Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hey through it all, there is still a joy of discovery

Hey through it all, there is still a joy of discovery
Last night I the preface C.S. Lewis wrote in 1961 to The Screwtape Letters on page X he shares the devil is more likely to work in management or an administration than the "den of crimes" Dickens wrote about. It may be easy for us to infer some political connection to the opposite party one may hold. But I think it is more useful for us to see the devil's hand in any administration, political, business or church. Reading this extended preface I was once again encouraged following his argument. Lewis knew The Screwtape Letters by 1961 had large sales, but he wondered if life the Bible people owned a copy but did not read it.
In the Bible I am reading through Jeremiah in the NIV. It is my 12th time through the Old Testament. I have lost count on the New Testament. The freshness of the Bible never wears out for me. Like any good book or author, reading is he key to it. We may be impressed with a shelve of good books but that doesn't replace the reading of it.
The "Joy of Discovery" is done with be treated for depression and anxiety. Both battles have lifted, but anxiety that I have still needs medicine. My body needs to walk and exercise and eat healthier. Like others both my wife and I have concerns about our future employment. In front of us is the question can God who has cared for us to this point, will He care for us in our cares down the road. I don't mind telling you faith is always tested.
Praying for the little guy tonight
Experience is somewhat of a help as we recall other times of need. Faith adds to it and acquires over time experience with the Lord caring for us. We can recall times when we learned an applied truth from God's Word. We can look back on answered prayer and pray again. In some ways the issues are big because with age comes health and our mortality. But it wasn't any bigger than when our children were small and kept us up at night when they were sick. When my grandson very quickly fell into a life and death situation. Tonight little Liam has croup, I can hear him as I write. (Lord help him) So I look ahead and present and pray. I think this is what walking with the fat man is all about. There is still a joy in discovery, but our paths are often filled with challenges and burdens. Keep walking   

Sunday, October 28, 2012

No sweat on a fall walk

Fall walks are often the best in the year. For one I don't sweat so much. It only takes a minute or two and the cool weather is comfortable. The trees have lost alot of their leaves but there are things to see and enjoy. A young buck well camouflage and a family of ducks swimming in a pond brought back to life from fall rains. You may have a hard time finding the buck in the picture. Every park bench we passed we used to do our push ups. 10 at each bench on our route in and 5 at each on our way out. The exercise is excellent for my my joints. The reps also boost my aerobics and get the whole body pumped up.
Barb pushes off the back rest and I the seat. The lower the bench the more challenging.
When we got home I listened to an Internet radio on my iPhone with ear plugs, and sat back listening to my own concert as the sunset. It was wonderful. As we walk along in our lives, I think it helps us enjoy or experience each day. Last night efore bed I took to the joys of reading and the concerns of praying. Keep alking

Saturday, October 27, 2012

An African walk recalled

Walking into Timma Town, Grand Bassa, Liberia
For over 30 years I have been sharing stories of my life in Africa to kids at JT. I think some of my stories have gotten a little bigger as time has gone by. Much of the adventure of it, I owe to the Liberian people themselves. In particular my lads.
 Back in Liberia in 1977 I spent a year + working in the jungle in Liberia, West Africa. I was involved in missionary work that involved pasturing, evangelism, medical and educational work with hundreds of people. It was he greatest adventure of my life. Talk about walks, I had the privilege to walk in beautiful trails winding through the jungle. Often as I went to villages like this one and smaller ones where the sights and sounds filled my senses. Much of what I was able to do was depended on young teens who knew the ways of the jungle, local leaders and teachers who gave of their time and energy to help an all too young of a missionary for the work I was doing.
Alfred Joe
One thing I believed I did right was to take advantage of what the people of Liberia were able to give me. Barb, Elaine, Rn's and myself shared of ourselves, but I was always the student of Bassa and Pele people who invited us into their lives.
The boy in the picture if he survived the wars of Liberia Is Alfred Joe. He was 13 at the time I was there and one of the older kids in our school. I can tell you he was he best football player, (we call the game soccer.) Along with Melvin, Daniel and Moses these kids were always with me when I trekked to local villages. Sometimes adults would come if the occasion was deemed important. These boys helped me understand the heart of Africa I lived and worked in. Alfred Joe was at his best as I walked with him through the jungle. He always knew and could interpret what was ahead. Hidden dangers, safe trails, what was in the rain forest his knowledge was exceptional. Aussies use a term that describes Alfred Joe, "keen", he was in tune with life in the Liberian jungle.  When  think of enjoyable times walking I think of these boys.

