Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Things we can do to help us age better

My dad, Anita and Cliff
I read several accounts of the same article about how the Mediterranean diet can help people delay the onset of dementia. Fish oil and olive oil, fruits and veggies, fish, wine, whole grains, pastas and legumes. The effect on on our arteries and heart are positve. The articles also inform us this diet can help us against cancer, diabeties and heart disease. If we add three 30 minute workouts of walking and weight training we can do something about how we fight these things and age.
Diets I think can be best served when look into the science of it. There is a lot we can eat that doesn't help us but we can find plenty of things we can eat that is tasty and good for us. If we eat healthy most of the time we will come out ahead. For me and many others our diets are driven by the need to improve our healths. I have been more on track of late to eat to lose weight. Being far from perfect here I have gone up and down the scales. Along the way I have learned a little more and I am still willing to try.
One of the things I have learned is to live along the way. It is not about the obsession to to lose weight, but the willingness to live better along the way.
My long time friend Deb is soon to be married, how blessed I am excited for her. My niece and family enjoying there time in Europe. Talking with my old friend Larry who now enjoys living in the Rockies. My aunt sharing photos of my family, these are part of life that has little to do with dieting but everything to do with living. Spring is upon us in weather, due to change tomorrow. But a great day for a walk. Keep walking
Read more: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/life-lines-where-readers-write/2013/apr/30/studies-show-mediterranean-diet-helps-reduce-demen/#ixzz2Ryv7gAb6

Monday, April 29, 2013

Yesterday I had an old fashion workout Robert Parker would of wrote for his character Spencer. Three rounds on a heavy bag, a long workout with free weights and my total gym, 30 minutes aerobic running. OK Spencer would have done 200 push-ups and 200 sit-ups and jogged 10 miles, but I was close. Walked to work this morning and later cut grass time. I have been good with healthy eating most of the time. One thing I am seeing is improvement on my breathing as I move. Added as well is an attempt to walk 5 to 7 flights of stairs a day.
I have been reading through the Parker novels and and it is easy to see the influence. Working a heavy bag has a lot of benefits. It is a good core exercise and strength exercise. It is one more way to work out and have variety.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Confront evil for the freedom to run

Confront evil for the freedom to run
In my personal studies of walking with Jesus I am toward the last days before the cross, Matt. 26: 20-25 (cf. Mark 14:17-21; Luke 22:14-16, 21-30; John 13:21-30). Confronting evil in Judas was a watershed moment of no return.  Judas learned that Jesus knew all about his plot and he, Judas had to make a decision. The last conversation had a private element to it to give Judas an last appeal. Judas intent was already in play. The plot played out as the nations plotted together, Ps. 2.
We have difficulty today calling out evil and not wanting to offend those who do the evil. While evil doers remain human and in the image of God, their actions can be monstrous and without excuse. Richard Spec, Wayne Gacy, Charles Manson, Timothy McVeigh, Ted Bundy, Osama bin Laden and the killers in Boston can't hide behind cause or others who may have contributed to the evil. They themselves committed heinous crimes where many have suffered and died cruel deaths. In Boston, in the mind of the two brothers they carried on a jihad. Were others behind it and support their effort? I hope we find out. There are many in the Islam world that would cheer their actions. Their are also many in the Isalm world who would denounce their actions for what they are. Jihadists will hide in amongst them.
Terror can come from any small group of people who are willing to hurt others for their own small minded point of view. We have to continue to see evil for what it is and stand against it. I think of the young nurses Spec killed. They would now be senior citizens, grandmothers, aunts, lives spent helping others, those whom Gacy, Bundy killed would be in middle age with families or friends all robbed of life. Manson, bin Laden, McVeigh,  Tsarnaev twisted worldviews have destroyed thousands of lives. I am hoping for top notch investigations by both the media and law enforcements to uncover the truth so we can prevent as many of the attacks as we can. What I fear is a cover-up and sensationalism in the press.
All around the globe we need to confront evil so that we have the freedom to run and walk for health. Keep walking

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Strength training for Seniors

