Thursday, November 29, 2012

We can all benefit from an internet protected yet free

Thumbs up Officer Lawrence DePrimo, went
and bought boots. How many walked by
before him, Rings true of the good Samaritan.
The Chicago Tribune reports about international regulation of the Internet. I find the topic has great revelance to my Walk With the Fatman blog. I have readers from all over the world. I am amazed by the responce but I am not surprised by it. No matter where we live I think it is universal that we age and have health problems. Increasingly we have problems with sedimentary living and obesity. I am aware many places people have a different lifestyle and may be thinner. My blog stems from my experience and from what I have learned in my attempt to be healthier. Walking in particular keeps me moving to improved health. Along the way I share spiritual insights and stories of others who finished well in life. I try to be positive and I really do embrace the idea how diverse our world is and we all need room to think, share, agree or not.
I think it is fascinating to know what countries and regions readers of the Walk with the Fatman come from. It "wows" (amazes) me that the blog can be translated instantly into over 50 different languages. I would love to hear from each of you, post your opinions, pro and con. But I am also glad you can read my blog without myself or others knowing who you are.
I can share with you I am a flawed person, still over weight and as I go along I encounter problems and set backs. Not everybody has to be so public. I also give myself some room that it is possible some of my ideas you may disagree with. For sure your health plan is managed by you and your health-care provider.
On the Internet there is bad information. There are "wackos" (mentally unbalanced people), cons and criminals seeking to take advantage of you, where governments have to take steps to police abuse from the net. But we should also enjoy the idea that we can communicate to each other. It is a sadder place if we are cut off from each other. Health, walking, living better as we get older, spirituality I believe are things we all can contribute to. The Internet has a lot to offer.
I read today 1 in 10,000 will live to 100. Of those who live to 100 only 15% are men. I personally am shooting for 83. For sure I really can't control longevity, but 83 is a long life to me. Dr. Ken Cooper argues we can extend life into our 90's and beyond in Start Strong, Finish Strong. For sure I believe should live in away where each day can be lived better. Walking, strength training and flexibility all help. Keep walking,0,3728980.story 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Green brightens my day

The sun is setting on this clear November day. My Christmas cactus is geting ready to bloom and my outdoor flowers we took indoors are starting to decline. Green plants lining my view from the bay window. There is room for improvement, but I am all for indoor gardening. Bringing the green in for the winter reminds me of my mother's home, she had a green thumb.
Ground turkey meat loaf with our summer sweet potatoes for dinner. The spices Barb cooks with will bring the dish to life. I should post her recipes.
Health day reports statins and exercise reduce death risks as cholestriol is reduced. I few years ago I went to using a statin which is now a generic drug with the idea to prevent a heart attack. My cholestiol improved with exercise and improved again with the statin drug. You and your doctor will know wat is best for you.
My walk today is indoors, still getting 6000 steps at work. Also later I hope to do a 15-20 minute strength training work out. Walking where you live, what are your experiences? Keep walking 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My take on what is biblical

Walking in his steps
Kristin Ruther tweeted me an article My Take: The danger of calling behavior ‘biblical’ by Rachel Evans. Rachel got me thinking. There are a lot of things that are biblical, like man's sins, Satan principles and words, polygamy, child sacrifice. Things God does not endorse but does record that we might learn from. Does God reveal truth and wisdom about these things and other values such as marriage, value of women, care of the poor and down trodden, the value of the unborn and the care of the elderly. It is Biblical to be in a marriage where both are submissive to God, caring for each other faithful to death. Divorceabandonment, abuse, polygamy all seen in the Bible for what they are, sin, biblical is what was in the beginning that Jesus endorsed and the apostles affirmed in principles. Truly biblical is thought out and revealed. 
It would be great if both parties had biblical principles to care for the poor and down and out, marriage and care for the unborn and elderly. Let's add to this the end of abuse of women and children. It is biblical to care for our planet as well. Working these things out has always been the problem and that is in the Biblical record as well. 
Is  it Biblical to walk 30 minutes a day? The direct answer is no. But we find in the Bible walking through out. Walking 30 minutes a day is good science and health. Walking 10,000 steps may be closer to what they had done in the Bible. They did not have pedometers, but they walked all day and walking 10,000 steps is closer to a Biblical ideal. The truth about walking is too many of us are too sedimentary and obese and need the 30 minute walk. I am still the fat man walking so I am going to continue to walk until that changes. Thanks Rachel for getting me thinking. Keep walking
Rachel's article

