Monday, November 12, 2018

Time for another 12 week trial

Time to consider new strategies. I face limitations as to how long I can be on my feet before back and joint pain shuts me down. My right ankle can experience a pinch nerve at any time. On uneven ground it is too easy to fall. I will stop there because you might think I'm complaining. As Samwise Gamgee used to say, "I

don't mean to Mr. Frodo"
So maybe I can take many short walks each day to reach 60 minutes a day. I may add strength training into these minutes as well. Different symbols for 1, 2, 3, 4 minute walks for my stick notes. Keep track of a few walks at night on my phone and on my computer during the day. Include walking during TV time late at night. Never really sit too long.
Keep biking separate for aerobic work. Later separate strength fitness from walking. So in a few weeks it should look like 60 minutes of walking each day. 20 to 30 minutes of Biking 3-5 days a week. After 12 weeks access for changes. Walking can be a continuous program with Leslie Sansone. I don't fall with these and balance is challenged and different muscles used. Walking with fatman exercises such as lunges, dips and squats, pushups, sit ups.  Lots of water.
I am eating half my carbs and smaller portions. Two smaller meals with a fruit and veggies back in the middle of the day.
up to 12 miles an hr
Right off the bat walking 20, 30, 45 60 minutes each day is a good day. 60 minutes is 6,000 steps. On days I bike those steps will rise. Each time I try these things, something works and something does not. a twelve week program is easy enough to commit to. Joint challenges will occur.
My mobility works like a charm. Easy to load and unload. Easy to set up. I can lift machine by self easy enough, but it is a snap with the two of us, Barb taking the light and I the end with battery and seat. I tooled around home depot. Speed can be controlled for unexpected stops and shopping leisure. In the grocery store and mall outstanding. Indoors I haven't put it into faster gear. Full throttle at level 1 goes faster than walkers. It is a feel thing but most of the time i go at half throttle. Outdoors on trail I can move at about 12 miles an hour in fast mode. It is a little fun.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Revisiting the blue world - support mental health

Over the weekend visited a friend who was interested in the details on my experience I'm choosing to going to a mental hospital and resulting care. For several years my depression and anxiety has been in remission. I could describe what I went through from memory; but I know you are think that way. The blue of depression has long been lifted. Particularly my all too frequent panic attacks I no longer feel.
I in particular read some of the journals from that time period and found them painful to reread. I was glad to put them down. My overall memory of the hospital and later day care treatment was positive. Learning and practicing the therapy immediately brought relief. I would fine-tune my therapy in the years ahead and practice specific techniques that were very helpful when I was sick with the flu or reading the signs of stress early enough to defuse this negative energy.
The medicine I take prevents rumination and allows my brain cells to pass on information. There are Remission is different then healing. Occasionally I feel stress and have to engage a meaningful therapy from my bag of tricks. Once in a blue moon Barb gives me cues that help.  Depression can come back, as insomnia can also. In some form so can panic attacks. But today in these last few years I am not experiencing these things. It is a little harder to recall them and that's good.
Picture of painful thinking
other skills I practice that help sleep. Living your life in a blue world or under the black dog it is completely different when you're illness is in  remission.
We still do not live in a time where we except mental-health and mental illness. Mental illness is more likely to be linked with criminal behavior and weakness we fear and cannot accept.
The majority of people with the mental illness issue are not criminal. Treatment should be accepted without proof a danger to self or others. We should expect like every part of our body problems particularly as we age. Cost for medical care is too high so we have to find ways to make healthcare affordable and here on-topic mental health.
At age 63, 25% of us can be described as clinically depressed
CDC reports 20% of people over 55 have some sort of mental illness
WHO reports 15 % 60 or older
Reminder to have compassion on
our political leaders
At 85, 50% of us have dementia. Just recently Justice O'Conner shared her diagnosis
As we age our problems continue. You can see different numbers, but factor in the reality of loneliness in old age and I think the real numbers are higher. I believe we cope with less than perfect health mentally far more than we should.
Most insurances do not cover mental health. With Medicare I had to drop my therapist, I was close to ending therapy anyway. We should not lose rights automatically for entering mental health care voluntarily.
I was very fortunate Barb was a rock during the dark days. It is probably true I be hard to put up with on a good day, let alone a bad day. (For the record I know that is not a true statement, it just sounded funny) Keep walking

