Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Let's not run from religious bullies

I am angry at the Islamic cowards who attacked innocents at a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya. A beautiful place in the world long marked by peace and kindness. It is one of those places you would want to see to see the heart of Africa. When I lived in the jungles of Liberia I had wanted to go there. 
Good people were killed there, two doctors who solely what'd to help thousands in Africa regardless of creed or color. 
People were asked if they were Muslim and if not they were killed. Churches attacked as were synagogues. Clearly this is religious terrorism and not some random act of violence. What does our government do? Verbally attack Israel our ally and fail to point out the religious nature of this ever growing terrorism. Of the 1 billion estimated Muslims in the world we know 100,000 million of them are openly militant in intentions to spread the peace of Allah through violence. They also exert a powerful influence of remaking 900,000,000. There acts of violence has redden the soil of Africa in our lifetime and we do little to identify it and seek to do something about it. Why? It is Africa, no one cares. And at the heart of it we are scared of what the Jihadist would do if we confronted them.
Chamberlain was scared of the Nazi's, at the end of our own reconstruction period we were afraid of the white night and the same fear grips us to not name this senseless violence for what it is, jihadism from a significant Muslim support. 
I have walked the hills of Liberia and at the time very few Muslims. Today there are large numbers of Muslims in Liberia and they have brought the sword to that land and have killed the infidels. When will see Islam renounce these actions and set up a record for love and care for those who differ? Actions, policies, not words are needed. Problem jihadism is closer to many main line Muslims. 
Obama says we have a safer world, but look to the actions and not words and let us not be fooled. I would like to walk in Nairobi. Keep walking.

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