Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thoughts on mental health, how they encourage

Working out on a cruise ship that relaxing
I have upped some of my medicine and next week I will enter a day program to get back on track. I am already feeling better, but I have some work ahead. I sort of liken it to a week at the Cooper aerobic Center if I was to go for a check-up and work out routine. Therapy and treatment is not a retreat or restful. But is is beneficial. Where do panic attacks come from? Are they part of post traumatic stress? Are they unresolved conflicts working them out in these scary symptoms. A damaged soul or personality perhaps? I strongly lean to our brain and an actual problem in our body? I am sure the answer lies in combination of a lot of things and the cry for what ever works will do.
Anxiety is part of it but it is different then worry about bills, kids, job, and such. We all share these things. Prayer, trust, care and love help us as we work through our worries and care. I have done some reading on war and its affects where enough people develop panic disorders l will have to deal with all there lives. For me I can see the role abuse plays into this problem. If I did nothing else, I have worked hard not to pass that on to my children. Maybe that helps to see why it is work for me.
Loss and grief can bring an emotional onset for any of us, but then these could be their own set of difficulties and need for care. The stigma is still there, but it shouldn't be. I have read as we get in our sixties, how many of us will battle depression. My experience with depression is that it painful. I can live with the thought of somebody thinking I am nuts, but to live with painful thinking is much harder. Treatments are better than the past, but we still are a work in progress. To live with a panic disorder or depression the feeling of being alone is strong, but we are not and there is hope. Lots of it! Keep walking

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