Woo around the world we go

One of the fantastic things that has happened writing the blog is seeing the number of people who read the blog. Readers come from all over. Every week or two there is a new country. For those out side the US do you use the Google translator? It is outstanding to get the gist of what is being said. Soon our phones will have universal translators and with a little work we can talk face to face. Being an old Trekkie, this is totally cool.  We could talk in Klingon, a totally made up tongue or we could talk in a Tolkien language. But to communicate to someone in China or to understand what is happening in Paris. Just using these programs gets me more into other languages.
I think it is pretty universal that we can walk and eat better to slow down aging and live better along the way. We look like regular people our age but we can eel better.
or my friends around the world, send a thought in your tongue and see if I can translate it. I would love a picture from your country. Keep walking

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Walking between feasts

If if were on the Serengeti what would be in the tall grass
On my walk today there were remains of a deer that looked like coyotes killed the deer. I will spare the photo, truth is I didn't take that picture. Barb and I walked between meals. We walked 50 minutes and we needed every minute of it.
It was nice to visit family. I was watching Liam
 with a retriever and he would get so excited it was hard for him to pet the dog. Gee the dog was patient. I could learn a lot from that dog.
I was watching a take on John Madden and how he would tear a turkey apart with his hands. I wish announcers would listen to his game call. His humor and wit was original. Most games in any sport are over analysed. Most of the time he enjoyed the game he was seeing. In a way he invited you in the booth. With Harry Carey he invited you to a local pub to watch the game or the park.
Doesn't it look later than 2? 
Our walk was done a little after 2:00 pm. Yet now it seems late in the day. Here in the Midwest weather changes daily, For Barb and I we may get in several outdoor walks but our indoor season is approaching. But after December 21 the day will get longer. Ice and remelted snow becomes a problem on the trail. There will be many who will continue outdoors and we will on some days. walking doesn't end for us, thanks to Leslie Sansone in home walking.
A genuine thank you seems to always lift  our spirits. We probably can always tell when the thanks is a manipulation or really expressing appreciation. Maybe if we say thanks once a day until Christmas it could really be a gift. Keep walking

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanks, for visiting the fatman

Satellite cells

Mehmet C. Oz, MD, and Michael F. Roizen, MD report loss of muscle particular "your "fast twitch" muscle fibers that power quick moves," from our 30's onward. In our 50's we see it. Later in our 60's and 70's we feel it when we are unable to stop a fall. Endurance training can be used to regain 47% boost in these cells that repair our muscles.

Cooper aerobics shares strategies to stay on top of holiday health. I read as well many of the things we eat if prepared in a healthy way can be very good for us. Beware though it has been my experience that many in the family will resist healthy changes. So how to get by? I have found keeping to one helping helps. Add morning walks on the holiday and you may feel good about the season.  Try new recipes that are cooked and prepared that are better for you and some of them may make a new tradition. Don't surrender taste.

Thanksgiving has for years been a favorite holiday. Barb and I it starts with a walk at Pilchard Park. We gather with friends for breakfast and a thanksgiving song and testimony time. Then we are off for friends and family meals.

What are you thankful for this year? Some of my friends and family have had losses to deal with. There is a hope in faith we will meet again. Jesus said, "Jesus said to her,  I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”The loss is inevitable for all of us, but we can be thankful for hope.
I am thankful for my journey in health this year. One thing I added this year was resistance training. My eyesight has been improved and my chronic pinch nerve in my ankle has been relieved. I am thankful I am still on the quest to walk. I am reasonably sure I will be able to walk through my 60's. It is a good hypothesis anyway. I am thankful for the books I have read this year and the friends in my life. Where would I be without Barb? Liam, Kendal, Donovan, Addison and Spencer I am thankful for. I am thankful for the over 12,000 visitors to my blog. So let's keep walking.

