Friday, August 31, 2012

People who need people are the luckiest people

Women have the edge here
One of the keys to longevity is having a social network. Women are better at being connected then men. I read this week from Therese Borchard associate editor of that 1/4 of people 65 and older suffer from depression. 20% of suicides happen by seniors and many of them men. You can read the article at
Having friends is something we should keep working on. Gentlemen we have more problems with this than the ladies. I haven't figured it out yet, but I am not what you would call a big social attraction. Mr. James Faust (an army Sargent) told me years ago "if you want alot of people around keep the fridge filled with beer. If you want to find out who your friends are get rid of the beer." Loneliness and isolation factors in our brain function as well. One of the things I have been working on is to improve my contacts with people. For me it is a work in progress.  
The Internet and technology give us tools to keep us in the game of life. Sharing notes and pictures, using mobile phones and even video phones can help bring us into the lives of others. I was talking to my friend Jim using the video camera on our computers and it was cool. Having a cell phone keeps me connected as well.
(From the net) When I get permission I will share a beautiful
sunset. I always like to get permission first
Last night I viewed pictures of a friend's safari in East Africa, another friend was in the Philippines for a few weeks. Several friends shared their summer travels. Seeing daily life on the net from people who are friends but moves and life naturally we lose contact is an exciting thing about e-base communication. Having friends we can talk, walk, eat with it has to keep going as well. Calling a friend to see a movie or a sporting event, means alot to me. Being accepted in a local church can be a good connection. Along the way we live longer.
Today I have had five hits from Mongolia. Somebody there has visited before. The hundreds of visits to the blog from around the world. I believe getting older and using walking as one of our tools to improve our health goes beyond national borders and reaches an universal chord. It was cloudy tonight, but the blue moon peak out a few minutes ago.
I got good report from my GP this week. My cholesterol was 134 with good numbers on my good and bad cholesterol. My good cholesterol improved. All my numbers were good. Walking works. Keep walking 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Para-olympics in London are bigger than the game

It has been questioned, has he been given an advantage?
There are many of you who know me, but for those who don't forgive this little trip down memory lane.
From 1st grade when a mob of kids actually stoned me with small rocks for being different, I walked funny, still do. I have cerebral palsy. I wanted to become strong and be a good fighter. Playing sports was more important to me than school and I have the low marks to prove it.
In high school I lettered in three sports, football, wrestling, and track. I made the teams I think in part because we had so few players for practice. I played in games and competitions and as a result I was stronger and a scrapper.
How I got to college is a story in itself. In college I played on two tennis teams, thanks to friends in high school who played tennis and in the summer I played with them. I traveled with the teams and on the second one, I started. For about ten years I coached high school tennis teams and several of them had good teams. When I competed I was fiery and not pleasant.
The runner in the Olympics it was debated whether he was given a unfair advantage. In the finals he was well back of the leaders. The real story was he competed at the highest level. For a disabled athlete there is no better feeling than competing against athletes who are normal. I can tell you this from experience. Athletes have used drugs to get an edge, but those drugs have been found to be harmful and even deadly and have been banned. Athletes have used new equipment and training due to better technology that have changed the games we play. In tennis for example, new court material and rackets have changed the game from volley and serve with wood rackets to deep court play we see today. The speed of the game is a direct result of the change of racket. With this athlete we see he has gone from no legs to running a sprint. Will technology continue to improve his chances? I hope so.

Walking in places like this - Moving ca be fun
I am sure if it does we will see rule changes to keep the game fair, but the improvement is different from steroids. There will be thousands of kids and adults who will benefit from the applications. More people will be able to contribute to life more independently and enjoy life that has given them extra challenges. Wheel chairs that can move better, limbs that can work to help people work and play. Therapy that increases function and reduces pain. The game and science applied can help many who just want to walk or run or roll in devices more independently. The para-olympics need to watched and talked about. What we are learning now, think of the possibilities in the future. These games are real competition. They have to earn a metal. If they were around in my day, I would have found a way to compete. How about bionics not for the 6 million dollar superhero, but for those to enjoy the walk through a garden again.
The special olympics has a place but I like real competion. It is possible many of those kids do to. Could these athletes take winning and losing? I am not sure.
In my life a shoe brace has given me pain free walking again. If I deteriorate maybe a bionic foot and ankle. If it keeps me walking on with the games. Keep walking

