you will notice the slight elavations in the walk that go unnoticed in the car. Plant life and urban nature shows you things that have gone unnoticed. Notice the less water in your lower legs and feet. Feel the mucle tone in your legs and hips. As walking becomes a habit notice your energy level. Do a few minutes of deep breathing before you go to bed and notice a better night sleep. Walking works - keep walking
ps somtime today there will be 20,000 hits to the blog Thanks!
Just read a great article about food and demetia. Check out how one drug can imediately help with Alzheimer’s.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Vacations can be quite the opposite

My cousin Rich and son Hunter camped in the snow I believe last night. It was 18 degrees. The coldest I camped was 27 degrees in the Rockies one summer. Hunter will have good memory.
I am up to now two sets of 20 sit-ups, push-ups and squats. Using the stationary bike for aerobics and using stairs. I am off this week and I hope to get some walking in this week.
Jim and Judy Smith ate at one of my summer getaways at Anna Maria Island. I have taken many swims and hikes there. Keep walking

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Thanks and thinking on the art of caregiving

Thank you fellow companions who journeyed with me to a place of emotional recovery and consistent sleep. Each of you has your own worthwhile journeys and it was encouraging to see your progress. Thank you therapists and Dr. who gave your time and talents to support me to a better place. Big thanks for my friends and colleagues at work who gave me a nice welcome back. My biggest thanks go to Barb who as always is unbelievable in her love and support to this old guy. There would have been little healing without her.

Along with walking and health I have been reading about care and caregivers to those who age and need support. Assisted living can be improved through help with mobility and outside the box thinking. Many who need care can continue their passions of reading, movies, music and pursuits and interests. Training the people who care for them and support we can do better. Connecting family and community with those needing assisted living can all improve living. Back in the day we gave our young people some purpose with Peace Corp and missions. Our world has gotten more unstable, but what if we connected young people to use their energy and talents to improve the lives of those needed extra care. Real life experience beats a virtual world any day.

I hope to explore the idea of walking and aging. I would love to hear from you about the problems and solutions for those who age. For now take a walk and let’s see where that takes us. Keep walking

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thumbs up on feeling good

I came across an interesting article on Assisted Living from the New York Times. I know we walk to maintain our independence, but things happen in life. Can we improve the quality of life in such places? You betsha! Read this interesting perspective.

Spring is coming
I have heard this line before and it may be in part of a true story. Dr. Ken Cooper talked of a 80+ woman who walked 5 miles a day. Her daughter said she started walking and still is.
"My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 now, and we don't know where the heck she is." - Ellen DeGeres
Spring is almost here, I have been moving 20-30 minutes on exercise bike for a week now. Knees are healing. Working on flexibility and ice my knees after workout.
I am also one day from discharge from my rehab program concerning post traumatic stress and anxiety attacks that increase insomnia. I am back to sleeping pretty good at night and will return to work this Friday. A big thanks to the staff at Linden Oaks in Plainfield and those fellow travelers in group. All of you were helpful and supportive. I wished all could have access to mental health care similar to how we go to the dentist and GP for our check ups. I really think it should be that normal. What do you think?
Walking is really good at helping stress. It is also good for the creative mind. I am aware of Hemingway battle with depression that took his life, but here is a quote on walking and the writing process.
“I would walk along the quais when I had finished work or when I was trying to think something out. It was easier to think if I was walking and doing something or seeing people doing something that they understood.”
― Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast
Keep walking

Sunday, March 17, 2013

fatman at the movies, continued appreciation for our 16th President

Went to the movies and saw "Lincoln". What a deal to see this great film at the local dollar theater. Day-Lewis' portrayal I thought brought out his humor and dynamic thought. What a mind old Abe must have had! It is interesting to me, we have here a great president, we most likely would not have elected. The focus on the fight for the 13th amendment gave a nice study for the film. The film for me deepened my respect for the struggle we have for human equality. I have grown tired of so many who have judged Lincoln of falling short of our own sense of enlightenment without realizing how amazing the struggle really was. Lincoln's White House seems so different from our modern White House. I thought the film gave a great sense of that day. One wonders with more security what his end of term and life would have been. He aged so in the last year of his real life. Some time ago I read a book sharing Lincoln's own words about faith, Abraham Lincoln: The Man & His Faith  G. Frederick Owen, 1981; an encouraging read.
Years ago I fell in love with the Sunday Comics, it seems Abe did too as he and the boys escaped Mary's moods by going to the law office and reading the funnies of that day. I will be looking for a read on his antidotes and stories from his own words. He gets my vote. keep walking