Following my favorite blogs I came across a very helpful blog by Erica Howard. I have written before about how exercise can improve and extend the quality of life in our lives. She titles her blog, "Finding the Fountain of Youth". Well we know the fountain can not be found as a location but it can be experienced as we work on our flexibility, strength and aerobics. What we eat and drink helps too. She reports one thing we need as we age is muscle. One study of people average age of 78 exercised for 9 months and gained 2 lbs of muscle. Another study with 90 year olds participated in a strength program three days a week and increased strength and function 9%. Such workouts improve our functions of movement and help us with balance and falling less.
The three studies presented in article not only showed we can slow down muscle loss but that we can increase it. We won't be twenty again but I think muscle helps us move better and look better even as we age. Rounding off the curve of decline means we have more time lived better and a better chance to live the way we want, more independent. Read Erica's blog, I think you will be encouraged. Keep walking

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Humor shows our fight with getting older

Mark Twain
Humor about getting older brings out our being feisty. There is a little fight left with humor. I think that is good. We are still willing to live.
I know we are aging when:
If you are still talking about what you did yesterday, you haven’t done much today.
Lending money to friends and relatives causes them to get amnesia. (I actually think this is healthy)
You should always put on a new bathing suit and get it wet before wearing it in public.  (I wear a t-shirt and tell people I am concerned about the sun.)
The more mistakes you make, the smarter you get.
Bob Hope - You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.
Mark Twain - Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. Also...Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
Andy Rooney - I didn't get old on purpose, it just happened. If you're lucky, it could happen to you.
Harrison Ford - You know you're getting old when all the names in your black book have M. D. after them.
Joan Rivers - Talk about getting old. I was getting dressed and a peeping tom looked in the window, took a look and pulled down the shade.
George Burns - When I was a boy the Dead Sea was only sick.
One thing all these people did was kept working as they aged. They had talent and could continue what they have done. If we could find things we are interested in and have a talent for it why not keep on. It may be different from what we did or along the same lines if we enjoy it. George Beverly Shea recently passed and he could still sing after 100.
Today I had a good workout in the gym. My knees have taken to workouts like butter to bread. I feel much better. In my grass cutting I worked 20 minutes and rested 10 minutes, then 20 - 10 again. Keep walking

Monday, April 22, 2013

More of us are aging, but walking keeps us alive

Hava Supai Bible Church I actually walked to and
preached one Sunday. A highlight for me
The benefits of exercise I may say alot but there are many good reasons. According to Michael J. Joyner, MD  in 1950 56% of men and 65% of women reached the age of 65, compared to in 2010, 84% of men and 89% of women reached the age of 65. He goes on to say men go on to live 17 years and women go on to live 19 years after that. Add to this, "For people who don’t smoke, don’t drink too much, watch their weight, remain active, and stay socially engaged, life expectancy can increase beyond what’s mentioned above. Those life expectancy numbers can shift upward by about 5 to 10 years." Even fat people can negate negative problems with exercise. Brain health is improved by these factors and improved diabetes and hyperstension. Read the article at

GRETCHEN REYNOLDS reports brain health improved by weight training and
Walking the canyon is special for the desert is
in bloom, you hardly noticed the 12.5 miles to the
camp ground
walking. Walking having the greater value to the brain. I have reviewed many studies on the value of strength training as we age and I have personally benefited in joint and muscle function. One of the common things we do is carry our groceries into the house. Weight trainings helps us to do this. Check out Real Age for programs you can do right in your home. Read Gretchen's blog at
Aging is unique to each one of us but the trend is more of us will do it. Walking is one thing we can do to improve the living of aging. Getting to a healthy weight is something I am challenged to attempt. Moderation lived out is huge. Making lemonade from lemons seems to be key to living well. It is not having the problems, (we all have those) but how we look at those problems. Having friends also improves the quality of life. If you are a younger reader and have made it to this point, think of walking as investing in how well you will live. The earlier you start the more will be your return. Keep walking

Running with Liam

Yesterday I went jogging with Liam for about a mile. Liam is my 2 year old grand son and that is what it is like when you go for a walk with him, he runs. We were on our way home when he slowed down. I think he did that because he did not want to go inside. Visiting Will's new home and family and the nice trip up two hours north west seeing mostly farm land rolling hills and some woods proved most relaxing. Holding Skylar who was quite alert.
Visited with my Aunt Janelle and Uncle Butch, lots of laughs. A big part of health is being connected with friends and family. Have you ever heard the phrase "that girl could eat an apple through a fence." Let me know if you think you know what it means.
Time for my evening escape with reading, music and devotions. Keep walking