The hunter lol, Alfred, Becki, Moses
If I have a regret in my life it was not getting back to my boys. I went back to the US to complete my education and then go back. Two years after I left Liberia fell into a nearly 30 year civil war. Even today, what I did in the late 70's would not be possible. Alfred and Daniel, Moses and Melvin would be 50 now. That is old in the jungle. A big thanks also to Peter and John who gave so much of their language skills.
Sometimes, driver ants flesh eating, mambas, scorpions would be in locations where people were on the mission. They would pose a danger and I was definitely not able to remove them like Crocodile Hunter. The boys would help me hunt them. I never hunted in the jungle. I fished some, but game in the jungle was not edible. Hunting around the grounds was to keep people safe. There were people who were bit by snakes an died not far from where I lived. Times when I had to destroy wild life wasn't very often, but living in a heart of a jungle you are close to danger that is real. The boys were always available to watch over Becki as she played. They were very aware of their surroundings. Becki also spent allot of time with us as we did our work. She was a trouper.
The next time you are on a nature trek, listen and learn. I was blessed with the lads. Keep walking

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I am tired tonight, need a refuge

Th Lord is my refuge, but Barb is more than I
Ps. 57:1 "Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, until the destroying storms pass by." When we walk in nature hikes sometimes a storm comes up and if we get time we look for a shelter to be protected until the storm passes. Some of these walks are refuges for wildlife and plants in themselves. Their refuge is from our interests that don't care about the habitat or wildlife that goes against development. As I walk trails preserved in urban development I am thankful for those who foresaw we needed such areas.  Probably every generation will have to fight for these protected areas.
Tonight, I am thinking of our own need to find a quiet place where we can take a personal refuge. All over our planet are many in danger with their health or harm from others and we need a time of safety and care. David writing crys' out to God to save him and protect him until the danger passes. In verse 3, God sends His loving kind, need are love and truth to be the basis for the shelter He provides. For us it may be medical  knowledge or protection from evil. My cousin has been fighting for his life with cancer. his health has improved, but the fight continues. Prayers are urgent and real.
The Lord is our Rock
For me I am just tired and needed a nap. Before I go to bed I will take a little refuge with the Lord. My room is quiet, I can hear the reassuring night sounds from the river and railway tracks. My Bible is opened to Ps. 57, my iPhone plays wonderful music. Yet in my city there are people in pain, abused and in fear tonight. A young man who was in my classes the last few years was shot and killed. He was a good kid to me. His family is in pain. The human willingness to take up a gun to use against one made in the image of the Lord, don't we see the evil in it. Lord be merciful to me as I take refuge in you. I am glad I have a shelter. I have added  few more pictures to my friends of people smiling on me. It is a good thought as I go to bed. I add 2 sit ups for each picture.
My walk was indoors today. With my nap it was a little late for a night walk. Where is your refuge? Sometimes it is the strength of my wife and kids. Many of you will find your kids will be a rock for you. As you were for your parents. I had 10 minutes with my son tonight. It was a refuge. He is a good man.  Keep walking

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Being comfortable in our skin, Ain't easy

