Saturday, May 18, 2013

Stength and flexibility and our Spiritual walk

Head ban, hair and smile, I am
probably watching Danny Foust
In the blog Today I Will Karyn Hughes, MEd shares strength training and stretching improves performance in golfers who average age is 57. The stretches were held for 10 seconds. I have read recent studies where stretching decreased strength performance. With any study you have to read carefully and see in follow-up studies say similar things. As we age we need to work on flexibility. In the east many elderly exercise with movements that help movement and joints. When we workout or do an activity or sport our body naturally stretches out. When our bodies warm up that is the best time to improve flexibility. Having CP I known this for years. I recall some 43 years ago my tennis coach Peter Neff at Joliet Junior College telling me at the end of the tennis season how I was moving much better.
Working out, walking, stretching are all things we can do to improve joint pain and muscle pain. For me it has reduced the amount of pain medication I take for arthritis. I am partial to less pain. Get off the lounge chair, desk, sofa and go for a walk everyday. Do it for 6 to 10 weeks and see if  you feel better. Walk at your own pace, as you walk you will move faster as you go along. In the summer walk early in the day or later in the evening, I find a naturally walk faster after the first 5 minutes. walk 10, 15 or 20 minutes at a faster pace, then slow down for a 5 minute cool down. It is your walk, your body will tell you what pace you can do.
If you are just starting a walk, remember most of us can do this, especially if we listen to our bodies. Also check with your doctor before starting a walk program.
Switching gears a little bit Earl Radmacher writes "Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the Helper (John 14:16, 17). The Greek word, paraklÄ“tos, means “one called alongside to help.” In giving us the Holy Spirit, Jesus shows that leadership is not so much the ability to walk ahead of someone as the willingness to walk beside someone."
In my studies on walking with Jesus that is the sense of the perspective I have been looking at it. I have been viewing the gospels from the point of view of walking along side the disciples, attempting as best I can to get an idea what was it like to be there, seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and tasting as I walk along side. I have eaten food they would have ate and I have looked at thousands of pictures and videos to see the locations as best I can. The two thousand year gap is no small problem. Walking most days where I like keeps my body moving and I try to connect the experience together. 
It is good to know as a believer the Spirit lives in me for thee power of the spiritual life. He walks with me for fellowship and He has been with me through it all, the ups and the downs. He walks beside me to protect and defend me from both the unseen spiritual world and here in the here and now. Bad things happen to good people, but I believe God is there to hold evil down. 
Be encouraged, and keep walking 
Radmacher, E. D., Allen, R. B., & House, H. W. (1999). Nelson's new illustrated Bible commentary (Jn 14:23). Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers.


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