Saturday, April 27, 2013

Confront evil for the freedom to run

Confront evil for the freedom to run
In my personal studies of walking with Jesus I am toward the last days before the cross, Matt. 26: 20-25 (cf. Mark 14:17-21; Luke 22:14-16, 21-30; John 13:21-30). Confronting evil in Judas was a watershed moment of no return.  Judas learned that Jesus knew all about his plot and he, Judas had to make a decision. The last conversation had a private element to it to give Judas an last appeal. Judas intent was already in play. The plot played out as the nations plotted together, Ps. 2.
We have difficulty today calling out evil and not wanting to offend those who do the evil. While evil doers remain human and in the image of God, their actions can be monstrous and without excuse. Richard Spec, Wayne Gacy, Charles Manson, Timothy McVeigh, Ted Bundy, Osama bin Laden and the killers in Boston can't hide behind cause or others who may have contributed to the evil. They themselves committed heinous crimes where many have suffered and died cruel deaths. In Boston, in the mind of the two brothers they carried on a jihad. Were others behind it and support their effort? I hope we find out. There are many in the Islam world that would cheer their actions. Their are also many in the Isalm world who would denounce their actions for what they are. Jihadists will hide in amongst them.
Terror can come from any small group of people who are willing to hurt others for their own small minded point of view. We have to continue to see evil for what it is and stand against it. I think of the young nurses Spec killed. They would now be senior citizens, grandmothers, aunts, lives spent helping others, those whom Gacy, Bundy killed would be in middle age with families or friends all robbed of life. Manson, bin Laden, McVeigh,  Tsarnaev twisted worldviews have destroyed thousands of lives. I am hoping for top notch investigations by both the media and law enforcements to uncover the truth so we can prevent as many of the attacks as we can. What I fear is a cover-up and sensationalism in the press.
All around the globe we need to confront evil so that we have the freedom to run and walk for health. Keep walking

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