Aboard the Missouri, and I could pass up the pose. When it comes to aging
don't you think it is OK to fight it a little. What do you think?
Are we comfortable in our skin? At the age of 60 my skin has replaced itself 8 1/2 times.  I was feeling my grandson's skin at 22 months and his is smooth and soft. My skin by contrast a little more weathered.
One of the blogs I follow, Already Pretty by Sally McGraw explores fashion no matter what body type. Her blog is feminine and the opposite of me, but her message is a good one. I have met too many beautiful gals who thought different of themselves.
When it comes to fitness, I think it is first, it is about our health and well being. If I was younger I probably weigh in how one looks. Do I think that because I've given up on my youthful looks? Probably, but am I comfortable in my skin? To be honest, I think I am working on that one.
A few things  can say is I am feeling more fit than 8 weeks ago. Almost daily push ups, squats and sit ups are working. Being active at work and watching what I eat is a part of it also. Doing right things has the benefit of not doing what is harmful.
About my skin so different from Liam's, accepting growing old. Part of it I think it is good to work at and fight it. I don't think it should be easy. Aging is iinevitable so I think we should be realistic but give in? Walking and diet, working on social, spiritual, mental issues I think is healthy to work at. Continue to live and not give up but accept how we look and feel. How is that different from accepting fashion for any size? Sally McGraw is right for those struggling with body image.  Mystery writer the late Robert Parker would say, that is a shrink question? In therapy maybe the ultimate goal is dealing with loss. Ultimately loss is our struggle with death. Long before shrinks aging has been a problem.
For me I have to understand "my skin" with eternity in view. Paul wrote in Romans 8:22, "For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers together until now." That groaning is part of my aging. Life on earth after the fall was never meant forever. My life continues after physical death, where it is spent depends on my coming to faith in Christ while I live on this planet. Finding peace with God is huge in how I feel in my skin. You can check my page on a relationship with God.
Saying this, I still struggle with "my skin". I know my time to be with the Lord in heaven is not yet. So I walk, exercise, see my doctor, change my diet to continue to live an active fuller life. I'm working on it. Keep walking

Friday, October 19, 2012

Walking wit Kids and take in the season

Hiking with kids, I read an article by Debra Way brought back some walks I have done with kids. Helen Olsson, author of "The Down and Dirty Guide to Camping With Kids." gave the following advice.
  • Most kids can walk a half a mile for every year of their age. (I wished I would have known this better)
  • Kids may enjoy walks with elevation more than flat areas, but the walks are harder.
  • Hikes in a loop are more fun for kids that hike in than back out.
  • Walk at a slower rate and give a chance to discover things like wildflowers, birds, animals.
It has been my experience not to over do a hike distance. When Addison was six I took him on two hikes in Glacier National Park. There were kids his age that did well but it was over doing it for him. The first one was a five mile hike. He loved the first three miles, but after that is was too hard. I was short sighted on the distance. The second hike was about 2 miles and it was a lot of fun. What I remember most was seeing the trail through his eyes.
Some of my favorite walkers doing the hard part of
remodeling the upstairs. Tanya, Billy, Addison
Addison still remains my best walking buddy and we like to play different Frisbee golf courses some thirteen years later.
Spencer and my son Billy had their own adventures out west and they out did me. I learned from them, but I did take time to have supplies needed for a trek. With my kids and grand kids when we camped, they did the cooking. I was the helper. They were good cooks.
More ideas on walking with kids check out
Rain is bringing down many leaves here in Illinois. Anne Cassidy in her blog A Walker in the Suburbs today wrote about the fall colors being a "Forest fire" where she is at today the sky is blue and she writes of the brilliance of the light moving through the trees. She doesn't want to let it go. Well stated on her part. It is good to enjoy the colors when we can. Thank You Lord.
The rain will bring my walking indoors today but our walks ahead will be nice with lakes and rivers being restored from the summer draught.
Take in the season where you are at. No day is the same. Keep walking

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Enjoying my view of JT

The section of Joliet Central High School in the photo was built in 1901, probably construction began in 1900. The halls in this section and stairs are marble. Also here was the first Junior College. The benches in view are great to do push ups from. I am up to 25. I think it is to bad that they did not make the college a four year school. The number of college graduates in the town would have made a difference. We need a public college in our city.