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Moving feels good, you know it

Most of us old guys are blown awy with the
fitness of many girls on the trail. Some these
girls ahave notice how hard you are working
Be careful not to out do them, pay attention
to your body.
In a way I can't get over it how it feels to walk nearly 8,000 steps at work and not feel ankle pain. I read an article which suggests  we  may not move from sedimentary living to active living just knowing the negative side to it as not moving could lead to heart, lung, diabetic, cancer problems. Jane Brody reports for the NY Times,


"A desire to lose weight or improve your figure? To keep heart disease, canceror diabetesat bay? To lower your blood pressure or cholesterol? To protect your bones? To live to a healthy old age?
You'd think any of those reasons would be sufficient to get Americans exercising, but scores of studies have shown otherwise. It seems that public health experts, doctors and exercise devotees in the media -- like me -- have been using ineffective tactics to entice sedentary people to become, and remain, physically active."
Instead she goes on t report we need to "portray physical activity as a way to enhance current well-being and happiness."
Getting out and walking makes us feel good. It give us a chance to meet people and share the experience together. I walk walking and jogging with the encouragement from Scott's blog Walking to Retirement. He walks 1/2 marathons and runs. He is going to 100 races before he retires. If you read his blog you will learn how he feels.
How do feel as you move? Less pain? More agile,
able to d things, breathed good
Short walks or longer you will feel better when you move. You will enjoy your meal more and at the other end you will be able to move your bowels. Walking and water works wonders.
My aerobics walking improves my love life. I have confidence and endurance to safely enjoy sex.
How exercise makes me feel today is the first link to developing the habit of exercise.  I enjoy the trail I am on  and the beautiful young and old alike sharing the trail. I was sitting on a bench doing push-ups and dips, crunches when I beautiful girl ran by and I complimented her pace and staying with it this summer. She smiled at me at warmed an old man' heart. Barely breathing she said I was doing a do job and to keep it up. I was a wee out of breath but I put on a brave face. Now this lass has been impressing me the whole summer with her ease of movement and graceful style. She was no longer a machine but human and she smiled at me. Old men feel good at such encounters.
Men of a Certain Age walk the trail, enjoy the girls, their banter and the breakfast before. There bond keeps it going.
  Golf, Tennis, Frisbee golf all have bonding times and you feel better going it.
I now do 25 push ups. It is getting easier, I am seeing muscle growth. I swims strong in the water.

Go for a walk tomorrow. What three things did you feel better about?
Do resistance plan
  • squatted off the bed 25 X's
  • feet on floor lie in bed do 25 sit ups
  • feet spread for floor and do 25 push up
  • Do 25 bicept curl'
  • Do 25 pulls
  • do 25 each side doing tricid curls
  • Do over headpush ups
  • Do cruch workout and you have added
Easy adds 1000 steps to our day

As we do this, we will enjoy them. You will feel good today and be ready for tomorrow. Keep walking

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Let's be real about getting older but there is hope

There are a few trails yet to see
I read two articles by Paula Zahn of the New York Times that got me thinking.

Among Many Aging Americans, Surprising Optimism

More Older Adults With Multiple Problems

In her articles she points out a lot of problems getting older. As we age we will encounter chronic health conditions and we can expect changes in our lives. We also may have financial struggles we didn't expect. Getting older isn't just watching the sunsets and eating in restaurants with ease.

I am optimistic about getting older that I can round off the aging to experience a more fuller and enjoyable experience through helpful lifestyle changes and exercise. I am less confident about health care and financial support in the years ahead. I am already planning to work for a while longer health permitting.

