Weighed in today and is the attack the snack diet working? Short term yes, I have lost 8 lbs. What does that tell me? I have been eating to much particularly at night. Dr. Cooper has said, "If you want to see the pounds shed, stop eating after supper." I am another tail of woe, he was right. I suspect in the weeks ahead I will lose weight steadily and then slow down. If this is to work though I will have to see it through to a healthy weight. When I get within 25 lbs of my BMI (Body Mass index), I will consult with my doctor about what weight I should be at in regard to muscle and bone mass. You can look at a chart but that is not the whole story.
Ran again today and I am well on my way to13,000 steps today. Tomorrow will be a walking and strength day. Tonight I will relax with a good stretch. earlier I looked right at some donuts and said a clear no!
Still thinking of friends and health, I am not ready to write a note about it yet but I know they are vital. I have been encouraged. Keep walking
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