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Imagine better days

Today was a good day. Last two days bothered by a intestinal bug makes getting better feel great. Worked out on a bike and my old man workout, studied a few hours in my walk with Jesus study, and worked on my therapy. I have gone to half days and I am doing better. I am sleeping nights and up days. It seems so simple, I wish is was.
 I was reading an article on autism  and research into how the brain works in childhood and adulthood with the disorder. What I glean out of it is how much we are learning about the brain. What is learned has a way of helping us all. Imagine the better treatments 20, 30, + years down the road. We will seem barbaric by comparison. One thing I think will stand, walking 20 to 60 minutes a day. keep walking

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Rehabing my knees

The past week I have been using my exercise bike to rehab an injury. I started with 20 minute routines. As each day passed my pain in my knees improved. That is easily 2000 steps since I started at an easy pace. Added to it is a bunch a short walks again thinking of the range of motion. Moving helps my body heal and keeps me ready to walk. As I heal I will increase the intensity and minutes. One fellow I know swims for fitness. Running, walking, cycling, swimming are all good. Using a timer and watching TV helps with indoor biking.
My old guy workout of push ups, sit ups, squats, and resistant bands helps too. Gentle stretches a must. Stretching the hamstrings and quads and giving my self 6 weeks to recover. The bike takes the impact out of it and works on range of motion. Have an injury check in with your doctor and be patient. Keep walking

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Both Sides Now viewing Mental Illness

Joni Michelle wrote the song Both Sides Now back in my teen years about seeing life om up and down. her song is symbolic as she travels by planes and sees life from above and below. Other writers may have used mountain top experiences and valleys to explore similar feelings.
For me I have been on both sides of mental illness, caring for people and being cared for. patient, client, victim to be are impersonal and are used for objectivity and are impersonal. They tend to separate the caregiver from those who need care with a level of superiority. We made need these terms, but I would prefer here to use people, person, and human. It is human to be sick, ill, have a disease, to age and eventually pass away. It is human to have brain and nerve issues that involve any number parts of our lives. In fact our brain being the most complicated part of our body I suspect many more of us have our problems.
Behavior crosses into law, theology, philosophy, and science so having difficulties would bring out a multiple interpretation of anyone of us who suffers. Because mental health is so unpredictable we are definitely scared of it. Labels of mental illness, insane, demonic, twisted, evil, weird, strange, eccentric all picture something we would not want or admit too. There is a risk in admitting to mental illness. So I bravely step forward to say, I am dealing with mental illness. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which has produced panic attacks I would wish for no one, Insomnia and depression have visited my world.
I take medication and use a number of strategies to cope. I am definitely better for taking treatment and managing my care. It doesn't surprise me, but I am still me. A person who can care for others and above all remains completely human. Most people who suffer with mental illness are trying to cope and be a part of life. They are people in our lives and human with the ability to be a part of life. There are those who are criminal and violent and make choices that are harmful but the majority are like those fighting cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Someone seeks help don't treat them as less human. Support them and encourage them on the courageous decision to seek help. It isn't with out risk, but it is a better way to deal with an illness that is just as real as any other in our bodies that wear down with time. Above all keep walking.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

both sides now

I have been on both sides now, helping the mentally ill and dealing with my own Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression. I remember in my youth caring for all kinds of emotional pain. One thing I can say I cared and never back down from events that can be scary. I protected people and went the extra mile. Some of the best work I did was in those 7 years. There are people alive today because of my effort. I would stay with people scared out of their heads all night. Many had support wear  away and were lonely and lost. I tried to comfort their fears as best I could, but at 55 I learned myself those irrational fears and depressed distortions putting me in a dark place. My strength and skills reduced the burden of others.
It is a lot of work to deal with a mental illness. Like Cancer, and heart problems it takes what the Doctor can do and what we can learn to do in our own treatment for good give up outcomes. It is the same in mental illness.People giving it a shot support then. People give up reach and give them hope.I have seen hundreds of people struggle with mental heath, they are worth our help.Panic fears are real. keep walking