When I say we had a cool vacation, I mean cool

Barb and I took a week to do a fall color tour in West Michigan. We stayed in a bed and kitchen place one half block off Channel Lake in Pentwater and a block off Lake Michigan. There at Meers State Park it had about a mile of paved bike and walk trail to take in the wonderful views. Our time there was cold and windy, bundled up the walks were beautiful. Our trees this year are turning late and everyday there was more color.
Each day brought different trips based on the weather. Somedays
we explored Manistee National Forest, found a paved bike trail and some cool places to eat. One day we traveled up to Ludington, Michigan and went to the State Park there, great views. I was surprised by the downtown being really upbeat with several good restaurants. Another surprise was a visit to White Pine Village and reconstructed village from the past. I thought it would be a short visit but in had many things of interest to see.
Every night we continued our virtual Tour of the Holy Land with Wayne Styles, creating a retreat as well as vacation. Caping the night listening to mystery as we fell off to dream land.
We had two clear nights to star gaze. The best part of all was sleeping in and being with Barb. Keep walking

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Do sports played over a lifetime help us live longer?

Liam reminds me smiles lead to
longer lives
Tennis anyone?
 Gretchen Reynolds writing for the NYT health reports on recent studies looking at common sport actives people may do throughout their lives. These sports include "cycling, swimming, running, tennis, soccer and, perhaps unexpectedly, badminton." How do these activities compare with the lifestyle of sedimentary living? The study was done in Denmark, England and Mayo Clinic. It involved 8600 people, in Britain 80,000 men and Mayo Clinic looked at both studies with their own on jogging and racket sports. Information collected over 25 years. 
Before I show you what they reported I think it is fair to think the lifestyle of a person who involves sports that involve social connections that differ from a person who does solitary sports like jogging, swimming, cycling. People who continue a consistent program of fitness will be different from those who are more sedimentary. When somebody becomes sedimentary may be a factor as well. 
For example in my own case walking and sports that I did when I was young gave me benefits I have experienced all my life. Playing tennis and racketball into my 40's and developing the habit of hiking and walking with Barb has helped me in my 50's and 60's. The challenges I now face will determine my 70's and beyond. (Thinking positive here)
The numbers below are compared to those who are sedimentary. 

Years gained
Cycling3.7 years
Running 3.2 years
Tennis9.7 years
Badminton 6.2 years
Soccer 5 years

Do people participating in sports through out life also have more money and resources for health? Is a

Playing for GRSBM 1979
question raised in the article. There may be many reasons connected with these activities that make a difference. The researchers consistently thought social connection may favor team sports. The article ends with the following quote,
Raising your heart rate is important” for health, he says. “But it looks like connecting with other people is, too.”
There are many studies that refer to the benefits of social contacts and health. I played, coached tennis for a long time. Right now I don't see myself returning to the courts. Competitive sports will change as we age. Injuries, joints, and fitness all weigh in for me. I had to change my activities. 
Longevity matters when wee talk about a lifetime. When we get older I think the shift changes to daily living. If you are under 50 I think you can change your life span. Changes we make when we are older matter too. If not why should I take the time to share these things. The shift to day by day has it's value too. "Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts." ps. 90:12 
Does cycling help me today? Will it make tomorrow a little bit better. Can I find and do activities that create interest and movement? The biggest underlying idea for me is can I build new friendships and stimulate old ones? Keep walking

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

behind every step of health is faith

I am continuing to reach my goals of 150 or more minutes of exercise. This week biked 3 times with  Spin classes and once walking the dog, a pace like a walk just to get the heart pumping. Almost 40 minutes of strength training and back to short walks. I can see this helping me to move through out my day. 
The garden is in full swing with the rains reviving the beans for another harvest. Getting veggies for now and later this winter helps with making meals that much better. 
Sometimes we find ourselves in times of trouble
In Psalms 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.", has been a comfort to many. When you look at verses 2, 3, 6, 10 you will see real things to be afraid of.  Troubles never really cease. We respond better with thoughts and hope, love and faith our bodies actually work better through the stress of trouble.
God is
when we need it. keep walking

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Progress continues, stretching helps growing research

1st week in barely made my goal with 154 minutes. I needed more time to recover from inflamation. This week I feel better. Today I did a 30 minute spin class with two sets of band resistance.