Get out there and walk like Rick there is a lot to
Paula points us to a need to see our senior years somewhat realistically. Think back when you were thirty or forty and you looked at your parent's health and thought, "I won't be like that." If you compare your recent photos with your parents what do you see? On the positive side you may see differences. I know on the inside I feel better than my parents who smoked. My dad drank way too much alcohol. But if you take a look you aged too. For me I put on to much weight that I am working on to reduce. I know this may hurt, but how I feel in my 50's will be different in my 80's. I have already seen the difference in my 20's and 50's.

Sadly, as we encounter chronic problems we find it harder to make lifestyle changes. Four changes come to mind that are key for our health:

· #1 smoking (effects our body more than anything)

· #2 Exercise (not getting a good walk or at least 5000 steps is like smoking a pack of cigarettes)

· #3 or #4 over eating - drinking alcohol more than 2 drinks

Is your life more important than these changes? For me life was more important, I can do these things. In my world it is over eating and exercise. What is it in your world? Hey isn't living days healthier better than to smoke or not moving. Few people know this about me, but could enjoy a pipe or cigar.

We have chronic problems as we age. Along with walking, resistance training and stretching we can eat better - (more veggies and fruit); we follow the best medical support we can to meet these challenges. We will change but we can slow down these changes and that is realistic to me.

The Bible long ago tells us of the struggle for a long and healthy life. People of the Bible were walkers and they worked. Their diets did not have the additives and pollution that our diets face, but they may have had diets that slowed their growth as well. Not everything in our modern life is bad. But there was the blessing of getting older and as well the problems of aging from the fall and results of sin. We still have these struggles today.

We may have to think hard and make some changes to battle what we face, but being able to move and enjoy life a few years healthier is worth it.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I am encouraged with the journey of health

Jim and Judy Smith in the Phillippines,
They have given me the joy of laughter
For over 6 years now I have been reading and researching health and the Bible and how to get healthy as we age. What I have learned has been encouraging considering the limitations we have being temporal beings here on earth. Our fight for longevity mainly concerns our battles with heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Doing things that are good for our heart help the the other things we encounter. Along the way I fought anxiety and depression and learned alot about our mental health as well.
I am encouraged because there are things we can do that help us live better and give us a chance to have more years to take up our lives with purpose and pleasure.
Sometimes we need support from the medical field which can give us more years to enjoy our lives. I have two eye diseases which doctors have treated and I have a good prognosis to enjoy eyesight into my 70's and 80's. My doctor has worked with me on my heart health and I have come through a loss of 1/3 of my colon. In the good old days  would have experienced loss of eyesight and probably would have had an heart attack and died of a ruptured colon. Of course as a preemie I probably would have died in childhood. I see God's grace in all of this, but I am thankful for medical support. It is a big reason why many of us will live longer.
My research has convinced me that we can also do things to help us live better. We can eat healthy and control what we eat and we can walk, use resistance training, and work on our flexibility to improve our health.
Two articles I read this week you can check out.
Thirty minute workout can really make a difference a study from Denmark tells us.

Working on aerobic walking and improving our good cholesterol can help us prevent death by heart attack.
A garden in Manila
You read everywhere where we are overweight. Everywhere we have people telling us how including me. But our battle remains. Here I am encouraged as well. I have been walking now for over 5 years. I have learned how to use my own body with weights and bands to help to get stronger. I haven't met my goals yet but I see the benefits. The journey of health is worth the effort. Our journey will encounter changes. This is about our health and how we feel. It isn't about being 20 again. We can look better but we will still be 60, 70, 80 or more. How are we living? Here we can encourage each other.
Walking is part of our experience, but so is a good book or movie. Working out is part of our experience but so is our spiritual walk and family life. Stretching is a part of our life but so are our friends and relationships that keep us going and help us continue to live and embrace the challenge of life. Eating healthy foods and  veggies work on the inside but so does our willingness to show kindness and care for others. Nothing ages us more than being a self centered Scrooge.
So my friend keep walking

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Expected summer slump didn't happen - Da fat man all over the place