Beautiful berries this time of year
Ju-co moved out but I think of the thousands of students like myself who walked these halls. To be sure it is a different school than when I was there. Freedom of thought and life was fuller back then. Kids would have filled this area I am sitting alone at on good days. I like the solitude, but this area really shouldn't be for me but for the kids. I was a student here back in the late sixties and we were debating Viet Nam and racism and the usual teen conflicts. Ideas were more assertive and less controlled by adults. I can't say it was the good old days but it was lively. There was no busing so most of us walked to and from school and on the walks the kids I walked with it was just us. No parents or bus drivers. We live in our own times and we can't go back but I wish kids today had our freedom.
In the years ahead younger leaders will have to look at the effects on loss of freedom and more social control and what it does to the young minds. Today everything is filtered and the conformity is stifling. I don't know if you remember bull sessions, but they were great.
Growing up in any era has its' problems but I miss education that wasn't geared for a standardize test. Colleges are a mill today and what happened to a  good book. Most books seem to be sermons today. I know must be sounding like an old man walking and not just fat. Education is a gift and more of an art than we think. Somewhere in hall like here it is still going on. Herman Horne in "The Teaching Techniques of Jesus" pointed out the student was a big part of the ciriculum. It is an old book but it is a great book. Google it, there are online editions.
Rain is in the forcast so I am glad to take a lunch with such a great view. This old building has given me a lot of steps. In it are kids who are worth the effort. Someday I will be feeble and they will care for me, unless somebody gets the idea we don't need the feeble. Keep walking

Monday, October 15, 2012

A walk can make a day better

Walking today looking at the beautiful blue sky and fall foliage set on a pond, with a cool gentle breeze made it easy for a thee mile hike. My ankle had no pain and as I stretched out my muscles after the walk breathing in the fresh air it was easy to be grateful. Getting over 12,000 steps no problem. Colder weather will come and shorter days. Getting in my walks will be more indoors, but I don't want to talk about that yet. Today was a good day.
For lunch I sat outside at our campus listening to one of my favorite Bible teachers. There were kids with their cameras they put together in Photography class. A delivery truck, teachers walking to their classes. Before I went in I did my 20 push ups. It is getting easier to do them. Not to bad for 60.
Hunter and His dad fishing
I hope you had a good day. I was reading a few blogs of walkers around the US. It seems they enjoyed their walks and days too. Fitting in a walk seems to be a good habit to build many good experiences.
Maybe by now you know I am a mystery buff. I am reading new stories of Sherlock Holmes and another Robert Parker's Spencer series. Parker's humor wins the day for me. I have a serious side in my readings that explore wartime's post traumatic stress and related abuse and depression and anxiety. I was fascinated with the personal struggles of these things when I was in group therapy. Mysteries that I enjoy take me to another place or time just for the fun of it.
Well I am hearing the night trains and river barges. These sounds have  good effect on me, it was a good day.
Looking forward to your pictures of your walks. Keep walking

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Does God care in our storms?

Sea of Galilee
One of my favorite stories of the Bible is found in Mark 4:35-40. When I use the word story we may be inclined to think of it as a fable or myth or we think of it as a child's story at bed time. But we find this story in all four gospels and it is shared as a true story. I have been to location and I have seen strong winds blowing over the the Sea of Galilee. Actually it is a large lake. Several of the men on the boat were professional fisherman and seasoned sailors. Read the account for yourself.
35 "On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side.” 36 Now when they had left the multitude, they took Him along in the boat as He was. And other little boats were also with Him. 37 And a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling. 38 But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?”

39 Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. 40 But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?”  41 And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, “Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!”
Note they thought they were goners and at that moment they thought Jesus didn't care. In the Greek He quiets the storm with a whisper or small inside voice. Not only was the storm stopped but so was the waves.
In the middle of any crisis we face what is a similar thought? "God don't you care?" If you are like me you may be caught in the moment's struggle expending energy to survive and only later do you pray. Storms in our lives do happen. We may be caught up in a hard time that requires our attention. All of a sudden there storm makes sense. 
I have read war time accounts of the insanity of war. There are other accounts of the insanity of child abuse. People going through evil and loss. I think at times we will only recover when we are in the presence of God. I was asked what I thought about the litle baby whose hands were glued. It breaks my heart. Not all answers are to be found in this life.
The one thing we need to face our storms is faith in the One who loves us and made us. If it only takes a good man to stand up to evil, then it takes faith to go through it. God isn't just there in the easy times, but He is there in the worse times.
Keep walking