I read an article on the benefits of increased flexibility with age. First article is from the Washington Post, the first link below. The other links were given in the Post's article. The second article is from Mayo Clinic suggests these benefits:
"Stretching can help improve flexibility, and, consequently, range of motion about your joints. Better flexibility may:
  • Improve your performance in physical activities
  • Decrease your risk of injuries
  • Help your joints move through their full range of motion
  • Enable your muscles to work most effectively
Stretching also increases blood flow to the muscle"
The third article reveals stretching your calf muscles 4 weeks can improve blood flow 3.5-5%. My calf muscles are effected by my CP and directly hinders blood flow back to the heart. I have noticed indoor biking helps. Stretching I have noticed helps, American Heart Society supported what I suspected.  Below is a link to basic stretches from Mayo Clinic. 
I have previously shared how flexibility has to be part of our senior fitness program. Keep walking

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Pain is a tough door to walk through.

AARP writer Patrick Kiger reported in July Chronic Pain Afflicts Most older Adults in a Harris poll survey Of 2,011 adults. 20% of those age 55-64 and 25% of those 65 and older have given up on were compelled to give up some activity they loved to do because of pain. 57% of those 55-64 deal with chronic pain and 64% of those 65 and older deal with chronic pain. 85% and 88% of each group find some way to deal with pain.
Giving up activities I think come as we age. Some activities would be more friendly as we age. Rugby, boxing, American football would have an earlier retirement from the sport. Workouts once did may stay with us a little longer. I think activities can be replaced or modified. Pain though is a reality. Moving forward changes have to part of the strategy.
We try medicine, physical therapy, chiropractics, yoga. The 20-25% of older people who give up probably have tried these things and pain remains. That can be discouraging. For others these strategies help us continue.
Today I did what my heart doctor wants me to do more often. Watch TV and just bike. There is a
Au. 26 week
benefit of getting distracted, before you know it you have moved past your daily goal.
This week I took a few days off. My bruising got a little worse. I am still bleeding in my joint. Inflammation improved, back on the bike. Each time it took time before pain eased as I warmed up and fluid moving into the joints. Easier levels but choosing to engage in an increased pace.
Strength training minutes were added during the week. Toward the end of the week I did more short walks.
Pain is real and it does affect us. I think of my grandson with a disability walking through doors and increasing his experience and success. This lovely fellow gives me motivation to move through my doors. I have never have been as sweet as him, but I remember many of the doors I had to walk through or at times fight. Have you ever fought a fight you knew you would lose? The fight has to happen and if you can make it painful enough for the winner, would be less likely to do it again. My application was facing bullies who liked to attack crippled kids. I always surprised these bums. There is a fear to it though.
When I came to faith in Jesus as my Savior, I liked the thought
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear not evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." Ps. 23:4 Death carries a bigger shadow then the bullies I faced as a kid. Pain is part of this shadow. The rod and staff are part of the same truth of God's protection.
For years I was taught how God uses these tools "rod and staff" in discipline. But over time I rethought the verse. Evil desires to destroy us, those tools fights off thugs, robbers and murderers seeking to harm or kill. We certainly need still waters and pastors for restoration and healing. How ever we have pain we can use, medicine, therapy, good food, exercise that makes sense for us. We can walk through the doors we are afraid of. In the big picture we need the Lord to be with us. Keep walking.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Setbacks visit us, how do we get off the mat

Setbacks are always a possibility. Setbacks never really make news.
They are discouraging and reflect badly on our desire for success. If I wasn't writing this blog I don't think I would share them. This week was going along and walking out of my bedroom wham a pinch nerve in my ankle and immediately I am on may way to the floor. Walking with CP there are years of coming down wrong with every step. It is inevitable that I will pinch the nerve and down I go. Most of my falls are when my step catches an unexpected crack and my body freezes or locks up. This type of fall I have almost illuminated  through careful use of cane and choosing not to walk in places where I might fall. At home I can control this. But the pinch nerve comes without warning. The best I have done with this was a foot insert that redirects the way my ankle moves as I walk. Two years ago the brace was thrown out with the shoe. My replacement doesn't do the same thing.
So ankle and knee pain I took a few days off. Towards the end of the week my recumbent bike comes to the rescue. Biking at low levels I was able to aerobically bike two sessions to finish the week with 154 minutes. The value of a week comes into play. My injuries could have been worse. I am still taking it easy on the walking part, but I stayed in the game.
Each of us can be laid up for a while which is discouraging. Sometimes we may be fighting something more serious but if we recover to move again.
With my legs hurting, I worked a little on upper body exercises. I also considered shadow boxing from a chair with a few kicks.
Rocky vs. Rached
Along these lines, I think a good end to the Rocky movies would be One Over the Cuckoo's Nest II. In this film Rocky takes on Nurse Ratched and her goons. Here Rocky from a life time of head blows has onset dementia. It looks bad for the champ, tied down to his bed daily undergoing so called therapy designed by the evil nurse herself. If you thought a lobotomy was bad wait until you see what  Rocky has to go through. Can he get up from the last bell?
Hopefully our recovery is less dramatic and painful. Setbacks from a walking or fitness program can give opportunity to other things while we mend. Despite the Cubs' broadcast being a half empty presentation, I have enjoyed the 40 comeback wins and the addition of Hammel and Murphy. The defense and winning attitude is fun to watch. The Cards and Brewers are fighting hard making the division one of the best. I don't know how it will end up but it has been fun. Keep walking