Friday, November 16, 2012

In the news this week

Real Age reports we can turn back the clock of time. For fifty years our work has beome more sedimentry soour need for walking 30 minute a day is our reality.
Turn Back the Clock on the Obesity Epidemic By Mehmet C. Oz, MD, and Michael F. Roizen, MD epidemic?eid=1010665752&memberid=27731989

Doing things with friends can keep you younger

Yahoo news reports
We like the color green it helps our mood.  I have always enjoyed the colors of trees and plants with blue skies so science aggrees.

Some of you may be battling with cancer and its treatment. Walking may help. The article is talking about a 20 minute stroll. Any kind of a walk always is a good thing.

The bad news and good news about diabetes, it is more of a problem but we can by walking and diet changes do something about it,

Keep walking

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Walk today and beyond

I have always enjoyed late fall walks at dusk
Out on my trail tonight saw a few deer. The sunset on the pond and prairie made me pause a step or two. Barb as listening to a mystery and 35 minutes later we had a good workout. We were walking 16 minute a mile so the pace was aerobic. Just a reminder that the orthotic insert as made as I walked pan free. Woo!
Th whole physical experience of breathing deeply and not being out of breathe I will take it.
Are we the lucky ones who can walk an enjoy how it makes us feel? When you start to walk again it may be slow going but in weeks walking gets to be be little effort. This time of year I don't sweat but a hat and light gloves would have been nice.
Another joy I don't take likely is a new pair of glasses and seeing God's world as I walk. The tecknology they put into glasses being so light and giving old eyes better than 2020 vision, pretty neat. I know down the road I will need more care for my eyes, but today, wow!
Strength training has played a part in how I feel walking. Adding muscle makes life easier. Squats of the bed or chair, sit ups off the bed or crunches, push ups off dthe wall or bench, band exercises and seniors can add muscle and not lose it. Everybody can slow muscle decline, but put a little more into it and you can add muscle. Cooper Aerobics has shown it is possible to do this into our 90's. Joint health can improve as well.
Years ago I found physical therapy really helped me deal with joint pain. When you think of retirement, I know we need friends and purpose but add walking, strength training, add stretching to your list.  Include tasty healthy cooking, a quiet time and dates with your loved one and retirement will become more doable. Keep walking

Monday, November 12, 2012

Wouldn't it be nice to add outdoor fitness to our walk paths.

The fall sky is beautiful out my dining room window. The sun is low in the sky,most of the leaves are down and the gray clouds all give a look it is November. It was a good move to move one of my outdoor pots indoors. Waiting for Barb for a walk. he told me the cold was a little much so we will do an indoor walk.
I came across a walking park that put workout stations. I use benches for push ups this sturdy equipment would give a full body workout. The would be a good addition for one of the local walking parks.
When I walk and do the push ups it adds to the intensity of the walk. If you are familiar with Leslie Sansone in home walking, she adds the same work with bands and upper body arm movements. If you did 15 to 20 jumping jacks as you walk you will feel the increase.
There are lot of ways to do workouts. On line you can find workouts using cans and house hold items.
We are entering the holiday season. My goal, don't gain weight. My plan, to use portion control and walk. There is a lot to enjoy with out over eating. For most of us our regular meals face the same challenge. Holiday eating used to be a feast, now I think many of us have great meals on many occasions. Enjoy the meals using the three quarter plate and surround it the holiday fruits and veggies. Walking gives a little room for error. Keep walking

