Monday, May 30, 2016

Baseball and memorial Day

My dad, (Norm or Jake) , Anita the oldest ,
and Cliff all served in the Navy
Cliff and Anita were old enough to serve in WW2. My dad was just underage. They all served in the Pacific. Cliff served in combat, I will look up the ship he served on. Where did Anita serve? I will have to check it out. She married an Navy officer and pilot.
My day served to young and found out and served in a kitchen in Guam. When he got of age they reissued rank and gear. On Guam he went souvenir hunting and had some adventures with the "gooks" as he called them who were still fighting on the island. He discovered bodies with out heads in the many tunnels and caves which ended the adventures,

Haven't the Cubs been playing well. My Dad listen to the World Series from Guam. He would've enjoyed this year's team. He would get a kick out of Joe Madden.
nita, Cliff, and Jake were Cub was important to the GI's. Civil war Soldiers darn near  invented the game. The made up the early pro leagues and mangers. Run a flag, see a grave and watch the Cubs.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Love goes with truth and pushes on to worthy goals

Digging a little deeper
As humans created by God, We all have something to look at. Going to the doctor finding out that there is something we have to deal with isn't hate speech. Sexual issues along with substance abuse are real obstacles for many today; who also struggle with things of faith. As a Christian we certainly want to love everybody. But there are many challenges which are hurting people and love requires real communication.
Of course with real issues there are plenty of positive and negative emotions that come with them. The closer these things are to our life the stronger we feel about it. Somehow mixed up in this is the idea that Christians expect perfection when actually the goal is maturity.
Most of the time the New Testament translates the greek word teleios as maturity. The idea of being that we are not to stay spiritual babies but actually grow up taking on our responsibilities to walk with the Lord to serve Him and others. I would say in the last 50 years we have "lived in a world all about me". We have been on a track which is quite the opposite.
Jesus in Matthew 5: 48 says, "Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect". In this context Jesus actually does mean perfect. Dr. Thomas Constable says, "in this context it refers to perfect regarding conformity to God's requirements, which Jesus just clarified" in Matthew 5. Like in real estate location is everything; so in word studies context is everything.
This is very important as we stay in the context of the Sermon of the Mount. Dr. Constable continues, "he wanted his disciples to press onto perfect righteousness, a goal that no sinful human can attain but toward which all shouldn't move (cf, v. 3; 6:12). They should not be a righteousness as simply external, has the Scribes and Pharisees did, but they should pursue inner purity in love.
This agrees with the Old Testament as well in Lev. 19:2; Deuteronomy 18:13.
Dr. John Walvoord says related to this, "Perfection here refers to uprightness and sincerity of character with the thought of maturity in godliness or attaining the goal of conformity to the character of God. While sinless perfection is impossible, godliness in its biblical concept, is obtainable.
Martin Luther King envision the time when we would not be judged on the external but on the internal character of our heart. Unfortunately we are still spending way too much time on self destructive behavior and not what it really takes to reach the goals that God has for us.
So in love, I remind myself and others that while we want to love we cannot ignore the things that hurt us. We used to call it sin, but we stammer over that word now. We cannot even talk about the differences between men and women without stuttering anymore. We live in fear of some idiot judge imposing political correctness. Watch a young person today talking about gender identity, you can see their mind working overtime as they try to say something that is in line with the brainwashing they received. Look careful at PC it is not about politeness and manners.
Thanks for hanging in with me on this blog. Keep walking

Friday, May 13, 2016

walks with short bursts

I am personally going through a a period of time where it's hard to walk right now because of back pain. It is why I am going to using my recumbent bike instead.
I was looking at a brief article title Four Secrets for Walking to Lose Weight, by Share Care. You can check out the article at the link at the bottom of the blog.
The thing I realized in my own life is the bottom line of losing weight is about 85 to 90% in the diet. If you get your diet right you can get the benefits of walking five times a week with the goal of 30 minutes a walk. 
The new idea in walking is to have short bursts 1 to 3 minutes intervals of fast walking then dial back for a minute or two at a regular pace to recover. When you start this you may need more time to recover. You can't do it wrong it's you walk. You should be able to walk and talk without heavy breathing. 
I have been doing the same thing with biking and I am sure you can do the same thing with swimming. To health…keep walking