The green and light green shows where readers come from
I was talking with a doctor friend of mine last spring and we speculated the blog would slow down in the summer. We were wrong.
Here are some stats from last month
United States
United Kingdom
South Africa
Jim & Judy Smith in the Phillipines
Last month 1300 hits. Most of the 8000 + hits have come in the last 6 months. Many countries have 5 or less hits and don't show in the over all stats, but every continent is represented. In the US people have visited the blog from all over. I have been surprised by the response.
One of my readers has lost 25 lbs. She actually used some online tools that I look forward to checking out. On her progress I am proud of her, she did it. I am just hopefully an encouraging voice.
I am still working at being a better blogger so thanks for visiting. On vacation using my phone to write the blogs I  had some liimitations. I will always label the blog to let you know my particular theme I am writing on. And I hope my lead in from face book or title are interesting but true to the article. I think I am positive, but let me know if I get out of line. As always I encourage your comments, I will post them if you want me too. If you don't want them posted let me know.  Return often and keep walking!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to work and getting in my steps

Elaine and Rick on the Move
Back to work and logged in 10,000 steps at work. Get a pedometer and see you steps add up. Looking forward to being a blessing for the kids and co-workers. There is plenty of work ahead, but as Carroll O'Connor said in Return to Me, "I am blessed with work." In the halls of JT there are plenty of room for walking.
An Article I read today from Real Age:
Top 10 Ways to Live Long and Be Healthy
By Mehmet C. Oz, MD, and Michael F. Roizen, MD

"Fab-u-lous life-expectancy news: Odds are increasing that you'll see the other side of 90. Look out world! The number of nonagenarians has tripled, according to government research. At 90, your body's RealAge could be 70ish; at 100, you could be a sharp and active 80-something. That's the point, of course: to live long and be healthy.
If you intend to live forever (well, nearly), the key is to live healthfully now. Here are the top 10 steps to reaching 90 in good health and great shape:

 1.Stay active. That daily 30-minute walk is vital to keeping you young
2.Get enough of these to keep body and brain humming: whole grains, fruits, and veggies; vitamin D3 (1,000 IU; 1,200 after age 60); DHA omega-3s (600-900 mg); low-dose aspirin (talk to your doc first).
 3.Get next to none of these: saturated fats, trans fats, added sugars.

4.Sleep 7 1/2 hours to 8 hours a night. Every night.

 5.Manage stress. Meditate (here's an easy way) or take two 10- or 15-minute deep-breathing breaks daily.

 6.Do. Not. Smoke.
 7.Stimulate your brain. Do puzzles, learn languages, and take on new challenges. Stay sharp with these nifty (and fun) brain games.

 8.Support "village" movements: neighbors-helping-neighbors programs that let people live independently at home.
9.Harass your legislators to get health costs under control and affordable. At some point, you'll need it. Meanwhile, here are 6 ways to cut your own healthcare costs.

10.Move to North Dakota, Hawaii, or California. They're meccas for 90-year-olds.

Then plan on blowing out more than 90 candles. Once you hit 90, your average life expectancy is 95!"
Point 8-10 are interesting. I have seen studies that show people who reach out to others rather than withdraw live longer. It is also a good idea to get involvd in your treatment, don't just passively give that to your doctor but stay involvd. Have you ever read anything about moving to North Dakota for retirement?  The winters there are brutal. But it is a mecca for 90 year olds. Wow! If we make it to 90 we hav a good chance to make itto 95. Keep walking

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Some I learned from my walk with Jesus