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Watson, bring your revolver...late night rides

Moving along in week 10 I push more in short walks and biking. Short walks came to over 4 miles this week. Many of the walks were for a 1/4 of a mile. My back is able to go a little further. With my CP these days it isn't about walking where I could fall occasionally. Now days I would not be able to pop right back up. My walking program now has to be fall free.
The game's afoot
During my bike time, especially at night I like to listen to mysteries. Many of the modern Sherlock Holmes writers are able to write a good story and keep it in the times of Holmes in the late 19th and early 20th century period. Most writers today writing period stories spend to much time framing the stories with today's sensibilities. For me it is fun reading mysteries written in the times past, with all their strengths and weaknesses.
There are many writers today or in my adult life that are fun read. The key for me are the characters and story. There are stories where I am OK if they all die. I would like them all to be done away. In a story like that, I probably won't get to the end. The digital books from the local library is a good place to try reading new authors. Audiobooks that are well read I really enjoy, sometimes a chapter or two rolls by when I am on my bike. That is true test for me that I am hooked. Keep walking and read something you enjoy.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Looking at progress through a month.

I am already in week 10 of getting 150 min. of fitness exercise  a week. I keep trying new ideas or ways to challenge myself to improve. I cannot stress enough that progress is much slower than when I was younger. Yet there is progress. My short walks have increased to 320 steps - 420 steps. My back pain has improved in these short walks, but by the end of them I am still challenged in breathing.
On a real bad day biking at level one is a God send. I call it walking
the dog. Improves range of motion and circulation and readies me the next day to get back into it. Most of my biking is interval training.
There are a lot ideas I am working with from biking, in home walking, short walks, circuit training for aerobics. In strength training I am anywhere from 30-45 minutes a week. Here I use body weight exercises, resistant bands, dumbbells, TRX training.
Keeping track of my progress - At a glance you can week week to week
I will try other activities, like shadow boxing, weight training with free weights, total gym and swimming.
Stretching is always not to far way, with CP it is a must.
Doing house hold chores are also part of it. I have shared my calendars in this now 10 weeks workout. Using stickies on my computer helps to to record my progress. Doing this stuff around my work day keeps me moving and not falling.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Introducing my new book, week at still going

I can email you a copy
Through 8 and still going. This week I added several short
walks extending several minutes. More challenging but closer to walking one does. Spent some time out doors and my weaker leg does like to catch on uneven ground.
Barb and I decided on a travel scooter for out and about things. I plan to use the scooter to continue planned workouts where I am least likely to fall. I would rather be out than not. We are checking out models, there are some good ideas out there.
Working on Book 2 in my Walking with Jesus. The first book is in page and pdf formats. It is 30 day devotional-study covering the gospel accounts up to His temptation. Special interest is on actual walking done, location and seeing it as if your were there. Throughout the book is support to help your own walk program. The ancients did not do 30 minutes a day of aerobic activity or 10,000 steps a day. No, they actually did more than this. The 30 minute, 150 minute a week, 10,000 steps, strength training are modern ideas to combat the reality of modern life being too sedimentary.
When you see their active lifestyle I hope you will find encouragement for your own goals.
I am aware walking is not the theme of the gospels but it is a layer that will give us a perspective of being on scene making our own observations which I believe will enrich our spiritual perspective and draw us closer to God.
If you like a copy of volume 1, email me at and I will send you a copy. If you like to let me know my errors or need for clarity I would love your feedback. If you like for me to update you on the blog, books and ministry through e-mail let me know. If you only want this one time response let me know.
Keep walking

