Let's take time to enjoy the path for a while |
Today I am writing about a not so nice topic, but laws are being passed and attitudes are being accepted which will directly effect our aging experience. We need to be careful that we are not being set up or becoming lulled to sleep about who calls the shots when we age and face the possibility of dying.
Different states have ruled for assisted suicide for those very old of sick. I believe it will become the law of the land within five years. Doctors assisting suicide will no longer be criminals. They will instead be there to offer another option. Proponents are already aware that how they pose the option directly effects the response. Would you like a more natural death or would you like CPR not to be performed. A nice warm and fuzzy approach is to be preferred.
Our children who have no idea of what it means to get older or value the experience of being aged will often be in charge of our time to terminate.
Death will be free of pain and we will be made comfortable. Self murder if you survive can get you hospitalized today, but soon you will be able to go to a clinic and be helped.
For sure at first it won't be that easy and it will be a lawyer's and doctor's nightmare. At least I hope so, because this option should never be easy.
Ending life should never be easy and it should not be with the promise of no pain. The Bible makes it clear "that it is appointed unto man once to die and after that judgment." Like birth, life, school, work, marriage, having kids, raising kids, aging, we get one go around. It goes pretty fast. We need to smell the roses. Death like everything else is unique to each one of us. For those who love us, death separates us in this life. Let's pause a minute.
People dying recover, hang on, get worse. What ever their experience it is their time. While we live in this life there is hope, but everyone will expire save a work of God. There comes a time when we won't recover and a time when all that is left is the last moments. I am all for hospice and pain management, but just lost of awareness so we have personal peace and comfort is not enough.
I am all for the argument of are we extending death or the chance of extending life. The debate will come to each one of us. Also will come is the time we die however unpleasant, letting go and making peace with ourselves, loved ones and God. These things have never been easy and I don't think they should be assisted by suicide.
The next move will be people making this decision for us. Hope of recovery won't become optional.
If we keep walking, they won't catch us for awhile.