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Rehab, keep it simple

Keeping things simple when I did the splits on the ice almost two weeks ago I rested and let the healing begin then I gently began to stretched and walked as needed and a block here and there. Tonight I did a mile walk with "In Home Walking" working with the steps more the the pace though I was close. The walk got me breathing deeper and felt good. I did a little stretching. Thank you Leslie Sansone.
How many of you have injuries or illnesses and you have to restart your fitness program? The temptation to give up or put off starting again stares us right in the face. It is worth starting up and not give up. Moving and walking helps our heart, our brains, our lungs, and gives health to every part of our bodies. Breathing a little deeper helps get blood and oxygen to our brains and feet. I will take my rehab a day at a time, but I feel good just keeping it simple.
Any kind of rehab follow medical advice and listen to your body. Take a deep breathe and praise God - keep walking

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The goal of health is harder as we get older but going for it....

Here is an idea I have been working with the goal of being like Jesus and being perfect is not a human possibility in this life. The goal of being like Jesus and moving that direction is. Having the high goal  will help us experience many wonderful things in our life we would not hve experienced if we didn't give it a try. Paul sets it out in Phillippians 3:12   Not that I have already reached the goal or am already fully mature, but I make every effort to take hold of it because I also have been taken hold of by Christ Jesus. 13   Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, 14   I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God's heavenly call in Christ Jesus.   15   Therefore, all who are mature should think this way. And if you think differently about anything, God will reveal this also to you.
God's goal for each of us is to mature and become like Christ. How that works in us is unique to us and no two believes are alike. We strive to reach it but we will never do this in this life time. The progress is made by keeping our focus on being like Jesus and fully living the moment dependent on His Spirit, ready to obey some principle He has revealed to you in His word, ready to do for Him in love. Why do you follow His goal for your life because He loves you and you love Him. Caught up in the love of it the burden is light.
Some new guys on the team make all the difference
The Black Hawks are breezing through their games, there goal is to play the perfect game. They say they haven't done that yet. They love it and it is easy to love something when you are winning. Have you noticed players who love the game even in a loss. The love of game is what makes most great players.
So we have a goal to get to a healthy weight. Maybe we have a goal to walk 10,000 steps or walk a thirty minute aerobic walk. Maybe we have the goal to strength train an get stronger even though we are 60 or older. Maybe we have a goal to eat better so that we feel better and improve our overall health. These goals don't get easier when we get older, in fact, they get harder and perfection will not be reached. Working towards the goal gets us closer than we could imagine when we love it and keep our focus on the moment and the day.
I have to be honest with you, I must lead the way in how many ways I blow it. Diet, walking, exercise I have made mistakes and have had setbacks to make it easy to quit. I haven't yet, because I love what walking does for me and I love the walk. I love when I eat right and how it makes me feel. I love to move with out pain and I Love to be able to still work and play some sports. The bottom line is I still love life. Keep walking

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Using the net along way

Have you woke up one day and feeling great and then something unexpected happens and pow, everything changes? I was walking out to the car  and put my have a sac in the backseat and then moved to the front door whew I did the splits like a gymnast or a cheerleader. There is no way I can do he splits without feeling drawn and quartered. Well 10 days later most of my muscles have recovered, my knees are stubborn. Walking and stretching really help.
Often people mention the negative aspects of the Internet or computers but there is so much that is good. The other night I listened to great music from Pandora typing in the singing of George Beverly Shea, went to Bible Gate way and listened to a dramatic reading of the book of Colossians and ended my meditation with a study from J. Vernon McGee. thoughts and prayers went up along the way. Similar use of a smart phone can be applied for a walk. I have discovered along the way simple reaffirming truths are often the best. King David writes,

A Pilgrim Song

131 God, I’m not trying to rule the roost,
I don’t want to be king of the mountain.
I haven’t meddled where I have no business
or fantasized grandiose plans.
2 I’ve kept my feet on the ground,
I’ve cultivated a quiet heart.
Like a baby content in its mother’s arms,
my soul is a baby content.
3 Wait, Israel, for God. Wait with hope.
Hope now; hope always!
 Keep walking