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Good news from the web on health

Aren't we lucky?
Good news on the net about our health.
Tomatoes we know are good for us and here is another reason we like tomatoes, a study suggests tomatoes lower our risk of strokes.
Two apples a day lowers our cholesterol about 24% in about six months. Fruit in general helps us this way.
The bottom line fruit and veggies make a big difference.
Carolyn from a "Spirited Walker." Walking through the bogs in
England. She walked 135 miles from coast to coast this fall. I
am impressed. I have been following her blog. Walking has
been part of her journey to health. photo # 5 to 100
For dinner tonight we had fish tacos. Tanya introduced us to the idea and they really taste good. I was reading of 20 artery cleansers and "A 1996 study done by researchers in Mexico found that people who ate avocado every day for one week experienced an average 17 percent drop in total blood cholesterol. What's more, their levels of LDL ("bad") cholesterol decreased and HDL ("good") cholesterol increased."  Shape magazine A fish taco with avocados gives us both fish oil and a another veggie that is good for us.
I would love to see your walk places. keep walking

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

As we age how does our faith change?

Rick and Elaine #96
Last nght I read I very stimulating blog by Mart Dehann. http://beenthinking.org/
As we age how does our faith change? Do we get discouraged and doubt? Or do we become more sure of things? I read an article a few weeks back that reports 1/4 of seniors at 65 suffer from depression.
(Share your walk)
I know in my day I start out fresh and move pretty good, but by the evening my Cerebral Palsy firing all day I am a little wore out. Do we do a similar thing as we age?
On the other had many like Paul are optimistic in their faith. Paul writes, NASB 4:16 "Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day." I  do think if we follow Paul's advise in Philippians NASB 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." If we fill our minds with things that build our faith and life, we give our selves an edge as we age.
I think it is safe to say we can't control everything as we age.
Putting our hands in the One who stilled the
We may have changes, but we have a big God. I will use myself as an example.  I can tell you I have heard foul language most of my life. It is all up there in my head. I have chosen not to use foul language, but as I age will I lose the ability to control my thoughts? I think it is possible. I may swear constantly. Somebody who never knew me may conclude I have always been that way. Now God has always known me. He knows what is in my brain to begin with. Just thinking about swearing, has its problems. He has forgiven me and loved me through it all. That doesn't stop if I go senile.
I was in my 20's and I was taking care of aged people who had emotional breakdowns. I remember one fellow who socked me in the nose. It was a good hit. I was glad I showed kindness. I remember many were afraid. There were nights where I would sit with them until they went to sleep. We have gotten better in helping the aged, but I think kindness goes a long way.
I personal response to how we change spiritually as we age is to encourage myself and others to trust the Lord. Back to walking, it is good for our brains and heart. Walking helps us to have a few more positive years spiritually, the things we can't foresee or control we will leave "in the Hand of the Man from Galilee." Keep walking

Monday, October 8, 2012

Walking in the State parks

Easy to walk with 97 to go
Had lunch at Starve Rock State Park. The lodge there is mindful of the great lodges out west. Walked nearly 10,000 steps there. Climbed alot of steps. Pictured is Barb on a walk in Matthenson State Park near by. We went walking with my good friend Chuck Balbinot.
In the lodge they had a nice fire going. People were playing board games and some were reading. The lunch was good to boot.
Because of the fall colors and nice day the parks were loaded with hikers. Hikes and walks in the sunny days of October, can't beat it.
Today this post contains three and four on my way to 100 walk pictures. Please send me your walk picture and share the joy of walking.
Barb baked sweet potato pie from our garden, she got the recipe from Ruth Howard and it was goooood!
Went to a Bourge Identity movie with my friend Ken, the movie took us to the Philippines.
Hardly needed the walking stick on this trail
great for my balance 96 to go
I walked with my hiking stick, came in handy at a few points. The light filtering through the golden leaves was awesome. Years ago I went with a walk with Mark Huber and the light filter that day still stays with me some 40 years later.
Yesterday I was with another friend who has the same eye disease  I have. He will soon have a cornea transplant. He shared with me his experience with it. The good news is the operation improves the eye sight. How precious it is to see. My eyes is still OK, but if I live into my 70's I will need the transplant as well. The pain of the disease is not pleasant, but hope of good vision is very encouraging indeed. He shared with me that a better diet helped his eyes for  awhile.
It has been a full day. Thank you Lord. Keep walking.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Send me your walks - 98 to go!