Saturday, November 10, 2012

When we become aged, the truth is it is hard...but their are promises

I have been reading Billy Graham's book, Nearing Home, Life, Faith, and Finishing Well. I don't have a label nearing home, I cover heaven from time to time under walk with God. My perspective is of a 60 year old trying to live healthier longer before the time comes when our body fails us and we go to be with the Lord. Dr. Graham's perspective is on "I have already done that and now I am aged and soon I will be with the Lord." I think we are writing the same way but at different times of our lives. He shares his insights on how to walk with the Lord and encourage others and not give in and give up. There is a reality of being aged where medicine, lifestyle changes, fitness have there limits. But we can always turn to the Lord regardless of our circumstances.
One of the troubling things about aging, sickness and death is the suffering that comes with it.  It is hard to see it in others and it is harder to experience it. Dr. Graham has lived into his 90's. His wife Ruth lived to 87. Her suffering and death had to be the hardest experience in Dr. Graham's life. Their faith helped him live these 5 years. I have been listening to Dr. Louis Perry Chafer of Dallas Theological Seminary and he was teaching, (the tapes are very insightful) he was aware he was dying. He was taking strong sedatives to help with the pain. He was in his 70's and he was aged. Dr. Francis Schaeffer was dying of cancer in his 70's and he was still writing. He is one of may favorite authors. The Apostle Paul was in his 60's when he described himself as aged in Phillemon 9. Friends and family have experienced being aged at different ages. It is hard to see the suffering that comes with it.
Some people give up, some struggle or lose faith; it is painful to experience. I liken it to my present struggle, some won't walk or change the way they eat, they give up. Other people find a way to make walking a part of their lives. Still others learn to portion their food. Others make peace with veggies and find ways to include them in their diet. Simple changes make a huge difference in how we experience getting older. Then there is the faith part and emotional part of our lives that need mending. Complicated as it is there is always hope and help. In all stages of life their is a great promise Jesus gives us.
I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5 NKJV). Keep walking

Friday, November 9, 2012

Sometimes we are cheeky facing storms

I think of the tongue and cheek of WW2 the uses of the
pin-up girl.
In 2004 I went through hurricane Charley. Living without fresh water and electricity for a week was tough in the middle of August in Florida. Barb and I went down to her aunt's originally to avoid the path of Charley only to see a late turn of the storm and be right in the middle of it. We had time to relocate but her aunt and uncle refused to budge.
Sandy hitting New York followed by a cold snap would be brutal.
Mart Dehahn has a good blog on the New York headline I think you will find thoughtful.
Some of us may take issue with the Post sensationalism. They did succeed in catching my eye. You bet you can feel the New York attitude fighting back against nature.
Beats a Nazi insignia
In WW2 our boys did a similar thing. Facing the horrors of the Axis war machine they didn't cower and hide, no they were brazen about it and fought back with humor and bite.  On there aircrafts, ships, tanks, carried with them the pin-up girl. The insanity of war or disaster we tend to face it with humor. I am sure New Yorkers had their times of prayer and care, but when we are overwhelmed humor finds a place. Bad things happen to good and bad people and, when it comes to weather we were all enjoying the fall colors a few weks ago on bright perfect days.
When bad things happens to us we are tested on what we really believe about God. Jan Winebrenner writes, "Nothing so challenges us to examine what we believe about God like catastrophe." I have personally failed this test a time or two. I am in good company on this one, Moses, David, the disciples, have had wrong responses in crises. A failure doesn't have to define us but it does show us our need to change and trust. People in the Northeast will bounce back, storms can help us grow with the Lord; but are they judgements, I think not. Keep walking

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The politics of walking

Win or Lose the sun comes up tomorrow
Ah the election is over and soon no one will be happy. Politics
One thing we can choose is a walk today or a healthy meal. The returns can be encouraging.
I began reading Billy Graham's book NEARING HOME Life, Faith, and Finishing Well Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. In his introduction, he writes, "old age is not for sissies. Get any group of older people together, and I can almost guarantee what their favorite topic of conversation will be: their latest aches and pains." Graham is now in his middle 90's and in the last year he has experienced the down side of aging. His mind is active and upbeat and I will look forward to what he has discovered. Having gone through a few problems I have learned sharing you find those who are in a battle.
I have read alot of WW2 vets who faced the horror of war with great courage, but I have also spent time with those who have faced health issues and aging and seen their courage. Walking with the Fat Man is an attempt to round off curve of aging and decline to live well longer. In the Cooper newsletter for November the articles discussed how to prevent, deal with, and win over pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. I strongly encourage you to sign up for the news letter. It is good science and very practical in lifestyle changes at any age. Type "Cooper newsletter" in your browser and check it out. You will find the link in my pages as well. Our enemies most of us will face is heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Whatever our politics, life on this planet comes down to these battles.
from Anne's blog
Reading A Walker in the Suberbs, Anne Cassidy writes of a loss of an high school classmate who was full of adventure and life. Such loss pointed her to the need of the individual after the focus of an election. I don't know Anne personally, but I enjoy her blog. I was encouraged by a recent comment from Scott, paraphrasing, "walking may begin with health but becomes a enjoyment in itself."
I have noticed in my walking an improvement in my conditioning from adding strength training. I get a sense we do these things for the long run and journey of our lives.  Keep walking

Monday, November 5, 2012

Health from around the net

From Kerry Ewald, a good place to unwind
I found some articles you may find interesting.