Thank you God for our home we call earth

 Day as I looked at blogs and postings on the net but I have to be honest, I was taken back by just a beautiful day first. Came home, cut the grass, set up some lawn furniture, sighted a bird with different markings, took time to note some of the blossoms and new spring leaves set against a gorgeous spring blue sky with sunny temperatures in the upper 60's.the fresh cut grass and a cold drink, it was time to take in the moment which turned into an hour or so. Cutting the grass is a nice 2 1/2 mile workout.
God told us to manage the earth, Gen. 1:26 "Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” since the fall the planet has groaned under our care, Romans 8:16 "For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope"
As beautiful as the earth is, it is still groaning and we are still polluting and spoiling the planet God made for our home. For a few minutes I took in the show. Breathed deeply the air God made to sustain our moment by moment life. Thank you God for our temporary home, help me take care while I am here. Keep walking

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kendall you were wonderful Rialto Performance

Kendall Sontag stole the show for us
It rained and poured for 40 daysie asie... OK maybe not that bad but man have we had a lot of rain. So much outdoor walking hard to to do. I have had some good indoor workouts. Moving and strength exercises have been great in reducing pain in my knees from an injury. Rest recovery, movement all help the healing.
Last night my grand daughter Kendall was great in a all city grade school performance at the Rialto. There was a lot of song and dance plus band and orchestra to boot. The kids did well and hats off to the district to commit to the arts. I think all of in the family were impressed by Kendall's performance. Also displayed were hundreds of art work and we found hers. Kendall well done.
Keep walking

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Marathons have encouraged millions to live better, Terror continues to show evil and lack of respect for fellow

Running a marathon has encourage many to get healthier and more fit. Many have picked up walking, jogging, swimming because of the sport's popularity that we all compete against our personal goals. While the first marathon had military motivation, the modern marathon has brought people together. The Boston marathon stands out as unique. People competing, others cheering the best of the human spirit. The terrorist attack twisted for their own sinful end has no justification. Loss of life and injury can not be replaced. Yet what do we see again, but hero's saving lives, risking their own, defiantly moving to show good can over come evil. The low lives who did this I hope reap what they sowed. For these we lost may millions around the globe be inspired to run, walk in their place for life.
This week I am keeping track of my workout times with the goal of 150 minutes in a week. In 5 days I have 135 minutes. Thanks Don for the workout today. Praying for those in Boston, keep walking

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Winter Vinecki showing strength and love

Winter Vinecki 
Winter Vinecki here is running a marathon in  Antarctica to raise money for her father who is fighting prostate cancer. It goes without saying to do this takes training, love, and strength. Whatever   I thought about girls back in the day, I have learned while they are a mystery to me, it is not so much are we equal but am I up to their level.
Winter's dad has encouraged his daughter to love running and probably a lot of other interests. This is something dads can do better than anybody, provide the love, boundaries of safety and encouragement for kids to grow and develop.
I believe into the potential God created them to go. No two snow flakes are alike and no two kids are alike. They each have their own design.
NKJV 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it."
NRSV© 22:6 "Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray."
You can two ways to look at this verse, both are good, most translations I looked at suggest the NKJV and clearly support my idea that God has a path for each of us to follow, a path that may have similarities because God's design we share many beneficial things. But our experiences, gifts, talents...work out uniquely in each one of us. The right way in NRSV is God's way that we learn each day and takes in our differences, uniqueness-es and experiences. His way has a lot of shared values but He is the one who made us and knows how it all works out in our lives. As parents we teach our children what God has taught us but we do so with the idea that they will grow up and discover for themselves God's ways and will. Their abilities, personality, achievements and failures will all make up who God created them to be. 
Usually we don't think in terms of failures with kids, but haven't we found we have learned a lot for our mistakes, sins, failures and trials. We have a make believe idea that life happens without trails, work, effort, errors, sins, struggles. Here is where we grow strong, talented, gifted and we look at that child, young man and woman, with wonder. "God leads his dear children along"...
Winter's story of training and not using her talent to help her dad with cancer stands out because of the struggle of it. Keep walking 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Skyler Joy Reeves