Friday, August 10, 2018

Devotional key, pray back the scriptures

In my mail box was a daily devotion from Dr. Ken Boa. I found it help in my prayers this morning. I looked up different verses from Lumina study of the net Bible. It is a real gold mine for Bible study. Her are a few thoughts on how to personalize the scriptures.
I will guard my heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the issues of life.”
(Proverbs 4:23) Ken Boa
compare w Net Bible
“Guard your heart with all vigilance, for from it are the sources of life.”
The NKJV translates Prov. 4:23 this way,
“Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.”
Other translations use “wellspring”, “springs”, check the Scripture note below from the Net Bible which gives insight into the translator’s process in the work of translating.
Dr. Ken Boa has put together several prayer books where you pray back to God the scriptures using personal pronouns. His work is done with reference to the original languages of the Bible. This discipline is very helpful in praying.
You can do the same thing with any translation. The goal is to help and focus your prayer life with the
The starting point of the Jordan River at the foot of Mt.
Hermon. Water drinkable here. There is only one
woman looking at me here. She has eyes for me.
actual words God has given. In Boa’s translation of Prov. 4:23 if you drop “I will” you have the essential verse, “Guard my heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the issues of life.”
In prayer you have applied the thought for yourself in a meaningful way.
Try personalizing God’s word in your prayer life.
If you would like to see Dr. Boa’s work on this, google Dr. Ken Boa and go to his website. 
I have shared two notes from the Net Bible. The notes give you the mind of the translator working with this verse. Insights are cool. 
Heart - tn Anatomically the Hebrew word לֵב (lev) refers to the “heart.” But abstractly it can refer to one’s inner self, will, understanding, or mind. They did not see the heart and mind in opposition, such that the advice here includes both one’s thinking and feelings. NB translation notes

Issues, sources - sn The word תּוֹצְאוֹת (totseʾot, from יָצָא, yatsaʾ) means “outgoings; extremities; sources.” It is used here for starting points, like a fountainhead, and so the translation “sources” works well. Keep walking and in this case keep praying.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Moving along like a tumbleweed

Strength training this week was 15% of my work out minutes this week. This is an upward trend as I work in different strategies.
In Dr. Ken Cooper's Start Strong, Stay Strong he presents a case for the benefits of exercise to square off the curve of aging where we spend more time in health then we do in disease and decline. There will always be things we can't control, but he suggest we can control about 66% of the things that effect our health.
7th week
Dr. Cooper suggests that 50% of our exercise should be aerobic no matter what age we are. All of his life he was into aerobics but research led him to make changes in his exercise routines. His guide line is 60% aerobic and 40% strength training. There is a blend of strength in aerobic training. There is no question weight bearing exercise is part of the strength program. So when I change the resistance in my recumbent bike I am increasing the strength my abs to lower body. When I am climbing stairs, walking I am strengthening my muscles to move. So while I know I am increasing my strength program the aerobic training has been helping.
I hope I am encouraging you to not give up. The government study I cited below is a review of many studies on strength training and seniors. They cited only 10-15% of seniors are actually doing any kind of work out. It may be true active seniors use their muscles in work and hobbies. We need to include those activities with their health benefits. I like to use step conversions or calorie estimates of the things we do. They count.
If we do not work at it, we may not be adding enough muscle to our body to maintain an independent life. A thin person who is inactive may be close to the weight they had when they were younger but as we age more of the weight is fat and less of it is muscle. Their health could be in danger. I know as the fat man I have to work on it.
When you develop your fitness program there are so many ways to do it. It always starts with the reality of your health and your doctor's recommendation. The older you are the more you need to check out how seniors exercise.
For me the process is slow. This week I took breaks in my circuit training just to keep my heart rate in a healthy zone for me. During the breaks my heart was still working. In my strength movements I had to slow down because I was maxing out. Each exercise has its own limit. This was my 7th week, but I still and maybe always have to be in touch with what my body is doing. Progress is measured in months and not weeks like it did when I was younger.
An indoor recumbent bike is quite a tool for senior fitness. Different levels of fitness bands are also
Different colors different resistence
good tools. Body weight exercises that can be adopted for your fitness levels are helpful. Training with senior fitness people going at your own pace helps with the proper approaches. If you are in your 80's short brief walks can be very helpful. I am coming to believe the best thing I can pass on is not do what I do, but know there are many things you can do that is good for you.
I have a long way to go for better fitness. I am not there yet it is cool that I am working on it. Keep walking

Monday, July 30, 2018

This military circuit kicked my butt. But I did it, Hurrah!

