Thursday, October 4, 2012

Healing that is Genuine

"Predator healers" are wolves in sheep clothing 

"Predator healers" can be "so called faith healers" on TV or they can be secular peddlers offering a healthy life for all those who would buy their product. To be sure there are products and services that cost a lot, but have value. All across the health field it is pretty lucrative. Our health care debate probably centers on a too costly health care. The marketing of health both legitimate and not is part of our culture and society. We will pay a lot of money to live a little longer and better.
After major surgery I suffered from an extreme case of tinnitus or ringing of the ear. I looked up all the treatments and cures without much success. I went to an ear specialist who treats t problem and his advice as simple and healthy. He explained that ringing of the ear is caused by the tiny blood vessel to the ear due to inflammation or artery being partially blocked. It takes a while for the inflammation to go way and if it is the artery blocking the flow of blood to the ear ringing will occur. Since I was starting a walking program at the time he recommended aerobic exercise three times a week and the ringing would improve. He encouraged me as well and said the exercise would help my health in general. Within three months the aerobic walking improved my ringing from the sound of crickets to a low hum. I could have wasted my time with endless products.
If you are looking at information from the net or elsewhere do you get the idea that all it is about is money (your money) check it out with a doctor or pharmacist you trust. Reading good souses from Mayo Clinic, Cooper Aerobics, American Heart Ass., American Cancer Society or Diabetes can give you good information to ask your doctor about. I was just reading an article from Dr. Oz about being careful not being your own doctor. I think knowing stuff can help you ask questions.
Can I share with you my opinion of "faith healers"? At the root of their health and wealth gospel wrapped in the facade of popular health articles is "money". Their shams go back thousands of years. You won't see them in hospitals or cancer centers. They won't heal people with birth defects like Cerebral Palsy, I know this because I have put them to the test many times. Their conclusion about me is that I am a sinner and not of the faith. I know I am a sinner, but I also know God has forgiven me.

From Nancy & Fred

I have told you before of my studies of walking with Jesus and as I go along I like to read new books for me on the Life of Christ. I have been reading Chuck Swindoll's book, "The Greatest Life of All, Jesus. In a chapter 8, pp. 125-140 Dr. Swindoll writes on Jesus the Ultimate Healer. He addresses the "Preying healers" pp. 127-131 and their money schemes and brings by way of contrast genuine healing, pp. 131-140. His study here is worthwhile to any of us praying for loved ones who are suffering and sick.
On pp. 138, 139 Dr. Swindoll gives five principles for us to think about: (Word in italics are my words.)

·         The will of God is paramount, respect it. We don't know everything. God does understand our concerns, Romans 8:26-28; 1 Peter 5:10

·         Medical assistance is imperative; seek it. Prayer was never to replace competent medical care. I think Swindoll is dead on with this. I appreciate Christian counsel and medical care, but I have been helped by so many doctors and healthcare professionals who differ from my understanding of faith. Medicine has limits, but we need it. Luke 10:33-35 (Sometimes we need a grouch like Dr. House)

·         Intercessory prayer is God's commandment; obey it. God wants us to pray, He wants us to trust His care, He will do what is right. Phil. 4:6; Matt. 7:7-11. On pages 131-134, Dr. Swindoll discusses the realities of sin sickness and death. Here is where we face our deepest suffering and pain. Believe me I am in the middle of this, but one day we will be comforted, Revelation 21:4. As we are encouraged by God we encourage others, 2 Corinthians 1:4.

·         Confession of sins is healthy; practice it. Not all sicknesses and problems are sin, but it may be sometimes. For sure it helps our prayer life and relationship with the Lord. James 1:16; 1 John 1:8,9. Consequences of sin may linger, but freedom from guilt and fellowship with God is immediate upon confession.

·         All healing is of God; celebrate it. Our immune system, medical knowledge, or God's direct action, God deserves the credit. It is always a good move to give thanks. James 1:17; 1 John 5:14, 15. TV's Dr. House will disagree with this, but life is more than this life.

It is my belief and experience that God is involved in our health. I see for example people of the Bible walked. From Genesis to Revelation that is so. Walking like breathing is part of our life on this planet. Our health needs more than walking, but it is a good place to start and best of all it is free. Keep walking


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