Saturday, August 25, 2012

Let's be real about getting older but there is hope

There are a few trails yet to see
I read two articles by Paula Zahn of the New York Times that got me thinking.

Among Many Aging Americans, Surprising Optimism

More Older Adults With Multiple Problems

In her articles she points out a lot of problems getting older. As we age we will encounter chronic health conditions and we can expect changes in our lives. We also may have financial struggles we didn't expect. Getting older isn't just watching the sunsets and eating in restaurants with ease.

I am optimistic about getting older that I can round off the aging to experience a more fuller and enjoyable experience through helpful lifestyle changes and exercise. I am less confident about health care and financial support in the years ahead. I am already planning to work for a while longer health permitting.

Get out there and walk like Rick there is a lot to
Paula points us to a need to see our senior years somewhat realistically. Think back when you were thirty or forty and you looked at your parent's health and thought, "I won't be like that." If you compare your recent photos with your parents what do you see? On the positive side you may see differences. I know on the inside I feel better than my parents who smoked. My dad drank way too much alcohol. But if you take a look you aged too. For me I put on to much weight that I am working on to reduce. I know this may hurt, but how I feel in my 50's will be different in my 80's. I have already seen the difference in my 20's and 50's.

Sadly, as we encounter chronic problems we find it harder to make lifestyle changes. Four changes come to mind that are key for our health:

· #1 smoking (effects our body more than anything)

· #2 Exercise (not getting a good walk or at least 5000 steps is like smoking a pack of cigarettes)

· #3 or #4 over eating - drinking alcohol more than 2 drinks

Is your life more important than these changes? For me life was more important, I can do these things. In my world it is over eating and exercise. What is it in your world? Hey isn't living days healthier better than to smoke or not moving. Few people know this about me, but could enjoy a pipe or cigar.

We have chronic problems as we age. Along with walking, resistance training and stretching we can eat better - (more veggies and fruit); we follow the best medical support we can to meet these challenges. We will change but we can slow down these changes and that is realistic to me.

The Bible long ago tells us of the struggle for a long and healthy life. People of the Bible were walkers and they worked. Their diets did not have the additives and pollution that our diets face, but they may have had diets that slowed their growth as well. Not everything in our modern life is bad. But there was the blessing of getting older and as well the problems of aging from the fall and results of sin. We still have these struggles today.

We may have to think hard and make some changes to battle what we face, but being able to move and enjoy life a few years healthier is worth it.

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