Sunday, May 6, 2012

Super moon, Look out on your walks

Our moon last night, tides high, cool picture
I went our side at sunset and the sky was clouding up so I missed the view of the supermoon tonight. I did see it later under clearing skies. Tomorrow night I may have a better view. Apparently this is the closest the moon gets to the earth's orbit this year. When I was in high school Frank Porter was interested in astronomy and in a way got me hooked into finding out more of our night sky. So Frank this blog is for you.
What a view
Watching mysteries on PBS I came across the 5 minute program Stargazer with Jack Horkheimer which clued me in on things I could see with the naked eye in the night sky. Over the years I have found that kids actually like finding out things they can see and discover for themselves. Finding the planets and constellations, meteor showers, the northern lights, the Milky Way was fun to discover together. Every week at camp I would take about 40 kids and their cabin counselors for a night tenting and cooking supper over a campfire and later watching the night sky. The kids and their counselors would settle down in their tents and I would tend the fire until it was nearly burnt out. The kids like it that I was out there. For me I enjoyed the singing and questions and the night sky did the rest. Camp programing was always looking for the latest gimmick, but the simplicity of my tent outing was enjoyed by the kids.
When I get a chance today I still like telling urban kids the wonder of the night sky. It is always worth the five minutes. With light pollution our city kids miss out.
The opitical effect of our atmosphere
Jack Horkheimer always ended his program with keep looking up. Jack's program was always upbeat.  For me looking up also means finding the Creator's fingerprints. Psalm 19:1, "The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands." With Hubble and other tools we have learned alot about what we see, but to see a night sky with a few thousand stars, 8 planets and our wonderful moon is a great hobby to have.
When we walk it is better for our balance if we look out and around then down at our feet. As we get older we tend to look down but it is better to look out. So in away keep looking up may be a good way to walk. Don't take me literally and look straight up as you walk, but do look out. I think your pace with become easier and probable faster. Today I cut my grass for my walk workout.

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