Grandpe with Skylar Joy Reeves
What is important today is 10 days back to work with out an absence and even more important I saw a beautiful girl Skylar Joy Reeves, she is a beautiful baby girl who will great bless The Lord and us to boot. She feels to light but she share her beautiful voice and has a wonderful opinion. Liam was uncertain when she cried and wanted mom's assurance everything is OK. Definite motivation to keep walking.
This morning before lunch a took a 20 minute workout in the fitness center that include time walking there band back where I eat. Part of the way includes stairs,. Converting workout to steps easily over 2000 steps. Later I included my old man
workout and I took several short walks through the day. This week end I will set up my boxing room where I will simulate three rounds of boxing. Once or twice a week I will do that workout. I am going to use my recombant bike for one to two outings a week, walk with Barb, use strength training equipment, play so tennis and disc gulf, hike some trails and it should add up to better fitness. I forgot swimming but that is on the list too.Cross train should work all muscles and add fun variety.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Birthday's and such

Donovan, Bompa
I personally celebrated my 61st birthday. A few days earlier I took note of my father's birthday He is no longer alive but memories, photos, talking with others, he remarkably remains a big personality in my life. I am pretty confident most of my life has been lived and yet the time I have left I want to fully experience. I enjoyed talking with my father in law tonight, sharing funny stories, and up to date stuff as well. He had a pace maker put in and he has more energy and is alert. He wanted to be around the birthday party for Donovan and even sat on a stool.  Donovan had his birthday today and it was perfectly OK the focus was on him. Being 61 I think I am mature enough. Being 14 is way more important. At 61 I am cool with being alive, walking again.
Tomorrow Lord willing little Skyler will be born and won't it be fun seeing her in her teens and maybe early 20's. As the years go by the grand kids birthdays will take center stage and the gift for me will be to take in a few of them. I will share her beautiful picture.
Most people in history didn't live to 61. Today we don't think it to be too old. It is old  enough for me to live each day. I would like to listen more to understand and respond. I want to be more than politically correct or have every thought filtered. I want to enjoy my reading and still soak up God's Word, maybe listen to the Bible being read. Enjoy friends and keep making new friends. I along with that want to by faith be close to God. I also think it is possible to have the next days - years be the best with Barb. Walking is a part of all of this, and these gifts can't be bought. Keep walking

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Getting older choose life

Barb keeping the ol' man in shape
Morrie Swartz gives a great quote about aging, “Aging . . . is more than the negative that you’re going to die, it’s also the positive that you understand that you’re going to die, and that you live better because of it.” Yet in his book, Tuesdays with Morrie, he give no thought about the afterlife. Wise about knowing your mortal and chose to live better each day you have, but we also need hope with the here after. Since our experience with aging varies putting all our eggs in this life will have mixed results. Some people will have that retirement experience, walking idyllic locations and experiencing a well off many joys. Many of us will have to work and deal with lots of trials. In the end all of us may face hard times. For sure it is all unpredictable.
Morrie has a good point and choosing to live is better than choosing to die.
We need more today than ever hope beyond the grave.
Looking in the Bible we find humans are destined to eternal experiences. Our earthly
I will take a picture later when trees are full
bodies cease but our souls continue past the point of death. Luke 16 makes this very clear. There are many other verses that talk of these things but Luke 16 is a good place to begin. Choosing Christ as Savior or not is the biggest question of faith we find in this life. If we place our faith in the death, burial and Resurrection eternity with God is made sure. If not separation from God in eternity is also clearly taught. Our religion, our spirituality, and church have their importance, but the way of faith in Christ is a priority. Live well, but believe well too.
Had a nice walk in a new trail today along the Dupage River by Black Road walked over 50 minutes on a beautiful day, Spring green is yet to happen yet, but I think it will start this week. Keep walking

Hurting tonight, that is when care and love speaks loudest

Garden ready to go, just beat the rain in rota tiling and putting down the garden fabric. We can plant some cold bearing plants. We will have time to work on perennials and summer floral gardens around the yard. Our potted plants give green year round. They improve our indoor living as well. One of the best gardeners is Scott Huber I remember his planting a beautiful garden for his parents. Gardening gives us time outdoors and another way to work and move. 
My heart goes out to the Warren family, whose son lost to depression. We are so fragile. I hope someday we can be as open about our mental health as we are about sport injuries, accidents, and illnesses. In our fallen world let's apply the same care for our mental health as we do for a common cold. In my own way I have been open about my mental health problems so others can feel good about help and support. Theologically mental health is a "bitch" as my father would say. If I can heal and cope so what do I care that someone would think less of me. God has always encouraged me to cast my cares upon Him. He knows about them anyway. I have been accepted by God ad loved, and He has me sick or well.
I have found many are very supportive and kind. In truth in low times I am often cared about in surprising ways. CS Lewis title "Surprised by Joy" comes to mind. If someone has the mind to gossip about what ever weakness I have, what a waste of time and energy, it means little to me in comparison to being free of depression and the grip of an anxiety attack. It is kind of like the joy I had this week walking again after an injury a month ago. With each walk I can feel it making me whole and free of pain.
For Ken, Amy and Billy, go blue! Keep walking

