Saturday, September 29, 2012

consider our mortality, so that we might live wisely

Nancy and Fred Hermes birthday walk
Tonight I take up a difficult topic and one not discussed to often by health and fitness gurus. I guess it would be bad for business. It is much better to show a fitness picture of one who is full of vitality and strength.
A family member who in the last few years like myself has jump on the health and fitness band wagon; loss weight, felt better, more fit. Then bam, he is in the fight for his life with cancer. I've been praying for his recovery. Was he wrong to try to get healthier? Our efforts to get healthier don't always prevent what we hope fitness and diet will give us. I have looked at research which gives us favorable stats, but the numbers are there, that sometimes doing the right stuff doesn't prevent a heart attack, cancer, or diabetes.
In my ministry, I have visited the sick and dying. I have prayed with people and for them. I have tried to encourage people with poor health, to consider lifestyle changes and progress is slow or sometimes gets worse. Over and over I have seen courage and fight from people facing life and death. These trials more often than not I have seen people trusting God though it. There are two verses I like to share from a Psalm Moses wrote, 90:10, 12 "The length of our days is seventy years—or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away NIV...So teach us to consider our mortality, so that we might live wisely." Net Bible.
All health plans have limitations. Dr. Cooper now in 80's talks of extending life into the 90's and beyond, but he knows life on earth has limits. That is why I encourage developing a faith in Christ. We need a relationship with God where we are at peace with God, forgiven and accepted in the Beloved. It is a part of healthy living we all need.
Great shot Fred
The last 7 years for me I have lived better. I have been honest about my battles but walking, surrounding my plate it veggies and fruit, paying attention to my health numbers, taking care of my mental health; has given me a better quality of life. By the way, I have been losing weight again. Many of you have encourage me with changes you have made. I don't want bad things to happen to me, but I know I am mortal. When I think about the wisdom God gives, I want to embrace the days and years I have. Enjoy my walks, enjoy cooking, (tonight I really cooked up a very tasty healthy meal) enjoy reading, friends and life.
While I was cooking the cool evening set in, the breeze, blue sky boarded by the many trees around my home I took in the moment. Not far from my thoughts is my cousin fighting cancer. The past 8 weeks I have grown to love him more. Have you noticed trials do that? Victor Frankel wrote of faith growing in the worse of human conditions. I would think most people removed from that trial would think faith falters. Frankel said the opposite was true.
Walking and healthy living I am all for. But what we are doing is rounding off the curve in our aging where we give ourselves more time being active and alive. What do you think? Keep walking

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