I just finished a military circuit training for 20 minutes. I used the bike to slow down heart rate. At thee strength movements particularly squats and lunges my heart rate went over 110+. Biking at level 1 brought my heart rate back at the 80's, 70', and 60's.
The workout
Band Bench press* or pushups - in 1:00 - here I tied two bands to my cane, cane side on chest and pulled out. A broom would work.
Squats - 1:00 backside against the walk
TRX Pull-ups or pulldowns - 1:00 again works the muscles similar to a chin up- With TRX upper body it is where you place your feet to adjust the resistance. 
Bike or jog - 3:00 I think walking in place would work as well. Consider Sansone's four basic steps. Any of her workouts will demonstrate this. They are on line.
Band Military press* - 1:00
Lunges - 1:00 each leg
Band Bicep curls - 1:00
Bike or jog - 3:00
Tricep extensions.- 1:00 (Leslie Sansone kickbacks w pulldowns)
TRX 1:00 side squats - As I step out emphasis was on stating more on the step out leg. Gave me a chance to work my weaker leg. TRX on this was excellent. 
1:00 Kickbacks
Bike or jog 3:00
Situps - 1:00 - I stack four pillows on bed and lean back two sets of 20 to 21 for the two minute ab work. When I recovered from an illness this exercise gave me confidence to rise out of bed. Along with squats a real confidence builder if you ever have to recover from stuff that knocks you out. 
Crunches - 1:00

Stretch cool down-1:00-30 minutes small steps slower rate, stretch moves

You could bike two to three minutes between each exercise. Change the exercises to your needs. If I did two minute biking the workout would be 33 minutes, 3 minutes between each one would be 44 minutes, 4 minute biking 55 minutes. 
On another day you could do 11 different exercises, use different tools. There are different exercises to work the same muscle groups. A TRX band can be simply made from a solid rope that can bear your weight. This can be done with cans and bottles, light resistant bands, just the movements or any way your doctor recommends
Always start out slow, be safe, (I don't want to fall) listen to your body and put in movements like I did with the bike to control my heart rate. 
I know Reeves, I'm bored with your stuff. I get it, but gee Wally I did it! Keep walking😎

Saturday, July 28, 2018

More strength training this week - Variety can be the spice of life

He makes my feet like the feet of deer, And sets me on my high places. Ps. 18

Continued success through week six. 110 minutes this week were aerobic with a circuit training that included strength moves. Strength training I did 48 minutes. Short walks were less, but more fitness was done instead. On one day I did a mile walk at 4 and 3 minute segments. 
Biking remains my #1 aorobic activity. I did a few minutes each biking at a higher intensity level than before. Level 1 warm up and cool down, level 2 my control level, level 3 my intensity push and this week I did a few minutes at level 4 in two bike workouts.
Circuit training is real easy to design. You can choose weights, resistant bands, TRX, body exercises, cans and bottles and mix in 1-3 minutes of walking, biking, running. You can do this on your walks by bringing a resistant band with you. With a park bench or picnic table you have a gym. Below is a military circuit training I did using bands, TRX, and body exercises for a 20 minute workout. 
After my 4 set workout using blue and black tubes (heavy) I needed a day off. Using strength, aerobic, walking activities I was able to reach 172 minutes and still counting. 
Three things I want to leave you with is I am still at it👍 and there are a lot ways to get there which includes things like gardening, bird watching, going for walks, swimming, games, you get the idea. This week I improved my strength training and I used a few new ideas. 💬 Keep walking

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Some of the nuts and bolts of senior resistance training

