Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Consider walking as a hobby

Scott - Walking to Retirement
It is the end of the day, I took a two mile walk and on my feet alot and I feel pretty good. I have noticed as I walk I am walking more even. A couple things the insert has addressed, my ankle is in a better position where I am not pinching the nerve and my shorter right leg is now even with my left leg. Standing has been easier on the back. Having less pain is wonderful. One fella noticed my walk and asked me about it. He told me I could dance now. I said, "old guys don't move their feet any way." I did my old man dance and we bothed laughed.
Why we walk? - Walking to Retirement
It was perfect walking weather in the high 50's and clear sky. My conditioning is starting to kick in and if this keeps up I may do some hour walks before too long. Walking outdoors on walking trails is my favorite type of walking. The views and creation pick up my spirits. Scott in his Walking to Retirement blog walks different races and trails in the Southeast. His latest walk was in The  Appalachian Trail. He walked I believe 8 miles. He is walking in the mountians and that is a workout. His walk included some great views and fog. Scott is a real inspiration to me as he writes of his walks. It is a motivation to me to get back into the swing of things as I rehab my ankle. I have walked part of the Appalachian Trail before. As a trail goes it is not an easy trail. It can be very hard on the feet. But the views can be breathe taking.
Wouldn't that be a great trek in the fog
Consider walking as a hobby. Check with your doctor and go your own pace, but get out and walk. 10, 20, 30 minute walks it is up to you. Check out local trails and hikes. Your daily walks can get you ready for trail walks. It is easy to pace your self. Walk on a trail 10, 15 minutes in and walk back. As you get in shape you can walk longer. Don't over do it. walks don't have to exhaust you. On a trail pick up a walking stick. It is great for balance and support when needed. Notice Scott has one for his walks when needed. In retirement pick up resistance bands and stretch. You may have other interests the more the better. Walking will help you do what you want for years to come. Keep walking.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Bill! Thanks for the mention on your blog. You are so correct on the walking stick, especially on rocky declines. I can't imagine these hikes without the stick.


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