In my walk with Jesus studies I have been studying Matt. 22, Mark 12, and Lk. 20 in what I have labeled walk 34. The walking Jesus does here Is an early and late 2 mile walks to and from Bethany and walking as he teaches and confronts the leadership in Jerusalem.
One group He confronts is the Sadducces who don't believe in life after death, angels and any writing outside the Torah. So they brought a ridiculous illustration that reveals their attitude about life after death. Jesus aware of their motive and attitude told them they were wrong about what the Bible teaches and the power of God. The Bible clearly teaches man has a eternal soul and the body will be raised. For MAN to get to heaven it will take God's power.
Jesus takes the Sadducees to Exodus one of the books they accept to the event of the Burning Bush and points out that God told Moses He was the God of the patriarchs and Jesus pointed out that they were alive and not dead. The bible elsewhere speaks of Moses, Elijah, Abraham appearing alive to others and being recognize.
This summer with friends and family passing it is a great truth revealed in the Bible that there is life after death. Putting our faith in Jesus as our Savior assures us our eternity will be with the Lord. I think of this as a bottom line truth for walking for fitness. It matters to the quality of life in this life and what we bring into eternity. Keep walking

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Rest, Relax, Rejuvenate

Rejuvenate should be the outcome of a vacation. Both Barb and I would like more time together down here. Three weeks has been great. We did a lot of what we like to do. Plenty of time to enjoy the gulf, a few movies and books. Time to our selves and time to pray for love ones back home.
We both got a walking boost. One thing that I got out of it is how much I like Being with Barb. She is probably the biggest reason the fat man is walking.
One of the things I have learned from past vacations is don't over plan. I have taken trips crammed with activity. We need time to rest and enjoy less activity more. A few hours at the beach is better than a whole day at the beach. An early or late restaurant date is better when the day hasn't been filled with rush. Enjoying one or two locations is better than rush trip to see everything. Including walking, swimming, hiking, biking on your vacation gives a closer experience where you are than driving, and is good for your health.
Relaxing and taking our time with love is the desert of it all. Being older I think has a lot to do with this. I know what love is like when you are younger. But being with your mate older is cool too. Maybe you remember Billy Crystal talking about his parents making love and everybody laughed. Our bodies age but our love grows. One thing I know it makes a great part of a vacation. Aerobic walking helps. Keep walking

Thursday, August 16, 2012

It hurts to get older sometimes

Today to enjoy the Gulf waters I needed Barb's assistance for balance. Once I am out deep enough to swim my body takes over. I have always been a strong swimmer. But my balance is worse. All my life I hate to be dependent on others. The reality is I can't afford to take to many falls. When I played sports, I played competivily. The only disability contest I would be interested in is one of competition where there were winners and losers. As an athlete I would not care for everybody winning. As a young man I boxed and won most bouts, but then I boxed a boxer. Losing showed me I didn't have the talent. But learning to box has help me from time to time, in my late teens I learned to play soccer and that help me share my faith to the soccer games I played. I played football, wrestling, and track. Played basketball, volley ball, hockey and the fights with it. In college I played on two college teams and later coached the sport. Now I need help navigating the waves.
Another challenge for an aging adult. I could pull away from the activity but with a little help I get the swim. Do you remember Norman on Golden Pond? He feared he would no longer be the shinny knight I'm kate's eyes.
If you CP you know getting in and out of the sea can be humility.
Now there is something to be said for the courage to do things without balance.
The positive stuff, I can still work with heavy resistance. I can fight getting older, and there lots of ways to protect my self from injury. Keep walking

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gentle breezes & Conversations

Had a nice visit with cousins in Florida. Over the years we have had many pleasant times together. We watched the sunset as we talked about whatever. I really enjoy relaxed conversation where you can be yourself.
Barb and I had a nice 35 minute walk and took a swim in the bath water known as the Gulf. She loves it. I am diving like a dolphin to reach cooler waters below. Moving in the warm waters really helps me stretch and work on full range of motion in my muscles.
Barb is reading one of Mark Twain travel books. Makes me want to plan another cruise trips. I finished Dust and Shadow, Holmes whodunit and now I am reading a Parker's Spencer mystery which takes me to Boston in the fall.
The joy of reading for fun.
Tomorrow we are off to a local island to swim, shell hunt and walk the shores. We have seen lots of dolphins this year. It should be fun.
Walking helps us enjoy these experiences. Please pray for my cousin Buddy. He has many serious concerns. Keep walking

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Why, why, why? Let's take a walk