Post #1 Frank and Sherry only 99 to go
The temperature was in the 40's today and we may get a freeze tonight.  It is a great time for a hot chocolate. For me it is perfect weather for walking. I have been doing lots of reading of Sherlock Holmes of late and I can imagine him and Watson taking a brisk walk when the "game a foot". Walking and thinking, like tea and honey go together. The perfect activity for helping the brain to stay active. When the weather is cool like this I sweat less. It only takes the body a few minutes to warm up and if you have the right layers on he cold won't matter.
My niece Payton had her second birthday today. She knew what it was all about this year. My sister's new home is wonderful. I am blessed with my family I will tell you that.
With many readers from all over the globe I am wondering what great walks you are taking? I lived in Africa and studied the Middle East. I have travelled many places in the US. I've walked the streets of London and visited some of this planet, but as much as I would like. Being neither wealthy or lucky I will take what I can get. But I can imagine their are wonderful places to walk in Russia or in India. I have never been to the Pacific Northwest in the US. On Face book, I have enjoyed many of the walks you have taken for those who follow the blog there.

Post #2 Jim and Judy in the Philippines
98 to go
But my oversea friends I would love to see places you walk. Send photos and comments. I will post them or not depending on what you wish. I would love to see a hundred places you walk this year.  That would be a good count. Scott walks and runs his way to retirement, Frank kayaks, others are walking. Jim and Judy walking in the Philippines. Enjoy this fall or seasons in your location, keep walking and love to hear from you Send me some photos.
Over 11,000 visitors

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Healing that is Genuine

"Predator healers" are wolves in sheep clothing 

"Predator healers" can be "so called faith healers" on TV or they can be secular peddlers offering a healthy life for all those who would buy their product. To be sure there are products and services that cost a lot, but have value. All across the health field it is pretty lucrative. Our health care debate probably centers on a too costly health care. The marketing of health both legitimate and not is part of our culture and society. We will pay a lot of money to live a little longer and better.
After major surgery I suffered from an extreme case of tinnitus or ringing of the ear. I looked up all the treatments and cures without much success. I went to an ear specialist who treats t problem and his advice as simple and healthy. He explained that ringing of the ear is caused by the tiny blood vessel to the ear due to inflammation or artery being partially blocked. It takes a while for the inflammation to go way and if it is the artery blocking the flow of blood to the ear ringing will occur. Since I was starting a walking program at the time he recommended aerobic exercise three times a week and the ringing would improve. He encouraged me as well and said the exercise would help my health in general. Within three months the aerobic walking improved my ringing from the sound of crickets to a low hum. I could have wasted my time with endless products.
If you are looking at information from the net or elsewhere do you get the idea that all it is about is money (your money) check it out with a doctor or pharmacist you trust. Reading good souses from Mayo Clinic, Cooper Aerobics, American Heart Ass., American Cancer Society or Diabetes can give you good information to ask your doctor about. I was just reading an article from Dr. Oz about being careful not being your own doctor. I think knowing stuff can help you ask questions.
Can I share with you my opinion of "faith healers"? At the root of their health and wealth gospel wrapped in the facade of popular health articles is "money". Their shams go back thousands of years. You won't see them in hospitals or cancer centers. They won't heal people with birth defects like Cerebral Palsy, I know this because I have put them to the test many times. Their conclusion about me is that I am a sinner and not of the faith. I know I am a sinner, but I also know God has forgiven me.

From Nancy & Fred

I have told you before of my studies of walking with Jesus and as I go along I like to read new books for me on the Life of Christ. I have been reading Chuck Swindoll's book, "The Greatest Life of All, Jesus. In a chapter 8, pp. 125-140 Dr. Swindoll writes on Jesus the Ultimate Healer. He addresses the "Preying healers" pp. 127-131 and their money schemes and brings by way of contrast genuine healing, pp. 131-140. His study here is worthwhile to any of us praying for loved ones who are suffering and sick.
On pp. 138, 139 Dr. Swindoll gives five principles for us to think about: (Word in italics are my words.)

