Saturday, May 5, 2012

reporting study to improve longevity

Photo from Elaine and Rick Lazney
Great photo
I read two news articles about the same report from Denmark that jogging 15 minutes a day could extend one's life by 6.2 years for males and and women 5.6 years. The study followed people from 20 to 93 for 35 years and found runners definitely lived longer than non runners. The running did not have to be fast but had to be hard enough to cause the runner to breathe more but not be breathless. Some other concerns may contribute to longevity  such as runners may not be as obese as non runners and runners may not smoke as much as not runners and runners may follow overall a better diet.
I know from other studies, when you start to run or aerobically walk also increases your longevity the younger you are when you start. For example in my life I played sports competitively to about 40. Mixed in there was times when I hiked, jogged, and walked. I also worked out with weights and hit a bag in boxing routines. In the spring thru fall I probably did these things 3 times a week. At 40 on weight training and walking I would do with times when I jogged. But I became more sedimentary increased more weight. At 50 I started a daily walk program and got back into the game of being more healthy. One thing I did change was my eating portion to one plate per meal with 5 - 9 servings of fruits and veggies. The last two years I had health concerns where I found my self rehabbing.
Heart, weight, diabetes, aging, flexibility, immune system
 all improve with walking
Saying all this where am I? I am still alive and I think my efforts have help me fight a sudden death from a heart attack. Sudden heart attacks run in my family. My younger brother died last year. Will I get 5 extra years? I have been working on the premise what happens if one changes life at 50. From what I have been able to read, there could be an average of two years added. Overall the quality of life improves. In life's uncertainty that is pretty cool. My mother was battling depression for the last 16 years of her life. By choosing to be treated last year I could experience brighter daily experience in my life. No matter how long I live that would be worth it.
So that fat man walks, with a insert brace my pinched nerve has been relieved and I am able not to walk daily and more aerobically. I have read studies were aerobic walks can give the same benefits and jogging. Walking for us who are older it is clear that we can improve the quality of our life. Adding some healthy years that is a bonus. Keep walking!
Tonight early evening large moon view

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