We often ask why. We may feel it lacks faith on our part. We may feel we will get no answer or will be angry at the answer we get.
When I typed in "why" in my Bible software I got 430 responses. I can tell you Biblically why questions are in bounce. I looked at the why questions in Psalms and they all defy pat replies. They are bold searching questions that real people in pain ask. This blog like others on vacation are typed from a iPhone. My response will be brief and somewhat inadequate and I hope to pick up the idea later.
Why is a great question. Genuine people ask why. We live in a fallen world where things go wrong. Part of what is wrong is us. God is patient in allowing us time to know Him as Savior. In faith many of our why questions can be answered as God reveals His word to us. These answers don't come wrapped up in a nicely made movie or book.
Because we are wrapped up in our life on earth, some why questions will remain a mystery. We are eternal creatures destined to continue after death. The best why questions will be answered by God Himself.
So we walk today to help our life on planet earth. Things happen that can really shake us. That's why we need each other in counsel, friendship and prayer. Go ahead ask why - be patient and keep having your devotions. Oh yeah, keep walking.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Walking paradise...sort of

My cousin Buddy is battling for his life today. Cemo, cancer, dialysis, back engeries, tumors breaking ribs. I am writing from my cell so there will be errors. Buddy is a good man and a lot of bad things are happening.
Another cousin Carol passed away with breast cancer. She put up a long fight. Again she is a sweetheart. In talking with she was in tune to eat right and seek the best treatment.
One thing I am trying to do is pray while there is still hope. I have heard plenty of why questions. This is good, and god encourages to do so. Right now I am doing spiritual work of prayer for Buddy. His mother, children, wife are in the middle of the battle for his life. We pray in the land of the living by faith. Jesus is the great physician. Many have been called in. Now is the time for faith.
Why? We will take up another time . Keep walking

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer fun & the Olympics

The Olympics has always captured my interest. It seems back in the ABC days with Jim McKay we got to see more events and more profiles of athletes from other countries and minor sports. But it seems also true there are more sports. And the women's games have increased as well.
Our girls have been strong. Fun to watch.
Lot's of exercise today. A solid 30 minute walk, over an hour playing in the Gulf. A good 10 minute plus resistance training. Plenty of time to enjoy the Beach and view another sunset.
One of my ongoing interest, even on vacation is my studies in the life of Jesus as a walker. We take a laptop for granted but it is an office any place. Here maybe a half hour hear and 20 minutes there. The study is fun to do and I have been at it for 4 years now.
I was observing pelican dive for their prey. They look like the cape crusader flying down to catch a crook. Have you ever seem a skimmer glide across the water. So many things are fascinating to watch. Keep walking!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Built I'm time to chill

Active vacations can bumps and bruises. It comes from lifetime of pushing aCP body past it limits. It gives me experiences, but there is a cost, bps add up and I have days where we do just that. Tomorrow we wii head to Tarpon springs and have tourist day good food , shopping nag easy cruising.
Tonight It rained and we watched the sto from the widow. Stretched and worked out felt better. Next day we should be ready four island experience, keep walking

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fun in the sun

Each day I have had a double work out with a walk and a swim and later with body and band work outs. Throw in reading on the beach, going to movies, and watching sunsets, top off the Olympics, not bad.
Watching the sea birds on the gulf is fun. Tonight we saw our first skimmers this year. Brown pelicans are amazing to watch them fly and dive fishing. Last night we saw dolphins. All of it plays to the wind and the waves that today was refreshing.
It is fun watching people as well. On the gulf the people are a little older. They remind of the trails where you see the walkers. People walking enjoying the water, wind, birds, shells, one another.
Reading Dust & Shadows a mystery involving Holmes and Watson with the Ripper. The author really has a feel for the time and I like the way she has Holmes involve regular people in the mystery. I give the book a thumbs up.
To top all of this off is Barb who makes all of this pleasant. Having the time to enjoy all this is such a blessing.
Walking, biking, swimming are all great things to add to vacation experiences. They may give confidence to us when we retire. Enjoying these simple things we can do for a long time. Keep walking.