Thursday, August 8, 2013

Professor's past catches up to him - my take on the story

A very interesting story hit the news this week. I think it invokes our fears about mental illness when it turns violent. James Wolcott, now Dr. St James a man who is my age, killed his family 46 years ago. It rings clearly of premeditation and his own testimony he stated his hatred of his family and planned their death for a week. At 15 he was declared insane and released according to the news accounts 6 years later as sane. One news discussion I heard stated he was paranoid schizophrenia. 
He earns a masters, begins a successful teaching career of 27 years, earning a doctorate at U of Ill. Now his past catches up to him. On one hand he does what you hope someone would do in turning his life around. On the other hand the murders were brutal and the photos chilling and he hid that from the University. He is well liked and respected there, but now the truth has been discovered. 
This story presents us with a lot of things; a horrific crime, an untold story of an unfortunate family, mental illness all covered in a lie that shows a life that turned to good. For me I have questions about the diagnosis? Paranoid schizophrenia was over diagnosed back then dressed in Freudian theory.  His emotional state, family dynamics and drug use I believe play a stronger role in understanding his behavior. If he was schizophrenic you don't just walk away, it would have been seen. 
In the series Perception on the TNT network you have a popular professor of psychology who suffers from Schizophrenia who despite his brilliance regularly hallucinates. For him the hallucinations  follow the plot of the story. I actually wouldn't mind having some of his hallucinations. Or maybe it would be nice to have a pal like Harvey in a Jimmy Steward movie. In real life it doesn't work that way. 
Can we be mentally ill and have a life? What happens if people find out? Add to this can we do things that are horrific and face justice and find redemption, forgiveness and a chance for a fresh start? It is all the stuff movies and life are made of, but a hell of a lot harder in real life. 
Dr. St. James had 27 years. The hiding of his past is a big thing. It was illegal and as this story moves forward I fear there are dynamics that may unravel his world. He should be dismissed but he could if he has really become a different person, write his story of who he has really become. I am sure it would be a New York Times best seller. 
We are hard of the labels of mental illness. For whatever it is worth I choose to be up front about  my struggles with anxiety and depression. My story deals with post traumatic stress. I have worked in people business over 40 years. I am planning my own retirement in a few years. Having the Lord as the rock of my salvation I can not understate, we live a cynical times but I am glad, "He has told you O man what to do, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8  Keep walking

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