Even fit baby boomers won't escape heart problems By LINDSEY TANNER

The good news in this article is consistent with research I have found. If you are fit and making healthy life style changes at 45 you will live 7 years longer than non-healthy people. The report also says 1 out 3 will have some sort of problem with heart, stroke, and blood pressure as they age. But you delay problems by 7 years. The article talked about problems in our 80’s and 90’s. In our 80’s and 90’s we should expect problems. The reality check for me is we are mortal.  Being healthier our journey is worth walking.

Tell me how you really feel about your exercise routine? From Today I Will, explores the motivation of feeling rather than reasoning about life style changes. How we feel is stronger than why we make lifestyle changes. My appeal is both, but I understand the psychology of it.

From the booklady walking in the NE. Cool picture
Use workouts to unwind By Arnav Sarkar is right on in addressing exercise as a way to unwind. I have a couple routines I use to unwind and help me deal with anxiety and stress. Going to a pub once and awhile she says is OK, but too often it is unhealthy. Her suggestions on workouts help the mind, body and spirit.

Exercise should be prescribed like other medicine reports The Chicago Tribune. What do you think of this one? My mother would have went to another doctor, but the opinion is right on.

Health behavior and habits take time but it is nice to be encouraged along the way.

Until next time - keep walking

Friday, November 2, 2012

We are always working on something

A 40 mile trail is being developed around the Sea of Galilee
I am looking forward to trail walking tomorrow. Several bloggers I shared their participation in race walks. Their daily walks help them to train for their events. If you have the opportunity you may enjoy traveling to locations for hikes like this. Walking I think adds to any vacation or weekend getaways. Even a half an hour walks or an hour can be done on an outing. It would add a pleasurable activity for any age and most fitness levels. Walking three to five times a week can get you ready for short trail walks.

My push up and sit up routines are getting easier. Yesterday I did 60 pushups. One set of 20, two sets of 15, and one set of 10. My pushups are done off a bench level cement border around the school I work at. I either do them at lunch or while waiting for my wife to pick me up. When we walk our local hiking trail I use the benches. I tested myself at home and I am able to do 15 to 20 regular pushups, so I know it is working. Sit ups I have been doing 24 a night. I also do 20 to 30 squats off the bed. Three times a week I use free weights of resistance bands for a full rand of muscle work outs. I am a long way from when I worked out as a young man, but at 60 it is neat doing these things. For me the sit-ups give me a range of motion that I don’t get with crunches. I add crunches three times a week.  

No Charles Atlas
Don’t get the idea that I am a chiseled Charles Atlas; no, I am the fat man walking. But my good cholesterol is improving and the strength training helps my bones, movement and flexibility.   Along with walking it is good for my heart. Secretly I think I am being persuaded by reading “Spencer” novels from Robert Parker. Spencer is hooked on pushups. The science of it comes from reading Dr. Ken Cooper books and website. I also use these exercises to help me with anxiety. I have confidence to be able to get off the floor and out of bed and practical things like ability to do things and improve mobility. Simple exercises can distract anxiety attacks and may be used at part of a personal mental tool box to fight anxiety. Reading enjoyable books for fun and music can help as well. James Bond used leg lifts, 20 at night to keep his core fit. The fun of fiction, but in the real world I feel better and stronger.

With the cooler temperatures I am thankful for this old house I live in. Several families lived here before me. The house is over 130 years old. I have added insulation and every year I replace the older windows. When I am with the Lord somebody else will live here and find shelter from the cold Midwest winter. They may sit where I am and enjoy the space and improve things I never got around to. Most of what I have done has been to improve our experience here. A house lived in is a home. Like our lives a home is never finished. There is always something. Keep walking