Thursday, August 16, 2018

Looking at progress through a month.

I am already in week 10 of getting 150 min. of fitness exercise  a week. I keep trying new ideas or ways to challenge myself to improve. I cannot stress enough that progress is much slower than when I was younger. Yet there is progress. My short walks have increased to 320 steps - 420 steps. My back pain has improved in these short walks, but by the end of them I am still challenged in breathing.
On a real bad day biking at level one is a God send. I call it walking
the dog. Improves range of motion and circulation and readies me the next day to get back into it. Most of my biking is interval training.
There are a lot ideas I am working with from biking, in home walking, short walks, circuit training for aerobics. In strength training I am anywhere from 30-45 minutes a week. Here I use body weight exercises, resistant bands, dumbbells, TRX training.
Keeping track of my progress - At a glance you can week week to week
I will try other activities, like shadow boxing, weight training with free weights, total gym and swimming.
Stretching is always not to far way, with CP it is a must.
Doing house hold chores are also part of it. I have shared my calendars in this now 10 weeks workout. Using stickies on my computer helps to to record my progress. Doing this stuff around my work day keeps me moving and not falling.

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