Saturday, July 21, 2012

Be kind to self - enjoy your walk

Barb's one liner made me laugh
Tonight was a beautiful night to walk a 2+ mile walk. I used the benches along the way to do 35 push ups and 25 dips. We watched some deer in the woods and enjoyed a much cooler evening.
I have come along way in the last 16 months. Sleep has been constant and I feel very recovered from depression and anxiety is under control. Each day I continue to read helpful books on the subjects of depression, anxiety, PTS and anger management. Lately I have challenged my self to accept anxiety knowing it won't kill me and by accepting it I defuse some of the energy of it.
Along the way I have learned to enjoy my work and my life at home. One of the keys for me is to live today and enjoy it and take on the challenges of it. I am not waiting for retirement or vacation but what is good about workdays and Mondays. How can I live where I live and not wish I was somewhere else?
My walks in the parks around my city is the same stuff as walking a beach or in the mountains. Those locations are nice perks and they are a part of my life, but it doesn't beat the joy of walking each day and seeing the benefits. Each evening I can enjoy Barb's cooking as her meals take me to recipes around the world. Around my table is family and friends or just Barb and I.
Reading, movies, TV can be things we enjoy. Even sharing photos and experiences of friends is cool on FB.
Beautiful scene
One of the things I am good at is being hard on myself. I can beat my self up pretty good. This year I have been letting that go. Being compassionate and kind to yourself is a hard skill to learn, but it is worth it. Laughing at ourselves, forgiving ourselves, doing things that are good for you all lead to a good day. My critical self worked over time. That part of me made me unproductive and led to a cycle of despair. Can you see Sherlock Holmes brooding or real people like Winston Churchill wallowing in the "black dog" or Earnest Hemingway staring into a bottle of booze lamenting his decline. Beating ourselves up is no good. Let it go. Go easy on yourself.
Things like building friendships take a life time. Like our mental, emotional and spiritual lives it is a ongoing process or journey. Our life with God is called our walk with God. Walking, however we move is good for us. There is so much hope today, take it a day at a time. Breathed in the air as you walk. Feel your immune system at it's strongest. Enjoy your bible, a good book, music, and life. Emotionally and mentally there is hope. Keep walking

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