Friday, April 5, 2013

Dad's birthday, triggers kind thoughts

Dad reading the
Today is my father's birthday, he would have been 86 today. He has been gone now nearly 18 years. Every Saturday nearly I have a cup of coffee and I recall in his later years how he used to come over for a cup of coffee and plan some rehab project at my house or his. We talked about alot of things and I wouldn't trade those times for the world. I also recalled the ballgames and basketball games we watched together. His TV was bigger than mine. He liked comedies and didn't care to much for movies, he liked reading the paper, doing the crossword puzzle and talking in the kitchen. We both love the outdoors an gardening, he was the better athlete, but then I have CP, I wasn't bad.
He never went to college, but he was smart. He worked hard for me to have care I needed to live strong the way I do, I owe a lot to him and he always had my heart. I don't think he would be on the Internet but happy birthday dad.
When I was a kid I fell a lot and he would never pick me up. The specialist told him it would be better for me if I picked myself up. He told me later that it bothered him every time I fell. I fall less today because I am more mindful of the pain, but I still don't like people helping to get up. I naturally get a little gruff. That doesn't make me right for I think people are being kind. It is just old habits are hard to break.
I was touched today by the Principal's kind words and a nice visit with a friend. Later I enjoyed the company with my daughter.
My knees are healing and I a able to stretch a bit without pain of injury. The paved trails are great for movement an healing. Tomorrow I hope to walk a new trail and I will be fun to see that trail through the seasons. Kind thoughts for my dad and keep walking 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Thinking of Wyoming and recovering along the way

Knees and injury on the mend, back to walking. Walking now is helping alot with reducing pain. The weather the last three days has needed a warm hat but for walkers perfect weather no sweat.
I can hear the Cardinals on my walks, we have a pair of Cardinals in the trees around our home. I like hearing their call. Our trees and bushes haven't started showing us the new green colors yet. The skies have been partly cloudy and and easy on the eyes.
I am reading the Walt Longmire series by Craig Johnson. The mysteries take me to Wyoming very easily. I have been able to talk with an old friend Larry Menshel who lives in Dayton Wyoming near the Big Horn Mountains. I've downloaded some pictures in that area and it is beautiful. I walked a few trails in that area in the 90's. I would like to return for a walk or two and share some time with Larry and Anne. More motivation to do more stairs at work and walk to enjoy a mountain trail.
At work today I helped a few kids and got a kick out of it. That never gets old!
I have shared my rehabs with you and once again movement reduces pain and gets me back into life. Where are you at today? Are you recovering, struggling with, or dealing with getting older or ill? Walking can help. Start out slow and take your time. Each day work at it. In two weeks how do you feel? Stay at it, how do you feel in a month? six weeks? Two months?  10 weeks? Three months you will be feeling better. With Biking , now walking it has been a month for me. My fitness level is improving, as we move into spring and summer I will let you know my progress.
That is how it is often, we have set backs but the key is not quiting. Let's round off that curve, Keep walking


Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter a great encouragement

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." - John Muir
Barb and I were off for a walk today, we were well dressed for a windy cool day. The skies we blue and we could here the birds. We added push-ups as we passsed benches on the way back. It feels good to breathed the cool air deeply into my lungs as the walk pace was aerobic.
Yesterday our plumbing went haywire and forced us to take lodging at a local motel. The plus side was pool time with Liam. I was able to do about 20 laps, it felt good to swim.
Being Easter, I preached an Sunrise service. In our all to brief lives I wish more would grasp the truth of Jesus' ressurection being witnessed by so many. He is the way, truth and life (John 14:6) to get us to heaven, (John 14:1-3). Faith in the truth of Jesus being God and Savior, personally, even weak small faith can save to the uttermost.
Today our plumbing is mended and back to home sweet home. Keep walking and enjoy the many benefits.