Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It might have been, maybe

For all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest of these; "it might have been." John Greenleaf Whittier
Life can be full of regrets. We can find ourselves battling consequences of past habits we failed to master. So here we are. What may be difficult are the many times we gave an effort to exercise, lose weight, quit smoking, get moving, eat better only to fail. Throw in our bodies now experience some problems as a result. I think this leads to defeatism and a sort of practical fatalism. We can sink into our recliner and flat screen TV.
If we can be reminded today small changes can turn things around.
1) try my old man strength program
A) from your bed do 20 squats. The bed will prevent you from going down so far. Squats help your ability to get up and strengthen your core muscles as well.
B) with your feet on the floor from the bed do 20 sit ups. If back injuries prevent sit ups do crunches. This will give you confidence that you can get out of bed. In time you will note core muscles will strengthen and tone.
C) do 20 push-ups, modified from the knees, off a table, counter, bench.
Walking 20-30 minutes gives hope.
Doing these small changes may spark other changes as well. If you do something today, tomorrow will have its own opportunity. Feel good as you move, keep walking

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