Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas from the Fatman

Simon Beck Snow Art - walking in the snow
Here is an amazing piece of art where the artist walked in the snow to achieve it. The lines are the footsteps made. Like sand art and ice sculpture art doesn't last long, except through camera lens. Thanks Deborah for the link.
This piece he skis out to and walks his pattern or picture.
Simon Beck had to get his 10,000 steps on days he has done his art.
There is no fear that I may attempt this, I can't walk a straight line. But my piece could be modern. Any way type in his name and snow art on Facebook and enjoy his art.
My friend Ken and myself would probably enjoy doing beach art in the Caribbean, it would look like crap but the weather suits us.
Just for the fun of it, Merry Christmas. I have studied it out and am convinced Christmas actually is in
Hill country around Bethlehem
the spring. The events we celebrate in the Bible happened over a two year period and here is the kicker, Mary walked her trip to Bethlehem and they did not walk as the crow flies but down the Jordan River. A long way from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Read the Matthew and Luke accounts and you won't find a donkey. If they had one, the donkey would have been used for supplies. Think of our own wild west, the wagons were used for haul, wives and kids walked most of the way. Any way Christmas programs put it all together for an evening or day program. Poor people all over the world walk. Jesus mother in her late forties walked with Jesus from Cana to Capernaum, a nice 17 to 20 miles. Mary was a walker and very fit. Just using the little grey cells. Keep walking     

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