Most senior fitness guides recommend two to three days of strength training a week. There are so many ways to do this and are worth trying.
Benefits - I am not listing all the benefits - be independent, be ablate get out of bed or chair, set off floor, slow or add muscle, (muscle means able) improve bone health, flexibility, look better, improve pain control, sleep better, live
None of these benefits happen over night and progress is slower than when you were younger. Research I have looked at suggest improvement is possible into our 90's. Actual improvement if you are working at it may be 10% or 20%. Overall with most there is improvement.
Using stars for push-ups
the lower you go on the
stair adds resistance
There are many who suggest we are slowing down the decline. Regardless how you approach this you are giving yourself months, years of active living, that would be lost if you don't do anything. Make strength training another hobby in senior living. 
Not only is she doing a push-up here
but she is working her triceps
Note the feet placement, be safe and
 or two in
Consider the various tools we can use: household stuff - cans, bottles, make excellent weights.; workouts can be done with chair, countertop, wall, bedside, bench in a park. Body weight exercises like pushups, dips, crunches, squats, lounges, heel raises, - all of which can be adapted to your abilities. My favorite example is a push up can be done standing upright doing the push up against the wall, counter, off the stairs, bench, dress of drawers, dips from a counter with your legs doing squats for support. Using a counter for balance support will help you do these things safely. A countertop with a corner is excellent for dips with your legs assisting. Try it you feel the burn in your arms. Tubes, bands are great and can be done any where. Dumbbells, TRX, going to the gym are all good ideas.
You will actually look better
My feet should an inch or two
out for a better angle. 
Where you place your feet changes the resistance. Feet closer to counter or wall is easier.
If you go to the gym to assist chin-up, dips with machines is easy. If you
my hands push up as I
do the squat 15 to 20 reps
weigh 130 and you can't lift your weight you balance the weight assistance by adding 50, 70, 100, 110 weight where you do 80, 60, 30, 20 lbs. to do the exercise. If you add 120 lbs you will be working with 10 lbs. As you get stronger you add less weight. The same is true when you use your legs to support your dips. You control what your upper body is lifting. Your legs are getting a good squat and your triceps and upper body gets a full range of motion with resistance where you will feel it.
Include discussions with your doctor who with physical rehab or trainers will work your approach. As we age it isn't one size fits all. A good plan may be completely different for you. For most of us there is a plan.
Today for me is in home walking and TRX work outs. I hope to do 3 or 4 sets. In home walking I will do three to 4 minutes at a time. Later watching a Cub game I will bike 30 minutes on my recumbent stationary bike. At my work station I will take many short walks. Add washing dishes and clean room all good for me to keep walking.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

5th week, short and to point. Keep walking

5th week at 150 or better. Having a week to reach goals helps being flexible. This week strengths were biking and short walks.
One of the benefits of retirement is you have time to work on these things. Keep walking.
Did you know this kind of stuff is good for the brain? Restricted in moving, consider a recumbent indoor bike.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Reporting for duty sir

In a health blog such was mine, I am grateful to be reporting progress in lifestyle gains. For you as a reader it has to be somewhat on the boring side, and I get it. We do want to move on to things.  But on the other hand I disclose my battles because I think they are quite common to all of us as we age. My motivation really is share what I find is working for me and it is really a work in progress.
What I have experienced is aging really can slow you down. All my years falling has come back to bite me, but giving into it isn't the answer. So with that in mind, how am I progressing this week?
I will share two stickies I keep on my computer to track a few things.
One thing I want to do is 150 min. of exercise that improves my aerobic capacity, strength and flexibility. Another thing I want to do is to keep walking in a way where I do not fall and improve my balance as well. With cerebral palsy I can lose the ability to balance like many people do in there 70's and 80's. Balance can improve but with an impairment the progress can be a bit slower. As you get older you may find balance issues you never had before. Take heart you can recover balance with a little know how and practice.
This week on my bike I did more intense workouts for aerobics. I applied an virtual walk walking an Hawaiian coast with the wonderful sound of the ocean and scene on my TV screen.  I also played an audio mystery and the time flew. Hearing the ocean was cool.
Every day I took short walks and a couple household shores. Granted the walks were only 80 to 100 feet, but I took them anyway. Included in thee walks was stair climbing. I also had brief workouts in home walking with moves side to side and backwards, kicking and high knee lifts. The movement include upper body movements all designed to move everything and balance. There was strength moves as well with TRX, body exercises, bands and weights. Well, I made my 150 minutes and then some and I can see the more I put into the easier it is.
A side benefit is less pain. Right now I can walk for 4 minutes rather than 2 or 3 before pain hits and my knees feel better. Biking with the support from the recumbent bike is pain free. Breathing is better and balance. It is still ongoing.
Don't get hung up about what you can do and not. You can break up the fitness any way it works for you. I am a big fan of a recumbent bike, they are easy to step into and the resistance is easy to more challenging resistance. TV, music, audiobooks, ambient sounds help the time on the bike. In outdoor biking has its own enjoyments. Assisted mother with bike actually is fun. Keep walking.