Monday, May 30, 2016

Baseball and memorial Day

My dad, (Norm or Jake) , Anita the oldest ,
and Cliff all served in the Navy
Cliff and Anita were old enough to serve in WW2. My dad was just underage. They all served in the Pacific. Cliff served in combat, I will look up the ship he served on. Where did Anita serve? I will have to check it out. She married an Navy officer and pilot.
My day served to young and found out and served in a kitchen in Guam. When he got of age they reissued rank and gear. On Guam he went souvenir hunting and had some adventures with the "gooks" as he called them who were still fighting on the island. He discovered bodies with out heads in the many tunnels and caves which ended the adventures,

Haven't the Cubs been playing well. My Dad listen to the World Series from Guam. He would've enjoyed this year's team. He would get a kick out of Joe Madden.
nita, Cliff, and Jake were Cub was important to the GI's. Civil war Soldiers darn near  invented the game. The made up the early pro leagues and mangers. Run a flag, see a grave and watch the Cubs.

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