Friday, November 9, 2012

Sometimes we are cheeky facing storms

I think of the tongue and cheek of WW2 the uses of the
pin-up girl.
In 2004 I went through hurricane Charley. Living without fresh water and electricity for a week was tough in the middle of August in Florida. Barb and I went down to her aunt's originally to avoid the path of Charley only to see a late turn of the storm and be right in the middle of it. We had time to relocate but her aunt and uncle refused to budge.
Sandy hitting New York followed by a cold snap would be brutal.
Mart Dehahn has a good blog on the New York headline I think you will find thoughtful.
Some of us may take issue with the Post sensationalism. They did succeed in catching my eye. You bet you can feel the New York attitude fighting back against nature.
Beats a Nazi insignia
In WW2 our boys did a similar thing. Facing the horrors of the Axis war machine they didn't cower and hide, no they were brazen about it and fought back with humor and bite.  On there aircrafts, ships, tanks, carried with them the pin-up girl. The insanity of war or disaster we tend to face it with humor. I am sure New Yorkers had their times of prayer and care, but when we are overwhelmed humor finds a place. Bad things happen to good and bad people and, when it comes to weather we were all enjoying the fall colors a few weks ago on bright perfect days.
When bad things happens to us we are tested on what we really believe about God. Jan Winebrenner writes, "Nothing so challenges us to examine what we believe about God like catastrophe." I have personally failed this test a time or two. I am in good company on this one, Moses, David, the disciples, have had wrong responses in crises. A failure doesn't have to define us but it does show us our need to change and trust. People in the Northeast will bounce back, storms can help us grow with the Lord; but are they judgements, I think not. Keep walking

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