·         The will of God is paramount, respect it. We don't know everything. God does understand our concerns, Romans 8:26-28; 1 Peter 5:10

·         Medical assistance is imperative; seek it. Prayer was never to replace competent medical care. I think Swindoll is dead on with this. I appreciate Christian counsel and medical care, but I have been helped by so many doctors and healthcare professionals who differ from my understanding of faith. Medicine has limits, but we need it. Luke 10:33-35 (Sometimes we need a grouch like Dr. House)

·         Intercessory prayer is God's commandment; obey it. God wants us to pray, He wants us to trust His care, He will do what is right. Phil. 4:6; Matt. 7:7-11. On pages 131-134, Dr. Swindoll discusses the realities of sin sickness and death. Here is where we face our deepest suffering and pain. Believe me I am in the middle of this, but one day we will be comforted, Revelation 21:4. As we are encouraged by God we encourage others, 2 Corinthians 1:4.

·         Confession of sins is healthy; practice it. Not all sicknesses and problems are sin, but it may be sometimes. For sure it helps our prayer life and relationship with the Lord. James 1:16; 1 John 1:8,9. Consequences of sin may linger, but freedom from guilt and fellowship with God is immediate upon confession.

·         All healing is of God; celebrate it. Our immune system, medical knowledge, or God's direct action, God deserves the credit. It is always a good move to give thanks. James 1:17; 1 John 5:14, 15. TV's Dr. House will disagree with this, but life is more than this life.

It is my belief and experience that God is involved in our health. I see for example people of the Bible walked. From Genesis to Revelation that is so. Walking like breathing is part of our life on this planet. Our health needs more than walking, but it is a good place to start and best of all it is free. Keep walking


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Adding workouts to our walking - toward 10,000

I am all for cross training
Depending on intensity 100 to 200 steps
per minute
I have been finding ways to walk 10,000 steps and cross training. Yesterday I worked out 23 minutes pretty intense with weights and a total gym. To reach my 10,000 steps and tonight I will use a stationary bike for 20-30 minutes. Yesterday just my steps were 9,600+. I am not done with my steps, but the biking will give me 3500 to 6000 steps based on how intense I am able to do the workout. My actual steps are not done yet, but it will be between 8,000 and 9,000 steps. Add the 20-30 minute biking. Tomorrow I will walk a couple miles after work and Thursday I will do another strength workout. Throw in yard work, walks, I will keep this body moving.
Earlier this week I read a few articles on the possibility that  Alzheimer's really could be Type 3 diabetes? Researchers state more studies are needed, but the possibilities to deal with it may be more helpful. Eating a heart healthy diet or even if we have to eat a diet good for diabetes is worth it if it helps us keep our brain healthy. Drinking water and walking is good for our brain. As we walk we get blood to our brain and all the nutrients our brain needs. Walking keeps our brain growing. Today I read an article on stress by Dr. Pamela Walker, PhD, a Clinical Psychologist in private practice at Cooper Aerobics Center writes, "Sedentary jobs that involve mostly writing, typing and processing verbal information primarily use the left side of the brain. To avoid "left-brain overload," give your brain a break each hour by walking vigorously for a few minutes. Simply walk up and down stairs or take a quick walk around your building. The bilateral movements of walking not only engages both sides of the brain, but it also enhances blood circulation and provides more oxygen to the brain."
I think with aging and things that may be part of our genes we can try to slow down the way we age by walking and diet. Maybe science will reveal more on these things. It will be good to see what we learn.
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Building muscle is possible
One of things I read from Dr. Oz this week was the tendency of people pursuing heath and learning more, they may not consult the doctor, but try to solve problem themselves. We need to hear that as we learn more. I always like the phrase in Prov. 24:6b, "with numerous advisers there is victory"
Well I think is time to work the right side of the brain with some biking. Keep walking