Thursday, February 17, 2011

"I am blessed with work"

After two months of winter weather we have had milder temperatures that thawed the snows of the blizzard. Side walks are cleared and people are walking in the safety they bring. The trails are clearing and people are returning to the walking trails. Barb and I have been doing the indoor walking DVDs each night choosing a different workout. Today I walked 13,000 steps including a 30 minute aerobic walk after dinner.
Thinking about today many of my steps included working with kids at work. In the romantic comedy, "Return to Me," Carroll O Connor says a line, "I am blessed with work" playing a restaurant owner who connected his work life with purpose. In that simple line, I find work has a benefit to others and myself as well. The benefit of walking while at work I have mentioned several times. I would not have reached my goal of 10,000 steps without the walking I do while at work. It is easy to come home and hit the recliner and without some walking after work 10,000 steps would elude me. Walking needs both times working and later. saying all this there is still plenty of time for relaxing and ease.
O Connor's character worked well into retirement years. Many seniors have to work some to make ends meet and many work for the benefits they find in work itself. Finding ways to move and will be key to better health and fulfillment as we age.
Reading the Daily Bread the writer wrote 90% of people fail to change their life style after open heart surgery. They fail to heed their doctor's warning. If true, I am not sure why? Fear, discouragement, complications I don't know. I have learned change is hard but not impossible. One change of walking can often make possible other changes of diet and smoking.
"Be blessed with work" keep walking!

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