Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The politics of walking

Win or Lose the sun comes up tomorrow
Ah the election is over and soon no one will be happy. Politics
One thing we can choose is a walk today or a healthy meal. The returns can be encouraging.
I began reading Billy Graham's book NEARING HOME Life, Faith, and Finishing Well Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. In his introduction, he writes, "old age is not for sissies. Get any group of older people together, and I can almost guarantee what their favorite topic of conversation will be: their latest aches and pains." Graham is now in his middle 90's and in the last year he has experienced the down side of aging. His mind is active and upbeat and I will look forward to what he has discovered. Having gone through a few problems I have learned sharing you find those who are in a battle.
I have read alot of WW2 vets who faced the horror of war with great courage, but I have also spent time with those who have faced health issues and aging and seen their courage. Walking with the Fat Man is an attempt to round off curve of aging and decline to live well longer. In the Cooper newsletter for November the articles discussed how to prevent, deal with, and win over pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. I strongly encourage you to sign up for the news letter. It is good science and very practical in lifestyle changes at any age. Type "Cooper newsletter" in your browser and check it out. You will find the link in my pages as well. Our enemies most of us will face is heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Whatever our politics, life on this planet comes down to these battles.
from Anne's blog
Reading A Walker in the Suberbs, Anne Cassidy writes of a loss of an high school classmate who was full of adventure and life. Such loss pointed her to the need of the individual after the focus of an election. I don't know Anne personally, but I enjoy her blog. I was encouraged by a recent comment from Scott, paraphrasing, "walking may begin with health but becomes a enjoyment in itself."
I have noticed in my walking an improvement in my conditioning from adding strength training. I get a sense we do these things for the long run and journey of our lives.  Keep walking

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