Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The game is a foot

Don't you love digital cameras and flowers
Anne Cassidy has observed, "It is a strange sort of togetherness that I celebrate here, then, that of walking the same trail at different times. But that is often the way of marriage, both in a practical sense (you watch the kids now and I'll do the same for you later) and an emotional one. We come to terms with life in our own time, but we share in the great labors of child rearing and home creating. We are stronger because we're together — and because we're together, we don't have to stride in lockstep." Anne celebrates her 25 wedding anniversary.
Barb and I have been married 37 years and walking the same path through the year you experience different things. In a way the trail becomes your trail.
Today I was able to walk 35 minutes, most of the time aerobically. I spent some time working on stretching and working my ankle. The temperature was ideal today for walking. In the evening I work out with sit ups and push ups, squats and light weights then I have another time to stretch and work on my ankle again. This week has given me a good workout routine to jump start my fitness.
I am reading through the Old Testament from Malachi to Genesis. Taking a book at a time and I am not in any particular hurry. It is amazing to me how each time I read through the Bible it never gets old.
The Game is a foot - keep walking
For fun I am reading a mystery involving Sherlock Holmes and the Ripper and a new Jessie Stone Novel. Parker and now Michael Brandman continue an interesting character. Stone sees a shrink and quite can't put it all together as he deals with the crime that comes his way. I can relate to seeing a shrink and how much work it takes to over come anxiety and depression. Reading the series with a long run of Spenser I get a feel like I am on vacation in New England. I have read all of Dolye's writings on Sherlock and it is fun to read writers who continue with the game being afoot. Going back to London in the 19th century is always a treat. Barb and I did alot of walking in London when we visited there and it didn't disappoint. It was raining and set the mood for my enjoyment of the great sleuth. Reading like walking we need it and enjoy it at the same time.
Last night I went and saw the Iron Lady and I have mixed feelings. Streep acting was perfect, but I thought it was hard to look at a significant leader in the time of her dementia. The film was more about aging than who she may have been as a leader in her prime. In light of aging how important is it for us to care for ourselves. Drinking water and keeping hydrated and caring for our heart and arteries may help. I hope we continue to see improved ways to fight the aging brain for as long as possible. Walking has been shown to help the brain regenerate itself. I have known too many fine people to know aging brings problems, but if we can round off the curve to a longer enjoyment of life, well that's the goal. Keep walking.
Some ideas from a professional trainer on walking. This is a brief video.

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