Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve with the fat Man

Missing in action are Tanya, Liam, and Mason
Merry Christmas. I am writing as Christmas Eve comes to a close. Because Christmas was spent with grandparents my family celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Day we would travel to my parents homes and Barb's parents. There are still strong connections with family so we continue that tradition. We start out with the cookies Barb and Kendall make with coffee that Billy brews, um! Then we take the family picture and read the Christmas story from the Bible. I usually read a different story every year. My comments are brief, which is best for all are looking forward to the gifts. Then the youngest passes out the gifts followed by enjoying each gift opened.
At the meal we gather in the kitchen and share funny stories past and present. We crowed around the table and used counter space. It sort of just happened. Then it is game time. The family gave me NCIS mystery game where we role played the characters and worked out the mystery. It was fun to see the reasoning skills in our youngest players. There was a lot of laughter. The dinner was good but simple too. Barb was outstanding in putting it all together. Probably why I think it was simple. I think what I will remember the most in the laughing.
Since gifts were fun, I think of the at least two wise men and probably many more giving Jesus the three gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. J Vernon McGee shares, "Gold speaks of His birth. He is born a King. Frankincense speaks of the fragrance of His life. Myrrh speaks of His death."
McGee, J. V. 1991. Vol. 34: Thru the Bible commentary: The Gospels (Matthew 1-13). Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.). Thru the Bible commentary . Thomas Nelson: Nashville
Frankincense Tree
Others believe the gifts speak to His deity, humanity, and death. The Bible doesn't tell us for sure what the gifts signify. I know this poor young family would have used the gifts to help them escape and live in Egypt until Herod died. For me gift giving is tied into the gift God gave me when he saved me and gave me eternal life. Giving gifts to my loved ones is a joy. It has never been about giving huge or expensive gifts, in fact this year it is just a little less. For me the gift says I love you. For many years now Barb and I go out after Christmas and shop for each other, we will spend the whole day together sharing ideas and finding the perfect gift. 
I have never returned a gift unless it was to exchange it for a size that fit. The funny thing is the kids gifts have always been perfect. I remember a gift I gave Billy, it was a Fort Apache cowboy and Indians set. I really loved it as a kid. Billy never really played with it. I learned my lesson again. When I was a kid I gave my dad a football. He never complained, but next year he gave me a fishing pole. I am a horrible fisherman. Lesson learned. A gift should fit the one you give. Not much walking today, but tomorrow Barb and I will take one in the morning.  
Merry Christmas and keep walking

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